40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Hi all, I hope it's okay if I jump in...this seems like it might be the best place for me. My name is Peddy and I am turning 41 this month. My husband and I are TTC our first child. We have been trying for two years, before that we weren't really trying or preventing. I did get pregnant last July. That month we weren't charting or keeping track of anything because I had just made a fertility consult appointment with my ob/GYN. I miscarried at 9 weeks. This was after seeing the baby's heartbeat on ultrasound and being told it was due on my birthday. But when we went back for another ultrasound, they could not find the baby's heartbeat anymore. Since then we have tried three rounds of Clomid, and I had a chemical pregnancy in December. Right now, I've decided to go the natural route and try acupuncture and supplements to support healthier quality eggs. They sell them on Amazon, has anyone here tried them? My husband and I have said that even though we desperately want a child, we will be okay if we do not have one. But even as I say that, as each month slips by and my chances get slimmer, I get sadder- and that doesn't help the situation! Anyhow, I am 10 DPO right now, so here's to hoping and praying that we all are soon blessed.
Hi Peddy and welcome. I'm really sorry to hear of the losses you have had. Did you ever consider going back for your fertility consult? Maybe they can help you since you have had two losses recently. There might be a reason why those beans aren't sticking. It's just a suggestion, since time is not on our side.

I'm going to the specialist tomorrow for bloodwork and an ultrasound. Best of luck to you, and definitely keep us updated on your progress. :dust:
Hi Daisy, welcome! Honestly, nothing really helps make the eggs better - they are just going to get worse with age :( The good news is that you are getting pregnant naturally - you might just need a little bit of help. You should definitely get a fertility consult and a workup, to see what your numbers are. I am in the same boat - we are going to continue naturally for a few more months and the it is IVF time, as I am turning 41 in May.
Also, from what I have read, Clomid is not really useful for the 40+ crowd...
Hi Ladies. I am not quite 40 but almost there. We have been trying to conceive for 2 1/2 years now and using ivf#1 now. Unfortunately when we started my doctor told me that I have low ovarian reserve and I also have severe endometriosis :-( DR was able to retrieve 8 eggs but only 3 were fertilize. 2 very good quality and 1 average. We did a 3dt. Since the transfer I have been getting symptoms but reason tells me its the progesterone shot and estrogen pills that is giving me false pregnancy symptoms. Hubby travels so when home alone one day I took a HPT on day 9 and it was negative. :-( I took another one today on day 11 and it too was negative. This wait is so killing me. Although we agreed we wouldn't take an HPT I couldn't help myself. The waiting is driving me insane. But now I am just sad because I got 2 negatives. My beta is in 3 day. What's the possibility of the negative turning into a positive at this point?

Thanks in advance for your feedbacks!!!!
I’m hiding my message so you don’t have to read it if you are not in the right mood today.

So here it is…. I got a BFP!
In the last box of OPK I bought, it came with a free pregnancy test. On 12DPO I figured it was too early to test but what the heck, the test was free, let’s try it. I really wasn’t expecting anything. It was a clearblue digital, so it just tells you “not pregnant” or “pregnant”. When I saw the “pregnant”, I seriously thought, this stupid thing is broken. I’ve heard of women cracking open the digitals so they can see the lines for themselves, but I couldn’t figure out how to open it up and it was way too early in the morning to try anything adventurous.

I called my doctor and they did a beta blood test Friday and confirmed it. Today I had my second beta and it really confirmed it.

I’m happy beyond words, of course, but I’m really in denial. I can’t really believe that it’s true. And I feel more fear than anything. I wasn't expecting that.
I know MC risk is high so I really just can’t celebrate just yet. I thought I would feel more over-joyed than I do.

I’d like to say a very special super thank you to Kat for starting this thread. Women like us, over 40 and trying for our first, share a special stress related to the whole TTC thing that others don’t understand.

I thank everyone on this thread for sharing your stories. It has been incredibly helpful to me to read your ups and downs and see that others are out there going thru the same thing I am. Our stories are all different, yet they are all exactly the same. We are on the same journey. You have all been incredibly supportive to me, and I hope I have also been helpful to you. I couldn’t have gone thru this without you. Thank You.

I’m sharing my baby dust with all of you! Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle! If it can happen to me, it can happen to all of you. I truly believe that.
Omigosh kaysbc!! Congratulations!! This was the cycle you thought was anovulatory too! Just goes to show that anything can happen and miracles can happen. I'll be super excited for you and you can be cautious.

