40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Emmi, have u read that article that's been mentioned a few times in these forums about how the statistics that are usually quoted for women ttc over 40 etc are usually from France over 400 yrs ago!!!! Incredible!!!

Basically wot it tells u is that the stats are ridiculously old & from people had no access to healthcare, antibiotics etc & lifespan was shorter!

Let me know if you've seen it... If not ill see if I can find a link to it again for you..
Hi Juniper - yep - I am just reading a book that has a chapter about demystifying the stats! It's just ridiculous - surely there needs to be some updated info as I am sick and tired of reading basically that I have no hope and I might aswell flush my dreams down the toilet:growlmad:

Briss - that story has made me so sick......And then there was that little boy that was starved in Coventry - Daniel Pelka....So much abuse out there and yet we would do nothing but love and cherish a little one.......It is literally heartbreaking....:cry:
Hello Ladies!

I am just catching up on everyone! Kat and Emmi so sorry about your BFN. I still have my fingers crossed for next month.

AFM: AF finally went away after 14 days. I really hope my cycle gets back to normal next month so I can start on the injectables. I just really hate waiting!

I have been doing accupuncture for a little over a month now. I first started doing it around the time I had my cyst in August. Then all this crazy cycle showed up. She also gave me some herbal pills that are suppose to help with shrinking cysts, but I have not taken them yet. I have to take 8 twice a day! I am going to wait until after the next AF and if I have a cyst I will start taking them. My one question is how long do you have to do the accupunture? 2 months, 3 months or more? I really don't feel any different after I do the accupuncture but at this point I am trying anything and everything to not have to do the IVF. It is so expensive!

I also saw where someone posted about folic acid. I was taking 4 mg of folic acid (prescribed by MD) and the FS said I didnt need that and to start taking Vit. D only. All of this is so frustrating!:growlmad:
Crikey - so many things that you are being told - poor you!!

Well - I am not having acupuncture (can't afford it after paying for the IVF!!) so I can't help you there but what are in the pills that she gave you?? I am a bit concerned if I am asked to take anything that I don't know about.....

With regards to folic acid - it's a must unless you are taking a multi-pill that includes it. I am no expert but am sure that is essential when trying to conceive. I also started another thread about health and nutrition - as I am so desperate and now so poor after paying for IVF - just trying anything and everything to help my fertility


Hey ladies, undoubtedly it's harder for us 40 plus, but that doesn't mean impossible, we just have to try a little harder. I just heard a friend of mine (either 42 or 43) is pregnant with No 3, she's probably around 20 weeks now.
Emmi, stay positive and keep trying.
My clinic say AMH and AFC are the important numbers, even then it's not a measure of quality.
Iowa, glad AF has finally gone. Onwards ... xx
Pussycat, that is SO weird! I also have a friend who is 43 who just past her 20 week scan for surprise baby #3!

Iowa, 14 days?! Wow, I'm so glad THAT'S over. What's next?

Emmi, we're just going to keep on going, and that's THAT!! I look forward to checking out your link in 3...2...1
Am getting so tired that the majority of reading that I am doing is total doom and gloom for women of 42 +......I know it's not going to be easy but I am sure that stats are so much better for women these days with healthier diets and lifestyles....Women do have children in their 40's -I don't expect doctors to paint a fairy tale picture of it being easy but one thing I have noticed is the difference is how individual doctors approach it! My best friend's doctor said that she could realistically keep trying until she's 47 whilst other doctors look with disgust at a woman who is a day over 40 when trying to conceive......

I did look at acupuncture too Kat but just can't afford it so am looking the poor man's method to help fertility.

Anyway - hello to all the new ladies and everyone else - am just about feeling normal again after my failed IVF but I feel so sad...... I have not being beaten though the unfairness of it all eats me up. There was a story here in the UK of a woman who starved her little boy and kept his body in a cot for 2 years........I mean.....really......I cried buckets over that - I would've loved that little boy with all my heart..... Life just feels full of injustices at the moment but I have to keep the faith and hope one day that my time will come.


Hi Emmi, sorry to hear about you IVF. Those stories are really heartbreaking aren't they. We have had a few in the news here in Australia lately and it always makes me think why did these people even have children? I am sure your time will come - maybe it won't be as you have imagined it, but it will be wonderful xx
Hello everyone. I've just joined this forum and found this thread, which seems just up my alley. I'm 40 and TTC for the first time. My hubby is also 40. We've been trying since April. I'm trying really hard not to get discouraged. I'm so worried about being 40 and possibly losing any chance of having a baby, as each month goes on and AF comes again and again...

