4 weeks pregnant!! Who's with me!!


Thanks for asking. I am doing OK at the moment. Really worried about CP so haven't posted due to the fear of losing. Sorry to bring down the mood in the thread but I just can't believe I have been this lucky and i'm waiting for the other ball to drop iykwim. Horrible feeling!

You can post anytime you feel like it because all of us are capable of having a happy and healthy 9 months. Sometimes I feel like why am I getting exciting? I'm so early on...but the truth is....I should be happy!! So many out there have it ten times worse then me. I'm so grateful for this pregnancy and I'm sure you are to. The best of luck to you and let us know of any updates :flower::flower::flower:
Can I join in if possible? :blush:

I am 4w 4d and found out last Fri. This is our 2nd and our son is nearly 21 months old.

Took us 6 months of TTC with our son, this one was straight away so a lovely Christmas surprise! :happydance:

I am having mild cramping, tender boobs and tiredness.

Hope you are all doing well

Lovely surprise indeed:xmas4:
I have the same symptoms. What was a major first trimester symptom for you in your last pregnancy?
Keep us posted!
Hi ladies,
Loved reading your posts, may I join you? I am 4 weeks 4days today, super excited :happydance: cramping, odd twinges and spotting make me a nervous wreck! Hcg at 4.0 was 252, at 4.2 698, progesterone 21, so hoping for a sticky :baby: first ultrasound next Thursday!

Wow congrats those are some great numbers :xmas12:

My first ultrasound is this coming Tuesday and I can't wait:xmas8:

I'll be sticking around so give us an update soon :xmas23:

Yay! Can't wait for an update on Tuesday! Are you going alone or taking daddy with you? My doc said prob won't see the baby, just the sac at this point, but I am dragging my hubby with me :hugs: silly?

Same here...probably just sac and I have no problem with that \\:D/
Hubby loves to be involved so no need to ask especially since it's our first yay :yellow:

How did the ultrasound go?

Went really well according to the docs. Too early for a heart beat but I'm so glad a sac was seen :happy dance:

Anything new with you?

Yay!!! So exciting :happydance: was it a tv us? I have mine tomorrow, fingers crossed we see a sac. Will let you know how it goes, meanwhile slight cramping and spotting continues, hoping it's nothing... :shrug:

Uh...tv...screen lol I didn't know there were different kinds.
I see a gestational sac but I'm not sure I see a yolk sac yet. I forgot to ask but I could swear I see it already. Anyway everything is good thou according to the docs but man I wish I had another scan today hahaha:yipee:

Let me know how yours go and grab a pic (let them print it for you) cause I for sure did lol. I want it for memories. I might post it here later.

The us went great! :happydance: saw the gestational and yolk sacs, doc very happy w size, shape, location. Next us is jan 7, she said we will definitely see :baby: and heartbeat. Thanks for the tip about the pic, they printed it out for us! Also she said the spotting and cramps were def from implantation!
Xprincess- I know how u feel I get the same feelings too :/ but we with be ok girl!!! I know how ymfeel about second tri, I'm already wanting to be at least 12 weeks but we should just stay hopeful and enjoy these little simple moments BC they won't last long and when we get that far we with miss the early times :)
I get freaked out BC sometimes I don't gave symptoms my boobs aren't sore and my stomach doesn't feel bloated anymore but then my boobs get tended again and I'm happy with that!!! I am still worried about my stomach still tho BC its doesn't feel tight or bloated. Anyone else have a lot of tightness and bloating and then nothing all of a sudden??
I too have been trying pretty unsuccessfully to keep my emotions in check. I really didn't think this would happen after everything we eent through to have our daughter.

It's also weird because last time I was SO convinced something was going to go wrong that I didn't tell anyone (other than close family) til >15 weeks. I think most of my coworkers didn't find out til close to 20. We even ended up finding out the gender so I could finally try to start getting excited. Meanwhile this time I met two close friends for a play date today and just couldn't help it "you guys, the craziest thing happened!"

As far as symptoms what prompted me to take a test in the first place (with this and my first pregnancy) was boob soreness. But no. They're not very sore. And they're not always sore. Also I've noticed sitting in the car with my jeans buckled seems uncomfortable? Like a little crampy? But I cant decide if I'm just imagining it or not? :haha: nothing else really yet.
The us went great! :happydance: saw the gestational and yolk sacs, doc very happy w size, shape, location. Next us is jan 7, she said we will definitely see :baby: and heartbeat. Thanks for the tip about the pic, they printed it out for us! Also she said the spotting and cramps were def from implantation!

