35 and over and ltttc for baby #2 for over 2.5yrs!

I am so sorry :hugs: I can't decide for you, it has to be your choice.

I'm not even sure what I would do. What does your OH think?
Hugs Bex!!!
Looking at your options,
1) Easier said than done and only you know how easy you will find that.
2) I think I would want to know more about the risks of the surgery. At the risk of sounding flippant a Hysterectomy if that is just your womb it isn't a major loss, without the surgery your womb is useless to you anyway. If the consultant couldn't find his way in their is little chance of the swimmers finding their way in. But is they mean loosing your ovaries too that would be a concern. The idea of a catheter is more of a worry. You also have to consider that IVF still might not work.
3) A good option but expensive and you need to be 100% sure on the friend who has offered. It could make you best buddies for life or you'll never see each other.
4) I'm watching friends go through this too and I honestly don't think I could jump through the multiple hoops or the constant waiting. But that depends on your area and the local authority. Our friends were approved in January and are still waiting for a suitable match.

Only you know how you feel about any of it or what you want to do. If it was me I'd take some time to think. We are coming up to Christmas and New Year enjoy it and think about what you think is the right thing for you to do in the new year.
Oh bex, what a horrible thing to go through and a hard decision to make. I can't even start to say what I would do in your shoes.

What does your OH think?

I hope you manage to come to a decision that is best for you and your family.

Sending hugs.

How is everyone else? Xxx
CD4 so nothing to report yet, I began temping again this cycle, so far so good.
Thank you everyone for your hugs and support. OH doesnt want me to go through any more surgery...he thinks I've been through enough. I move between option 2 and option 4.

I know I'm not ready to give up just yet...but I'm more coming round to the idea elliot might be our only one.but not yet. Option 2...tommy, your comments here are pretty much the same as what my gyn said. I wont concieve (either naturally or otherwise ) as it stands...so i have nothing to lose really. He said we could look at extracting eggs and freezing embryos before any surgery in case the worst case scenario does happen. But the risk to my bladder is still high and at the end of it there id still no guarantees. The thought of more surgery at the moment does appeal, but i need to see what he comes back with in the new year after he has had time to think.
3) an option but not for now i think. My friend who offers is going through her own ( different ) story and i wouldn't put it on her until she wad completely finished with that. I think this is the least likely option at the moment.
So that brings us to 4. Interesting tommy about your friend. My friend got approved in october and got offered an 8 m old last week.. i guess it really does vary..thus would be birmingham so quite a large LA. I think at the moment both OH and I are willing to explore this option further. After Christmas I'm going to call to start making enquiries.

So much to think about. ..my head is spinning. At least we have christmas to look forward to and distract!
bex - I haven't been on in a long time and I am so sorry to come here and read your update. Keep your head up friend - you just never know what may happen in the future... bless your heart... :hugs2:

:hi: everyone reading along when I get a minute - not logging on much anymore...but you ladies are always in my heart...

divorce should be final 28 December... never thought I would be writing that...but hey it is what it is...
gonna be a grandma in July 16... never thought I would be writing that either!!! haha

Hope each of you have a merry Christmas and a blessed and happy holiday season!!! :hugs:
Bex, I am so sorry to hear that :hugs: Only you and OH will be able to decide what is best for you as a family but it's not easy and so desperately unfair. I hope you can take some time for yourself and enjoy Christmas before deciding what to do.... Sending big hugs to you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sorry I have been so absent ladies but I am still reading along, thinking of you and hoping for the best for everyone. My sickness is finally easing and although I'm still on the meds I'm down to 2 a day and think I might be able to cut back to 1 then none in the next few weeks.... I don't want to be sick over Christmas so might be an idea to try now and see how I get on!!! It's so nice to actually enjoy thinking about food etc, especially with Christmas coming up!! My DS is SO excited this year so it's going to be a lot of fun. I wish I had more energy but hey-ho I can't complain!!

Big hugs to you all - it would be nice to get this thread back up and running like it used to but I know it's hard and I for one am especially to blame as have been MIA! xxx
Good Morning ladies.

Bex how are you doing? I know your friend has sort of offered to do surrogacy for you but would you consider someone else? Just a thought.

Wish I can't help but think somehow you weren't meant to have another baby. But I know you are going to be a fab granny.

Orchard I was hoping your sickness would have gone by now. But think positive at least you aren't facing your fourth anniversary of TTC.

Carly I noticed it is your DD birthday soon. Is she excited?

