40+ and Trying for 1st? Join in!!

Hi Kay, welcome back :flower:
I'm glad that you are on the mend and you didn't have to have another operation and your acupunturist has a plan for you to put you back on track.
Yes, we've all had those days of hearing other people's BFP just from breathing. I'm happy for them but deep in my heart, I feel a tinge of jealousy.
I think I've heard one of those at least once for the past 3 months. It must be summer :laugh2:

Jean, lovely to hear you got your loan and some of your credit card paid off.

Pussycat, how much longer do we have to wait until your scan? anymore symptoms?
I still haven't heard from midwife or obstetrician, I'm going to wait till Monday then chase, as that will have been 2 weeks since I went to my GP and I will be 7 weeks then. They said I should have a midwife appointment and scan week 8, really hope so! If not will have to book a private one (another £100!). Haven't really got any symptoms apart from being really knackered (almost considered a lunchtime power nap in my car yesterday!) and needing to wee a little but often. No MS but week 7/8 seems to be the common start date for that. It all still feels very unreal.
I just want to say I hope you don't mind me still posting here, I know how hard it is to hear about other peoples BFPs, I've been there often enough. I completely understand if you'd rather I didn't and I can toddle off elsewhere, but I do want to hear how you are all doing. I so want you to get your BFPs! xxx
thanks for the welcome wishes back. I"m not getting cortisone shots anymore, by my own choice first but also my doctor doesn't recommend anymore. he says he's given me the maximum number you can have before they start being detrimental to healing. We'll see how the hormone tests go. My RE says I should test hormones 7 days after O but since I don't think I've O'd in 3 months not sure how this will turn out.

pussycat you can post here anytime, you belong here :)
Kay--welcome back! I'm glad to hear you are healing and getting back to TTC. Is it unusual for you to not ov?

Pussycat--don't leave us! I'm so happy for you & I'd love to celebrate your milestones along the way. Can't wait for your first scan!

Jean--good to hear the loan came through for you.

Lastchances--I hope you are managing to stay laid back about TTC even after coming on b&b!

Weezy--I'm so glad to hear the help you've searched out has been useful! I'm curious about what supplements were recommended to you to improve egg health. Can you share? My RE looked at me like I had three heads when I asked about any supplements that could help, but I believe there are things that can make a difference.

Terri--hope you are having a fantastic vacation!

AFM--had my day 3 baseline ultrasound today. I have 2 antral follicles on both ovaries. That's the most I've had, so I'm pleased with that. I'm doing both follistim and menopur this cycle; I really, really hope to get multiple mature follicles this time. C'mon ovaries, cooperate please!! The menopur injection was kind of a disaster because the needle syringe I got was different than the one in the injection video & I struggled to figure it out. It'll be easier now, though. Lots of injections this cycle! Hoping I don't have any bad side effects from the menopur.
Pussycat, the statement isn't referring to you. We all know how difficult and long your journey has been and I'm sure everyone here is happy for you and would continue to hear how you're getting on. The thread will be different without you...please stay.

Vonn, of course I can share, but please bear in mind she recommended those having looked at my situation and hormones ok....which in essence is nothing out of the ordinary. As well as supplements she instructed a diet change. So I don't bore everyone, I'll PM you. If anyone else is interested, please let me know and I'll pm a msg
Drugs arrived before I got home from the library book sale (that place is dangerous! I need to find more time to read), so I start the needles tonight. I just had to write the dates on my cycle chart RE gave me, thought I was supposed to start needles tomorrow, good thing I looked just now! Got the usual clomid headache off and on, had a slight blurry vision first day of it but that went away. I feel the left ovary a little.
Hello folks,
Been so busy with study and haven't had a chance to post.
Can I just be lazy and say ditto to everything everyone else has said!
Special hello to Kaysbc - lovely to hear from you.
Onwards and upwards Jean, Weezy and Vonn.
Enjoy that break Terri.
Never leave us Pussycat. You are not allowed.
Later. Must finish another ridiculous essay.
Vonn, great news on the follies, hopefully they will continue to develop.
Jean, glad the money came through and the drugs!
Kay, did they give you any advice on how you're meant to handle this given you're not sure about your Ov situation? Hopefully things will start to settle down for you.
Weezy, when I was being treated in UK and they told me my AMH was low and my egg quality was likely to be poor I asked if there was anything I could go to improve it. I'm afraid the answer they gave me was basically now, however the only possible (but unproven thing) was DHEA, for 3 months prior to next cycle , however it's important that this is under the guidance if your Dr (https://haveababy.com/fertility-information/ivf-authority/dhea-and-ivf-harmful-in-certain-cases). Sadly it did not work for me and I will never know if it was my immune issues (and therefore even a perfect egg would not have worked) or if it simply didn't work. I asked about diet and COQ10 and they told me no. However I think there has to be something more and looking at a holistic approach has to offer solutions.
Thank you for asking me to stay ladies, I'd love to as you've all been so great on my journey and I can't wait to hear your next steps. I just wanted to be sure i wasn't upsetting anyone. xx
I spent an hour trying to psych myself up for the shot last night. Then I finally jabbed it in & accidently took it right back out before injecting the meds, so I had to do it again. It didn't even hurt, I guess it's just that I haven't done it in a month that messed with my mind. I also burst into a crying fit a few times in that hour, so I blame the clomid. I think I'll be better doing tonight's shot.
Kay! Welcome back, chica. Glad you're ready to get started again. We missed you.

Jean-ugh. Hee hee. At least you realized you forgot the medicine instead of missing a dose. You can't be fooling around this month! Glad your loan came through as well.

Clizard-school comes first. Good to see you too. :kiss:

Pussycat-I'm not even going to comment on you not hanging with us. Ok I will. Shut.up. Hee hee.

