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31, CD5 Need a buddy

Clandara- Your chart is looking good...figures crossed for that Valentines BFP!!

Mrs B- As the others said, the fatigue does get better. I know I was always tired until about 15 weeks. So tired that once I started to fall asleep in a restaurant with DH. He thought it was hilarious of course, lol.

Foosh- Sending lots of positive vibes your way. :) Now go get busy!! Oh, and now I want tacos for dinner, hehehehe.

Lysh- Have you felt any movement yet? I felt mine right between 16 and 17 weeks. It was a little tickle/itchy feeling. Now she's full on kick-boxing in there, lol.
Not sure I've felt the hiccups yet. I thought I may have once, but it didn't last long. Can't wait, though!

Any tips on getting some sleep at night? I am tossing and turning (with my body pillow) and not getting much rest. Today I am struggling to stay awake. I feel like I'm back in the first tri! Lol.
Clandara- How many dpo are you now?

Lilfoosh- I really hope you are not disappointing too. You deserve this!

Mrs. B- During my 1st tri, as much as I was grateful I was pregnant, I honestly thought the exhaustion/nausea would never end!!! However, it does! Now, I have an exercise routine going ,I wake up ready to start the day, and I do not come home and just curl up on the couch. I had the same experience as Lilfoosh with raw meat...especially beef!!! My husband had to cook the beef for me too and then I would take over. Not that I even wanted to take over I was so nauseous, but my DH is not a cook so there was little option!

Native- I have not felt anything yet. Every now and then I feel like a few bubbly feelings, but it is hard to say if it is gas in my stomach of the baby. I am hoping soon I can really distinguish!!!
Hi Lysh - I am 11 dpo and CD 28. My temp is still pretty good too.

I remember when my bf was pregnant....she described the same feeling in the begining. A sensation of bubbles moving back and forth.

Native - I have often thought about how I would sleep while being pregnant. I am naturally a stomach sleeper and only when sleeping do I sometimes move to my side. I have tried to fall asleep in any other position but my stomach many many times, but I lay awake. Not sure what the answer willl be. I hope you can get some rest soon!
Good morning ladies!

I think today might be O-day for me. I've not gotten a +opk but all other signs are pointing that way. I might have missed my surge... :shrug:

Clandara, tomorrow looks like it's a big day for you! I really hope that temp stays up and AF stays away!! You said before that you don't feel any symptoms, any change there?

Lysh- You will feel your LO soon, it is so exciting especially for the first little while. My DH was so disappointed for a few weeks because everytime he thought he felt something I would have to tell him that it was my tummy and not the baby! Your baby will get into a routine even now so you will notice distinct patterns in the movement times. Hopefully your bubs will be settled at night. J used to wake up at 10 pm every night and kick the crap outta me and then rollover and go to sleep again after about 30 minutes.

Native (& Clandara)- I was (and am again) a tummy sleeper. I sleep face down but with one leg bent up and the other almost straight with both my arms under my pillow. When it started to feel like I was lying on a ball - which is almost right away btw- I adjusted slightly so I was more on my side but still face down, with a body pillow folded in half under the bent leg up alongside my body. My DH *had* to rub my lower back, just a gentle sort of caress while he was reading or playing a game on the laptop, otherwise I had a really hard time falling asleep. I had to stop drinking fluids around 7 or 8 otherwise I would have to pee some many times during the night that I barely got any sleep. Some nights I did get hardly any sleep, it happens, but not every night. Try not to think about it too much, I remember lying in bed one night thinking about how I was never going to fall asleep and then worrying about the ramifications of not falling asleep and of course my brain was spinning so I didn't fall asleep. Try to do something you find really soothing and calming before going to bed, like reading or watching a boring show that your DH likes (2 birds with one stone there- makes DH happy and bores you to sleep!), take a bath- not too hot though.

This is nature's way of preparing you for your baby. By the time your precious little bundle is born you will be used to not sleeping through the night and it won't be as frustrating or upsetting to you as it would be to someone who has had solid, unencumbered sleep all the way through (like DH). Nature eases us into parenthood: we are prepared for sleepless nights; baby starts off with odourless, solid poop; cries are barely audible and short lived in the first few weeks.

:hugs: It gets better!

All of you preggo ladies: Don't feel bad about complaining. Yes we all want to be in your shoes, but pregnancy- as joyful and precious as it is- is uncomfortable! We get sick; our nutrients and bodies' other resources are taken from us to form that new life; we are exhausted and struggling to sleep; we get kicked and punched in the ribs and crotch; our bodies are not our own anymore! None of these things are normal for us and new things are constantly happening that you aren't prepared for and are just trying to wrap your head around. Some people don't understand, especially those who haven't experienced it, but I think all of the ladies here are very empathetic and sharing your experiences will prepare those of us still awaiting our BFPs for what is surely to come in the near future. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, no one here will fault you for your feelings.
Oh, Saturday mornings how I love thee!!!!!!!!
We have the slightest sprinkling of snow going, our fireplace is on, and I am sitting next to my husband and cat drinking my decaf. coffee.......

then we are going to work on cleaning our dusty, construction-zone, full-of-boxes and stuff basement so my DH can continue with house renovation.

