Mother in law rant
So she comes today tells me she knew we were having a girl because she had 2 boys and a girl and so did her daughter and her mum, can you not just say congratulations, I am happy for you instead of well I knew all along anyway!! and really!! Coincidence more likely than genetically possible that each family member father's/ or carries the same amount of same sex children, men and sperm determine the sex silly woman.
Then she tells me I have a long road ahead to lose my baby bump. Thanks for that, I am only 5 days pp woman!!
Tells me Abi cannot be hungry again, and I should just put her down!!
And when hubby is trying to convey the birth to her and the quickness of it says, all of mine were quicker than that. Matter of fact! No, oh that was great, well done or anything. Bloody woman infuriates me!
Then says to my 3yo when they were leaving, did he want to go with them if it was okay with me. She was going to my BiL for dinner with him and his 4yo so I said yeah great idea, get my little man out a bit. Only to get a text message from hubby five mins ago saying Dawson is devastated now because he cannot stay to play with his cousin! She only meant to go with them all in the car to drop them off!! Who does that, to a 3 yo??? Bloody idiot! Why would he want to go just to drop them off? That is ridiculous by even her standards!
I was saying that is great , thanks, means me and Abi can get a nap, and she was just saying it to get a lift along the road it sounds like!
Grrrrrrr rant over xxx