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31, CD5 Need a buddy

Merina is an iud........it sends out hormones to thin your uterus so it wont hold a pregnancy..........Dec my cycle was 30 days Jan was 28......i usually get af for 7 days was only 5 in feb......im using first response opk 20 tests.......started on cd5 so hoping for a positive soon tomorrow will be cd12.....i have children and was able to get pregnant right away with them so not used to waiting
Clandara---- I am sorry, you must be so disappointed! :hugs: YUCK to AF. How are you doing???

Lilfoosh- Pretty soon it will be onto the 2ww for you!!!! Good luck catching that egg!

Welcome Sexy c and Boxxy. I have heard of Mirena....it will probably take time for you cycles to regulate. How long have been off of it? Sorry if you already mentioned it

Sexy C- I have heard plenty of success stories with PCOS too. Just try to stay positive and know it is possible- Mrs. B is a good example!
I had af dec 6-11 had it out the 12 then had af in jan and feb waiting to O
Thanks LilFoosh, Lysh, and Mrs. B. I was disappointed. Still am a little. At least one really good thing is that we enjoy the act of "trying".

Happy Valentine's to all my BnB Buddies! You guys are awesome!

DH and I have plans to celebrate everything this weekend as our Anniversary is this week as well.

Have a good one everyone!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Enjoy your celebrations with DH!

I know my DH got me something...but he hasn't said anything to me yet, so I haven't talked to him yet today. =/ What a man!

2 more nights of "trying", 1 night off and then 1 more, THEN I can relax

I wonder what happened to Zoey...
Happy Valentines days to all you lovely ladies xx
Thanks for explaining it for me Boxxey! So I guess it does mess with your hormones. I always think of IUDs as the little helicopter things that don't do hormone stuff. Admittedly I only vaguely know about them from my grade 9 health class! :blush: That was a while ago

28-30 days is pretty regular sounding.
I have been feeling very sick all night hope its not the flu.......if i didnt have af for 4 days i would think i was pregnant......i feel rotten......went out for dinner with dh i couldnt finish dinner :-(
boxxey- I know it took me a few months to regulate after coming off of normal birth control...hopefully it happens quickly for you! And feel better...there are so many viruses going around now!!!!

Clandara- Happy anniversary! What are you doing to celebrate?

lilfoosh- So what did you get? My DH got me a card and Cape Cod potato chips lol (one of my cravings). I cooked him a nice dinner. We keep Valentine's simple!

Zoey- Well having higher temps is good! Where are you in your cycle?

Happy Valentines day to you all too!!!
That's sweet Lysh! It means he is paying attention =) DH warned me prior to opening my present that it wasn't "exactly" what I wanted and that he would take me out sometime this week to exchange it if I didn't like it. It was a satin nightgown and robe. It was nice but, he was right, it wasn't what I wanted. That sounds harsh, but I had told him exactly what I wanted because he has a long history of either not getting me something, or getting something that is more for him. So, I did ask for a nightgown, but what he got me was the exact opposite of what I was asking for... I wanted something that was supportive (or at least able to contain) in the bust and was at least knee length (as I don't want J to have to see my hooha if I wear it out of the bedroom), what I got squeezed "the girls" and barely covered my ass. It was more "hooker" and less "mother" iykwim, I don't mind sexy but that is why I explicitly told him the qualities I was looking for. I sound horrible. :blush: He really is terrible though, he forgot my birthday the first 3 years we were together... and it is only 9 days after his! See! If I don't tell him what to get (and when) I don't get anything... he prefers it this way too.

Good to see you are still around Zoey! fingers crossed your temp stays up! Your temps are very stable! Mine are usually up or down every day...
Foosh, your post cracked me up. Men are so funny when it comes to that stuff. For my bridal shower, someone bought me this hideous one piece bra/thong thing. As soon as DH saw it, he was determined to make me wear it. I hid it from him and hoped he would forget. He does for the most part, but once in a while he'll remember and then I have to hear him talk about it for days, begging me to wear it, lol.
NATIVE!!! I can't even figure out how something can be manufactured as a one piece bra and thong!!! omg, like some strings dangling down from some where under your boobs that you have to step into sideways and gives you that deep down clean! Or maybe like the swimsuit/banana hammock thing that became popluar after that stupid movie but with a Mickey Mouse hat looking thing at the bust line... how flattering! :sick:
Hey ladies....neg opk again......i feel like im starting as i am still crampy and now getting a dull pain on the right......cd13 today.....has anyone checked cervical changes before? I havent and wasnt sure if it was something i should try
I check cervical position (CP) and mucous (CM), it is something that you have to do for a couple of cycles to determine what is normal for you, but I find it very helpful. I can definitely determine when I will and then when I have ov'd.
Lilfoosh- That is too funny!! You must have some patience.....two things a man should never forget: birthdays and anniversaries!!! You wanted something comfortable and flowy and apparently he wanted you in something a bit more ooh-la-la!

Native- How have you been feeling by the way? Any luck with sleeping?

I got a body pillow two days ago. So far I am not having the restful, comfortable sleeps I was hoping for! First off, my DH and I have a queen bed. Now he is 6' 1" and I am 5'10" so we are not little people. The freaking body pillow is like having another person in the bed1 To top it off, our cat often sleeps in between us. So I am stuck on what is left over (me and my body pillow), ear plugs in my ears (dh snores) and knees hanging over the bed. Plus I am having a hard time training myself not to sleep on my back- sleeping on my side my back hurts and my hips hurt (even with the body pillow). I am a bit nervous for what will happen as my belly gets bigger- my knees and belly will be hanging off the bed!

Boxxey- I kept track of CM but not CP. I did keep track of my BBT and I used OPKs to confirm what my BBT was reading. You do need a few cycles to figure out your body's natural rhythm.
Good morning ladies!

I am 3 dpo today and starting to get scared that this isn't our cycle. Nothing happened to make me think it, I guess I am just having a down day. =(

Native, did you celebrate being viable? At 24 weeks gestation if your go into labour or baby needs to be taken out, LO is more likely to survive than not! I remember thinking it was such a relief, obviously you don't want it to happen but it is wonderful to know that if it did LO would probably be ok. Congrats! :hugs:

Lysh- I felt like that too. We have a queen size bed, I'm 5'9 & DH is 5"11, plus the body pillow does make for some interesting sleep positions! I almost always woke up on my back, it actually got to the point that I had to use another pillow wedged in behind my back so it was not physically possible for me to roll onto my back in my sleep. I remember having to roll out of bed too, like a gymnastics dismount every time I had to get up. And, yes, your back and hips will hurt especially as you get further along and your pelvis starts to open. Near the end I think I was just sleeping in a sort of upright position, that was more of a reclined sit than laying down.

Some thing else I remembered this morning while trying to get dressed- It is surprisingly difficult to pull on panties! The big belly gets in the way and you have to either get help or lean to the sides! It looks quite funny I'd say.
Good morning everyone!

I hope that everyone had a nice weekend and for some of us a nice long weekend. Sorry I have been MIA the last week. I took a few days off of work as a mini vacation at home. DH and I celebrated our anniversary on Sat. We were able to spend some quality time at the park, a wonderful meal at an El Salvadorian Restaurant with a Mariachi Singer and then we took in a movie.

Today marks CD 9. My ff chart is mostly open circles because of the late nights and sleeping in. My temps are pretty well normal for this phase of my cycle.

Lilfoosh - your story was really funny! Thank you for sharing. Don't get too worried about your cycle right now. It is too soon to tell. Thinking of you!

How is everyone feeling? Boxxey - any news on your Ov?

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