I have to admit, your spoiler brought a tear to my eye this morning. I am so happy for you and wish you the happiest 9 months ever! Are you going to have a Christmas baby? Woop woop!
Hello to all the new ladies - sorry that we are all struggling but here's hoping that our luck will change!

Daisy petals - we all feel sadder as the months pass by but anything is possible....I know it's hard and boy oh boy I have bad days but we have to just keep trying.

Ski - I had an IVF last Oct and really what you need to do is wait for the optimum testing date. I know it's hard and the waiting is agony.

As for kaysbc - oh my - finally!!!!! A bfp - woop woop woop!!!!! How absolutely fabulous!! Stick now you little bean - we did a little arrival in 9 months time.

Daisypetals, At the moment I am trying to improve my egg quality with protein diet, vitamins (coq10, inosinol, folate, vit D, vit E, fish oil, vits C (after O), pregnacare), various super foods, acu (helps bring blood to reproductive organs), moderate exercise (swimming), alkaline herbal teas (ginger/lemon, mate, red bush)

Driving, I generally agree that egg quality deteriorates with age and we cant stop that but what we can do is to improve follicles blood supply and provide the right nutrients which indirectly helps the body grow good eggs. At least that's something I want to believe in. also during my both IVFs they were monitoring closely follicles blood supply (as well as estrogen levels) as this indirectly tells them if the egg quality is expected to be good or not.

SKI_trying, I had negative on 12 DPO and positive on 13 DPO (sadly ended in chemical). it also depends what you test it with, FRERs give you the answer earlier. good luck

Emmi, how are you?
Hi Peddy and welcome. I'm really sorry to hear of the losses you have had. Did you ever consider going back for your fertility consult? Maybe they can help you since you have had two losses recently. There might be a reason why those beans aren't sticking. It's just a suggestion, since time is not on our side.

I'm going to the specialist tomorrow for bloodwork and an ultrasound. Best of luck to you, and definitely keep us updated on your progress. :dust:

How did the specialist go terri? Was this a check on ovulation?
I’m hiding my message so you don’t have to read it if you are not in the right mood today.

So here it is…. I got a BFP!
In the last box of OPK I bought, it came with a free pregnancy test. On 12DPO I figured it was too early to test but what the heck, the test was free, let’s try it. I really wasn’t expecting anything. It was a clearblue digital, so it just tells you “not pregnant” or “pregnant”. When I saw the “pregnant”, I seriously thought, this stupid thing is broken. I’ve heard of women cracking open the digitals so they can see the lines for themselves, but I couldn’t figure out how to open it up and it was way too early in the morning to try anything adventurous.

I called my doctor and they did a beta blood test Friday and confirmed it. Today I had my second beta and it really confirmed it.

I’m happy beyond words, of course, but I’m really in denial. I can’t really believe that it’s true. And I feel more fear than anything. I wasn't expecting that.
I know MC risk is high so I really just can’t celebrate just yet. I thought I would feel more over-joyed than I do.

I’d like to say a very special super thank you to Kat for starting this thread. Women like us, over 40 and trying for our first, share a special stress related to the whole TTC thing that others don’t understand.

I thank everyone on this thread for sharing your stories. It has been incredibly helpful to me to read your ups and downs and see that others are out there going thru the same thing I am. Our stories are all different, yet they are all exactly the same. We are on the same journey. You have all been incredibly supportive to me, and I hope I have also been helpful to you. I couldn’t have gone thru this without you. Thank You.

I’m sharing my baby dust with all of you! Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle! If it can happen to me, it can happen to all of you. I truly believe that.


Our first!!! Kay you're our first!! I'm so happy for you, Honey! Please feel free to stay with us.
Clizard-I thought it went well. I went on CD4, and the ultrasound showed that I had 12 follicles. The doctor said that they look for >10, so I meet the criteria there. I received a call from the nurse regarding my bloodwork yesterday afternoon, but she didn't leave me a message. I called this morning and left her a message. Hopefully she'll call me back. Hubs is going Wed. or Thursday for his sperm analysis, so once we get his results, we can start on the next plan of action. In the meantime, we're going to try our best to get prego on our own. I'm happy for now with at least step 1. hee hee. Thanks for asking.

