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31, CD5 Need a buddy

That's exciting Clandara! Can't wait to hear your results tomorrow. :dust:

nativetexan, you and your family will be in my thoughts today. :hugs:

My temp is definitely lower the earlier I take it. I normally take it at 6:30 and just for poos and grins sometimes I take it when I am actually going to get up (closer to 9) and it is always higher.
Don't know anything about temping....hopefully I won't have to!!!

Native- your nephew and family is in my thoughts today!!
Thanks ladies! We just got word that everything went well and he's in recovery, so we are all relieved! :)
Hello ladies, sorry I have been quiet over the last few days. I'm checking in on my phone so haven't read all the posts. What have I missed?
I'm on CD25 and 10dpo. I'm going to test on Saturday so wish me Luch. AF due on Monday so hopefully she doesn't appear.
X x
alspals...good luck tonight! We have our parent night next week.

Clandara...Yay! Excited for you and can't wait to hear about the results!

nativtexan....so glad to hear that surgery went well for your nephew. I hope that this pump does its jobs and helps him.

lilfoosh...I noticed that too...if I take my temp later my normal temps vary than when I take my temp earlier.

Woolls...welcome back! I am finally post ovulation now (4 days)! So Saturday is testing for you...yay!

Hopefully we can get some BFPs this month!
Actually, I am 3dpo lol. I guess I am trying to make it go quicker!
Ladies, I need your input. I'm 4dpo and had a very light, almost not there, pink tint in my CM today. I have no idea why. Should I record this as spotting on my chart, or does it even count? I only noticed it when wiping, and only noticed it once.
Native....so glad all went well today!!

Wools...testing so soon!!! welcome back :) how are you feeling?

Lysh...everyday I try to make it go quicker too!!

So parent night went fine, but I now have no voice from my cold and talking all day (I'm the cheerleading coach as well so alot of yelling!)
Not feeling much symptom wise today, but it's only 4dpo....
Ladies, I need your input. I'm 4dpo and had a very light, almost not there, pink tint in my CM today. I have no idea why. Should I record this as spotting on my chart, or does it even count? I only noticed it when wiping, and only noticed it once.

That has never happened to me, but I would imagine it counts as spotting!?!?
I entered spotting on my chart when I got brownish tinged CM, not even visible from wiping, just when it was checked. I also made a note on that day specifying that it wasn't actually "spotting" per se. I figure that way I have covered my bases, I put it but I can discount it if I want.
Well ladies I'm trying to decide if I'm 7dpo or 1dpo. My temps that I took to confirm ovulation were after only 1&1/2 hrs of sleep after dd got me up and temps have been barely over coverline since so Ive been trying to decide if they count. And today I had a temp rise after uninterrupted sleep. :shrug: hoping I'm 7dpo for 1 I have an actual chance because of bd'ing and two I don't want to start this wait over.

Today is cd 25 so hoping that seriously I didn't have a delayed ov. :cry:
Okay, I will mark it as spotting and make a note. Thanks for the input!

Snowangel- Did you have any other signs to indicate OV? Maybe wait one more day to see what your temp is tomorrow?
I'm sorry snowangel, that's really shitty! Hopefully over the next couple of days you will get a better idea of what is going on. A couple of temps below or at the coverline aren't too bad. And over the coverline is still over the coverline, even if it isn't by much.

I woke up with some AF cramps this morning, at 9 dpo. Does not feel promising. My cycle ranges from 28-32 days, maybe I'm looking at a 28 day this month? I don't know, I don't feel very upbeat and positive today. :cry: More rude MIL last night (she booked a job for the time that she had promised she would be available if we needed her) and I am still waiting to hear back from a friend with some results (was supposed to hear back 2 days ago, don't know what that means but it is nerve wracking). All in all, not a good start to the day.

I hope you all have a better day today than mine seems to be! :flower:
So just before waking this morning I had another dream. In this dream I was taking a hpt and was so upset because it was a BFN.

I woke up this morning at 530 am and took my hpt......and got a.......BFN!
:( :(
Its a little frustrating. I am a little down, but holding on to a chance that it might be wrong as AF has yet to arrive. I will keep everyone posted. AF should come today but so far there is no sign. Today makes me CD 26 and 13 dpo.

Nativetexan - I am so sorry you are having to go through this with your family. Hope your nephew is doing better today.

Woolls - Good luck with your testing...I am excited to read what your results are...fingers are crossed for you!

Snowangel - I don't know about temp testing....sorry I cannot be of more help with that. I am going to try temping this next cycle.

How are Alspals and lysh doing today?
and I am still waiting to hear back from a friend with some results (was supposed to hear back 2 days ago, don't know what that means but it is nerve wracking).

So that friend ended up calling this morning! He is the manager at the place I was contracted to before DS was born. I was talking to him about a week ago and he had said there was a f/t position he was trying to get approved and he wanted to hire me for it. He was supposed to have his meeting on Tuesday and call me afterward to let me know if there was actually a job, but he didn't call until this morning. Anyway, I have a job! I am excited and nervous at the same time. Not nervous about the position, but about leaving my son in daycare! We spent the weekend looking at different providers (which I vetted down from around 20 options) and found the perfect person. So next week the daycare provider and I are going to spend time getting J accustomed to the new schedule and care arrangements and then I start on Sept 26th! That has definitely helped to lift my mood a bit.:thumbup:
Clandara, that sucks! Hopefully it was just a little too early, all it takes is one day! I have seen a ton of women who get BFNs for a few days and then get a BFP! What brand test did you use?
I normally use the First Response brand but thought this cycle I would attempt using a cheaper brand from Wal-Mart. It does have a blue dye and I have read the the blue dyes might not be as accurate. i will give it another day or so and go get the FR again. What brand do you use?
We were just getting cheapies from the dollar store, but this cycle DH has already says he wants to get a FRER. I don't know, at this point I feel like AF will show before he gets the chance to pick one up, which to be honest is better than getting it, peeing on it, getting a neg and then getting AF! :haha:

I have heard that about blue dye ones too. I think you are right to give it another couple of days, then you will probably know one way or the other. :hugs:
Clandara...sorry to hear about the BFN, but you are NOT out yet, so keep your head up!! I'll be thinking of you and hoping for that BFP!!

Foosh- Congrats!!!!! so exciting!!! Forget the MIL and celebrate!!!!

As for me, I am exhausted today after the longest day ever last night. I can not wait for school to be done today and go to sleep (after we BD though cause now my DH is rearing to go everyday still :)). I also now have NO voice at all due to my cold and yelling with my cheerleaders and talking to all the parents at parent night last night.
Which speaking of, I hope I am nothing like some of my student's parents!!!!

Hope everyone is well today :)

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