I'm back from Mexico and feeling good. I'm tan, relaxed, hoping for a baby! Hee hee. I haven't temped so I'm thinking that I have probably o'd since its day 13 or 14. I'll check in the morning to see what's going on. I have four more days with my hubs and then I'm off for another vacation to Canada with my moto. girlfriends so I'm hoping I have a distracting TWW. If I haven't o'd we at least had fun the last few days. :shrug:

Hi to everyone else!
Another night of psyching myself up for needle #2, at least this time I didn't break into crying fits, but I have said quite a few times that I'm SO over the needle thing! I wish I had someone else to just push the needle in for me.
For some reason my posts seem to be going to a monitor and not being displayed, so this is a test really. x
Mmm think my previous post had web links so perhaps they need to check them.
I am in shock, I had an early scan this morning which has dated me at 6 weeks 2 days. The shock is they have detected 3 heart beats .... One on it's own, with it's own placenta and yolk sack and the other 2 heart beats in one yolk sack and placenta .... Holycrap!!!! I was prepared for the possibility of 2, but 3? The single one is smaller and a weaker heartbeat so not sure if that will continue but I have to go back for another scan next Tuesday to see if the twins share an amniotic sac, if they do it's more complicated and also to check the weaker heart beat. So after all these years and 8 failed attempts I could potentially be having three babies at the age of 44. Ladies, what on earth have I done? xxx
OMGoodness Pussycat! That is amazing...we'll see what happens with the weaker heartbeat, which will be sad if it doesn't make it, but twins I think will be more tolerable. Three would be crazy! But..you never know, so just wait and see..I can't believe this news. HA!!HA!! Wow is all I can say.

*looking up ticket prices to Czech* hee hee.
Wow that's amazing! I guess when you do it, you reallly do it! Congratulations!
Last night, or should I say very early this am, talk of using protection came up again. It was an incredibly passive, extremely weak talk about it, which followed a weekend full of the exact opposite, though. Actually it was right after not using it yet again. But it was still mentioned. I think I'd made some stupid joke based on something that had just happened, that brought it up. It didn't sound like anyone has any real interest in actually doing so, but more a statement that we probably should, in theory, followed by a lot of reasons we don't want to. So I guess NTNP doesn't really apply, even if that's what's happening in practice. There's been so many mixed messages. (And 2 months now since we've used protection at all) I wonder if that could be because he's as conflicted as I am. Sorta being aware of last chances, while also knowing it would hardly be easy. I just don't know. And no, I just don't want to have a big conversation about it at this point because we're hardly kids who don't know better, and if it's our style to see if a happy "accident" just happens, and pretend we couldn't see that coming, then I don't want to interfere. Plus, it just isn't all that likely at my age anyway. Now today I just feel moody and annoyed for reasons I don't even fully understand. It probably didn't help hearing him and his ex on the phone talking about their amazing kids last night, then this a bit later after we had just been together again. It isn't like me to be bugged over that stuff. It's like suddenly I get jealous and annoyed over even fb friends posting about their babies. Especially the little girls. I've gotten very weird lately. I'm guessing that's my age kicking in. Knowing this is close to it for me. I guess I feel just a little crazy these days.

Other than that brief conversation which was hardly resolute, he hasn't made a single move to use anything, hasn't asked me to see my tracking calendars anymore, or asked me about timing. He also knows I openly expressed a feeling of sadness when AF finally showed last time after all that. We both spoke of mixed feelings and disappointment. Any talk when he thought I might had been about embracing it if it happened etc. I guess I'll just have to see what happens next. Wednesday may be telling. I just feel confused and maybe a little sad and moody/cranky. :/
Pussycat--what?!?!? OMG!! This is crazy, but totally amazing. AMAZING! You absolutely cannot leave us now. I have to admit I'm a little confused by the science of it. Did one embie split? Do identical twins usually share an amniotic sac?

Terri--welcome back, so glad you had fun!

Lastchances--I'm glad you have found a space to unload your confusion and uncertainty. I can feel your emotions. It's so hard to be conflicted at this age because there's so much pressure. I hope you and DH find clarity with what you want/want to do.

Jean--I always hold the needle in front of my stomach for a few seconds before plunging it in. Gotta work up the courage every time.

Weezy--thank you so much for sending me all the info from your nutritionist! What a wealth of information! I know it's specific to you, but a lot of it is just good suggestions.

Clizard--pop in whenever, we always like to hear from you!

AFM--go in for day 7 ultrasound tomorrow morning. We'll see if adding menopur into the mix has made a difference. DH and I had a fight about guess what...sex, of course. It has thrown me into a complete tizzy. I know I'm hopped up on hormones, but I am an emotional wreck right now. Ugh.
Vonn-It'll be ok. I know you and your DH have different mindsets on sex, but now that you're using injections, you are so close to having that baby, that maybe this conversation will kind of be a thing in the past. I know for IUI, the docs said we could have sex, but for IVF, we had to have protected sex, and that sucks. At this point, I'd rather not do anything at all. I hated being on BCP out of sheer principle, and now that I'm married, I WANT unprotected sex or nothing. hee hee. Hopefully you guys can get back on track with whatever your argument was about.

Lastchances-I hear ya, babe. No need to have the conversation if it's a NTNP kind of thing for both of you and you both seem ambivalent, so why even discuss it. You certainly don't want him to really say 'I want to start using protection' so I'd just leave things the way they are. Funny you mention FB. I was looking at some of my high school friends last night and I was like 'Wow..that guy sure has gotten fat. And look at his wife...oh yeah, she's pregnant' WOMP WOMP. Somebody shoot me now. I really don't know if it's hormones or pure jealousy, but it's pretty miserable to be mad at others about something that is completely out of our control. that doesn't make it better but for the love of God, it's tough.

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