But this morning is nice and relaxing! lol

How is everyone else doing?

Native- I have had insomnia on and off since the first tri....but it is mostly my mind racing that causes it. I am sure having a belly is making it hard for you! Is it because you are not finding a comfortable position or is your mind racing?

Clandara- I am a back and side sleeper. I just need to get out of the sleeping on the back habit since that will not be good for my baby come a few weeks. Maybe when the time comes a body pillow will help you! (And I know the time will come soon!!!!!!)

I really cannot wait until we ALL here have BFPs and we can share in that journey together. We will have to have an online celebration when that happens! (non alcoholic of course)

Als- How are you doing???? Would love to hear an update!!!! Are you writing annuals yet? Mine are coming up (so I might me MIA for a little bit when time crunch comes).

Lilfoosh- Thanks for your kind words. I try not to complain too much about pregnancy symptoms in general. I guess it is the balance of dealing with the unpleasant side effects of being pregnant yet remaining grateful and blessed at the same time.

Again this morning I thought I felt something....it is still hard to tell though!!! Today I am officially 17 weeks though so I know it is coming soon!

Well, I hope everyone has an enjoyable Saturday!
Ok so today is Sunday....and I am officially one day late. I took a hpt yesterday but got a BFN. My temp dropped .1 last night but I am still higher then normal. If I see no sign today of AF arriving, then I will make another test tomorrow. :wacko:
oooooh Clandara...crossing my fingers for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOH! I will be checking in again in the morning, fingers crossed! It is great that the cross hairs are solid lines now
hi im new to this site and i was just needing a buddy to chat. i have pcos and we are tryn so hard can anybody help us
hi there im ttc........im on to my second month of trying.....im cd 11 with neg opk today had a merina for 2 yrs it was removed in dec hoping it didnt screw me up to bad
Welcome Sexy C and Boxxey! How are you both doing?

Well I had a major temp drop today. Before bed I had a small amount of spotting but there is nothing today. I didn't make a test this morning because of the drop in temp. Not feeling right today....kind of lightheaded. CD 31 which would make me 2 days late on AF. Think I might do a test at lunch just to see whats up.

Thanks ladies for thinking of me. I will keep you posted!
Hello SexyC, sorry to hear about the PCOS but there are many ladies who have gone on to get preggo, so try not to stress too much, it is definitely manageable-- Right MrsB!
Have you sought any medical help yet?

Hiya Boxxey, welcome to ttc. How have your cycles seemed so far? I don't know what "merina" is, maybe you could expand on that? I am assuming it is an IUD of some sort. Usually they don't mess with hormones, so getting into the swing of ttc shouldn't be too bad. Good luck to you.

I don't know if either of you has read back through the thread but this particular group has been chatting since around Sept with only 2 or 3 members (depending on Clandara's results!!) are still ttc. Most of our little group have successfully conceived their little bundles of joy. You are welcome to join us, if you wish.

I got a +opk this morning! I am completely excited. Based on CP and CM I was expecting to ov a couple of days ago, but I had not gotten a +opk so I wasn't sure. This morning's was definitely + tho, so I guess only a couple more nights of bd'ing to go. I am getting tired. J (Jacob- my 18 month old, for the new girls) is sick, so we haven't been sleeping well which definitely puts a damper on sexy time fun. I'm looking forward to the next couple of days and then it is only a few more after that until we find out if this is our cycle. I will take any good luck, fingers crossed and baby dust you will all send my way.

Clandara, this is killing me! I'm gonna look at your chart! Fx lady =)
Sorry, Clandara, there was a big gap between me writing my post and hitting the "Post" button! I will be thinking of you and cross all my fingers! GL :hugs:
Heading home.....I will make a test and report back within the hour, lol. I wish for a positive sign either way.....Baby or AF. This waiting is frustrating!
Heya!! Welcome SexyC and Boxxy. Hope your well.

SexyC, Foosh is right, I have PCOS, didn't ovulate on my own but still had periods, they weren't by any means regular but I had one every 20-40 ish days! I got given clomid and got pregnant on my first round, Pip (as ny hubby calls it) is hanging in there, so hoping she/he keeps hanging on

Clandra, sorry for your spotting, hows it looking now?

Foosh, yay for you +ve, get bding girlie

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