40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Welcome BabyMaker! I will be 41 as well in Sept. Best of luck!

AFM...well of course I couldn't wait to poas again so I did. And at a quick glance I thought it said "yes", what was I thinking it was "NO-". But my heart was pounding for a second so I guess I know how I'd react if it ever does turn up BFP again. I had a meltdown around 4am in bed for no reason. I'm just tired of this. I think maybe the progesterone is giving me the hot flashes this time around w/o any other symptoms in the past. Ok just read dr. google and the meltdown comes w/the icky gel along w/that's a PMS sign that AF is coming. I guess injections will start in about a week. Off to the supermarket, good times on a Sunday morning!
And let me not forget to mention this...so we're watching tv last night and DH stops on "rules of engagement"...it was a rerun but like from this year cuz she had the new baby from the surrogate and then was pregnant. DH left it on, I was like REALLY??? Are you kidding me? Let's go watch a natural birth or something related too, doesn't that sound like fun??? UGGGHHH they do not think sometimes!!!!
Ok, I'm done venting...LOL.
Bash73...LMAO...vent away!!

I'm a hormonal mess between being close to AF, drinking Chinese herbal tea and dealing with my hubby working long distance. I cry at stupid commercials and laugh at holy inappropriate times in shows.
UM....got two lines on a FRER this morning. Gonna test again tonight and tomorrow...like 800 times...cuz i'm kind of in a wee bit of disbelief! Hoping the BFP is indeed true! lol

Called my OB for a blood test on Thurs as well...can't hurt.


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Welcome to the new women! I'm new on here too and am learning a lot. Let's hope that 2014 will bring lots of good news to us!

Looking good Babymaker!

AFM, I originally had my hysteroscopy scheduled for the end of January but it got moved up to December 12, which means I can get started on IUIs 6 weeks sooner than I thought. AF is visiting right now (have to wait for 2nd cycle), so I will be ordering meds this week. I am doing this on my own and using donor sperm and will be ordering that this week too. My 40th birthday is next month so my first IUI will be around my birthday. Wouldn't a BFP be a great birthday present?
Thanks guys!

Came home and took another FRER, the Clear Blue test that says "pregnant" or not along with how far along (kind of cool) and the EPT early test. ALL came back positive and the Clear Blue said I was 1-2 weeks pregnant. CRAZY.

Now I just need to sit back and pray the little bugger stays around!! Wish me luck. :happydance:
Hi ladies,

I hope it's ok to crash in on this thread. I've been lurking on BnB for a long while - was on here last year or the year before but since then for various reasons beyond our control making babies wasn't happening. Here's a bit about me - I'm 40 (will turn 41 this year) and with my DH for four years (living together for two). Neither of us has had children. We were in a long distance relationship for a number of those years, including a work stint abroad for me after we moved in together. For the past year we've been not trying not preventing, but nothing has happened. I strongly suspect this is due to timing (and not enough sex, due to work and other stressors). At least, I'm hoping our lack of success so far is just due to timing... Anyway, we've decided this year to be more proactive because we will not conceive at all unless we plan it - let's just say we're not the kind of couple that has sex twice or three times a week... :shrug:

I'm currently just past ovulation - last intercourse a couple of days ago between day 13 and day 14 of cycle. I noticed EWCM on the morning of day 13 and had pretty unmistakeable ovulation pain that evening. BD that night and noticed a temperature shift the next morning. My feeling is that we were a little late doing the deed this month - probably only by a few hours, dang! - but it's so hard to know.

I finally forked out for a Clearblue fertility monitor a couple of weeks ago, and I'm waiting to start on that during my next cycle. Would be interested to know if any of you ladies has experience using this - if you believe the hype it's a miracle machine!

Also, I should add that I think I had a chemical pregnancy last month - period was a few days late, I took a test and had the faintest of faint positives - but it was enough to send me into all sorts of weird mental places - only for AF to show up on Christmas Eve. :nope: I'm not sure though - the positive test was VERY faint. But I keep telling myself it would not have been even faintly positive if the HCG hormone wasn't present. :shrug:
Hi ladies,

I hope it's ok to crash in on this thread. I've been lurking on BnB for a long while - was on here last year or the year before but since then for various reasons beyond our control making babies wasn't happening. Here's a bit about me - I'm 40 (will turn 41 this year) and with my DH for four years (living together for two). Neither of us has had children. We were in a long distance relationship for a number of those years, including a work stint abroad for me after we moved in together. For the past year we've been not trying not preventing, but nothing has happened. I strongly suspect this is due to timing (and not enough sex, due to work and other stressors). At least, I'm hoping our lack of success so far is just due to timing... Anyway, we've decided this year to be more proactive because we will not conceive at all unless we plan it - let's just say we're not the kind of couple that has sex twice or three times a week... :shrug:

I'm currently just past ovulation - last intercourse a couple of days ago between day 13 and day 14 of cycle. I noticed EWCM on the morning of day 13 and had pretty unmistakeable ovulation pain that evening. BD that night and noticed a temperature shift the next morning. My feeling is that we were a little late doing the deed this month - probably only by a few hours, dang! - but it's so hard to know.

