40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Clizard, my acu doc said if the treatment is going to work I will see some reduction in FSH levels in 3 months. if nothing changes then it's probably cos FSH went up due to lower egg reserve in which case there probably nothing else that can be done. I checked my FSh levels this cycle, about 1.5 months into the treatment and it's still high 13-16. I had about a year of acu/herbs treatment last year with a different doc but it did not have any effect on my cycle length or FSH level, if anything they only went up even higher but this doc seems to be targeting specifically FSH, although acu points he is needling are the same as what I had needled before but the herbs are different. I am hoping his treatment will help. I went ahead with my reserve testing at the fertility clinic because I got panicky (approaching my yet another birthday) I do not want to lose any more time trying to get my FSH down. If it works it'll be great and will help with IVF going better anyway. if they refuse IVF I will have to go privately or go abroad. or maybe we just go back to natural IVf.
Everything seems like such a challenge ttc sometimes! I really hope this works for you Briss, and you get to IVF - you deserve it.
thanks briss for the article.
My acupuncturist always talks about nourishing my blood and stuff like that, and never seems concerned with my FSH level. Over a year ago my FSH was 12, which I was told is high, but I have no idea what an ideal level is supposed to be. I haven't had it tested since then and I sometimes wonder what it is now. Higher because I'm older? Lower because I've been having TCM?

this is the series of herbs my acupuncturist had me on, and she wants to start again when I get back on track with a normal cycle.


Good luck to everyone, sounds like everyone is in a good stage with their cycles, trying new stuff and truckin' along...
kaysbc, at my clinic they want FSH 12 or below but anything below 10 is just great. High FSH usually means kidney yin deficiency (which is Chinese for aging). I remember reading this article some time ago. It's great that you get different herbal formulas throughout your cycle. I take Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan formula until O and nothing in TWW. I also have acu every 2 weeks. FSH is a problem just because this is a requirement for IVF, otherwise I would not worry about it cos I do not think high FSH can stop you getting pregnant naturally. I could not get pregnant because of low sperm count, not high FSH.
How are you going Kay? I haven't been around much lately as FIL had a stroke 4 weeks ago and its been chaos at my place. But, I've been quietly following you on the other board and I was wondering how things were going for you and where you were at after your mc? How is your OH too? Mine kinda shut down to deal with it all and I still struggle to make him talk about it.
Sorry to hear about your FIL, Clizard. I hope he's going to be all right. I got the results from my IUI yesterday and it was negative. I'm now officially in the 40 year old TTC #1 club. It feels great. :wacko: ha! I'm still going for it, though. This WILL happen for us, ladies!
Sorry to hear about your FIL, Clizard. I hope he's going to be all right. I got the results from my IUI yesterday and it was negative. I'm now officially in the 40 year old TTC #1 club. It feels great. :wacko: ha! I'm still going for it, though. This WILL happen for us, ladies!

Ahhhh so sorry to hear that :wacko: But yes - we have to keep going for it! I will not be giving up at all - gotta keep going:flower: It will happen for us indeed!

Terri :( on your IUI. Do you think you will try another IUI?

thanks Clizard for checking in. So sorry to hear about the stroke! I hope everything is going ok now. ?
I've been having a really hard time with the MC. Physically it has been tough my body feels like its been through the wringer. and emotionally it has been even worse. There's some days I'm so depressed I don't know if I can make it. My hubby has really just been trying to deal with me and my moods, and he's a champ he's been doing the best he can. He has his own sadness too but he has a better ability to move forward and look at the future. His now famous line to use on me is "the sooner we get that one outta there the sooner we can put another one in".

I really am looking forward to being over this ordeal and getting my body back to normal so we can try again. I just had my Hcg tested Weds and it was way down at 197. I'm anxious to back to zero again.

