It seems she changes every day!!! Everyone who sees her says she is so small, but we think she is chubbing up nicely! She is also definitely more alert now, and almost always fusses for her feeds instead of us having to wake her. She will still fall asleep before her feeds are done sometimes though, and she gets overstimulated very easily, which makes her frantic, tired and hungry at the same time...not a good combo. When that happens I've found taking her into a dimly lit, quiet room upstairs, swaddling her and holding her very close helps her to focus on taking the bottle, then once she's eaten she passes out.
It is amazing in 2 1/2 weeks how much we know about her already. When DH's family came to visit we were constantly reminding them that she feeds better slightly upright, doesn't like bright lights or overstimulation, makes hunger cues when she is gassy, and waking her from a deep sleep is asking for hours of fussiness later! We had to keep reminding them that she is really still supposed to be in my belly and not to treat her like a 2 month old that you want to play with!
Does Kaylee have any sort of routine yet? Summer is having some alert periods throughout the day, but I think they are usually because she is gassy...doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it.