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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Jbell, I think so -- I hope so! But he is renowned for changing his mind if he gets panicked over the money....so although we have twice in the last few days, he may not want to tomorrow! So hard!
Baby - I'd be dying with excitement in your spot! Hopefully your man keeps it up! :)

Here is Summer!

Skin-to-skin with daddy 2 hours after birth:

3 days old:
Oh my days -- wowwow --- Please pass her through the screen for a cuddle! Completely gorgeous! If only we all knew each other in 'real' life! Seriously - perfect! Well done both of you xxx
PS --- thank you for taking the time to upload the pics and you might want to update your ticker! Ha!
Jen, congrats!!! Summer is gorgeous!! You guys must be so happy and excited (if a little bit tired too). I saw your post in the December Snowflakes so I was anxiously awaiting getting the full story. :happydance: She looks so big and ready though, so your body must have known what it was doing even at 36 weeks. I was born at 38 weeks and I was still only 6lb 1oz. She must have just been done cooking and ready to get on with it.
She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Wow Jen - how perfect. Congratulations again and thanks for taking the time to share! She is so pretty.
Oh and by the way!!! DH has confirmed that he thinks it is a really smart idea to try for an October baby!!!! I'm so psyched! This means we could be starting as soon as next cycle!!!!
Yay Jbell -- all this fab news! So wish my hubby to be was as stoked for this as yours --- he just always seems so unsure -- worries about the money so much!! Is that normal do you think?
Oh wow this thread is moving so quickly!

Huge congratulations to you and your hubby, Gen!! :dance: Summer is gorgeous!! Glad you are both well and she's picking up on her feeding :) The little bow in her hair is super cute!

JBell great news on ttc for an October baby!! Am hoping Santa is going to deliver you lots of baby dust this festive season!!

Had some good news this week that my lo is head down now! :happydance: Although its too early for him to be engaged, hopefully he wont spin around again. And my sister has had a scan today (not a fetal echo) but it shows her baby girl is growing well and that her heart isn't enlarged and there isn't fluid building up around it. We hope her little Izzy keeps fighting!
That's so great Emma, for you and your sister! And thanks for the wishes!

And D it is totally normal for him to be worried about money. That's the whole reason why we put off having a baby for a year. I know DH is still worried but at some point we have to jump in.
Hey Amazing Ladies,

Jess - LMAO looked at your ovulation ticker and it says 'Top 10 symptoms for the last two days is #2 Gas/Flatulence experienced by 7.4% Hilarious. How exciting that is awesome TTC so soon it will go so fast with christmas etc coming up. Hope your having a great break and Thanksgiving. We obviously dont have it in Australia, but its on the news and on Ellen which I watch every day lol

Karen - I love your name choices cant wait to hear your story and find out if its a boy or girl!!YEY!! Its getting close how is the hypnotherapy going? I didnt end up doing any of that but I read the whole of Ina May Gaskins guide to childbirth, it was good I thought. Couldnt really apply the practices into my birth though as it was so painful(well I thought so) and I couldnt move really even though I wanted to.

Emma - That is so good to hear about your sister and her baby, glad everything is ok there what a relief. Bet the 4.5 weeks go really slow, waiting for your whole 9 months off, that is going to be awesome!! Great to hear babys head is down and low, He might not engage though, mine didnt til birth I guess so dont stress if he doesnt:winkwink: How is Henry? Is he getting excited or does he not know really? I guess with your tummy he would have an idea.

puppymom - Hope this is your month with boosted fertility, glad you are getting closer to being pregnant!!

BabyD - Your fiance will so let you guys have another baby lol he doesnt seem that against it if he is willing to not pull out, Why dont you do a budget? and a list of things you can cut out to save money like the stuff you said :thumbup::thumbup:

Jen - OMG Summer is the cutest little thing she is so precious!! And tiny to me!! Congratulations I am so happy for you and hubby. Love your story :hugs::hugs: I think it is pretty normal for babies to be sleepy when feeding or trying to feed and keep going to sleep, well exact same thing happened to me. Before my milk came in at hospital I had to set alarm and wake her up and feed her and she still falls asleep every time, but can wake up alot quicker now, like if I change her nappy afterwards etc or lay her down because she doesnt like going to sleep on her own. The midwife hand fed her to while I expressed my colostrum with a syringe, I had to do that twice. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job and are already a dedicated loving mummy.!!

I dont think it has set in yet. It doesnt feel natural yet, like Im still figuring it out and still stressing about everything. Mal had 2 weeks off once she was born, but has gone back to work now but only does one week away. So Im by myself. I am tired today hopefully I can nap, but when I lay down I cant really sleep, I cant relax enough and she doesnt have a routine yet obviously as she is only 2 weeks old and just demand feeding, hopefully I will relax more when she is sleeping longer and through the night, and more than 2-3 hours!! :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep: Love hearing from everyone!!!

