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31, CD5 Need a buddy

Hey Alspals- how's the weather in Chicago this time of year? I think I might want to visit there at some point.. What time of the year do you think is the "best" time to be there??

Glad you're starting to feel better. I'm sure you'll be fine skipping bd'ing lastnight!! Fingers crossed it's our month.. What would be your due date if this is your cycle? Mine would be May 29th... my bday!! :happydance:
Lysh, what a truly kind and amazing thing for the two of you to do!

Native- I think I exhausted my DH as well :)

We did not BD last night due to me feeling like total poop!! I am finally feeling better today so tonight we will make up for last night, just in case O got postponed due to my sickness. My cervix is still feeling high and very soft, any thoughts on that? I had my positive opk on Fri and Sat morning and then a neg on Sat night. I'm hoping we didn't mess up our chances by not BD'ing last night...I just felt so sick...

Hope everyone is having a good monday :)

I just started monitoring my cervix this cycle and I am completely confused by it. I swear it seems to change daily.
alspals..you are bd'ing so much, I am sure it is fine!!!

snowangel....when do you calculate potential due date? From ovulation?

I do not do the whole cervix testing thing, so I have no advice as far as that goes.

Hope everyone had an okay Monday! I am exhausted already! lol
Hi ladies!
SnowAngel...Chicago is awesome in the spring-falll, like May-October is best!! it is awesome here...I love it :) I think my due date would be May 30th so we would be right by each other!

Hope everyone else is doing well and having fun making babies!!
alspals..you are bd'ing so much, I am sure it is fine!!!

snowangel....when do you calculate potential due date? From ovulation?

I do not do the whole cervix testing thing, so I have no advice as far as that goes.

Hope everyone had an okay Monday! I am exhausted already! lol

you can calculate from first day of your last period (which is what doctors do) or if you know for sure when you ovulated you can do it from that date too.

My due date would be May 29th as well. :flower: Though I would be having a scheduled c-section so it probably wouldn't be bubs bday...not that dds are good predictors of actual bdays anyway.

Your cervix does change daily. In fact, for most women, it is higher in the morning and lower in the evening, so if you have trouble reaching you could try a different time of day. I could have that backwards though, it's late and I am a little sleepy.

Pretty sure our friends, that have been together nearly as long as DH and I, are headed for divorce. They just got married in January! Pretty shitty but I guess it happens. They are both so stubborn and won't back down from anything so they are just driving each other away. She has already started bashing him (tbh she has always put him down to anyone who would listen). It's sad to see everything fall apart so completely in only 6 weeks.

Makes you realize how quickly things can change and appreciate the stability in your own relationship.

Monday is over, bring on Tuesday! 1 more day closer to babies! :hugs:
Lilfoosh...thanks for the info on cervix position. :)

Got my crosshairs on fertility friend today and it matches what I was thinking. So, I'm officially 3dpo today.

How is everyone else doing today? Clandara, are you still staying strong with testing??
Hi ladies! Hope your Monday is going well. Foosh, I have 3 pairs of friends going through a separation right now and talking divorce. It all hit at the same time and isso sad and crazy. Makes me also appreciate the relationship I have as well and the fact that we can be ttc!!
Lilfoosh...thanks for the info on cervix position. :)

Got my crosshairs on fertility friend today and it matches what I was thinking. So, I'm officially 3dpo today.

Np. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to see those crosshairs go up?!?

TMI ALERT- Don't read while eating, please!

I'm 7dpo and DH has been checking my CM and CP for me. The last 5 or so nights my CM has been thick and gloopy and then the last 2 nights it has had a brownish red tinge to it. I'm not spotting as there is nothing there when I wipe or anything, just when hubby checks my CM and he wasn't feeling well so we haven't BD'd, which I read can sometimes cause tinged CM. I'm a little worried but hope, hope, hope that maybe it's IB... My temp dropped right before we noticed it too. I really hope I'm not setting myself up for a let down :dohh:
Lilfoosh...thanks for the info on cervix position. :)

Got my crosshairs on fertility friend today and it matches what I was thinking. So, I'm officially 3dpo today.

Np. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to see those crosshairs go up?!?

TMI ALERT- Don't read while eating, please!

I'm 7dpo and DH has been checking my CM and CP for me. The last 5 or so nights my CM has been thick and gloopy and then the last 2 nights it has had a brownish red tinge to it. I'm not spotting as there is nothing there when I wipe or anything, just when hubby checks my CM and he wasn't feeling well so we haven't BD'd, which I read can sometimes cause tinged CM. I'm a little worried but hope, hope, hope that maybe it's IB... My temp dropped right before we noticed it too. I really hope I'm not setting myself up for a let down :dohh:

Well your chart certainly looks promising! FX'd for you. How long will you wait before testing? I feel like it will be forever before I can test, so I need you all to do it so I can get my fix, lol!
How is everyone doing these last few days?

Alspals: I hope that you are feeling better. There is nothing worse when feeling sick or down when you are trying to focus on something that can be so positive.