AFM IVF appointment has been delayed a week due to DH. He was standing beside me when we booked in the clinic at a time to suit him. Then I said last week "have you remembered about that appointment" I was met with a blank stare....so Monday it is.

How organized are we all for Christmas? I'm slowly getting there. We haven't had any really cold weather (my roses still have flowers on them) but we have had buckets of rain. And I can hardly believe it is just over 2 weeks away. However DS is starting to get excited but keeps changing his mind about his list, Santa is getting confused but has finished shopping for him.
I have a big bare tree in my hall it needs sorting tonight.
Hi all

Tommy - I think for me if we were to do surrogacy it would be with someone I know, but I still think this is not an option for now for us. I'm feeling a bit calmer about it all, but tbh it's only because we have so much else going on right now. Just found out the my BIL, who has been in hospital for the last 6 weeks, might not make it much beyond Christmas as he has chronic liver failure. OH is destroyed. We don't know what's going to happen there really. BUT our house extension is so close to being complete and after 4 months I will have an oven again in a couple of weeks! I cant wait to have my house back from the builders!

Orchid - thank you for the hugs! so nice to hear from you and glad everything is going well for you (ignoring the sickness). I cant believe how quickly it seems to be going - I know it won't seem like that to you. we will wait til after Christmas before any decisions and try to enjoy Christmas the best we can. In fairness, Elliot is soooo excited, it's hard not to be happy when you see him getting all excited about Christmas!

Wish - congrats on news about becoming a grandma, so exciting for you, and thank you for all your support on here :hugs:

Carly - any different plans for this cycle?
Bex really sorry to hear about your BIL I hope you are all able to enjoy the time he has. Does he have kids who need support etc?
Fingers crossed that your house is sorted for Christmas and you are able to enjoy the special time that it is.
Do you think DS has a good idea about Christmas this year?
Yes it is her birthday today so she's gone off to school very excited, also the school's Christmas parties today, we are picking her and her brother up and going to her party, we have 28 children coming to an indoor play centre, should be fun :haha:

I am CD12 today and FF gave me my crosshairs for CD9, is that not too early?? I'm wondering if we've missed it completely all these months as we've always gone for BD around mid cycle? So confusing.

I'm done for Christmas, just need to get my mum a few more bits.

Can't believe it's nearly here, it doesn't even feel like December, we're due 12 degrees on Wednesday!
Hey ladies, just thought I'd check in. Everyone ready for Christmas? We're almost ready, just need to wrap the presents I bought.

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant and start maternity leave today at 3pm, well I'm using holiday first and then mat leave starts on my due date. All is going well, pregnancy has been pretty easy going, still quite comfortable at night, just tired really, which is to be expected I guess.

Hope you are all doing well, and if I don't get back on before then I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Have a fab time xx
Cookie stopping work now seems a good plan. I can hardly believe that you are almost due.
I've just about everything bought. Couple of little bits to pick up. I need to start wrapping. And make sure the house is sorted since I'm hosting dinner.
Just dropping by to say hello to everyone. Hope all is well with you. Looking forward to a new year, one that hopefully holds good news for all of us. I have begun a regimen of vitamin d, since discovering that I was severely deficient. Normal levels should be 30-80 and mine was 13.4 in June. I know low levels can be linked to infertility. Not that I think it'll solve my problem but doesn't hurt to get my levels up. We'll also try and get back on track with eating well and exercising come the new year. Excited for Christmas. Hope everyone else is well
CD10 and feel normal. No symptoms at all. Not sure what to make of that. My chart is looking ok too I'll try and link it.

My Ovulation Chart

Do you think CD9 was ovulation and CD16 was an implantation dip?
Carly I'm not a charter, but that looks high to me, when are you testing?
jsut wanted to drop by and say


and I hope each of you enjoys time with your friends and families this time of year!!

Here's hoping that 2016 is the year of 2nd babies!!!

Merry Christmas to you too Wish, the Queen of smillies! Think 2016 is going to be a manic but wonderful year for you!

Afm, I start injections on Monday, maybe its been too long, and too many disappointments with other treatments but I'm not build up my hopes
Merry Christmas to everyone!! You girls on here have helped me so much this year so thank you to every one of you. I hope that we all get wheat we deserve from 2016.

Carly have you got an up to date chart? I'd be tempted to say CD16 was ov ( I always ov on CD16 so that's what I'm used to seeing!) Need more dates to confirm. Implantation dips would normally be between 7-10dpo. Do you get over cramps?

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