30 yo and TTC #1

I'm in the same boat!! Waiting for that darn smiley face. I did learn that I ovulate a lot later than I think I do. Perhaps it's the same with you or that you ovulate earlier and therefore didn't start testing until after?? Hang in there!

Hi ladies... it's been a while since I've posted. Haven't been doing too well. Last month, AF came and surprised us. So we're trying again and this time I bought the OPK (Clearblue). I don't know if y'all remember, but I was having trouble calculating my ovulation days, etc. So... I have been testing myself with the OPK and I haven't had a smiley face yet! I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, if something's wrong with me... or I have completely miscalculated my ovualtion days for a while now.

Cycle: 03/13-03/18
Tested: 03/22, 03/23, 03/24, 03/25 - NO SMILEY FACE
Intimate: 03/22, 03/25
Cycle Length: 26 days

I'm so confused.
Hi All,

I've been MIA for a while. We decided to start trying this month instead of next month. I've been testing to see if I'm ovulating and nothing yet. I've had so much going on and my last two cycles have been absolutely unpredictable and super delayed, which of course, adds even MORE stress.

So far for this cycle, I'm trying the evening primrose oil, prenatal vitamins, DH is in boxers instead of briefs and has cut back the coffee. Here's opening for a smiley face or TWO lines on my ovulation tests this week!!

Baby dust to you all :)
Baba I think you are too early, keep testing! You may have a shorter than 14 day LP, 11-16 or so is considered normal. Good luck!
Has anyone taken epo for a few cycles? Just wondering if it's delaying my ovulation as normally I o on cycle day 12 but last month was cd 16 and this cycle looks like it's going the same way. Thought it might have been the fertilcm so stopped taking it but continued epo this month. It works to give me ewcm but I have it now and not even a flashing smiley so on at least five days away. I'm confused with my bloody body
I'm behind again - sorry girls! During my fertile window, I tend to get tunnel vision. I finally got my solid smiley today, so ovulation is imminent. Of course, DH is working a 24 today...of course. We'll have to try to get one last try in tomorrow. Tomorrow also happens to be my OB/GYN appointment for my yearly/basic fertility tests kind of thing.

Northern - sounds like you're doing plenty! Good luck!

Baba - I agree with RF that you maybe have an LP that's shorter than 14 days, and that could explain why you haven't gotten a positive yet. Just keep testing every day.

Ladders - I have heard that it can do that in some. I know I've read a few posts from girls who said they thought it had delayed their ovulation. If that's what it is, just get through this cycle (you'll still ovulate even if it's a little later than normal, so no need to panic), and then instead of EPO, try musinex instead next time and see if your ovulation goes back to its normal schedule.
Let me know what you find out. It's my first cycle trying epo and I'm thinking my ovulation must be later than usual as well. Or on the reverse caused it to happen much earlier and I missed it:shrug:

Has anyone taken epo for a few cycles? Just wondering if it's delaying my ovulation as normally I o on cycle day 12 but last month was cd 16 and this cycle looks like it's going the same way. Thought it might have been the fertilcm so stopped taking it but continued epo this month. It works to give me ewcm but I have it now and not even a flashing smiley so on at least five days away. I'm confused with my bloody body
OK ladies, I'm looking for information!!

I'm super frustrated with this first month back to trying. I'm a very impatient person and I should have ovulated a few days ago. I'm also wondering, like Ladders, if the epo could be causing an upset.

I'm really tempted to invest in the Ovacue fertility monitor. I know it's $300 but the way I see it I'm handing out money like crazy for ovulation kits which are NOT reusable and at least with this monitor I can realistically use it for each baby we try to make. Has anyone used one of these? I think it would just make things stress free rather than wondering when that darn smiley or 2 lines are going to appear. But I would like to hear some personal reviews on it - you never know if the reviews they post are real. The one negative review I read which does concern me is that a girl found it picked the exact same day in her cycle each month for ovulation and she felt that wasn't correct. With my cycle being all over the place the last 2 months I'm wondering if this would be the best option and might put my mind at ease. Thoughts??