That's great! :happydance::happydance:
My next U/S is in a few days.
Can I join in if possible? :blush:

I am 4w 4d and found out last Fri. This is our 2nd and our son is nearly 21 months old.

Took us 6 months of TTC with our son, this one was straight away so a lovely Christmas surprise! :happydance:

I am having mild cramping, tender boobs and tiredness.

Hope you are all doing well

Lovely surprise indeed:xmas4:
I have the same symptoms. What was a major first trimester symptom for you in your last pregnancy?
Keep us posted!

My first major symptom with my son was tiredness and just a general feeling of 'unwell' (this is what made me test).

This time, I just knew I was pregnant straight away (a few days after we DTD). I felt cramping etc straight after conceiving and just generally felt 'different'. Hard to explain really. I tested 8 days before period was due but was negative as too early but I still knew :) Tested the day I was due on and got a very strong positive :)

I don't remember having as much back ache with my son but that may just be because I am looking out for it more now.

I am still nervous as so early on, especially when I get times when I don't feel any symptoms :nope:

This baby is so wanted but it is hard not to feel cautious isn't it?
My first major symptom with my son was tiredness and just a general feeling of 'unwell' (this is what made me test).

This time, I just knew I was pregnant straight away (a few days after we DTD). I felt cramping etc straight after conceiving and just generally felt 'different'. Hard to explain really. I tested 8 days before period was due but was negative as too early but I still knew :) Tested the day I was due on and got a very strong positive :)

I don't remember having as much back ache with my son but that may just be because I am looking out for it more now.

I am still nervous as so early on, especially when I get times when I don't feel any symptoms :nope:

This baby is so wanted but it is hard not to feel cautious isn't it?

Yes, yes and YES!

So did you feel nervous in your first pregnancy as well. I hear so many stories I have to take a break online :dohh:
My first major symptom with my son was tiredness and just a general feeling of 'unwell' (this is what made me test).

This time, I just knew I was pregnant straight away (a few days after we DTD). I felt cramping etc straight after conceiving and just generally felt 'different'. Hard to explain really. I tested 8 days before period was due but was negative as too early but I still knew :) Tested the day I was due on and got a very strong positive :)

I don't remember having as much back ache with my son but that may just be because I am looking out for it more now.

I am still nervous as so early on, especially when I get times when I don't feel any symptoms :nope:

This baby is so wanted but it is hard not to feel cautious isn't it?

Yes, yes and YES!

So did you feel nervous in your first pregnancy as well. I hear so many stories I have to take a break online :dohh:

I think I actually feel a bit more nervous with this one for some reason...not sure why! I am only more nervous for the early pregnancy like morning sickness (I didn't have any with my son) and every time I mention or think about this baby in the future I feel like I am jinxing things!

I seem to be having some insomnia too...anyone else having this too? Oh and bloating!
I've totally been having insomnia. Not like all night but I'm on vacation this week and have been wide awake by 630 each morning! Grrrr
I woke up last night wanting to vomit. Haven't had real morning sickness but 90% of food turn me off.

Bloating is still there.
I woke up last night wanting to vomit. Haven't had real morning sickness but 90% of food turn me off.

Bloating is still there.

As I recall from my first, about 6weeks exactly was when it began for me too. First everything smelled terrible and there was like nothing that sounded good to eat.
How are you all keeping calm. I don't like not knowing exactly what's going on in there at all times :-/
Same here. My scan is tomorrow. But boy did Tuesday feel like light years away.

Still does haha.

I always say I wish I had my own scan machine but then again I'd probably go crazy...laying on my bed all day everyday.
Clovercandy- glad all is well, tell us how the us goes tomorrow! :hugs:
Xprincessx- congrats! :happydance:
Quick update - we had quite an eventful day today... After heavier spotting with small clots :cry: over the weekend I went to see a doc this morning. She looked at my cervix and pressed the red button on the wall. The nurse ran in and the doc asked her for a biopsy cup! She proceeded to tell me that there is quite a lot of debris around the cervix and she wanted to pull it out and biopsy it. After quite an uncomfortable debris removal she said she was pretty sure I was miscarrying :cry: and wanted to do the scan to see what was left in the uterus... Waiting for the scan for about 5 min, feeling pretty down at that point. The tech gets the us probe in and finds the baby with a good heartbeat!!! :baby: we got to hear the heartbeat, I cried with relief. The Doc declared it a Christmas miracle :happydance: feeling exhausted from all the stress, but so so happy the baby is fine!

