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4 and 3 -- Graduating class of WTTer's

LOL Jess, I am busy and busty!

Summer isn't feeding as well today -- I think she got off kilter yesterday because we took her around shopping, etc. Then she was super awake I guess for DH last night around 9-10:30pm, which is the longest she has ever been awake and alert! Then this afternoon she was just a pill...wouldn't take the bottle, kept opening her mouth for the breast but when I gave her that she wasn't really taking it either, and then she was getting all frantic in between practically falling asleep. We ended up having to syringe feed her again because she was so super hungry but seemed way too tired to eat. I just woke her up for her last feeding and she did okay - she hasn't taken the full amount all day, but was close (supposed to take 60mL a feeding, took 50mL). She eats while she is still practically asleep and at a certain point her mouth just goes limp and there isn't anything else I can do. It is sooooooo hard to know I am not getting her all the food she needs, but if she won't even initiate a suck/swallow, there isn't much I can do.

To all of you that are already moms...tell me this doesn't last forever?

He pulled out -- I didn't think he was going to but he seemed to change his mind with seconds to spare! Gutted. He never 'DTD' without pulling out so figured he was coming round after 3 times this past week ------ having said that he is tired and grumpy today and Millie has been hard work so maybe that put him off....
Can't sleep

So upset -- laid here trying so hard not to cry -- he keeps asking what's wrong but I have just reponded with nothing. I have had it. No point in talking to him as he clearly hasn't listened to me/my needs this far --- seems to me he has just been giving me false hope in order to give himself more time. Maybe he think's I'll change my mind. I won't.

I don't know what to do.

Oh Baby D!!! You poor love...the dreaded has happened, but you're exactly right as to why he did it -- he had a hard stressful day, and Millie wasn't being the easiest, so he couldn't be on board with "actively" trying.

Please know that he is making slow progress...compared to where it was just months ago, he is really coming along! Have yourself a cry, you deserve it, but don't give up hope. I'm sending massive hugs!!!

As for me, for the first time in what seems like ages, I have good news! The lactation consultant called and has said we can reduce our feeds a bit! Now instead of 9 feedings a day, we can go down to 8, which means longer time between each feed and hopefully she will start waking a bit on her own for them. She also wants me to put her to breast before each feed which I feel better about doing since hopefully she won't be so tired from the force feeding.

I cried for joy!
babyD - Gen said it so well. He has come a long way, just give him the time, and try not to say anything to discourage him. Don't mention anything about where you are in your cycle, and just see how it goes.

Gen - yay for less feedings! Hopefully this will be what she needs to become more awake and wanting to feed.
D the wisdom of the ladies above me is evident. Hang in there and everything will work out. :hugs:

Jen - hurray for less feedings!!! I'm also stalking your snowflake thread and saw the new picture of Summer. What a cutie!
Emma - Oliver is such a cute name and it goes wonderfully with Henry. Not too much longer now. Your ticker says 45 days!

Thanks Jess!

Gen, all three of my sil's girls we hard to feed, especially the first. I remember them being so frustrated and upset, especially cos Henry was such a good feeder and it was hard not to compare. But Henry was overcooked and their girl was 3 weeks early so he was stronger and more alert at birth so I think that maybe helped. They would struggle to reach their 'target' of 40ml a feed, most often she'd do around 30ml. It picked up after a while, maybe a few months (sorry I can't remember exactly how long but it wasn't forever). But she never did grow to be that fond of milk so they started weaning from 4 months and gave her water and baby juice when you can start that. She is fine though now and super cute and bright. Hopefully your little one will get the hang of her feeding soon, try not to worry (easier said than done I know!)

Oh D :hugs: bloody men! They are infuriating!! I hope you are ok. Surely he knows you well enough that deep down he will know what's wrong. And you know him well enough to guess its probably cos he has had a bad day. I hope you can talk about it with him and he realises how unfair it is to give you false hope, or if its not that, that he is being so confusing with how he's acting.

....Either that or a sex ban until he gives in?!! :haha: seriously, though, I hope you are not still awake thinking about it and are ok :hugs:

I have been awake for 2 and a half hours now (it's 5.30am) and I get up for work in 30 minutes!! I have had cereal, toast and decaf coffee and read all of baby and bump! Dh finishes work in 30 mins too so should be home in the next hour. I think I am a bit anxious about work as I'm just trying to make sure everything is left organised for my mat leave. Things just keep running through my mind of what I need to do and I don't even know who is replacing me yet!

