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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

Baby - she sleeps brilliantly! That's usually the problem - we have to wake her to eat! She has just started having 1-2 awake periods a day...don't think she knows what to do!

Puppy - fx'D!!!!
Oh my gosh, ladies! So much has been happening, I can barely keep up!

Puppy - Fingers crossed for your appt! Hope it all goes well and you guys come up with a plan.

Jess - Yay for TTC! Seriously, it is so true, when you're ready, you know your ready. It's still scary (shit, I'm having a baby in 13 weeks give or take and it's still scary!), but it's a different feeling than before. As for vitamins, I switched to taking Solgar Prenatal Nutrients the cycle we got pregnant and they've been great. I can't say they actually helped with TTC because I really have no idea, but I've been really pleased with them so far. I actually just went and bought 6 months worth of them last week because I plan to stay on them. No constipation or stomach problems from them (unlike the other vitamins I was on before) and all my blood work came back really good.

Baby D - Sorry about all the ups and downs! Sounds like your husband is having a bit of a wobble, which is normal, we all do it sometimes, even when it's really frustrating and makes you want to smack him over the head. Hang in there and see what the rest of the month brings. You never know!

Kerry - Look at those chubby little cheeks!! She's adorable!! How are you doing? How are you coping being on your own? Do you have anyone nearby who can come help or visit or just chat for a little bit?

Jen - So glad you guys are hanging in there with the breastfeeding! I've heard it's so common for some babies, especially when they are born on the earlier side to still be really sleepy, because they kinda think they are still inside you and should just be snoozing like they always did. There's actually a really long section on this in the book I'm reading now (Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding). I can't remember what it said exactly, but basically just to keep waking them up and keep offering the boob whenever possible. Sounds like you are doing all that and making it work for you. How are you feeling? And how is your husband doing?

Emma - Woo hoo! Only a few more weeks! You must be getting so excited now! Do you feel like you have everything ready? Anything else you have left to do? What are your plans for your first bit of maternity leave? I'm starting mine at 38 weeks. I really have a sense I'm not going to go way overdue with this baby (even my mom is convinced we'll have a February rather than a March baby), but I hate sitting around doing nothing at home, so I'm oddly already wondering how I'll fill those days if I do end up with 3-4 weeks off at first.

Well, anyway, so I'm 27 weeks today, which is officially 3rd trimester here in the UK. It seems so weird to be this far along because I honestly don't feel it! I still feel so good and even my mom was saying that I don't look as big or uncomfortable as she expected! I guess this is a good thing, but I do kinda feel like it's sneaking up on us a bit. My mom is here now (she arrived from the U.S. yesterday and will be here til next Thursday) and we'll be doing lots of baby shopping while she's here. She loves to shop and I hate it, so I've been putting it off for that exact reason. We also have our natal hypnotherapy course all day next Friday, which will be our first birth related class of any sort. So I'm thinking about that and some shopping, it's going to start to sink in a bit more. I hope so anyway.
Mind - I hope you have a good visit with your mom :)

I had my appointment and was prescribed Clomid - I will start next week and see if it works!
hah, yeah, I'd like to think I have been officially TTC for quite some time now, but I guess it's hard to do so when I haven't been ovulating for months at a time!
Hurray! Good luck puppy! Fxxxxxxx

Karen - so glad to "read" you are doing well. My friend is 28 weeks and she is a little perturbed that it still really hasn't hit her yet. But I'm sure you'll get there soon!
Brilliant Puppy xx Huge hope that it works for you x
Mind congrats on third tri!! Getting very exciting now :) Think we have everything ready except a mattress for the cot but we'll get that after Christmas, baby will be in a Moses basket for a bit first. My first job on mat leave is to finish the Christmas shopping and wrap the pressies! I can't wait for Christmas Day as Henry is going to be so surprised and excited! I'm starting mat leave at 37+2 weeks. I hope i only have a couple of weeks before baby arrives, I really hated going overdue, it was boring and really uncomfortable! Have you got everything planned for your home birth? Are you having a pool? What kind of pain relief are you thinking of using? I got diamorphine prescribed by the doctor that my midwife was able to administer, it was very welcome when the time came!

Great news too Puppy. Fingers crossed its your month :)
Happy first Sunday of Advent, lol! :xmas13:

Any excuse to use these cute emoticons!

:xmas6: :xmas8: :xmas9: :xmas10:

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. My mum is staying over and I'm still in bed having a lie in (its 8am!!!!!) :xmas12:
Yey so excited for Christmas can't believe it's nearly here! Well I suppose it has gone a bit slow being pregnant the whole year nearly but now it's going fast!! Glad your having a lie in Emma you deserve it! Are you having a vbac at the hospital? How far is hospital away? What are your plans during the birth? Details please I'm really excited for you, DH and Henry!! He must be so excited he is getting a baby brother Oli-er!! Lol will you call him Ollie for short or no way??

Mind how is the hypnobirthing stuff going? I have people I can call on but have been managing by myself just super tired, kaylee gets up every 2/3 hrs for a feed or fidgets for ages before she poos

Hope everyone is well and good. Starting to get hot here now, 37 degrees (98.7 f) tomorrow!! Can't wait to go swimming in a few weeks

We put our tree up on Saturday and have started the Christmas shopping. The shops are crazy already, I hate when it's so busy!!

Anyone with LOs getting their picture taken with Santa?

I'm alive!!