Emmi- how are you? aren't you in the middle of trying another IVF?
That's a shame Terri - was keeping fx it would be a 1st time lucky for you! Congrats on reaching the 40 club too. Emmi is right, we have to keep going. Kay, you have done really well so far. I think mc was the hardest loss I have had to face so far. It can be such a lonely thing to experience as you were the one who had dreams and hopes for this little thing growing inside you. Your OH sounds like he is a great help though. Glad to hear things are settling down with the hormones.
FIL is ok-ish, he will need to go into a high care nursing home at the moment so we are sorting that out. Doctors had given up on him after he had his third hemorrhagic stroke and stopped feeding him to let him slip away. They changed their minds a few days later when they realised he was improving! So we have been all over the place, but we are still pushing for rehab treatments and hoping for a good outcome. Time will tell.
Terri :( on your IUI. Do you think you will try another IUI?

thanks Clizard for checking in. So sorry to hear about the stroke! I hope everything is going ok now. ?
I've been having a really hard time with the MC. Physically it has been tough my body feels like its been through the wringer. and emotionally it has been even worse. There's some days I'm so depressed I don't know if I can make it. My hubby has really just been trying to deal with me and my moods, and he's a champ he's been doing the best he can. He has his own sadness too but he has a better ability to move forward and look at the future. His now famous line to use on me is "the sooner we get that one outta there the sooner we can put another one in".

I really am looking forward to being over this ordeal and getting my body back to normal so we can try again. I just had my Hcg tested Weds and it was way down at 197. I'm anxious to back to zero again.

Emmi- how are you? aren't you in the middle of trying another IVF?

Ahhhh Darling - I can imagine how you feel:cry: I am so sorry to hear that you feel so helpless. And it's so hard for OH's too - they are dealing with their own thoughts aswell as dealing with us. Can you go to your Dr and see if you can get some counselling?? I was really against after my IVF failed as I just felt what's the use - but it did really help:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I start injecting on Tuesday :flower: I feel so excited and relieved to be trying again but also petrified of going through another loss.....There are so many mixed emotions:wacko: But I will just take one day at a time - I am on a long protocol which means it's a long journey of shutting down my system and then stimulating it. So time will tell.

But thank you for asking about me when you are going through so much:hugs: I am around - I just dip in and out as I just don't have much to say:dohh:

You look after yourself Honey.

How are you going Kay? I haven't been around much lately as FIL had a stroke 4 weeks ago and its been chaos at my place. But, I've been quietly following you on the other board and I was wondering how things were going for you and where you were at after your mc? How is your OH too? Mine kinda shut down to deal with it all and I still struggle to make him talk about it.

How is your FIL doing?? I really hope that you are doing okay - ttc is stressful enough and then we have all the other stuff that life throws at us!

Emmi, best of luck with your cycle!!! Were you also on the long protocol last time? Cant wait to hear your updates.

I am still waiting to do more tests, they asked for dummy ET and 3D SIS next cycle and after that they will make a decision. It's taking so long. If they refuse at least we've had all tests done which will hopefully reduce the cost if we will have to go privately
How's everyone doing? The board's been quiet for awhile.

I'm still turning pregnancy tests positive, I can't wait until my hormones settle down. I've decided that waiting to start over is sort of like a super sonic long 2ww!

You know what makes me freak out just about every day? On my way to work, the elevator from the parking garage stops at the Women's Health clinic before it gets to the main lobby where I need to go. Every morning and every evening I start/end my commute to work watching preggo women going to their appointments. You know how I know I've really lost my mind? I stare at them all and internally try to guess how old each one of them is. I've only seen one that I would guess at 40+.
It's a terrible game I play with myself.
Hi everyone,

I'm new, although I've been lurking for the past few days. I'm 41, single, and will be using a donor from a sperm bank. Which bank is still TBD. I go back and forth between Fairfax, California Cryobank, and The Sperm Bank of California so if anyone has any experience with one or all of these please feel free to speak up. I'd love to hear your opinions.

I had my yearly doctor's appointment a couple of weeks ago and I'm perfectly healthy, well except I need to lose weight which I'm actively working on. Now what I need to find out is if I'm healthy enough to get pregnant and carry a baby to term. My cycle runs between 22-25 days. A few years ago my cycle was 28 days long. I'm worried about early menopause but I'm determined to stay positive.

My appointment with the RE is on June 30 so I'm well on the way to finding out how fertile or not fertile I am. In the meantime (as of June 1st) my daily supplements are:

prenatal with DHA
Co Q10 200mg
Vitamin D3 5000iu
Fish Oil 1000mg
a spoonful of royal jelly

Things I've bought but haven't started taking yet:
primrose oil 500mg
Maca root

Now that I've committed to having a child I've cut out all sodas, eat organic when I can, and stay away from processed foods as much as possible. I exercise every day and even take walks during my lunch break to get my circulation moving.

