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40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Good news on the insurance Jean
Vonn, how's the IUI going? When can you test?
I will probably test on the 24th, just to know before the holiday so I don't hold on to false hope. The 26th is two weeks past. The clinic doesn't do betas on the weekend so I don't get blood drawn & the official result until the 28th. I'll definitely test myself before then! No real reason to think I'm pg, though. Balancing hope/optimism with being realistic is hard!

Weezy--how are you?????
Jean--that is amazing news about coverage for Dr Kwak-Kim & immune testing!! Just what you were hoping to be able to do. Awesome!! Can't wait for you to get answers.

Yeah, I'm excited about it! I hear she's the best. The problem is actually getting an appointment, I hear there are long waits for her and the one in NYC.

I just finished filling out my new patient forms for the new RE consultation that is tomorrow. We'll see what happens. I was trying to think about who has what disease in my family, forgot that my grandma had a stillbirth, all those sorts of things. The other RE never asked about stillbirths, just miscarriages (my cousin had one that I know of, not sure about anyone else). Just little things that might make a difference or be a reason to test for something you normally wouldn't.
Hi all - Ive just turned 40 (eek)hope ok to post here - I have a a 4 year old an 5.5 year old - first baby we did 3 IUIs and 1 IVF and were successful with IVF - second baby was a surprise baby and so I know we can get pregnant on our own - hubby has antibodies on his sperm so makes it a bit harder.

We have now decided to try for our 3rd... hope I don't sound ungrateful as many here are trying for their first.

If it happens it happens and if not then not.

This is our first month of using OPKs and AF is imminent - can feel it so am doubtful of a pregnancy - my cycle has also been really irregular last few months so been tough to predict ovulation etc but its all a sign of me getting older.

I was part of this forum when ttc1 and was a great support and look forward to the support again and supporting you all xx
Um, I just got a beta last night and got the result about 10 minutes ago. It's 50. The nurse called and asked if it could be another pregnancy, but definitely not. She's going to talk to my doctor and call me back later. I'm guessing the next step is ultrasound to see what is going on? This is just weird. Im so confused.
uick update ladies
Had my 9 week scan today and everything is as it should be. It's measuring 9w1d and was told its all fine.
I can see hands and tiny legs wiggling away.
Next step, I Think I will do the harmony test at 11/12 weeks, after the new year....another hurdle.

Hope everyone is fine

Vonn - are you testing in a couple of days? I'll be praying for a xmas BFP for you. I know you said you've only got 1% chance but I'm older than you and every clinic I went to ask if I would consider donor egg and say my chance are about 5% (or similar). I'm glad I had another go and I still have to pinch myself to make sure it's actually happening to me. It's a bit of a miracle at my age....lets hope little beanie carries on growing.

Pussycat - woohooo new year, new mummy!!

Jean - fingers cross you've got a BFP
Weezy-That's great news!! Success!

Jean-Hmm...did your hcg ever go down to 0 after your chemical? Maybe it's still dropping. I went back and looked and you were at 23. Maybe you are pregnant with another baby! This is great news.

Vonn-I'll totally be checking in.

Lilly123-I don't mean to be mean, but this is the board for people hoping to be moms to their first and above 40. You can post of course, and the girls are very welcoming, it's just kind of a touchy subject. I'm also on BFP chasers, and that's for everyone if you want to join us over there!

AFM-Nothing going on over here..heading to my sister's house tomorrow night for a long weekend and Christmas. Looking forward to hanging with my nieces and nephews and the rest of my family. Have a great holiday everyone!
I got4 betas in late November and it started at 23 then went down to 5.1 and they said I didn't need to do any more. I am going to repeat Thursday morning and see doctor Tuesday (I can't get there Monday). One of the docs said it might be retained fetal tissue and might need D&C but no hurry right now. I guess they are waiting to see what happens by Tuesday. I've been spotting every day for over a week now.
Jean--what a crazy situation. I've not heard of fetal tissue remains causing hcg to increase, but I'm sure it's possible. I hope you have some serious answers after Tuesday's appt!

Weezy--I am sooooo excited for you, sooooo glad you had a wonderful scan and reassuring news!! Little arms and legs, what a dream. And thanks for asking about me. They did tell me IVF was ab 5% chance with my eggs. I figured that means less than 1% chance for this IUI.

Terri--have a wonderful time with your family on the holiday!

Lilly--welcome & good luck to you as you try for your third! I hope it works naturally again. We'd love to have you join us on BFP chasers, there have been lots of pregnancies and ladies moving on on that thread, so we could use some new additions!

AFM--no crazy, over the top symptoms that just make me sure that IUI #6 worked. Still trying to decide if I test on/before Christmas, or just wait until after. Maybe holding on to false hope is better than feeling like grumpy vonn (but trying not to show it) at family gatherings. Decisions, decisions...:xmas22:
Beta this morning is down to a 40. Repeat on Monday. I've been spotting for over a week, then a couple days where it was a little more than spotting, was pretty heavy through this afternoon, old blood. Maybe this will get rid of whatever was trying to hang around and the beta Monday will be very low. I really don't want a D&C if I can help it. I'd rather go with trying meds first if necessary.
Beta dropped to 40 then 31 last night. Nothing seen in uterus or tubes. Going to get methotrexate shot in an hour. Docs have no idea why it keeps hanging around.
Jean--I'm glad it's going in the right direction, but frustrating that it's impossible to move on. I hope the shot does the trick. Have you gotten an appointment for one of the immune drs?

Weezy & PC--thinking of you two pregnant mammas!

Terri--big New Year's plans?