Diagnosed with postpartum depression last Thurs...have been feeling much better since weaning/quitting pumping to get more sleep and sanity (Summer will be formula fed...but I'm proud of the start I gave her). Also a slight increase in meds for anxiety, which I hadn't realized was so bad until I talked about it out loud to a professional.
On the right track now and bonding so much better with Summer. DH and I are making a good team and I am managing to eat 3 meals a day (usually).
Emma - glad you're getting some rest!

Gossip, anyone?
Jen sorry to hear that you were going through that poor mummy and daddy, glad you are getting through it and glad to hear you and your DH are working together that makes me so happy to hear things like that. You have to do what is right for all of you and sounds like you are doing a great job :)
Is Summer changing much? Mal went for a week and says kaylee has grown heaps! Is she a bit more awake now or still sleepy? Xo
It seems she changes every day!!! Everyone who sees her says she is so small, but we think she is chubbing up nicely! She is also definitely more alert now, and almost always fusses for her feeds instead of us having to wake her. She will still fall asleep before her feeds are done sometimes though, and she gets overstimulated very easily, which makes her frantic, tired and hungry at the same time...not a good combo. When that happens I've found taking her into a dimly lit, quiet room upstairs, swaddling her and holding her very close helps her to focus on taking the bottle, then once she's eaten she passes out.

It is amazing in 2 1/2 weeks how much we know about her already. When DH's family came to visit we were constantly reminding them that she feeds better slightly upright, doesn't like bright lights or overstimulation, makes hunger cues when she is gassy, and waking her from a deep sleep is asking for hours of fussiness later! We had to keep reminding them that she is really still supposed to be in my belly and not to treat her like a 2 month old that you want to play with!

Does Kaylee have any sort of routine yet? Summer is having some alert periods throughout the day, but I think they are usually because she is gassy...doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it.
It seems she changes every day!!! Everyone who sees her says she is so small, but we think she is chubbing up nicely! She is also definitely more alert now, and almost always fusses for her feeds instead of us having to wake her. She will still fall asleep before her feeds are done sometimes though, and she gets overstimulated very easily, which makes her frantic, tired and hungry at the same time...not a good combo. When that happens I've found taking her into a dimly lit, quiet room upstairs, swaddling her and holding her very close helps her to focus on taking the bottle, then once she's eaten she passes out.

It is amazing in 2 1/2 weeks how much we know about her already. When DH's family came to visit we were constantly reminding them that she feeds better slightly upright, doesn't like bright lights or overstimulation, makes hunger cues when she is gassy, and waking her from a deep sleep is asking for hours of fussiness later! We had to keep reminding them that she is really still supposed to be in my belly and not to treat her like a 2 month old that you want to play with!

Does Kaylee have any sort of routine yet? Summer is having some alert periods throughout the day, but I think they are usually because she is gassy...doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it.

Lovely update -- glad you are starting to feel better :hugs: Definately sounds like mummy knoows besy when it comes to little Summer :happydance:

Any more pics you want to share?? Would be lovely to see some more x
Oh goodness...do I have pictures?!?!




Am sure you are more than aware of this as her muother but I have to say..........


Sending her virtual hugs :hugs:
It's weird -- no parent thinks they have an ugly baby...but we all know they exist.

But we really think she is a pretty baby!!! Thanks for agreeing LOL!
It's weird -- no parent thinks they have an ugly baby...but we all know they exist.

But we really think she is a pretty baby!!! Thanks for agreeing LOL!

They do exist :haha: But yours is far from it :cloud9: Truely beautiful x
Jen - I'm so glad you have an amazing handle on things! Way to go mommy! I hope you have given yourself mucho pats on the back! Oh and by the way, Summer is ADORABLE! Holy cow she is so cute. And from the pictures she does not look small. Well of course she's small, she's two weeks old, but she looks so healthy and happy and ADORABLE! Yeah, definitely no mediocre genes there. I love the last picture. She's looking at the camera like, oh yeah, I'm awesome!

:hugs: :hugs:

I just truly can't believe where we began compared to where we are right now, with 2 adorable baby girls, and 2 more babies on the way, Puppy TTC and D NTNP/TTC ;) and me trying to keep my sanity with wanting to TTC so badly now. It's pretty crazy that this time last year we were all stark-raving mad looney broody women! Well I still am... :rofl:

As for me I am 99.99999% sure I O'd yesterday/today. I had tons of EWCM and had O cramps like mad yesterday and my temp plummeted today. It took everything within me not to get John to TTC that day. But I told myself 1 more cycle...if I can just get past today then I will be ok to TTC the very next time, and I made it. Hurray for will power!

Well hope everyone is doing well and so glad to see that some of you are. 22 days until Christmas! FX for a BFP for Puppy before then! Be safe on the roads during this mad time!
Jen she is so gorgeous I just love her little face!!! I cant stop taking photos either in like every cute outfit she has. She doesnt fit into newborn anymore :-( Kaylee still doesnt have any routine really up usually 2/3 hours in the night but has started having a few longer sleeps. I feed her upright to!!(she chokes a little bit to as my milk comes out way too fast) And her cues for gas are the same as hungry and I have overfed her a few times and she just spews it up, Its so confusing!! I just feed her when she starts to get upset cry a bit as then I know its hunger and not gas. She has started to get hysterical at the same time every night (5-7pm) if she is tired and it takes so long to calm her down, so still dont like going out much or having people around as they just want to hold/talk to her and she gets overstimulated to.

I know what you mean Jess so different to when you first started the thread!! You have been so patient and have enormous willpower for holding off so now you can officially say your TTC soon!!

Yeah my fingers are crossed for you puppymom to get your BFP before christmas to!!


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