40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Kat, sorry to hear your news. Have you thought about insemination at home? it's not exactly romantic and no guarantee to work but if it gives you a chance this month ... We tried it for before we sought medical help, obviously it didn't work for us but it has for lots of others. As for OPKs I always used the cheap 'pee in a pot and dip the stick' type and had no issues with them. They basically do the same without the fancy plastic packaging or brand name but at a fraction of the price. Just make sure you get them from a reputable supplier.
Pussycat1, well, we've been using the Softcups the few days before and after ovulation. It was easy to know when to do it because I was so closely monitored. This time I hope the OPK tells me true!

I'd looked up those insemination kits before, and they either looked too complicated (No, I'm not allowing my husband to use a speculum on me and thread a catheter up to my uterus!) or they were for dogs and horses. This time I looked again, and found something more my speed: a kit containing 6 sterile cups, 6 sterile syringes, and 6 soft cups. That I can do! So we'll see how "Operation Velocity" goes next week!
Hiya, Kat totally agree on the catheter, there was no way I was having that! We used Sterile pots and syringes, tried with and without soft cups.
I've just had my first scan after staring the meds, showed 5 or 6 decent follicles, but early days so we'll see how it looks on Friday when I have my next scan. Even if I get 4 I'll be happy cos then they'll go ahead with ICSI. I've always been more of a 'tortoise' than a 'hare' and had the procedures a week later than scheduled so won't be surprised if that happens. Just trying to stay stress free but hard with all this and a job that's gone crazy! Still at least it makes the time go past quickly.
Hope everyone else is doing fine. x
ICIS, wow! Will you do a blastocyst transfer or have them transferred right away? How exciting!! I hope it's successful!
I was reading an article about pregnant 46 year old Halle Berry and how she claims it was 100% natural and a surprise - no fertility help. The author of the article was saying it was unlikely she conceived naturally and was doing a disservice to older women seeking pregnancy by making it look easy to get pregnant at that age. The comments from readers floored me. So many people commented that either they or a relative/friend of theirs had a baby at 42..43..44..and 45 completely by accident. Made me feel hopeful. Is it not as unlikely as I think or did the 10 people who got lucky happen to read that article and comment?

I know I shouldnt be in this thread, but I was amazed and sadened by your stories..
But i am one of the those people i am 44 years old will be 45 in January and baby is due dec 28th..
I was not trying at all me and my dh rarely had intercourse he would be lucky if he did get it once a month.
wishing you all good luck and loads and loads of :dust:
I hope me putting my good vibes your way hasnt affended anyone..
I was reading an article about pregnant 46 year old Halle Berry and how she claims it was 100% natural and a surprise - no fertility help. The author of the article was saying it was unlikely she conceived naturally and was doing a disservice to older women seeking pregnancy by making it look easy to get pregnant at that age. The comments from readers floored me. So many people commented that either they or a relative/friend of theirs had a baby at 42..43..44..and 45 completely by accident. Made me feel hopeful. Is it not as unlikely as I think or did the 10 people who got lucky happen to read that article and comment?

I know I shouldnt be in this thread, but I was amazed and sadened by your stories..
But i am one of the those people i am 44 years old will be 45 in January and baby is due dec 28th..
I was not trying at all me and my dh rarely had intercourse he would be lucky if he did get it once a month.
wishing you all good luck and loads and loads of :dust:
I hope me putting my good vibes your way hasnt affended anyone..

Success stories are always welcome and good to hear:happydance: Congrats to you - wonderful to hear about your impeding new arrival!!!
Alison, thank you for the pep talk and congratulations on your baby!!
I just found this quote which is simple yet inspirational. Don't give up ladies! It goes as follows:
"A healthy baby is possible throughout your fertile years. If you experience a regular menstrual cycle you are still fertile. Embrace where you are on your journey and use the wisdom and strength that you have accumulated up to this point. You are wiser and you know who you are. Focus on the present and use that space for your child. Worrying will only keep the mind busy and rob your reproductive organs of nourishment."
I am really trying to focus on my mind/body connection right now. Obviously the science of conception is a reality but I believe the things we can really control like our minds, attitude and faith are also of utmost importance!
Peace and fertile blessings to you all. :)
I just found this quote which is simple yet inspirational. Don't give up ladies! It goes as follows:
"A healthy baby is possible throughout your fertile years. If you experience a regular menstrual cycle you are still fertile. Embrace where you are on your journey and use the wisdom and strength that you have accumulated up to this point. You are wiser and you know who you are. Focus on the present and use that space for your child. Worrying will only keep the mind busy and rob your reproductive organs of nourishment."
I am really trying to focus on my mind/body connection right now. Obviously the science of conception is a reality but I believe the things we can really control like our minds, attitude and faith are also of utmost importance!
Peace and fertile blessings to you all. :)