I finally forked out for a Clearblue fertility monitor a couple of weeks ago, and I'm waiting to start on that during my next cycle. Would be interested to know if any of you ladies has experience using this - if you believe the hype it's a miracle machine!

Also, I should add that I think I had a chemical pregnancy last month - period was a few days late, I took a test and had the faintest of faint positives - but it was enough to send me into all sorts of weird mental places - only for AF to show up on Christmas Eve. :nope: I'm not sure though - the positive test was VERY faint. But I keep telling myself it would not have been even faintly positive if the HCG hormone wasn't present. :shrug:

Hi there - that's tough about the chemical. I have never ever had the faintest of positives and think that I would totally go bananas if I ever did.....

I bought a Clear Blue Monitor just so I knew exactly when I ovulated and tbh - I knew it was around day 14 so it was nothing new but I guess it just makes it very clear when you should be getting jiggy. Also- those sticks can be expensive but you can get away with feeding it old sticks for the first few days - then on day 10, I use new ones but I can get away with that as I am quite regular with my time of ovulation. I guess some women can ovulate at all sorts of times during their cycle so I guess in that case, 10 sticks may need to be used.

Miracle Machine - well I guess if you are young etc then this would be. But as we get older - there's so much more to it then just bd'ing at the right time. But I do think it take a lot of the stress away of knowing when to go for it.:flower:
Hi there - that's tough about the chemical. I have never ever had the faintest of positives and think that I would totally go bananas if I ever did.....

I bought a Clear Blue Monitor just so I knew exactly when I ovulated and tbh - I knew it was around day 14 so it was nothing new but I guess it just makes it very clear when you should be getting jiggy. Also- those sticks can be expensive but you can get away with feeding it old sticks for the first few days - then on day 10, I use new ones but I can get away with that as I am quite regular with my time of ovulation. I guess some women can ovulate at all sorts of times during their cycle so I guess in that case, 10 sticks may need to be used.

Miracle Machine - well I guess if you are young etc then this would be. But as we get older - there's so much more to it then just bd'ing at the right time. But I do think it take a lot of the stress away of knowing when to go for it.

Hi Emmi,

I've never had even a hint of pregnancy before, which is what makes me doubtful that this was even a chemical! Who knows - I keep telling myself the test was probably faulty! The only other symptoms I had were a complete absence of pre-menstrual cramps, which I usually have without fail, headaches, and very congested sinuses. I also had had weird cramping 6 or 7 dpo.

I'm hoping the Clearblue FM will help as I have irregular cycles and from charting in the past I think my ovulation can be anything from day 14 to day 19 of my cycle. So it should at least give me some idea of what's going on.

The whole psychological thing is a big issue at this age - it is very hard not to get obsessed with the whole business and I am trying very hard not to. We will have to be accepting if it doesn't happen for us, but it is really tough seeing friends and family having children and feeling like you're the only one who doesn't. I'm also sad for my parents, who will not have any grandchildren. A while ago one of my best friends got pregnant for the first time at 39 and when I called her to congratulate her she said it was 'like being part of a club.' Ouch. It was so insensitive. It's like friends with children have moved to a different country. But I keep telling myself to keep it in perspective and that if it's not to be, it's not to be. My DH and I have careers that sort of obsess us, which can be both a good and bad thing, but at least it's a distraction :haha:
UM....got two lines on a FRER this morning. Gonna test again tonight and tomorrow...like 800 times...cuz i'm kind of in a wee bit of disbelief! Hoping the BFP is indeed true! lol

Called my OB for a blood test on Thurs as well...can't hurt.

Many congratulations, BabyMaker73! It's great to see someone be successful on here! How long had you been trying?

Here's wishing you a serene and healthy 9 months!!
UM....got two lines on a FRER this morning. Gonna test again tonight and tomorrow...like 800 times...cuz i'm kind of in a wee bit of disbelief! Hoping the BFP is indeed true! lol

Called my OB for a blood test on Thurs as well...can't hurt.