Just realized the update ended up quite long lol, but wanted to share and send love and hugs to all :hugs:
Clovercandy- glad all is well, tell us how the us goes tomorrow! :hugs:
Xprincessx- congrats! :happydance:
Quick update - we had quite an eventful day today... After heavier spotting with small clots :cry: over the weekend I went to see a doc this morning. She looked at my cervix and pressed the red button on the wall. The nurse ran in and the doc asked her for a biopsy cup! She proceeded to tell me that there is quite a lot of debris around the cervix and she wanted to pull it out and biopsy it. After quite an uncomfortable debris removal she said she was pretty sure I was miscarrying :cry: and wanted to do the scan to see what was left in the uterus... Waiting for the scan for about 5 min, feeling pretty down at that point. The tech gets the us probe in and finds the baby with a good heartbeat!!! :baby: we got to hear the heartbeat, I cried with relief. The Doc declared it a Christmas miracle :happydance: feeling exhausted from all the stress, but so so happy the baby is fine!

Just realized the update ended up quite long lol, but wanted to share and send love and hugs to all :hugs:

Wow I'm so glad that was a happy ending! I almost cried myself. Im so excited for you isn't that something :flower:

Well...I went to my scan today and....this nugget is GROWING. I saw the sac, fetal pole and I heard the heartbeat! It was the most amazing sound. :xmas12:

I was just staring at the scan and hearing the heartbeat in amazement. Love at first heart-beat lol.

Hope everyone else is doing fantastic!
Clovercandy- glad all is well, tell us how the us goes tomorrow! :hugs:
Xprincessx- congrats! :happydance:
Quick update - we had quite an eventful day today... After heavier spotting with small clots :cry: over the weekend I went to see a doc this morning. She looked at my cervix and pressed the red button on the wall. The nurse ran in and the doc asked her for a biopsy cup! She proceeded to tell me that there is quite a lot of debris around the cervix and she wanted to pull it out and biopsy it. After quite an uncomfortable debris removal she said she was pretty sure I was miscarrying :cry: and wanted to do the scan to see what was left in the uterus... Waiting for the scan for about 5 min, feeling pretty down at that point. The tech gets the us probe in and finds the baby with a good heartbeat!!! :baby: we got to hear the heartbeat, I cried with relief. The Doc declared it a Christmas miracle :happydance: feeling exhausted from all the stress, but so so happy the baby is fine!

Just realized the update ended up quite long lol, but wanted to share and send love and hugs to all :hugs:

Wow I'm so glad that was a happy ending! I almost cried myself. Im so excited for you isn't that something :flower:

Well...I went to my scan today and....this nugget is GROWING. I saw the sac, fetal pole and I heard the heartbeat! It was the most amazing sound. :xmas12:

I was just staring at the scan and hearing the heartbeat in amazement. Love at first heart-beat lol.

Hope everyone else is doing fantastic!

"Love at first heartbeat" - love it! So happy for you, I know it's been a long wait and it's wonderful to see everything progressing well :happydance:
I had another scare yesterday - lots of bright red blood and stabbing pain in right side. Today's scan- perfect :baby: the doc is 99% sure I miscarried a twin, and the biopsy results will confirm next week. It's kind of mind blowing but I am so very grateful for the good news today. And I feel a ton better, no more bleeding! My doc office rocks, they saw me the minute I had concerns - they were uber busy too- and told me to never hesitate to call, they want me to have the peace of mind. Anyone in louisville area let me know if you need a referral.
5w1d today I got a beta of 5698! Horray! I go back in two days.
"Love at first heartbeat" - love it! So happy for you, I know it's been a long wait and it's wonderful to see everything progressing well :happydance:
I had another scare yesterday - lots of bright red blood and stabbing pain in right side. Today's scan- perfect :baby: the doc is 99% sure I miscarried a twin, and the biopsy results will confirm next week. It's kind of mind blowing but I am so very grateful for the good news today. And I feel a ton better, no more bleeding! My doc office rocks, they saw me the minute I had concerns - they were uber busy too- and told me to never hesitate to call, they want me to have the peace of mind. Anyone in louisville area let me know if you need a referral.

How scary!:nope: Glad everything is good thou.
Did you know you had twins to begin with? Was it natural twins or assisted treatments?

You doctors/nurses seem amazing! Those are the kind of doctors clinics need everywhere.

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