I cant put up photos that we have taken it is saying they are too big, hopefully I can figure it out soon xoxo
Gen - what a beautiful daughter! I am glad that you are all starting to adjust, and her feeding is coming around.

Jess - so great that we'll be trying at the same time. Hopefully we can both get our BFPs sooner, rather than later. It'd be nice to be actual bump buddies together after all this planning and waiting!
Yes it would puppy!!! That's an exciting thought ;)
These are a few pics a few days after we got her home. None of me at the hospital though cause I looked like crap!!lol


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With all these cute baby pics on here I just can't wait till this lo arrives! Henry calls the bump Oli-ler which is so sweet, so I think our name has been finalised now! I'm not sure he really gets who Oli-ler is though! When baby moved under my skin Henry said it was scarey! Lol :rofl:

Puppy sending you a sleigh-load of baby dust too! It'll be great if you, Jess and D can be bump buddies! Lets keep our fingers crossed xx

I think that it's possible this baby won't engage till labour this time but I'm doing lots of walking and occasionally bouncing on the ball (now I know he's the right way!) as I really want him to be a week or two early if possible, just because it'll still be within the festive period rather than just after when everyone goes back to work/school!! But I know ultimately he'll come when he's ready.

I've started drinking RLT but only one a day as did read you weren't supposed to have it if you've had a previous section. It didn't help with the result last time but i did have good strong contractions at the start of my labour. My thinking was if I can get my cervix to dilate properly this time I might have a chance of a vbac. Was thinking about maybe starting EPO? Has anyone tried it? I read you put the capsules up your hoo-ha which I've got to say doesn't appeal, but I may take them orally. For a couple of weeks to decide about that though.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are off Christmas shopping shortly! :) xx
Kerry -- too cute! Hoping you get some more sleep soon x ALL THESE PERFECT PICS ARE MAKING ME SO SO BROODY!

Whoops excuse the caps lock....

Emma, my DD didn't engage till late -- she was head down but didn't engage till last min. Apparently that is quite normal x

UPDATE -- So OH had erm DTD' oh naturel again this morning -- 3 times in the past week --- and according to my ticker, I am entering my fertile period :blush: not sure if this is his way of giving the go ahead meaning we are actually TTC or whether he will change his mind again next time we baby dance --- but he never does this normally -- ALWAYS pulls out :nope: Not actually going to deiscuss this -- will just go with it and see what happens as I don't want him to freak out on me if his mind starts goinf overboard again ---- what are your thoughts on this situation ladies :flower:

Can't wait for me, Jess and Puppy to join you all -- fingers crossed it won't be long!
OH!!! Sounds like Baby, Jess and Puppy will all be TTC at the same time!!! How wonderful!!!

Peanut - I'm so glad to hear LO is down, and rest assured that Summer didn't engage until during labor, so no worries! And great news about Izzy! How far along is she now? Oh, and I never did RLT or EPO, but my understanding is that RLT tones your uterus and may help speed along labor, and the EPO IS supposed to go up the hoo-haw. It works there directly to help dilate the cervix.

Baby - don't you say a word to that man! Just keep DTD! Oh and finances are ALWAYS the issue with DH's...mine wouldn't TTC until he had owned his business for a full year. After that, suddenly he was confident in his income and we were ready to roll.

Jess - so glad to hear that your DH is ready too -- yay for a future little pumpkin!

Kerry - OMG. Those CHEEKS! For as slim and cute as you were during pregnancy, it looks like every bit of your weight was going to that baby - I ADORE!
Eeek Thanks Gen -- Not going to even mention baby word -- he has been so careful with condoms/pull out up until now so he MUST know what he is doing!! Trying so hard not to get over excited but just can't help it -- also a bit scared to DTD again incase he pulls out as would be so so disappointed!

Howare you doing? Are you managing some sleep?
Emma - Oliver is such a cute name and it goes wonderfully with Henry. Not too much longer now. Your ticker says 45 days!

Karen - I also love your names. I love the idea of naming after family.

D - just keep going don't say a word. Also if he does decide to us protection don't say anything. It may just be a slip up. Wait until the second time. No pressure is the name of the game :winkwink:

Kerry - kaylee is so cute and those cheeks are so chubby and perfect. Thanks for the updated pictures. She is a big baby.

Jen - we need some new pictures of Summer! That is when you have time you busy new mom you! Haha my phone auto corrected to busty. I was like no.... but it works ;) :haha:

Hope everyone is doing well xoxo
Baby d I totally agree with everyone else do not say a thing!! Lol

I know chubbiest cheeks ever, you should see her double chin!! Lol

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