My sis is 25 weeks nearly. She came over yesterday and looks well, her belly is definitely showing now. Her and her boyf are getting on really well, he is a sweetie, it's nice to see :)

Hope you all have a good Monday. Did you know it's now 29 sleeps till Christmas?!! Xx
Thank you ladies xxx You are a wonderful source of support to me xx I am going to stay calm.
Besides, my temp has gone up this morning andam feeling all flushy like I do during ovulation -- so maybe just maybe my body is on my side and I may ovluate early and still have some little 'friends' waiting to catch the egg afterall! And he stayed in much longer then normal --- he is such a wonderful daddy. Am listening to him having breaky with our DD ----so sweet!

Gen, great news about the feeding!
Thanks Jess!!! I just uploaded a bunch of pics to photobucket so will try to post more soon.

Baby - yay for possible early O!!! Wouldn't that be something!!!!

Peanut - what is EDD again? Getting soooo close now! And wonderful to hear that you sister's SO is being such a good man!

Puppy - due for anymore tests? Or just waiting to ovulate? I'm terrible for time atm...
Thanks Jess!!! I just uploaded a bunch of pics to photobucket so will try to post more soon.

Baby - yay for possible early O!!! Wouldn't that be something!!!!

Peanut - what is EDD again? Getting soooo close now! And wonderful to hear that you sister's SO is being such a good man!

Puppy - due for anymore tests? Or just waiting to ovulate? I'm terrible for time atm...

Thanks Gen -- it would, but, in reality, is it really all that likely :shrug: We will see soon enough I guess!
Emma - I hate being out of school! I feel like it is more inconvenient to take a day off than it is to be out! Uggh it's such a pain. At least you are planning well in advance. When is your last day at work?

Karen - are you doing ok? Haven't heard from you in a little while.

Well, I started temping again this cycle, and am on a more "serious" regimen of vitamins. So basically I'm trying to remember to take them. ;) I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I just have to get through this cycle and then we are TTC. You ladies were so right. When your ready you know!

Hope everyone is happy and healthy!
Jess - I also felt that way a few months back - so glad you're excited! What are your cycles like right now? Still behaving I hope!

Gen - no more tests right now. We meet on Wednesday to determine next steps - which he originally said Clomid, so I am guessing that'll be what we're doing next cycle.
Jess - I also felt that way a few months back - so glad you're excited! What are your cycles like right now? Still behaving I hope.

My cycles are still behaving. They are about 33 days long and I can usually always tell when I'm ovulating by cm and cramps with af starting shortly after that. The only thing that concerned me this cycle was the shortness of my luteal phase. It was only 10 days. Does anyone know a way to extend that?

Also, puppy, I hear Clomid is pretty effective. I really hope it works out. FX!!!
I'm reaching back, but I think Vitex (herbal supplement) extends luteal phase - that's what I used when cycles were super short after stopping BC
Edd is 8th jan but I actually reach 'full term' 3 weeks today!!! Eek it's so close! Last day of work 3 weeks 2 days (and counting!)

I must be coming up to a year since we all met on the old thread. I think I joined BnB again on or just after New Years Day 2012. Wow time has flown! :)
Jess, I would try for a couple of months before trying to extend your LP. 10 days is still okay for many people. I think I have also heard that taking a B complex can help with luteal phase - might be worth a try if you go that route.

Excited for my appointment tomorrow! Regardless of what he gives me, I'll also be starting another round of progesterone to kick start my next cycle, unless I am ovulating today!
Puppy - thanks!

Emma - Jan. 8th is my brother's birthday. Great day ;)
Oh yes! I took a B complex as well!

Emma - maybe a New Years baby? Either way, still a dragon baby!

Jess - so great to see you excited about ttc! You really do seem in a great place about it :)

As for me...taking a break from soothing a fussy girl (DH has taken over)...she was too hungry, drank half her bottle then wanted on breast, then got gassy and tired while still hungry (bc never gets enough from breast)...basically ends up with her frantic and unable to eat well despite being starving.

Hopefully she's taking more bottle now and will get some sleep! Poor thing is knackered.
AWWW gEN. sOUNDS TOUGH. bLESS HER. Whoops sorry aboyt the caps locks. How is she sleeping? Hoping you ar egetting some sleep xx

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