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31, CD5 Need a buddy

And, I have also heard blue dye ones stink, so buy a FRER!!!! That's what worked so well for me when I fell preggers...
Evening ladies, Well 2 days till testing. Although it wont be completely destroying until AD does turn up which she is scheduled to on Tuesday. I have First response ones which detect within 7 days so fingers crossed.
How is everyone doing? Had a stressful week so will be nice to kind of relax at the weekend.
Fingers crossed for everyone x x
Foosh...sorry about you MIL, but congrats on the job! That's great news!

Clandara, don't give up yet! Get a better test and try again. :)

Sounds like everyone has had a busy couple of days. I am completely exhausted, and I'm sure I got at least 10 hrs sleep last night. Thanks everyone for the kind words about my nephew. He is doing great...eating, laughing, and looking like his old self. :)
snowangel- It is frustrating to be uncertain of ov day!!! I hope it clears up for you soon.

Clandara- sorry for the BFN. But remember- there is still hope until AF comes!!!!!

alspals- glad that you got that long night over with!!!

lilfoosh- glad your day got better and congrats on the job!

woolls- 2 days!!! Yay! Sorry you had a stressful week. I did too, can't wait for hte weekend!

Nativetexan- 10 hours of sleep! Nice!!!

I am definitely not an upbeat person today. My job is so, unbelievably stressful and I just feel so trapped in a position I want to run screaming from. The stress is unbelievable and I hope it does not hurt chances of conception. My teaching job keeps getting cut every year due to budget cuts and I have low seniority, but I am duel certified (gen ed. and special ed.) and for the last two year I have had to do special ed. In my career I have done special ed for 6 years and gen ed. for 2. I love the kids, that is not the issue, but the way they have the system set up it is impossible for me to do my job and do it well. I want to get back into gen. ed but until teachers retire that is not going to happen. So I am just frustrated today- had a rough day and I am exhausted. I know I need to just be grateful I have a job, but today I am at my whits end. I am in a new school, with a new team of teachers, and a huge caseload of students. I am usually a calm person, but today I wanted to run screaming.

Sorry for the tirade...I am just overwhelmed. Thanks for reading! lol

I better do that gratitude list later....I just need to calm down a bit first.

Plus this prometrium does not help...I think the extra hormones makes it harder for me to stay emotionally sane.
Lysh...I am a SpEd teacher too in a high school. I feel that pain for sure. Just remember...it's only a job! That's what I continually have to tell myself as well...
Don't let yourself get too stressed or worked up because it could affect your implantation and that is way more important than a silly job!!!

I am having a weak moment right....only 5 dpo, oh my god...i just want to know!!
You are right alspals...I have to separate a bit I think. I tend to put my all into something but the system does not support that. I mentally, emotionally, and physically can't. I do have to find a way to let go and find some peace in this current position because otherwise it will affect my health and even ttc.
Good positive thinking lysh!! Now have a glass of red wine and relax!!
Okay, I will mark it as spotting and make a note. Thanks for the input!

Snowangel- Did you have any other signs to indicate OV? Maybe wait one more day to see what your temp is tomorrow?

I had cramping like cd13&14 and a positive opk 15&16..
I think I might POAS tomorrow,, it'll only be 8dpo (or 2dpo :haha:) but I'm hoping that I will get some kind of answer. FRUSTRATED!
Okay, I will mark it as spotting and make a note. Thanks for the input!

Snowangel- Did you have any other signs to indicate OV? Maybe wait one more day to see what your temp is tomorrow?

I had cramping like cd13&14 and a positive opk 15&16..

Hmmm...maybe your temp was just a little off for that day then. :) Good luck when you POAS!!! I'm very excited!

Clandara, have you tested again?

6 DPO for me today and I've been having light cramps off an on. No more pinkish CM though, so I suppose that's good. I am a bit worried AF will come early this month. I have no idea how my body will act after having the chemical last month. I also think I'm coming down with a cold. There has been a lot of smoke in the air from wild fires and I think my allergies are getting the best of me. On a good note, it's FRIDAYYYY!!!!! Yay!!!!

Also, I just want to say, I love our little group we have going in here. I look forward to reading all your updates each day and knowing we can all talk openly about our TTC journey. You ladies really are a blessing! :happydance:
6 DPO for me today and I've been having light cramps off an on. No more pinkish CM though, so I suppose that's good. I am a bit worried AF will come early this month.

This is exactly how I have been feeling these last couple of days. Hopefully the next week will go by quickly for us! :hugs:

Snowangel, did you POAS this morning??

Lysh, I hope you had a good night's sleep and are having a more relaxed day today. Like Native said, IT'S FRIDAYYY :dance:

Alspals, stay strong! Get a popsicle stick and pee on that! :haha: It's so difficult to wait, but it will be better for your moral! Seeing a bfn this early will be disappointing and hopefully inaccurate. :hugs:

Woolls, only one day until you're testing! That is super exciting!

Does anyone have anything planned for the weekend? We have stuff lined up to visit with friends all weekend, starting tonight. Busy, busy! And Monday is our anniversary (3 years), I think we are going out for dinner. Hubby also wants to go out for a celebratory dinner because I got that job. I think he is more excited about it than I am! :dohh:

Happy Friday!
OMG I tested this afternoon and I got a very faint positive!! x
Thanks, cant get excited till I know for definate with a darker line x
Ahhhhh congrats!!! I love the Popsicle stick idea :)

So at work today our whole network is down so you can imagine the bonding happening :) we just had a special e teahcer dance party!
Congratulations Woolls! That is awesome!

I am now on CD 27 with 14 dpo. AF should have come. Used my other blue dye test this morning as I had two of them....still a BFN and still no AF. Tonight I will be picking up another test to test in the morning again. This is frustrating!

How is everyone doing? As for weekend plans, I have errands to run tomorrow and then back to work on Sunday. Only one day off a week for me...lol. DH and I have a movie date planned for Tuesday night...looking forward to that.
Congrats Woolls! I'll keep my fingers crossed it gets darker! When are you trying again? How exciting!

Als, that's wonderful. What a pleasant thing to happen near the start of the year. At least you have done something as productive as getting to know one another better!
Ohh Clandara! :hugs: sorry you got another bfn but it is really great that AF hasn't turned up!!
Agree with Foosh Clandara....no AF, you're still in the game. And those darn blue tests are horrid...excited to hear your news tomorrow morning!!

Wools....when you taking another test???

Foosh...it was an excellent day with no network, BUT now they are telling us it could be until Tuesday!!! Oh my goodness!!

As for weekend plans, sounds like everyone is busy, which is needed for all of us right now. My DH and I are going to Wisconsin Badgers football game on Saturday (I'm a Badger) and then on Sunday, my brother is forcing us to go to a Nascar race with him. I've never been nor ever intended to go, but imagining it will be entertaining!!
Thank you Foosh and Als....I figured since I had the extra test, I may as well use it. I will definitely be getting a better one tonight.

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