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31, CD5 Need a buddy

So sorry Lysh...so hard to go through these ups and downs of TTC'ing. I just ordered my first BBT from amazon and will start temping this cycle to better understand my body.

Lysh-I have also been researching difference between IB and Menses and can not get a clear answer. If you do, let me know :)
It depends on what kind of spotting too. If it is brown spotting and starts earlier on (like 6 dpo) and continues til proper menses it is old blood that didn't get out last cycle. If you are spotting pink or red that early, it is definitely something to talk to your doc about as that would prevent implantation (of course that is if it isn't IB to begin with).

I define spotting as either only being there when I wipe or such minimal amounts that I could go without a pad (if I had an infinite supply of underwear and didn't mind a little mess...). I count "menses" as starting when I *need* to change a pad or feel it is time to break out the tampons. Obviously this is just how I determine where I am, I don't know what the proper difference is.

Personally, right now I am having difficulty deciding whether to classify my flow as light, medium or heavy! :haha: These are the silly things we never needed to think about or know or care about prior to TTC.
Agree Foosh!! As for me, there has been NOTHING all night and my cervix is very high. I think I am gonna test tomorrow morning if this is still going on....thoughts on testing tomorrow or not?
I don't see why you shouldn't test. My friend (whose little guy is now 6 months old) bled through her entire pregnancy. It was scary as hell but clearly it worked out fine. If you are unsure (especially if AF is weird or almost nonexistent) I would test.
Thanks Foosh....this has never happened to me when AF has arrived so it is VERY strange. I will test tomorrow morning and see what it says then...
Yeah, I guess I would consider what I had still as spotting. Last night there was nothing and this morning there was pretty much nothing (just a slight tinge of color when I wiped...very, very slight). My temp did not drop, it actually rose .07 degrees. I was 97.92 yesterday and 97.99 today. Who knows!! At least it gives me some hope again because typically when my temp starts to drop it just keeps going until I get AF.

I am still going to call my doctor though and ask about the spotting and if that is a problem (especially since I am taking prometrium). I am hoping to call today, but some days it is impossible to even take two minutes to make a phone call I am so busy, so we will see.

Have a good Wednesday...weekend is almost here!
Lysh such hope for you!! Hugs and fx'ed!!!

I tested this morning and got bfn but still nothing when I wipe anymore. Will see what today brings.
Alspals and Lysh - How are you doing today? Sorry Als about the BFN....hang in there!

I have never experienced IB but from what I read only about 30% of women will notice it and it should be minimal spotting....brown or light pink in color.
I agree with Lilfoosh that spotting should not require the use of pads/tampons. It should be only noticeable on a tissue and not really seen otherwise. i would say that when you start to pass red - that would be your offical first day of your new cycle.

Today marks CD 2.
Okay ladies, I need to vent. The past couple of hours has been a roller coaster. I went to the ladies room and my CM was pink, so I started freaking out. I'm so scared I will have another chemical. So I immediately called my doctor to make an appt, only to find out that my doc doesn't do OB anymore! I was so upset I started to cry. So I called two other doctors, and neither one can get me in until Oct 4th or 10th at the earliest. I scheduled with both until I decide which one to keep. I can't believe I can't get in to see a doctor though! I then ran out to CVS on my lunch break to buy a test to see if my line is getting lighter, and I got probably the darkest line I've ever gotten. It's not as dark as the control line, but pretty close.

I'm just confused, scared, happy, and crying, lol. I know that only time will really tell and I need to chill out. Thanks for letting me vent. I can talk to DH about all this, but I don't think he quite gets it, lol. Last night I took a digi and got a positive. He asked me how accurate all the positive tests are. I had to explain how the hormones work and that I'm def preg, it's just a question of whether or not it sticks. I'm still not sure he understood, lol.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just need to get it all off my chest. Hope you all are having a great Wednesday!
Oh native. I totally understand the frustration! We are here for you! My teat was bfn this morning and sti nothing more. Grrrrr
Native :hugs: Try to relax (yes I realize it will be hard), stress won't help. I'm sure it's nothing. You should be able to see just a regular GP, doesn't really need to be an OBGYN this early, especially if you just explain your concern. I'm not sure how set you are with health coverage, but is going to the emerg an option? Tell them you are newly pregnant (with your first) and have been having cramps and your cm is pink. They should take you for an ultrasound. When you say it's your first they tend to be a little more lenient because they don't want you to panic.

I don't think a little bit of pink CM is a big deal, but do what you need to for peace of mind. One bit of advice though, don't google it. Google brings back the worst information sometimes and makes you worry even more. Tummy cramps turns into cancer scares and it ends up being a fart...
Native :hugs: Try to relax (yes I realize it will be hard), stress won't help. I'm sure it's nothing. You should be able to see just a regular GP, doesn't really need to be an OBGYN this early, especially if you just explain your concern. I'm not sure how set you are with health coverage, but is going to the emerg an option? Tell them you are newly pregnant (with your first) and have been having cramps and your cm is pink. They should take you for an ultrasound. When you say it's your first they tend to be a little more lenient because they don't want you to panic.

I don't think a little bit of pink CM is a big deal, but do what you need to for peace of mind. One bit of advice though, don't google it. Google brings back the worst information sometimes and makes you worry even more. Tummy cramps turns into cancer scares and it ends up being a fart...

Lmao...thanks Foosh. I needed that giggle. I actually have an urgent care facility that I can go to if need be. The pink CM is gone for now, so I'm feeling a little better. My other symptoms are still present, too, which is reassuring. I may visit the urgent care anyway...like you said, for peace of mind.
I just realized I currently have 9 hpt's in my cabinet at home, lol. I'm crazy!
Nativetexan.....thinking of you!! Just keep deep breathing. It is crazy how long it takes to get an appt.!

lilfoosh...you always seem to have such calming advice!

I think I am officially out for the month. I consider what I had today to be a light period which means my luteal phase was only 9 months. Today was a very stressful day at work today (I did not even get to eat my full lunch) so I did not get to call the doc. office. I have to call tomorrow though because something is not right. :nope:
Native...take a deep breath and just know that you'll be able to get into a docs office soon!

Lysh... Sorry youre out but heres to cd1 and new hope :)

As for me I took another hpt an hour ago and bfn again. Also no more anything when I wipe still!!!!! Thanks all for the excellent support
Alps...how many dpo are you now? Are you officially late for AF?
Nope I am either 11 or 12 dpo today as I got a positive opk on Friday and sat morning then neg sat night. any ideas for me??
Well, I guess it depends how long your luteal phase normally is. However, seems like there is still a chance since you stopped bleeding! Not all women get an early pregnancy read either.....so there is still hope!

I stopped bleeding again, but it keeps coming and going. I definitely do not think I am pregnant, I am just frustrated right now because the prometrium supplements are turning out not to be a fix for my LPD. ugh

I really need to try to stay positive, but I am grumpy tonight!!!!! The stressful day did not help either. I am hoping to feel more myself tomorrow.

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