Hi Kat! :wave: :flower: :kiss:
Daisypetals, At the moment I am trying to improve my egg quality with protein diet, vitamins (coq10, inosinol, folate, vit D, vit E, fish oil, vits C (after O), pregnacare), various super foods, acu (helps bring blood to reproductive organs), moderate exercise (swimming), alkaline herbal teas (ginger/lemon, mate, red bush)

Driving, I generally agree that egg quality deteriorates with age and we cant stop that but what we can do is to improve follicles blood supply and provide the right nutrients which indirectly helps the body grow good eggs. At least that's something I want to believe in. also during my both IVFs they were monitoring closely follicles blood supply (as well as estrogen levels) as this indirectly tells them if the egg quality is expected to be good or not.

SKI_trying, I had negative on 12 DPO and positive on 13 DPO (sadly ended in chemical). it also depends what you test it with, FRERs give you the answer earlier. good luck

Emmi, how are you?

Hi Briss - nice to see you! I don't have a lot to say these days so just dip in and out! Still saving for IVF and still praying for a natural conception. I am on day 20 so will just have to see if the witch catches me again...:wacko: Ttc just takes over your life and I am trying to remember that there are other good things to be grateful for too. But it is hard. How are you doing??
I’m hiding my message so you don’t have to read it if you are not in the right mood today.

So here it is…. I got a BFP!
In the last box of OPK I bought, it came with a free pregnancy test. On 12DPO I figured it was too early to test but what the heck, the test was free, let’s try it. I really wasn’t expecting anything. It was a clearblue digital, so it just tells you “not pregnant” or “pregnant”. When I saw the “pregnant”, I seriously thought, this stupid thing is broken. I’ve heard of women cracking open the digitals so they can see the lines for themselves, but I couldn’t figure out how to open it up and it was way too early in the morning to try anything adventurous.

I called my doctor and they did a beta blood test Friday and confirmed it. Today I had my second beta and it really confirmed it.

I’m happy beyond words, of course, but I’m really in denial. I can’t really believe that it’s true. And I feel more fear than anything. I wasn't expecting that.
I know MC risk is high so I really just can’t celebrate just yet. I thought I would feel more over-joyed than I do.

I’d like to say a very special super thank you to Kat for starting this thread. Women like us, over 40 and trying for our first, share a special stress related to the whole TTC thing that others don’t understand.

I thank everyone on this thread for sharing your stories. It has been incredibly helpful to me to read your ups and downs and see that others are out there going thru the same thing I am. Our stories are all different, yet they are all exactly the same. We are on the same journey. You have all been incredibly supportive to me, and I hope I have also been helpful to you. I couldn’t have gone thru this without you. Thank You.

I’m sharing my baby dust with all of you! Sprinkle Sprinkle Sprinkle! If it can happen to me, it can happen to all of you. I truly believe that.


Our first!!! Kay you're our first!! I'm so happy for you, Honey! Please feel free to stay with us.

Hello Kat - hope you are doing okay Honey:flower: xxx
Hi ladies! it's been quite A whole since I posted, been having a break as sometime I find I get too obsessive and it's not good for me. But what a time to jump back in Kaysbc, OMG!! Such amazing news, take care of yourself and your precious cargo, I'm so pleased for you!
Emmi / Kat, glad to see your both around, I think sometimes taking a break is good for the soul.
Hi to any new ladies!
Daisy, I've been through several cycles, sadly none successful, and now 43, my consultant recommended DHEA for 3 months prior as theres some evidence to suggest it improves egg quality (there's not a lot that can be done for quantity), sadly was not the case for me, but if there's a chance it's worth a shot.
AFM I think last time I posted I was back waiting for an egg donor, after being let down. well true to form, and like buses, 4 came along at one time. One of them is the original donor I was meant to have in Jan and she's decided she def wants to do this June / July, despite the previous disappointment we've decided to go with her as she has a proven response to meds and she's a better match physically (and apparently personality) than I could have hoped for. I was sent a picture of her as a toddler and it was uncanny, I have pictures of me at that age and but for the eye colour I would have said sisters or even the same child. The other donors were very different and much shorter than me and none had had any IVF treatment before, so responsd to meds is a bot pf an unlnown. So still waiting but with an end date in sight I keep clinging to that 50-60% sucess rate the clinic have. I'm so busy that time will fly past and before I know it I'll be back at the clinic in all sorts of undignified positions!
Emmi, I know what you mean. some days I am doing OK but sometimes I just feel so hopeless, approaching 4 years TTC, everyone around has been pregnant at least once by now, when is it going to be our turn? oh well.