I also find that my prenatal vitamins give me crazy, vivid dreams. Anyone else? I thought it was just me and I was scared to mention something until my cousin mentioned it did the same to her and then I didn't feel so crazy to know that someone else was having incredibly inappropriate dreams haha.

DH keeps telling me, "relax! it'll happen!" but it's hard....

I'm torn about buying pre-seed lube. We generally don't use lube so I figure less is better?

TTC is turning into a pricey adventure...
ok girls how depressing is this.. my kidney infection is still not gone, only got in 1 BD, around O day though... Now i have to go have a Renal ultrasound done because this kidney infection is still lingering... Temp did take a spike this am.. hopefully it stays up, but not sure the effect this ultrasound could have if swimmers did catch that egg..... :cry:
Northern - I really don't know much about the fertility monitors. I've made the decision to just stick with my OPK's because they seem to work for me, so I couldn't justify the money to DH. But I think you have to do what feels right for you. If it's something TTC you feel strongly about, you're financially able to swing it, and your DH is down, then I'd say it seems to be right for you. As far as PreSeed goes, it's especially helpful if you don't seem to have a lot of EWCM at O time. Since you're taking EPO I'm guessing you don't have a ton, so maybe you should give it a try. It just creates a safer environment for the swimmers. I use it and absolutely love it.

Miskas - I'm so sorry your kidney's still being a jack wagon. I know your pain. I don't really know if the ultrasound would be harmful...I wouldn't imagine it would be, but I really don't know. I'd just ask your ultrasound tech.
Guess what the worst thing about going to the obgyn is when you're here to talk about fertility.....all the freaking pregnant chicks. Ahhh.
Yes! I wanted to cry when I was there after my last anovulatory cycle. Especially the ones who have the dads with them. I knew they were there to see their babies. :(

Miskas, Dos - your charts are looking good! Crossing my fingers for you guys.
So here's how my appointment went.

Everything I told her she says sounds like I'm healthy in the fertility department but we'll run some tests. Next Wednesday I'll go in for labs to test my progesterone levels post-ovulation. When AF comes, I'll go in for an hsg to make sure my Fallopian tubes aren't blocked and for an ultrasound. So we'll see.

Also set up another SA. I met my DH for lunch and told him all about it and he was down....that is until I told him the SA is $180 and not covered by insurance. He flipped out and said there was no need to do it. I got pretty upset. That boy spends so much of our money on himself for all of his toys...his mustang, his kayak, his motorcycle, his band, his guns...he's about to buy a $400 gun that I'm not bitching about (and we only have FIVE other guns so he just REALLY needs it...)...but measures to have a baby, noooo, that's not worth his money. He gave me this whole "if it was a guarantee you'd get pregnant I'd pay it, but it's a $180 for a test to tell us what we already know" thing...I get it...but still. Ugh. I'm just angry at him right now.
Ugh, I don't blame you. How frustrating! I hope he comes around after he thinks about it a bit.
ugh! i know that feeling dos! i have a DH who is very similar..

on the bright side i got cross hairs!!
Dos mine would be exactly the same! We got into a massive row because when we knew we had abnormalities on sperm sample before getting the results we feared the worst and I said well we will just get a loan or take money out of the mortgage and pay for ivf. His reply was that we are not wasting money on ivf. You can probably guess my response!!!!
Been a rough few days here for us. Found out earlier this week that DH has a balanced translocation in addition to his low count and motility. Doing some research and it seems like even if we do get pregnant, it's an 80% chance of miscarriage. Only about 15% will go full term and half of those will have birth defects. The other 5 percent or so are terminated due to fetal abnormalities.

Basically our options are IVF with genetic testing or sperm donor. Feeling like we can't catch a break here. It was hard enough when we thought IVF was our only choice for low count and motility. Now we have the added factor with genetic testing which of course will not be covered by insurance. Looking like it will be an additional $4000 - 7500 on top of the IVF costs.

I just can't with this.
Oh no R. I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear that. Life truly sucks sometimes.

I'm keeping you guys in my thoughts.
So so sorry to hear that Rfor I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. Am thinking about you both and if there is anything us ladies can do in any way to help then let us know. Feel free to use this thread as a rant at the world if you need to because I would.

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