On Sunday 10/6 I had my 2nd IUI, with Letrazole on CD3-7. So I'm in the 2ww right now. That's why I was browsing forums... what better to do than obsess about TTC when you're in the 2ww!

I've read thru about half of this 50+ page thread but not all yet, I"m going to go back and get through it all. But I wanted to pop in and say hi.

I look forward to sharing stories with you all. And I wish you all good luck.
Welcome Kay! 2WW is such a difficult time, particularly the second week. Loads of support and positive stories here, fingers crossed for you!
Let's see I'm CD15...we are on top of our DTD e/o day. However, we will try tonight and then tomorrow since DH is leaving for a trip tomorrow night. THENNNNN, if no BFP, drugs were ordered and I start prepping for IUI next cycle.
Playing in a Softball Benefit Tournament today for Breast Cancer. Should be fun, but I'm sure I will be sore tomorrow!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Am getting so tired that the majority of reading that I am doing is total doom and gloom for women of 42 +......I know it's not going to be easy but I am sure that stats are so much better for women these days with healthier diets and lifestyles....Women do have children in their 40's -I don't expect doctors to paint a fairy tale picture of it being easy but one thing I have noticed is the difference is how individual doctors approach it! My best friend's doctor said that she could realistically keep trying until she's 47 whilst other doctors look with disgust at a woman who is a day over 40 when trying to conceive......

I did look at acupuncture too Kat but just can't afford it so am looking the poor man's method to help fertility.

Anyway - hello to all the new ladies and everyone else - am just about feeling normal again after my failed IVF but I feel so sad...... I have not being beaten though the unfairness of it all eats me up. There was a story here in the UK of a woman who starved her little boy and kept his body in a cot for 2 years........I mean.....really......I cried buckets over that - I would've loved that little boy with all my heart..... Life just feels full of injustices at the moment but I have to keep the faith and hope one day that my time will come.


Hi Emmi, sorry to hear about you IVF. Those stories are really heartbreaking aren't they. We have had a few in the news here in Australia lately and it always makes me think why did these people even have children? I am sure your time will come - maybe it won't be as you have imagined it, but it will be wonderful xx

It's all so sad isn't it - so many people can have children that shouldn't be......Just makes it so much more upsetting when we struggle. But really hope that we all get there one day.

Welcome Kaysbc! Oh the TWW is torture, so I hope you get through it ok. It's exciting, though, and better to be in the TWW then in Limbo Land waiting to try, eh?

I can't remember if I updated you guys on my plan. We've decided to do injections in conjunction with Femara again to try to increase our chances. Screw my FSH! These things happen and I KNOW I am still in the ballgame.

So to that end, I am starting acupuncture on Monday. I read it can go a long way into helping FSH levels. I read through a bit of the Acupuncture Thread in the 35+ category, and I saw some women were helped by acupuncture and others were still at it a year later, though I don't know if how long they kept up the acupuncture (their profiles are still active, but there's no BFP announcement in their signature and their status hasn't been updated). So I know it's not a miracle cure or anything, but it seems like a step in the right direction, especially since my doc recommended it to increase blood flow to the uterus.

I tried the castor oil pack back in June. WOW that was VERY messy. I did it twice and stopped. I think I'll go back to doing the heating pad, though. Nice time of year for it anyway with the temps being cooler.
Welcome Kaysbc! Oh the TWW is torture, so I hope you get through it ok. It's exciting, though, and better to be in the TWW then in Limbo Land waiting to try, eh?

I can't remember if I updated you guys on my plan. We've decided to do injections in conjunction with Femara again to try to increase our chances. Screw my FSH! These things happen and I KNOW I am still in the ballgame.

So to that end, I am starting acupuncture on Monday. I read it can go a long way into helping FSH levels. I read through a bit of the Acupuncture Thread in the 35+ category, and I saw some women were helped by acupuncture and others were still at it a year later, though I don't know if how long they kept up the acupuncture (their profiles are still active, but there's no BFP announcement in their signature and their status hasn't been updated). So I know it's not a miracle cure or anything, but it seems like a step in the right direction, especially since my doc recommended it to increase blood flow to the uterus.

