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4, 5, 6, or more baby MOMMA'S

Hi :wave:

Sorry i will do a proper post when i have more time
How did i think id ever cope with 6 children, especially a 2 year old, 1 year old and a newborn... Thats OHs paternity leave over and he is back at work tonight... Tonight has been hard work... All children are now sleeping, im exhausted and very sore :cry: Now i have loads of housework to try catch up on and the health visitor coming tomorrow.
WOW! You're totally super mom Char! Try not to stress about the housework girl. It isn't going anywhere. Do the minimum until you get your strength back. Hugs!
We are all supper moms. We are doing things that most say that they could never do. I feel you Char, as I am too tired to do anything and my house is a disaster. But I know I have to wait and heal before I do anything so I have to get used to the way it looks for now and settle for how my boys and DH clean.
Char your doing a great job and you will all settle into a routine. I agree sod the housework you need to concentrate on you and getting some rest! Your not alone we all feel like this now and again. Like me my dh has been working so much lately and has even had to go out today which I'm not happy about and the house and children have all been left to me and I get fed up too Hun
I thought I was doing OK recovering until this week when oh went back to work so I totally feel what you are going through! I tried calling my mom to ask for help but the conversation started with me asking how she was and her giving me a 10 minute monolog of her ailments. I ended up feeling like I should be helping her!

Do you have anyone who can watch the little ones for a few hours while you nap/do housework? I'm going to start calling in favors next week or I'll go crazy.
Yesterday while running around picking up children from school, I was asked how old Rosemary is and I realized it was her 1 month bday! HOLY SMOKES!!

How is time flying by so fast! Anyone else having a hard time dealing with time? I almost burst into tears when I thought the big box of size 1 diapers DH just bought would likely be the last we need in that size.
Me! I feel robbed from being sick. There was almost a full week where I was just too weak to hold him longer than bfing him. :sad1: I got super sad that tomorrow is his one month mark.

Yesterday was a horrible day for Z. He wasn't eating well and screaming at the breast then crying for most of the day. He finally settled around 8pm and then just was gassy all night passing gas. Today he is much better. Wonder what I ate that made him so upset. I did have loads of garlic the other day so maybe he didn't like it. I'm just happy to have my my little squishy back.

My nips are starting to finally heal up at the base. It has been over three weeks now and just yesterday I noticed plasma forming to heal them. I'm glad my body is getting better. I take this as a good sign. Also too that we may have beaten this thrush thing too.
So glad you are healing!

I hope it was an isolated event for Z to be so fussy. I haven't had too much of a diet issue with mine so far, although caffeine was a big no no for me.

In funny news, my house got HOT today. I was sitting doing some online classes and was practically sweating, but I didnt say anything because I thought it was just crazy hormones. Well, DH woke up from a nap and was all holy smokes it is burning up in here. He checked the thermostat and somehow one of our kids had turned it up to 87. It hafnt gotten that hot yet, but was close. I wish I had said something sooner, but I didnt want DH to make fun of me heheheh.
Mel Oh my, that is warm. My monsters have turned the furnace switch off (it looks like a light switch but way up high) and we woke up and it was like 62 !! Very cold. LOL

I sweat every night. I wake up to nurse Z drench almost every single time. Though I am wondering if it has to do with my infection. Cause i am always sweating around 11pm (peak time when our internal temp is the highest) to 2 am. I am actually worried about this infection. My pelvis is still uncomfortable. There is even a spot on my upper tummy that is tender and Z always kicks it. My apt with my OB is on Tues so I will talk to her about it then. I only have today and tomorrow left of the meds.

OMG 1 month today :sad1: Time is flying way too fast. Yet I am enjoying his filled out face more. I just want to freeze time for a bit though. I am going to give him a bath and then take a photo of him. I have those iron on badges for month to month pics! i will then post a pic for you all to see ;)
Ok I honestly didn't realize what an effect the medication I was on was bothering Z. Yesterday and today he has been slowly changing into this more peaceful happy baby. He has been taking longer at the breast and seeming to being more content after a feeding. He is not fighting at the breast like he was before, well ok not as much. He is even just falling asleep peacefully after he burps when he is full. He even was happy to lie on his play gym and talk to his animal friends and lights. Before he had to be held, and only would sit by himself for a very short period of time. Made going to the bathroom a night mare let alone tying to do anything else.

Now this is all over I am hoping that he will start to chunk up. I know he is gaining, but not really packing it on like all my other babies did. I am not expecting him to look like the michilan man or anything (DS3 totally had enough rolls to look like that, a true budda baby!!) but enough so he doesn't look so scrony!

I am still trying to get DH to be more motivated about finding a new job. He told me he is not applying because he really isn't sure what he wants to do. I just told him he better just apply all over the place and allow the universe to decide what path he should take, otherwise we will lose the house and be living with my mother. I painted a really bad picture for him, so hopefully I put the scare into him enough to get his butt moving. Believe me he really won't want to live with them. He likes my mother enough now, but that will change very quickly if we have to stay with them!!

It is finally starting to melt here, which is nice, means I get to get out more, like walking my son to school, and kicking my kids out to play!! I get to put back up the rule that no video games unless it is ugly out, and all chores are done! Oh did I mention they will be outside? Ya that means they will be fighting less in the house!! :yipee: A mothers dream!! :haha:
Hello Ladies! Time to come over to the parenting side xx

Still can hardly believe she is here. Said to hubby last night, see if I wake up in the morning and am still pregnant then I am going to be so gutted lol. He just laughed haha.

