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31, CD5 Need a buddy

I did not get a chance to check the forum yesterday!

Nativetexan...I am glad we have our little group too!!!

Woolls... YAY!!!!!!!! How exciting to see a faint line!!!!! :happydance: Hoping that you get further confirmation and we can celebrate one of us getting a BFP!!!!!! Hopefully one of many!

alspals....haha....I like the popsicle stick idea too!

Clandara...sorry this is so frustrating right now!!! I think it is hard when there is no AF and a BFN. Try to get one of the better tests and maybe it will be more accurate if there is a chance you are pregnant.

lilfoosh...enjoy your celebration dinner!!!

I am doing much better today. Yesterday was an easier day. I think the hormones seriously are not helping! Today I am going to my sis-in-laws to visit my new nephew and take the other 3 kids out for a bit. I am also bringing lunch and dinner foods for them, so I have shopping and cooking to do soon! Tomorrow is a picnic for my husbands RC club. Hopefully it will not be too chilly!

Have a great Saturday!
Alright so I purchased the brand I always use except this last time and that is the FRER. BFN this morning. So I am just going to wait and see what happens. I have another test but I will hang on to it and if for some reason AF doesn't show by next week, I may use it again. I am feeling not as frustrated today....actually I'm pretty good.
As for now I am on CD 28 - 15 dpo -2 days late.

Lysh - Have a great day with the family!
Hoping everyone is having a good start to the weekend.
Lysh...sounds like you have a busy weekend planned. Enjoy!

Clandara...still crossing my fingers for you. Glad you are feeling better about it today. :)

Wools...how are you feeling?

I have a 3 day weekend ahead of me. Today I am shopping with a good friend, and then we are going to our neice's birthday party. She is the daughter of my sister in law who is newly pregnant with number 5!!! Then we are having dinner with some more good friends. Lots of things to keep my mind off TTC! Lol. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Afternoon ladies, Im fine thanks native. I tested again today and got a stronger line on a shop test so will keep testing I think and see the drs in the week.

Hope you have a good weekend Native, sounds like it will keep your mind off TTC.

Lysh hope you had a nice weekend and picnic. We have rain today so not doing much outside.

Calandra hope that in a few days you get the result you want. I have my fingers crossed for you x

Have a great weekend guys, I got loads of work to do for work this week and also off to OH daughters dance show tonight.

Speak soon xxx
Hi ladies!
Wools....so exciting :)
Clandara...fingers crossed for you!

Everyone else, sounds like a good weekend ahead! We are off to the wisconsin badgers game today!!! Very exciting :)
I have been having a sharp cramp in my right side...hmmmm
Doing okay alspals! What do you think the sharp cramp might mean?
I don't know....hoping implantation??? Never happens before AF so new for sure. My symptoms have been: cramping, nausea, tired, more cm past 2 days

All of those seem like promising signs!!! I have mild sore breasts and some slight crampy feeligns today...however, because of the Prometrium it is hard to say what is causing those symptoms. Any 'early' signs could all be Prometrium related.

When are you testing again?? If I do not get AF, I am going to test next Saturday on the 23rd!
Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a great weekend.

I have been trying to NOT symptom spot, but it's been difficult. I've been having strange cramps, heartburn, and my boobs have been getting more and more sore each day. I am only 8 dpo, but I caved and tested today. It was very very faint, but there was definitely a line after a minute or so. I took a pic, but I don't know how to upload them here. Anyway, AF isn't due until Wednesday, so if she doesn't show, I'll test again I suppose. FX'd this one sticks!
Nativetexan....a faint line??? Wow! That would be wonderful if we have two confirmed BFPs soon from our group!!!! (And hopefully more as the week goes on!)
Congrats native!!! so exciting!! Keep us posted tomorrow :)

Lysh- Well, I was originally trying to hold out until Friday, but I think I'll test the first time on Wed which is either 11 or 12 dpo for me.

Help!! Don't really know when AF is due. Last month my cycle was 32 days, which would be Friday this month. However, last month was my first month after my miscarriage and I had a chemical. So I am thinking 32 days is long and 28-30 is more accurate. So basically I am confused. Any help would be much appreciated!!!
Native, that would be awesome if yours gets darker too! :dust:

I think AF got me today. Still just spotting but it is definitely pink and not just brown anymore, plus I have that "emptying" sorta feeling I get whenever :witch: is coming or around. I just wish she would have held off until AFTER our anniversary!

Hope everyone else had a better weekend. :hugs:
So sorry Foosh that the witch arrived...hopefully you will have a stiff drink and get hopeful for a new cycle beginning.
Lilfoosh....sorry AF got you. Are you hanging in okay?
Oh yea, I'm good. I always get a bit down, but it's nice that I didn't have to wait like last cycle. And I think because I am sharing with my DH, that I don't let my emotions build up anymore. Thanks for checking on me though, naturally we are both disappointed.
Congratulations Nativetexan on the faint positive. Like Lysh said....That is awesome for our group if there is two or more this month. Good luck to everyone testing!

So sorry Lilfoosh....but now its a chance for a fresh new month. Is there anything that you will try differently this month?

So unfortunately our pc is down at home :(. I am on CD 30 - which would make me 17 dpo and 4 days late....but AF may be around the corner....may even arrive later today. We shall see. Looking forward to starting a new cycle. I just don't understand why the last two months I have been late. For years now I can pin point the day of my next cycle with always on average a 26 day cycle. Last month was 31 and this month i am already on CD 30. Hmmmmmmm, I just don't know.

How was everyone's weekend? Mine was busy enough and I was quite tired and still am....really looking forward to my date night with DH tomorrow....but just got a call for a dental appointment also tomorrow. Thank goodness they called to remind me! :)
Thanks ladies. It's so nice to have people who understand and are going through the same thing around the same time.

Clandara, I have no idea why when we start TTC AF likes to play mind games with us. I was always 28 days exactly, 2 days medium flow, 1 day light and 2 more days medium then done. Now it's all over the place. I started taking vitex and this was my first 28 day cycle out of the past 4 or 5, so hubby and I are both hopeful that it is regulating my hormones!

Woolls and Native any news?

We had a super busy weekend and J is cutting some new teeth so we haven't really been getting much sleep. I also had a bit of a panic attack last night about putting J in day care. I have never spent more than a couple of hours away from him since he was conceived so I am really nervous. And now my start date may have been pushed back a couple of weeks, so I potentially have that much longer to worry about everything! Oh well! :shrug:

I hope everyone's Monday is flying by! :hugs:
Hi, on my phone and difficult to do personals. Hope everyone is ok and the with is staying away for you all!
Told my OH yesterday as I wasnt going to tell him as he can't keep a secret but he was over the moon. Going to test tonight with an ic to hopefully see a darker line!

Native how you doing?

Good luck to everyone else, might be something in the water. Sending my Welsh vibes to you all x x
On my phone as well! Sorry to those who af bit early but hope to a new cycle. I am feelin all over the place today and anxious about testing. Not going to until we'd at the earliest but trying to wait longer

Hope everyone's Monday is flying by :)

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