AFM--I got AF on Christmas day, not the gift I was hoping for. Didn't ever bother to test; AF ended up being clear enough indication. We are moving on to IVF halfway across the country. Have a phone conversation scheduled for Monday morning at 7:30a to talk with the nurse who is the donor recipient coordinator. I've been looking at the donor selection (DH has a little bit, too...his first foray into the reality of donor IVF...he says he's excited). The profiles are not set up in a user friendly way at all. I think I will create a chart with my top choices so I can "see" it all better. I don't think we will have our donor(s) selected by Monday, but we will have some questions & DH will get to hear how the process works from someone besides me, so that will be good. I can't wait to have a plan!
No, I haven't had time to call anyone about anything, I've been too busy. It was hard enough to find time to get 4 prescriptions refilled, but now I have most of what I need for a new FET, which probably won't be until March. I didn't realize you have to wait 3 months to try again after this shot. Nurse told me 6 weeks from a zero beta, but this shot can take up to 6 weeks to work. I have had a time trying to figure out where to get my blood drawn Saturday for the new beta baseline. Our outpatient lab is closed, they think the other draw sites at Urgent Care are closed, so I might have to go into the hospital & do it there. I work at our lab, so if I think it's hard trying to find out, then what do people who live here do? Our own customer service people don't even know for sure who will be open and when. I said if all else fails, I'm going INTO our lab, finding a phlebotomist and having them draw it right there. It's not the usual way of doing it, but I have to get it done Saturday.
Now that I can log in to my new health insurance, I learn that my current RE is NOT in network, but the new one I had a consult with IS. I have to fill out an infertility form & get preauthorized for further treatment, but not sure WHAT will be included. The financial person at the new RE hasn't called me yet (closed for holidays), so she will be my contact person to find out what is and is not covered. I have to get a release from our local Maternal Fetal Medicine doc, get the rest of my releases from social worker & cardiologist sent over, and the rest of my medical file (they only sent over about half of it the first time), then will need another trial embryo transfer, but all this will have to be minimum of 6 weeks after my beta goes to 0 due to this nasty methotrexate shot.

I also looked and the Braverman group is NOT in network, but Kwak-Kim in Chicago IS, so I will have to look into that. I'm not sure if they require multiple losses to see her or just the one with a confirmed autoimmune disease. I will be looking more into that this weekend.

I have to get my new beta baseline tomorrow. Wish me luck in figuring out where to get it drawn. I get my next beta after that on Tuesday morning & mammogram that evening (they should let me get it since I don't have a viable pregnancy and got the shot already, at least that's what the IVF nurse told me). I have to get the mammogram in order to get FET at the new RE office. It's one of the things on their list of things that need done.

I haven't had any bleeding, just a little spotting for a day after the ultrasound, but I'm sure it will start soon enough and last weeks from what I've read online. I think I lost most of my lining last weekend, so there might not be anything else to get rid of. Who knows.
Vonn, so sorry this didn't work out for you, I know it was a long shot but it doesn't make it easier. I an however glad you have made done decisions and have a plan going forward. If it's any help at all, there are days when I forget that my miracle babies are from donor eggs, after all my months, years of worry it barely seems important now. I'm wishing you all the best for 2016.
Jean, glad your insurance is sorted, I can barely keep up with your posts, it seems so complex!
Terri, hope you're well!
Weezy, hope all is still going well, you must be getting close to 12 weeks!
AFM, 13 days to go, the count down has begun and I'm terrified but SO excited! x
Hello Ladies,
Hope you all enjoyed Christmas and fx for us all that things go well in 2016.
Vonn - I'm so sorry that the IUI didn't work. It's difficult to not feel disappointed but at least you've seemed to have made decisions and have a good plan in place for next step.
Jean - hope all is going well with you with you immune testing etc.
Terri - hope you're well
Pussycat - how exciting!! Another 10 days!! After years of trying, you've finally here. Did you get a great send off at work and are you enjoying the time you're having off work before twin chaos?
AFM: I think I'm 11 weeks today and I've got my midwife appointment next Tuesday. I'm annoyed that it's taken them this long to get me an appointment. I've booked myself in to do the harmony test next Tuesday (so I'll be 12 weeks) and it includes a Nuchal scan so at least I can get some reassurance from that. Still cautious and worried with what may happen, hoping beanie will stick around. Had a blood test last week and it showed I've got above average white blood cell. The doctor said being pregnant can increase the count but could also be a sign of infection. She booked me in for a urine test and some other general check....just have to wait for results. She said they'll have to keep an eye on it so it doesn't go sky high.
Pusssycat-I wish you the best on your delivery. I can't wait until you're a mom! This has been such wonderful news.

Weezy-I can't believe you're almost at 11 weeks. Are you going to find out if it's a boy or a girl? This is also great news for 2016. We're starting off right in this thread!

Not much going on here...I had a lovely time in New Mexico with family, and spent time with friends for the new year. I'm getting back into running/eating right, which really means drinking more water, and I'm feeling good. Update when you can everyone!
Hi ladies
Hope everyone is doing well.
Just posting a quick update: I had a private Nuchal scan and harmony test and yesterday. I'm now 12w+4 and baby is measuring as it should be. It was asleep and kept still for about 10 minutes and then it started twisting and turning and wiggling hands and feels everywhere. The Nuchal scan analysis my risk factor for Down syndrome had gone down from a 43 year old to a 30 year old (1out of 66 and now 1/633 or similar). I'll get my harmony test results and have more detail in about 10 days but sonographer thinks I should be low risk. I'm starting to feel I can relax a bit and maybe start enjoy being pregnant xx
Yeah Weezy. Are you finding out the gender or do you already know? I forget. I'm heading to Florida for the week for fun. Yeah!
Terri - I'll find out in about 10 days time if it's pink or blue. The sonographer tried to look yesterday but it's not clear. It'll show up in the harmony blood test.
Have fun in Florida lady x

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