Panda, You have had HSGs before each IVF. Didn't they see increasing, inlarging one of your tubes? I can't beleave they didn't get concerned about it. I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis. The good news it is treatable. You have a great plan and a huge hope this summer. Hope and pray for you and your hubby.
Before my IVF I requested diagnostic hysteroscopy, cos I have had vey heavy bleeding and long menses in the past and I wanted our IVF to succeed. I always asked to look for hydrosalpinx on U/S. dr. told me everything is ok, on the other hand they couldn't see much. The final hydro free tubes were confirmed after 6 IVFs and 3 embryo transfers
Squig, Hydrosalpinx tube is a tube filled with liquid and on HSG it looks inlarged. The liquid may contain toxic chemicals that may arrest an embryo.
thank you! I am feeling great! Finally it becomes reality cos my belly is growing and I am feeling 5oz, 5 inch little miracle in there...
I am emotional and cry often...
you are my inspiration, you are my hero, you are so strong and wonderful. You are such a good person and your wishes will come true soon. I am so proud of you that you ask for help. My hubby has emotional problems, OCD and depression and he doesn't seek help. He wants help from me. He doesn't understand that I help him everyday, he just blames me for his problems....
Have a wonderful weekend, ladies. I know you'll join me very soon.