So we have named her, Abigail Lily but are calling her Abi. She is just so contented just now lol. Still early days but we have yet to even hear a whimper . she snacks her lips to let me know she is hungry haha feeds and sleeps.

We took her out today and it was sunny so hubby was just carrying her wrapped in her shawl, all dressed on pink lol. He was proud as punch, and stopped to show her off to everyone and anyone that looked our way lol, and told everyone that she was born at home too. Did not think he would be so affected by that! He is in total amazement at me, which is truly the most wonderful thing ever.

I am tired! Just been for a nap, there have been lots of visitors the midwife visits and with me wakening up every hour to check on Missy lol, it had hit me this afternoon.

<3 xxx
Donna I love the name you picked out. Even the nick name!! I am crushing on the name! I am so proud of you! Wow outside already! I can't wait to take him out for a walk. I just have to buy the piece so I can put the carseat in the stroller. Bless your DH that is awesome he is so in aw of you and Abi!!
Donna - welcome officially! :D Abi is such a cute nickname, and the full name flows together really well! So glad your DH is supportive and amazed :) Such a good feeling! Hope that is also translating into help around the house ;) I'm a wee bit jealous of your birth experience! Makes me wonder, just a little bit, if maybe 5 is the magic number for my fam instead of 4.... ;)

We have had 2 days in a row of lovely sunshine in the afternoon. Today when I picked up the girls, I let all of them play on the playground for almost an hour while I had lil Rosie in my shirt pouch thingie (nuroo pocket shirt). It was heaven! Although the girls took their shoes off and got their socks totally gross, so of course DS had to do it too. Oh well.

Trying to fight off the baby blues and hoping to avoid ppd, but I'm really upset about pretty much everything in my life right now other than the baby! The house is a mess, even normal chores are going undone let alone some pretty major things. The roof started leaking this week around a skylight in the kitchen. Yard work is going to start up, and I discovered DH did NOT rake up the leaves on the side of the house, so all the stuff I planted their last fall is probably smothered and dead (stupid walnut tree with these huge leaves that take forever to compost down unless you shred them), including a large section of grass that he had re-seeded. Silly man. Tons of other yard related things that we have to take care of too. A friend at my office has been relating drama, including reorg stuff and that I am on the 'outs' right now, and none of the managers want me on their team. And of course that makes me freak out about money! Which makes me freak out about whether or not to even bother going back to work, and if I don't, how traumatic will it be for the girls to switch schools? And will I end up being a complete harpy on my kids? And how will we pay for all these activities they want to do? And if we cut the activities, how will I stay sane staying at home with them!

so yeah, the crazy meter is WAY high this week. So I've been trying to wear Rosie all the time, hoping the skin-to-skin will snap me out of it, and quite honestly if I could just get a couple of days of real rest and some help with the basic housework, I think I'd be ok. I just want to spend the weekend snuggling and staring at my baby!
Mel - Oh girl I can almost write this myself. I too feel completely overwhelmed with everything to do, then get very angry too when my time spent snuggling with my squishy gets interrupted and have to deal with life sh*t!! This is all happening when I actually got decent sleep last night. Decent in he didn't want to stay awake and play or fuss all night because of being gassy (love you oval!!) You are definitely not alone. It is even harder to keep up on the cleaning when you have a grown man home all the time making more mess then the kids do and hates cleaning. FFS he will be standing right by the garbage can and opening something and put the garbage on the table instead of the trash, and then walks away from it. Like as if he expects someone else to throw it out. Or drop something on the floor and ignore it, over and over again as he steps over it. Or when the cat pukes he puts a piece of paper towel over it then leaves it there for someone else to pick it up. I could honestly go on and on. If started on what my boys are doing I would be here all day. So I am with you on the little things are hardly being touched and the major not even close. I think my house is starting to look like hoarders homes with everything just pilling up. makes me sick! I think you are doing great momma. I really do!!
sacha- hope DH gets a better job soon :hugs:

donna- absolutely looooove the name, so precious! <3

mel- big :hug: I was starting to feel that way and started some specific vitamins that's supposed to help. that along with a better nights sleep and I feel like a new person. I hope you are able to feel better very fast! I cant stand feeling that way
Donna - Beautiful name! I hope we'll get to see pictures soon...please! :flower:

Sacha - I hope DH finds a job soon.

I'm sorry y'all are feeling so down. I hope your hormones get back under control soon and you can get to feeling better. Sounds like Blessed Mel has a good plan. Try out some of those vitamins. They definitely can't hurt.
Here is my little lady, came on to say much more but she has just woken up and wants fed lol so will be back xxx
love to all


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OMG OMG how presh!!! Donna I love your new avitar!! You both look beautiful! LOVE!
FeistyMom... I am trying my hardest not to become depressed too... OH not helping with the housework, infact all i ask he does is to load/empty dishwasher and wipe down kitchen worktops but he cant even keep on top of that... Hate going in and the kitchen is a disaster... Our bedroom is tidy my side and so messy his side... Hate it, dont know why he cant put his dirty clothes in the washing, instead leaving it to pile up and more work for me, then its all empty wrapper, cups and glasses at his side too :( He is so lazy !! Try my hardest to ignore it but eventually the mess gets too much and i have to tidy... What makes me feel even more down is the feeling i spend hardly any time at all with my 1 year old, especially when she used to be such a mummies girl and now she seems to play herself all the time :cry: :cry:

Donna.. She is totally gorgeous... Love all the dark hair... Mya looks bald but she does have hair, its just so fair and she has loads at the back

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