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Hi. So far I'm taking things pretty well in stride as far as this stuff goes. Having been getting crazed and antsy about testing etc. I guess it's because I kinda feel like nothing's going to happen anyway. Can't help but take note of every sensation and twinge though. I've been in a really crappy mood for several days. Part of it has been some extra aggravation and frustration over some things, but a fair amount of it just feels internal.

I'm CD 20 now. No mid-cycle spotting or anything this month so far. That may have been a freak thing only last month. AF should be due on the 15th.
Pussycat I'm so glad you're dealing with the news well. I'm excited for you about your twins. I've read multiples are more common in older women even during just traditional means of conception and I can't say my mind hasn't wandered at times at how great that would be in a way, even though it would also be kinda crazy and hard (not necessarily for everyone) But what a blessing it is, in a way when we never got to do it before to actually end up with 2.
Pussycat I'm so glad you're dealing with the news well. I'm excited for you about your twins. I've read multiples are more common in older women even during just traditional means of conception and I can't say my mind hasn't wandered at times at how great that would be in a way, even though it would also be kinda crazy and hard (not necessarily for everyone) But what a blessing it is, in a way when we never got to do it before to actually end up with 2.

Yes I had heard that too and have now read that it can be common with ICSI and blast transfers, either way I am very happy. TBH I'd always secretly hoped for twins (despite the hard work), as I always wanted more than one. Three just seemed like such a huge difference though!
Glad you're staying on top of things, but sorry to hear your having troubles elsewhere. If you don't mind me saying, the fact that you've found this forum and clearly have TTC on your mind, are you sure you're not just trying to do what your other half wants and convince yourself that you want the same? The only reason I say is it would be do awful if you regretted not doing something when it's too late. I hope that doesn't sound cheeky, just a thought ....
You're fine. Not at all offended or anything. Maybe just a bit confused. Was your concern about me maybe only doing what he wants, referring to me speaking of only doing a natural NTNP thing?

The thing is, my life is kind of a mess (which is nothing new unfortunately though in some ways it's better than it had been), so i should technically still probably be doing everything to avoid pregnancy, but I've kind of had it. I'm 41. Not a lot of time to "fix" everything even, if i can. He has a bit of a mess as well, and probably has the same responsible-type thoughts regarding it. However we stopped using protection and he doesn't even ask me about timing etc. anymore. We don't think it's likely, but as far as we know, it's possible. He always knows when AF is around and other details, so he knows my cycle anyway. It may sound funny but we can't quite "do it in purpose." I'm sometimes not entirely sure what we're doing, but it seems more like if it happens we'd prefer to act like it's shocking or something. It's only since early May we've been unprotected during FW times so it's too early to even worry about problems yet. Also, my weight wasn't great to begin with and I've gained back this year, so I really shouldn't be getting pregnant by any means. If it happens, it will be a mess. It won't be easy, especially for a while, but I think what we both figure is, we'll work it out. I'm going more with what's meant to be or not.
Btw...about 2 am last night (as in late Tues into wed) I went to the bathroom and saw 1 pencil eraser sized spot of blood on the tp. Along with other very mild cramps, twinges and things, I doubt I have to tell you what thought of. The timing pretty well works too. But I'm still almost strangely maintaining my grip. Again, it probably helps that I'm not thinking it'll be the case. In that anyway. I've been a little insane and moody in general though. I've been acting/feeling weird.
Hello ladies
Vonn - really sorry your meds are not working for you, hope your scan on friday will give you better news

Jean - best of luck with your trigger on friday

Lastchance - sorry you've got trouble elsewhere. Hope you get your problems solved soon and can concentrate on TTC.

Pussycat - I'm glad you've taken the loss of the 3rd heartbeat well and are now enjoying being pregnant with twins. You are right that multiple pregnancies can be very complicated and could affect the health of the stronger twin. I'm really happy for you - that you're getting 2 for the price of 1 :haha: Can't wait to hear if you're getting team pink or team blue. What would you prefer?

I'm keen to start my next cycle as it has been a good 3 months now but I had a letter through last week to say they will be doing my NHS laparoscopy and hysterscopy on friday (tomorrow). So I'm going to get those out of the way first this month. I thought if I get this investigation out of the way (and it's paid for by the NHS anyway) it may give me a better chance for my next IVF. I've heard somewhere that it may even increase my chance of conceiving naturally. Does anymore know if it's true?

Pussycat - I haven't got over the DE barrier yet I must say, I think I'm still keen to try OE for 1 or 2 cycle before we cross that bridge, for now, I think it's immune testing first. But I'm really really glad you managed it and have such happy outcome :hugs:

Terri, when are you back from vacation - have you been baby making mad whilst on vacation:winkwink:
Hey girls!! I'm back. I was on a vacation with my motorcycle girlfriends, Weezy, so no baby making. I did get AF on Saturday so that was a bummer. Riding all day with cramps is not fun, however, it's better than being at work!

