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31, CD5 Need a buddy

So today I felt mild cramping during most of the day which is normal when AF is coming. I am 8 dpo and last month I got AF 11 dpo with spotting on days 9 and 10. This time the spotting was more pink though. I am still holding out hope!!!!

lilfoosh...good luck with daycare. I can only image how hard that is, however, from what I heard the children handle it better than the parents do!

alspals....I understand the anxiousness. I am tempted (especially after seeing some spotting) to see if maybe it is due to implantation.

I wonder how normal it is to get implantation bleeding?

Clandara....I hope you get out cycle limbo soon!
Hi all!!
Sounds like everyone is staying in good positive spirits today :)
I am feeling down today cause I just feel out. No reason why, just a feeling. Trying to stay positive though cause who knows! I am either 9 or 10 dpo today...ahhhh
Woolls....I am glad your OH is over the moon!! It must have been wonderful sharing the news.

lilfoosh..thanks for the statistics. I guess I will find out in a few days.

alspals....sorry you are feeling out about it. I will admit, my positivity has faltered this evening. The cramps are constant and mild which reminds me of pre AF.
Help ladies!!! I just wiped and had a brown stringy thing on the toilet paper. Is this my AF or possible IB?? Freaking out!
Hi everyone...sorry I haven't checked in today. I spent most of the day napping, lol. I took another test this afternoon and the line was a tiny bit darker, but I would still call it a faint line. I went to the dollar store and bought 5 more test, and I have one more good one that I'll save until the end of the week. My breasts are still pretty tender and I'm still having mild cramps, but I can't tell if they are real cramps or gas, lol. That has increased a bit. Today I could barely keep my eyes open and really feel like I'm sick. Trying to not stress, but really hoping this one sticks.

Wools- so excited to hear things are still going well for you! Are you having many symptoms? Are your lines getting darker?

Foosh- sorry to hear AF got you, but glad to see you are positive about moving onto the next cycle. :)

lysh- how are your cramps? is the spotting getting worse? FX'd for you!

als- I hope it is IB! How long is your LP usually? I wish I knew what IB looked like so I could help. I had light pink CM at 4dpo, and a tiny spec of brown in my CM at 5dpo. I can't say for sure that would be IB though.
Als, it could be either, keep an eye on it. Brown blood is good, it means it's old.
Thanks guys....just really freaking out over here and feel even more flustered. MY right boob i sore, but not my left. I am crampy still on my left side. Ugh!!! So frustrating
Good Native...can't wait to hear the updates! No spotting this morning, but temp is dropping slightly.

alspals....I know it is frustrating. I was so hoping I would take my bbt this morning and it would show a rise, not a drop!

I am finding this time to be more difficult to accept that I might be pregnant. This is only our 2nd time trying....maybe it is because it is really sinking in this time that it might not be as easy as I was hoping.

Hope everyone has a decent Tuesday!
Native...can't wait to hear an update :)

Lysh...I know exactly what you mean about this ttc process not vein as easy as hoped for

So I woke up this morning and the witch has arrived. Just so confused cause then my lp was only 10 or 11 days and last cycle my cycle length was 32 days and this one was 28. Granted I was coming off a miscarriage last month and maybe a chemical. Just frustrated but gonna try to stay positive!
Alspals - I am sorry AF showed up. :hugs: I totally understand about cycles changing.
Lysh - My fingers are crossed for you. keep us posted!
Nativetexan and Woolls - How are you both feeling today?

So today marks CD 31 - 18 dpo - and 5 days late. If AF doesn't show in the next day or two, I will test again. I still have sore breasts and am quite tired....I wish AF would just show already but still secretly hoping for some positive news.
Well....almost two hours later and I finally have an answer.....no baby this month for me and it is no longer suspected that I would be on cd 31.....

Today marks CD 1. I am actually kind of glad I don't have to wait anymore! :)
als and clandara...so sorry to hear the witch got you. FX'd for this month though. :)

lysh- how are things going for you?

I'm doing good today. Not feeling as tired as yesterday, but I've been taking frequent trips to the ladies room. I haven't made an appt with the doc yet, as I'm not even late for AF until tomorrow. I would normally start spotting today and there are no signs of that. I will probably test again on Thursday or Friday and hope for that darker line. I will say that my symptoms seem more exagerated than the ones I've had with my two chemicals. And, (TMI) I have a ton of creamy CM, which is new.

