beachlover1: I did get a lot of cramps in early pregnancy and they were identical to period pains. I would not worry about morning sickness, it may just not be there yet or you could be super lucky and not get any. I may of needed to pee a bit more at about 6 or so weeks but if I did I did it was not enough to notice, it was only a few weeks ago that I really started to notice it. Everyone is different so the symptoms or lack of are likely to be a mix of them not coming on at that stage or just good luck.
Poshie: I have my fingers crossed that you get the scan.
I can not believe your all saying how fast the time is going, am I the only one it is going slowly for? Lol.
I did my Christmas gift shopping (and an 8 foot tree for £19.99-how cool!?!) on Friday but all the walking around killed my pelvis, then after coming home from work yesterday we did an online shop for all the Christmas food that saves (frozen and cupboard). So Christmas is almost sorted but I am dreading having to try and buy salad and some veg on Christmas eve! But I have a midwife appointment on Wednesday so I will be able to talk about my bad pelvis to her, I just hope she takes me seriously.