I tried the castor oil pack back in June. WOW that was VERY messy. I did it twice and stopped. I think I'll go back to doing the heating pad, though. Nice time of year for it anyway with the temps being cooler.

Kat, that's awesome!! i really believe that accup, diet, exercise, can do so much for us ladies not just physically but emotionally. my acupuncturist only recommends i go twice a cycle. i hate spending the money but when i leave i don't regret it. i'm so relaxed because he also rubs my feet or ears (reflexology pts to stimulate reprod system) and then he vibrates my back (never experienced this before but so relaxing). sometimes i even fall asleep. it's wonderful! i hope you love it too!!
Let's see I'm CD15...we are on top of our DTD e/o day. However, we will try tonight and then tomorrow since DH is leaving for a trip tomorrow night. THENNNNN, if no BFP, drugs were ordered and I start prepping for IUI next cycle.
Playing in a Softball Benefit Tournament today for Breast Cancer. Should be fun, but I'm sure I will be sore tomorrow!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Glad you got the insurance worked out. SO jealous your insurance pays for injectables! Mine doesn't cover them, so I have to pay out of pocket :( Anyway, good luck!!!
I posted and said hello about two weeks ago. I had my appointment with FS this past Wednesday and I left very disheartened. I went to the appointment knowing my AMH (0.57) and the doctor wants to skip the FSH (since it can fluctuate and AMH does not) and just do the HSG (which scares me after reading several women's experiences with it). I just had first AF in four years of being on BC (skipping placebo weeks on Seasonale) so I will call to schedule it during next AF.

Doctor suggested IUI with injectables (assuming HSG is ok) or going straight to donor egg. I'd been trying to call my insurance company to see if anything would be covered and haven't gotten through thanks to health care reform stuff going on. I did go online with prescription plan and injectables are not covered. So, I'm a bit bummed out about how much everything costs.
I posted and said hello about two weeks ago. I had my appointment with FS this past Wednesday and I left very disheartened. I went to the appointment knowing my AMH (0.57) and the doctor wants to skip the FSH (since it can fluctuate and AMH does not) and just do the HSG (which scares me after reading several women's experiences with it). I just had first AF in four years of being on BC (skipping placebo weeks on Seasonale) so I will call to schedule it during next AF.

Doctor suggested IUI with injectables (assuming HSG is ok) or going straight to donor egg. I'd been trying to call my insurance company to see if anything would be covered and haven't gotten through thanks to health care reform stuff going on. I did go online with prescription plan and injectables are not covered. So, I'm a bit bummed out about how much everything costs.

I'm in the same boat about coverage. My plan does not cover injectables, IVF, donor eggs...anything like that. Just IUI and hormones like Femara/Clomid. So we're doing an injectable/Femara combo to keep costs down. Ask your doc about it!
Kat, I did acupuncture and chinese herbs for almost a year with little improvement and my FSH only got higher. did not work for me. having said that there are so many success sortied with acupuncture out there, it must work for somebody and you wont know unless you try at least 2-3 months. I found that getting a good practitioner is the key. maybe I just was not lucky
Briss, I'm sorry it didn't help you. I have read mixed reviews myself, but figure if I don't try it I'll always wonder.

So how are you doing on your journey? New news?
thanks for all the warm welcomes ladies!

My 2ww is always painful, and the hard part for me is that my 2 weeks is never a full 2 weeks. I suffer from a short luteal phase, I typically get my period between 9-12 days after my LH surge. So now that I'm 7 days post-IUI (and 8 days post-LH surge) every day I'm on pins and needles. Its awful!

There seems to be some discussions on acupuncture. If you can afford acupuncture I think you should try it. I saw a lot of stories online about women who got acupuncture to help them conceive. I found this by accident. I was actually searching about chiropractic care, I recently started seeing a chiropractor for some bad neck pain, so started googling if chiropractic was safe during pregnancy and TTC, and found tons of stories of women who think chiropractic helped them get pregnant, which also led to comments how acupuncture did the same thing.

Sometimes I feel like I"m putting so many hormones or other chemicals into my body to try to get pregnant, why not try some therapies that don't involve ingesting anything. right?

This thread is really long, and as I read thru 50 pages there were so many things I wanted to comment on, but its so hard now that the conversations have moved on... But I do want to say Kat that I'm sad to hear about your kitty. I have 2 cats, my older one is 13 years old and he's really acting old now, and it makes me sad that I know one day I'll need to put him down.

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