Lilfoosh: My fingers are crossed for you...I hope you did experience IB.

NativeTexan: Thank you for asking how I am doing. I am good thank you!

Today I am 11 dpo. I am using the countdown to pregnancy site to compare symptoms and track symptoms. It is pretty interesting. I am really really wanting to make a hpt. It is so close now....less than two days to go. I am also getting anxious though. I don't want to see a BFN. I am having some symptoms but I don't think I am feeling pregnant enough.....not that I have anything else to compare it too since this would be the first.
Anyways....Hope everyone is well and keeping positive in the TWW. Is there anyone else that is having possible pregnancy symptoms?
Well your chart certainly looks promising! FX'd for you. How long will you wait before testing? I feel like it will be forever before I can test, so I need you all to do it so I can get my fix, lol!

Thanks! I plan on waiting until AF is due, around the 22nd. I may test a little early as our anniversary is on the 19th but I guess it depends on how things go between now and then.

Today I am 11 dpo. I am using the countdown to pregnancy site to compare symptoms and track symptoms. It is pretty interesting. I am really really wanting to make a hpt. It is so close now....less than two days to go. I am also getting anxious though. I don't want to see a BFN. I am having some symptoms but I don't think I am feeling pregnant enough.....not that I have anything else to compare it too since this would be the first.
Anyways....Hope everyone is well and keeping positive in the TWW. Is there anyone else that is having possible pregnancy symptoms?

I know how hard it can be and in the past few months I have wanted to test early so bad but the chance of a BFN makes me wait.

I have had a few symptoms (I think, lol) but, as you put it, "I don't think I am feeling pregnant enough".
Lilfoosh....fingers are crossed for you!!!

nativetexan....tomorrow I should be 3 dpo ovulation too! Waiting for my crosshairs on FF, but my temp. is on target. I feel the same way about waiting forever to test....12 days! lol

Clandara....doing well....taking it day by day! I obviously would not have pregnancy symptoms yet, but even when I might have symptoms it could be from the prometrium (progesterone) that I have to start taking tonight. Last month I had sore boobs most of the tww and bouts of nausea.
nativetexan....tomorrow I should be 3 dpo ovulation too! Waiting for my crosshairs on FF, but my temp. is on target. I feel the same way about waiting forever to test....12 days! lol

Yay! We can POAS together! Lol. Technically, AF is due next Wednesday (21st) for me, but I'm going to try and wait longer if she doesn't show on time. The last two times I got BFP's though, I pretty much knew I was preg before I even took the test. So it's gonna be hard for me to hold out if I'm getting those signs and feelings. I have one lone test in my drawer at home, taunting me already! lol
Clandara- You're not out until AF shows and you know that!! So stay positive and hopefuly cause that's all we can do :) You're so close to testing too...I am so excited for your testing day!!

Foosh...we are around the same testing date so we can help eachother so we dont see the dreaded BFN and get down about it.

Native...I have tests in my drawer too and am making my DH hide them from me so I don;t cave in early. I am planning on waiting until the 23rd so hopefully I can hold out!!!

As for me, I am feeling better, but the cold is still lingering a bit. I am only 3 dpo (I think) and was feeling naesous on and off all day. I went grocery shopping and couldnt stand being in the meat/fish dept...is it too early to feel those symptoms? Could it be cold related??
Glad you are feeling better alspals. It could be cold related...it might be too early to have nausea symptoms (but then again, who knows!).

So on FF today, it told me that if I conceived this cycle my due date would be June 3rd.

I am 3dpo! yay

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday. I am dragging butt today....very tired!
Yeah for 3dpo today lysh!!! I am 4dpo today I think!

Dreading today...we have parent night in the classroom until 930...blah

Enjoy hump day:)
It sounds like everyone is doing well for a wednesday. It will be a long day for me...working full time and then parttime tonight as well. Had an interesting pregnancy dream last night. Thinking about being pregnant or having a baby so much I guess. Testing tomorrow....can't wait to share results. It would be so exciting if we all had may/june babies! I calculated my due date and it would be May 25th. :)

Thank you everyone for your support espcially this week when I have wanted to test! You guys are awesome!!!
Clandara...so excited to hear your news tomorrow!! I am jealous at how well you have held out!! I'll need some convincing next week!!
Clandara how many dpo r u tomorrow?
Oh boy! Clandara is testing tomorrow! Can hardly wait! lol.

I've been having lots of dreams too. I had one a few days ago that I tested on 1 dpo and got a positive, then last night I kept dreaming that I was forgetting to temp. Silly.

Today I am with my sister at the hospital as my 14 year old nephew is having surgery. He has cerebral palsy and is having a medicine pump put in to help with his muscle spasms. Just waiting and praying right now.

4DPO for me today, too. For those who temp, have you noticed that your temp may be lower in the TWW if you take it earlier than normal? I woke up almost 2 hours early this morning and was a bit lower than I have been the past few days. I've noticed during other times of my cycle that I will be lower the earlier I temp, but I'm curious to see if I'm the only one.

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