Totally love this - thank you! I need to stop the worry!!:flower:
I was reading an article about pregnant 46 year old Halle Berry and how she claims it was 100% natural and a surprise - no fertility help. The author of the article was saying it was unlikely she conceived naturally and was doing a disservice to older women seeking pregnancy by making it look easy to get pregnant at that age. The comments from readers floored me. So many people commented that either they or a relative/friend of theirs had a baby at 42..43..44..and 45 completely by accident. Made me feel hopeful. Is it not as unlikely as I think or did the 10 people who got lucky happen to read that article and comment?

I know I shouldnt be in this thread, but I was amazed and sadened by your stories..
But i am one of the those people i am 44 years old will be 45 in January and baby is due dec 28th..
I was not trying at all me and my dh rarely had intercourse he would be lucky if he did get it once a month.
wishing you all good luck and loads and loads of :dust:
I hope me putting my good vibes your way hasnt affended anyone..

Success stories are always welcome and good to hear:happydance: Congrats to you - wonderful to hear about your impeding new arrival!!!
Definitely no offence taken by me. I actually love hearing stories like yours. It offers me hope for these old eggs of mine! Thanks!
Can only echo what everyone else has said about being encouraged when you hear these stories, my early posts about finding it difficult when friends are pregnant doesn't apply to anyone on here cos I know how much we all want it!
Had a second scan today and ok but not amazing. I have 2 dominant follicles and a possible 1 or 2 others of a reasonable size, then 3 tiddlers. So the numbers seem to be dropping with each scan :( That said it only takes one and as I said before I've always been a bit slow to respond. Hopefully the ones I do get will be tip top quality after 3 months of DHEA and COQ10.
Kat whether its 2/3 day transfer or Blasts depends on how they grow and how many there end up being (of any), last time I had day 2 transfer with 2 grade A. They've said they'll put 3 back this time due to my age. Just need to stay positive.
Pussycat1, your scan sounds very similar to mine in the past. I'd start out with 6 good ones, then 4, then down to 2 or even 1 by the time I was ovulating. In July I ended up with three at ovulation, but I guess that was bad because I've been in cyst hell ever since. LOL!

Oooh, I don't really know what "day 2 transfer with 2 grade A" means exactly, but it sounds good! Good luck, Honey!!!!!

AFM, I used my Clearblue Fertility digital monitor today as it's Day 8. It said to start on Day 8 for my cycle length. It said I'm not in my fertile window yet, so I'm not ovulating early. Good!
Kat I'm on day 10 and not ovulating yet...I'm praying I'm "regular" after all this and I should O between tomorrow and Tuesday. FX'd. I have 3 OPK's. One store brand, once clear blue and one other digital that says yes/no.
I should really be posting in this thread going forward,the ladies here are now to me but I've been on the forum in other threads since last year.
Bash, ok good! You're a couple of days ahead of me, so I'll watch your progress carefully. Post as soon as you see something on those OPKs!!

Welcome, Byanymeans! We understand what you are going through!
Girls, have been listening to some great podcasts about infertility. If u have an iPhone download the podcasts app, search 'IVF' & then find & listen to some of the podcasts from the organisation 'creating a family'. It's all interviews with doctors, experts etc regarding infertility, IVF, adoption etc.

So far the 2 I've heard we're great. SO informative. We're gonna do IVF, so that's wot I was interested in hearing about, but in general these interviews also just provide some great info about 'fertility/infertility'. One was about how a study has shown that women who eat a MINUMUM of 25% protein & MAXUMUM of 40% carbs in their diet produce much better quality eggs AND embryos. And go in to have better pregnancy rates. It was facinating. I'm now changing my diet after listening to it.

The next one was all about single embryo transfer & why it is the best option regardless of ur age. For many really good reasons.. Eg embryos can actually interfere with each other, so by putting 2 in the uterus ur taking the chance that they will interfere with each other; multiples are obviously higher risk pregnancies to mother, but also much higher rate of premature & pre-viable births. Often leading to disability. The experts were basically saying that no woman regardless of age should do more than single egg transfers. They pointed out that it's better all round to do one transfer, vitrify (cryopreserve) any other embryos, and then have them available for subsequent transfers. The success rate for frozen transfers is actually higher & they suspect its bcos the uterus is less hostile a month or so later without all the extra oestrogen around thanks to the fertility drugs.