Basically, I'm trying to do everything in my power if not to stop time, at least to slow it down a little. I'm so happy to find people who are around the same age with the same goals. You all are keeping me sane.
Welcome someday. Glad you joined. A few more weeks until your appointment so that's exciting!

kaysbc-Sorry those tests are still positive (hate to say that, ya know!?), but hopefully soon you'll be back in trying mode. :hugs: Interesting game you play there. I cannot tell people's ages at all. If they are wearing reading glasses, I know they are over 40, but if not reading anything, it's really hard for me to guess. Will you be going to that center?

AFM-My second IUI is tomorrow morning. I am praying my hubs' count is a little better. I know it only takes one :spermy: but having a lot makes me feel better about my chances. After tomorrow, I'm going to talk to my doctor about IVF because I'm moving forward and don't want to miss a cycle because they're feeling positive about things and don't give me what I need to be ready to move on. I'm just being realistic. And if I spend insurance money buying meds I don't end up using, I'm ok with that!

Have a great weekend all. :hugs:
Hello Ladies - am still loitering but just not a lot to say! I am down regulating at the mo for IVF and will have my down reg scan on Weds - then hopefully, I start the stimms drugs. It's such a long process but just gotta take one step at a time.

Ahhh Kay - it's so very tough isn't it?? I live near a park and primary school and constantly see pregnant women and toddlers. I feel so envious and so sad - why can't I just be blessed with one?? It's not too much to ask!

Hi Somedayisnow - sounds like you are doing everything possible to get your body in tip top condition. Wishing you good luck Honey!

Terri - keeping everything crossed for you. And that's a great plan - move to IVF after. We just don't have time on our sides so it's important to keep moving forward. My hubby has such erratic sperm, sometimes it's normal but sometimes it's not great at all. With IVF and ICSI - the science is done for you which takes out the guesswork.
But in the mean time - here's hoping with this IUI!!

Thanks for the warm welcomes. :cloud9: Today was hard to remain positive since I got my period this morning signifying another 21 day cycle. I haven't even begun ttcing yet but such a short cycle makes me fear that menopause is right around the corner. :cry: But the universe works in mysterious ways and I ended up speaking with a former colleague of mine whom I hadn't talked to in over a year. She's a research nurse at one of the top hospitals in LA and shared with me her own infertility story. In a nutshell, she had her first and only child at age 41 and swears by acupuncture. IUIs didn't work and her doctor was pushing for IVF. She stopped taking the prescription meds and went to an acupuncturist for four months and got pregnant naturally. Now I realize that Eastern Medicine is nothing new to the people on this forum but the fact that this very science focused person insists that I see an acupuncturist makes me believe that anything wrong with me can be fixed. :happydance: And believing is half the battle.
Welcome someday! What do you take the D3 for? Just for general health or for a fertility reason?

terri hope your IUI went well and this is the one for you. Yes that's the same women's clinic I was planning to go for OB/prenatal care. Its a really nice place. But yes as emmi says, seeing women in the state I want to be in always makes me jealous, sometimes angry, sometimes happy. it's all such an emotional roller coaster.

I got AF yesterday. I wasn't expecting that, since I obviously still have hcg in my system since I turned a HPT positive on Wednesday. ! Not sure what to think of that. It's been 37 days since the start of my MC. Our bodies are so mysterious, mine is always surprising me. My acupuncturist is having me start my cycle of herbs again.
Hi kaysbc,

I take D3 for fertility and general health but mostly fertility. A couple of years ago my doctor told me that I was vitamin D deficient and asked me to take a vitamin D supplement in addition to my regular multivitamin. I did and was retested 6 months later and my levels came back normal. I then stopped taking the additional supplement. Now fast forward to about a week ago when I read on here that vitamin D is tied to fertility. That's all I needed to know and started taking 5000 iu a day plus what's included in my prenatal. On my ttc journey my motto is if it won't hurt my chances of getting pregnant then I'm going to try it. :baby:
Hello Ladies,

I havent been here for about a month. Thank you to everyone for thier updates! It really does help. I turned 42 in May and still TTC naturally. I did call a University Hospital that deals in infertility. After the two failed IUI's I think its time for IVF. I am really scared to do it though. I am not sure my emotional health is well enough to have another disappointment. We really cant afford any more than the 1 time of IVF. The nurse sent me paperwork, that I havent filled out yet. My time is ticking...they said they would not do IVF with my own eggs after I turn 43. That is 11 months away..but time goes so fast. I guess I need to get my stuff together and go for it.

Good Luck to everyone!:dust:

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