I am giving acu another go in the hope that it can get my FSH down for IVF. I found a guy who wrote an article on this and opened his acu practice nearby. He told me that laparoscopy (that my FS made me go through in order to be referred for IVF) might be to blame for my high FSH and shorter cycles. what a disappointment but at least it may mean that I am not going into menopause. anyway I need FSH down to qualify for fully stim IVF. DH is also going through hormonal treatment and his testosterone has increased a lot so hopefully his SA is improving. although our urologist said it may not necessarily mean we can get pregnant naturally. not very optimistic but I am hopeful. we have our initial appointment at UCH in May and hopefully can start our 3rd IVF but it's going to be with NHS so things are moving terribly slow and funding depends on my FSH.

fingers crossed your AF will stay away this cycle.
thanks so much everyone for your words of congrats!
I will continue to stalk all of you to see how you're doing and see who's next...

For those trying/considering acupuncture. I think it made a huge difference for me and would recommend it. In the end, who knows what really makes it happen, but I believe the acupuncture is what did it for me.
Hi ladies! it's been quite A whole since I posted, been having a break as sometime I find I get too obsessive and it's not good for me. But what a time to jump back in Kaysbc, OMG!! Such amazing news, take care of yourself and your precious cargo, I'm so pleased for you!
Emmi / Kat, glad to see your both around, I think sometimes taking a break is good for the soul.
Hi to any new ladies!
Daisy, I've been through several cycles, sadly none successful, and now 43, my consultant recommended DHEA for 3 months prior as theres some evidence to suggest it improves egg quality (there's not a lot that can be done for quantity), sadly was not the case for me, but if there's a chance it's worth a shot.
AFM I think last time I posted I was back waiting for an egg donor, after being let down. well true to form, and like buses, 4 came along at one time. One of them is the original donor I was meant to have in Jan and she's decided she def wants to do this June / July, despite the previous disappointment we've decided to go with her as she has a proven response to meds and she's a better match physically (and apparently personality) than I could have hoped for. I was sent a picture of her as a toddler and it was uncanny, I have pictures of me at that age and but for the eye colour I would have said sisters or even the same child. The other donors were very different and much shorter than me and none had had any IVF treatment before, so responsd to meds is a bot pf an unlnown. So still waiting but with an end date in sight I keep clinging to that 50-60% sucess rate the clinic have. I'm so busy that time will fly past and before I know it I'll be back at the clinic in all sorts of undignified positions!

Hello Pussycat - nice to see you Honey. Yep - ttc can just get too obsessive and that incudes the forums. Of course they are wonderful and supportive but just adds to the already addiction to it all!:wacko: You just need to have that wee break sometimes.

Oh I am really hoping that all goes ahead to plan now - no more disaapointments again as you have had to be so patient. The donor match sounds amazing so onwards and upwards for you and us all.:happydance:

Emmi, I know what you mean. some days I am doing OK but sometimes I just feel so hopeless, approaching 4 years TTC, everyone around has been pregnant at least once by now, when is it going to be our turn? oh well.

I am giving acu another go in the hope that it can get my FSH down for IVF. I found a guy who wrote an article on this and opened his acu practice nearby. He told me that laparoscopy (that my FS made me go through in order to be referred for IVF) might be to blame for my high FSH and shorter cycles. what a disappointment but at least it may mean that I am not going into menopause. anyway I need FSH down to qualify for fully stim IVF. DH is also going through hormonal treatment and his testosterone has increased a lot so hopefully his SA is improving. although our urologist said it may not necessarily mean we can get pregnant naturally. not very optimistic but I am hopeful. we have our initial appointment at UCH in May and hopefully can start our 3rd IVF but it's going to be with NHS so things are moving terribly slow and funding depends on my FSH.

fingers crossed your AF will stay away this cycle.

Ahhh - I hear ya.....Some days I feel so hopeless with it all and I find it all so suffocating that there is no change for the future.....I can't see life without children and it's a really hard road to travel:cry:

Keep hopeful - we have to have hope. At least things are being addressed and you are getting some answers. I can imagine how slow the NHS is which must be frustrating but at least you are moving forward.

Here's hoping that we all get what we deserve real soon.


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