Anyway.. I'm babbling a bit! But this stuff was SO interesting, and given that were about to do IVF I feel better armed to know wot I do and don't want to do now. Before I was a but unsure about icsi, but this embryologist said u improve ur chances simply bcos only one sperm is involved. That in normal IVF, the egg & subsequent embryo have to deal with millions of sperm & waste dying all around it, creating oxidants. Which is nothing like the natural process would be in the uterus. Apparently in the uterus only about 5-7 sperm would make it to the egg.. Not millions! So icsi is much 'cleaner' & means the embryo have less waste to deal with. Amazing!!

Anyway, have a look at the podcasts if ur interested, there's heaps of topics there.
Girls, have been listening to some great podcasts about infertility. If u have an iPhone download the podcasts app, search 'IVF' & then find & listen to some of the podcasts from the organisation 'creating a family'. It's all interviews with doctors, experts etc regarding infertility, IVF, adoption etc.

So far the 2 I've heard we're great. SO informative. We're gonna do IVF, so that's wot I was interested in hearing about, but in general these interviews also just provide some great info about 'fertility/infertility'. One was about how a study has shown that women who eat a MINUMUM of 25% protein & MAXUMUM of 40% carbs in their diet produce much better quality eggs AND embryos. And go in to have better pregnancy rates. It was facinating. I'm now changing my diet after listening to it.

The next one was all about single embryo transfer & why it is the best option regardless of ur age. For many really good reasons.. Eg embryos can actually interfere with each other, so by putting 2 in the uterus ur taking the chance that they will interfere with each other; multiples are obviously higher risk pregnancies to mother, but also much higher rate of premature & pre-viable births. Often leading to disability. The experts were basically saying that no woman regardless of age should do more than single egg transfers. They pointed out that it's better all round to do one transfer, vitrify (cryopreserve) any other embryos, and then have them available for subsequent transfers. The success rate for frozen transfers is actually higher & they suspect its bcos the uterus is less hostile a month or so later without all the extra oestrogen around thanks to the fertility drugs.

Anyway.. I'm babbling a bit! But this stuff was SO interesting, and given that were about to do IVF I feel better armed to know wot I do and don't want to do now. Before I was a but unsure about icsi, but this embryologist said u improve ur chances simply bcos only one sperm is involved. That in normal IVF, the egg & subsequent embryo have to deal with millions of sperm & waste dying all around it, creating oxidants. Which is nothing like the natural process would be in the uterus. Apparently in the uterus only about 5-7 sperm would make it to the egg.. Not millions! So icsi is much 'cleaner' & means the embryo have less waste to deal with. Amazing!!

Anyway, have a look at the podcasts if ur interested, there's heaps of topics there.

Thank you so much for that - great info just by reading what you have written!!! I am upping my protein! x
First :) on my OPK!!!! Day 12. Before my entire disaster I used to get the smiley day 13, so this is great!!!!! Next 24-36 hours, wooohoo.

Now, the other 2 tests that I have, the store brand that you have to decide which line is darker didn't seem work very well, so i'm done w/those going forward (praying I don't need to use these again) and the other one that says Yes+ / No - came up w/a ?. Is it confused??? LOL. Anywho, we've been DTD e/o/d so tomorrow we try again and then Wed/Fri, etc...oh a BFP for my birthday would be so wonderful, but I shouldn't bank on it so I don't get my hopes up.
I'm sure you're gonna follow right behind me Kat!!!
Juniper, wow that is so interesting! I'll check out the pod casts! I'm interested in the thing about protein/carbs. I've heard something similar and wonder how long it takes to affect follicles. Good luck with your IVF!!

Bash, that's funny about your OPKs. I had a feeling I'd get confused with the ones where I have to decide if it's as dark or darker than the control line. Hell, I get tricked by HPTs, so getting tricked by an OPK is a bygone conclusion! Glad I went with Clearblue Digi! Is that the brand you used for the :) ? Maybe the question mark means you're in the "high" fertility stage, but not "peak"?

And that's my next question...my tester tells me when I'm close to ovulating so I can get started, then it tells me when I'm at "peak" fertility and will ovulate in 24-36 hrs. Does yours do that as well?

so i've been lying low during my tww and low and behold AF arrived this morning. just added the Pregnitude into my supplemental morning routine a couple of weeks ago but i guess i can't really expect a miracle. now that i'm 42 yo, i feel more than ever that i really want a family and it just seems so cruel that it took me this long to get myself together and now my body won't cooperate. guess i'm just feeling really sad today. if we can't get pregnant naturally, then we have decided to adopt. although i would be so extremely happy to adopt, there is apart of my that feels like i failed as a woman. i really can't explain it. yesterday i was fine, today i feel so sad. maybe just the hormones. grrrrr.

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