Question about temps: I find it strange that I could get the exact same temp for 3 or more days in a row, but I've had it happen. So this morning when i got the same as yesterday, I took it again right away and it was higher, going from 97.86 to 97.90. Have any of you come across this? Maybe my thermometer is broken, lol.
Question about temps: I find it strange that I could get the exact same temp for 3 or more days in a row, but I've had it happen. So this morning when i got the same as yesterday, I took it again right away and it was higher, going from 97.86 to 97.90. Have any of you come across this? Maybe my thermometer is broken, lol.

I don't know much about temping but I would say that if you took your temp immediately after and found it higher it is likely because you were moving. Any kind of motion will increase your temp as it also raises your blood pressure. I don't think its broken, lol!
I agree with Clandara, Native! Just the movement to put the thermometer in your mouth and then check it is enough to raise your temp slightly. Some women have very regular (or as FF says "flat") temps, and some women have very erratic ones. I tend to be more erratic but occasionally I will get a couple of days in a row with the same temp. I think my problem is because sometimes we have the a/c on and sometimes we have the window open and sometimes neither, so my temp is up or down depending on the room temp.

Sorry, Als and Clandara that she got you but I'm glad it wasn't too drawn out. :hugs:
thanks for the feedback, ladies. all of this TTC stuff can be so confusing sometimes! :)
alspals...sorry AF got you!

For my update, I think mine is coming. I had more spotting today. It just bothers me because I am only 9dpo and I have already been spotting for 2 days. If I get AF tomorrow then my luteal phase would only be 9 days for this month! I take the prometrium to prevent my luteal phase from being too short. So if AF does come tomorrow I am going to have to call the doctor and see what is going on.

Clandara- I am glad you are not in limbo anymore!!!

So I had a thought today. Since I tend to have a short luteal phase and implantation tends to occur between days 7-10dpo and I start spotting on 8 dpo can that prevent implantation from occurring? Or maybe AF would start with spotting then implantation would occur and it would all go away?? lol...I have no clue. Nativetexan, I am with you....this ttc can be confusing!
Clandara....you and I are now bakc on the same cycle I think....here's my confusion right now...

So, my period began this morning....but, it's only been very little brown stuff on the tampons i am pulling out. This morning was 2 wipes of red and nothing else. My period usually picks up by now...whats going on?

Native...excited for you!!

Lysh...so confused too by what you asked and I have the same thoughts!!!
lysh...the whole spotting things is confusing to me. At one point, I would spot on anywhere from 7-9dpo and then AF would show on 10 or 11 dpo. I seem to have leveled out recently and will typically spot on 9 or 10 dpo, AF showing on 11. A friend told me that when I was spotting early, a BFP was very unlikely due to there not being enough progesterone. If you are on a supplement though, I wouldn't think that would be a problem. I really don't know though. My friend (the same one) was put on clomid because her corpus luteum wasn't developing the way it should, and was causing to LP to be shorter.

Was your spotting "heavier" than yesterday or just continued? Very hopeful that it's IB, as I've read that can last a day or two.
alspals...I wish I had an answer for you!

nativetexan...my spotting was heavier....for a little bit it reminded me of a very light period...I am not even sure when the definition of 'spotting' becomes 'menses'. I might try researching that and see if I get any clear answers.

Yes, I am surprised that even with 200mg of progesterone (a.k.a. prometrium) I am still spotting this early! Last month I spotted on 10 and 11 dpo and did not get full blown AF until 12dpo making my luteal phase 11 days which is long enough. This month I am spotting earlier and today it is heavier than it should be for my typical second day of spotting. Tomorrow (if I can find a free moment) I might call my doctor to see if I can get an answer. I figured if I call tomorrow I might actually get in touch with someone before the week is over (with teaching I play phone tag because I can't answer my phone when I am with the kids). So if I learn anything from the doc I will share the info!

Oh, and I gave in and did a pregnancy test and got a BFN. I figured with all this spotting I was curious. Of course I took it after work at only 9dpo, so if there was anything in my urine it would not be strong. But right now I definitely feel like AF is coming...I have AF cramps.

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