WOW, you are a member of our little thread for only a few days and you are already pregnant! What a miracle! You have finally broken our 0 pregnancies streak and hopefully brought us all good luck! Happy and healthy 9 months to you.
Hortensia, welcome to our thread! We all understand how you feel not being a "member of the club". Ugh, I'm sorry she said that to you, but I have to admit, I can totally see where she's coming from. I feel the same way: feel like someone on the outside looking in and I pray for the day I'm finally through the door! She just shouldn't have shared that particular feeling with her friend who is still struggling. I'm sure she didn't mean to be insensitive. *hugs*

I hope you get your timing worked out. Emmi is right, though. Women our age have issues past just getting the timing right. Our eggs are not as viable as they used to be. My last IUI, I had 4 mature follicles (normal women generally get ONE mature follicle) and a stellar sperm count, and I still didn't get pregnant. None of my eggs were viable. For me, it seems to be a waiting game. We'll try every month, and one of these months, my body will produce a viable egg.

Have you seen a fertility specialist to get your parts checked out? You know your tubes are not blocked and your uterus is clear?
Hi there - that's tough about the chemical. I have never ever had the faintest of positives and think that I would totally go bananas if I ever did.....

I bought a Clear Blue Monitor just so I knew exactly when I ovulated and tbh - I knew it was around day 14 so it was nothing new but I guess it just makes it very clear when you should be getting jiggy. Also- those sticks can be expensive but you can get away with feeding it old sticks for the first few days - then on day 10, I use new ones but I can get away with that as I am quite regular with my time of ovulation. I guess some women can ovulate at all sorts of times during their cycle so I guess in that case, 10 sticks may need to be used.

Miracle Machine - well I guess if you are young etc then this would be. But as we get older - there's so much more to it then just bd'ing at the right time. But I do think it take a lot of the stress away of knowing when to go for it.

Hi Emmi,

I've never had even a hint of pregnancy before, which is what makes me doubtful that this was even a chemical! Who knows - I keep telling myself the test was probably faulty! The only other symptoms I had were a complete absence of pre-menstrual cramps, which I usually have without fail, headaches, and very congested sinuses. I also had had weird cramping 6 or 7 dpo.

I'm hoping the Clearblue FM will help as I have irregular cycles and from charting in the past I think my ovulation can be anything from day 14 to day 19 of my cycle. So it should at least give me some idea of what's going on.

The whole psychological thing is a big issue at this age - it is very hard not to get obsessed with the whole business and I am trying very hard not to. We will have to be accepting if it doesn't happen for us, but it is really tough seeing friends and family having children and feeling like you're the only one who doesn't. I'm also sad for my parents, who will not have any grandchildren. A while ago one of my best friends got pregnant for the first time at 39 and when I called her to congratulate her she said it was 'like being part of a club.' Ouch. It was so insensitive. It's like friends with children have moved to a different country. But I keep telling myself to keep it in perspective and that if it's not to be, it's not to be. My DH and I have careers that sort of obsess us, which can be both a good and bad thing, but at least it's a distraction :haha:

Ahhhh - I think that if you have irregular cycles then the monitor will be brilliant. It will take a lot of stress and guesswork out of the equation.

Oh it's so hard at our age. So many people have said that it's when you give up then that's when it happens.....But how do you just give up - I cannot and will not.....I wish I could accept that it may just not happen but we are still in the middle of our journey so am nowhere near giving up:wacko:. I am 42 - nearly 43 and I have been married for only 18 months and in that time we have been trying - it has also included failed IVF:cry: So all in all - we haven't been trying that long.

And it is so hard when other people are having babies around you - it's a total killer.........And bad days - I think what's the point of anything but on better days I believe that my time will come......
Kat - keep forgetting to say - love love that photo of you!!!

Babymaker - heavens - that is amazing news!!!How wonderful. Really hoping that you are going to kickstart the rest of us getting a BFP!!!!

I think that if you have irregular cycles then the monitor will be brilliant. It will take a lot of stress and guesswork out of the equation.

Oh it's so hard at our age. So many people have said that it's when you give up then that's when it happens.....But how do you just give up - I cannot and will not.....I wish I could accept that it may just not happen but we are still in the middle of our journey so am nowhere near giving up. I am 42 - nearly 43 and I have been married for only 18 months and in that time we have been trying - it has also included failed IVF So all in all - we haven't been trying that long.

And it is so hard when other people are having babies around you - it's a total killer.........And bad days - I think what's the point of anything but on better days I believe that my time will come......

I know someone who had a first baby naturally at 43 - absolutely problem-free pregnancy and birth and a healthy child. She was so laid-back about the whole process I really admired her. But everyone 'knows someone', right? :wacko: It's different when you're facing it yourself.

Can I ask, how long had you been trying before you moved to IVF? And did you have IVF on the NHS or privately? Did you have fertility tests etc. very quickly? I don't think we'd choose to do IVF (even if we had the option) but I'm wondering about the kinds of tests that are available on the NHS.

Pinpointing ovulation has been a problem - several charts I've done showed I ovulated MUCH later than I'd thought, so I'm hoping the Clearblue FM might help us time things better.

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