Last chances-ooh, maybe that spot of blood is a good thing. Keep us posted! Sorry you're so conflicted. Hopefully soon you'll get prego and you can mentally prepare for baby instead of TTC.

Vonn-I may have missed the outcome of your last cycle. Are you in your tww?

Pussycat-I'm so sorry that you lost the third baby, but I'm pleased that you are ok with everything. I have a feeling losing the third baby happens a lot although I'm still so sorry to hear about it. It's crazy how it just disappears. Anyway, be thankful for two healthy babies. They are going to be kids to a fabulous mom!

Jean-hope your TWW is going smoothly.

AFM-well, I'm home from my continental tour 2015. I put 2325 miles on my motorcycle and had a wonderful time with my motorcycle friends. I'm at the fertility place about to go in for day 3 bloods and hopefully I can get started with bcp tomorrow. I'm a little worried about a fibroid that I've had even though they say it's out of the way. Hopefully it'll stay out of the way! IVF take 25. Here we go!
Thanks Weezy. Lol. Or at least I can concentrate back on trying to pretend I'm not at all TTC while we still do everything people would who are. I can do the whole playing dumb, "oops never saw this coming guess we better rise to the occasion" thing.

I'm still all weird mood-wise. I don't know what my deal is. If I was indeed getting very peri-menopausal etc. I wouldn't be surprised. I feel a little crazy these days.

AF is due by Wednesday. Despite my timely little spot on TP last week, I think that witch is on her way. Had mild cramps yesterday and feeling maybe a little very lpw twinges atm. That could even be bladder though. Hard to tell just yet.
Doc said fibroid is so far away that he's not even going to look at it. HA!!HA!! Fine by me. I should be getting the ok to start BCP tonight! Yeah.
Terri--welcome back and great news from the dr!! Glad you had a great trip, sounds like a wonderful sisterhood you have with your moto gals. How many went on the trip? Strange question here: do you get sore down there when you ride a lot (like when you ride a horse)?

Weezy--glad to hear you'll be getting started again soon!

Lastchances--sorry that you've been irritable/off emotionally. I'm sure it's partially because of this whole confusing ntnp situation, combine that with other stresses in life and it's a recipe for grumpiness.

Pussycat--do you get more scans/care because you have twins settling in in there? Any nausea or extreme tiredness, or are you feeling good?

Jean--I hope you get a positive in the next few days!

AFM--I am having a totally bizzaro cycle. I am now on CD 20 and I still don't have any mature follicles! I have two 14s and a 10 on my right & one 10 on my left. I have to go back in two days and check again. I started out on follistim and menopur, which totally suppressed all growth. On CD 11 I they had me stop the meds and when I went in on CD 17 things were starting to grow, so they put me back on the meds and today I'm getting close. Yay for 2 follies growing at the same rate!! My first time for this, which is my goal.

I have some prescription coverage, but not full & this has been really expensive. We've spent over a $1000 on meds this cycle. It would be probably 3x as much if I had no rx coverage.
So sorry to gatecrash Ladies!! Pussycat...... oh my gosh.... are you??? X
Hey ladies,
Vonn, those pesky follicles never go what we wZnt when we want! Mine were always slow to grow. Good that they're both at the same stage, hopefully you'll get some good news in a couple of days, how big do they wAnt them to be, 18mm?
Weezy, I get where you're coming from totally, it took me 4 IUIs and 2 IVF with my own eggs before is consider DE, it was really important for me to feel that I'd done all I could. Great that you're getting some tests on the NHS. Take what you can!
Terri, sounds like you had a great holiday! Good news on the fibroids, full steam ahead?
Last chance, it's hard when your situation isn't ideal but then I don't think it ever is.
Jean, hope your 2WW isn't dragging. Will you wIt for 28th or test early?
Emmi, great to see you again and YES, I am, finally with identical twins! Because they're identical apparently I will be monitored really closely and after my 12 week scan will be scanned every two weeks to ensure there's no twin-twin-transfusions going on and both are ok. I'm really happy with that, if I wasn't so tired is doubt that this was actually happening! x
Thanks Vonn. Actually I think it may be possible it's as simple as being all out of sorts because it hasn't happened and doesn't feel like it will. Mixed with other life crap. I'm also pissed that I gaoned weight, can't get my act together and it's all amounting to no baby AND no weight loss. One might help the other too.
I log everything. I make a point of having sex during the important times. I've been avoiding lubricants now that I know that can cause problems (thankfully it usually needed much yet, anyway). And he most definitely knows all of this too. It's possibly slightly more TTC with low odds, and seeing what nature does given the chance. I am possibly the least cryptic person you could ever meet. Lol. I've even been avoiding ibuprofen and sudafed when I get my bad sinus headaches unless it's AF or another time I'm almost certain it's ok for the month. Apparently Sudafed can alter CM along with other mucus since it's systematic and Ibuprofen is not only dangeroud for a fetus but I've read it can somewhat block implantation.

I cried for no reason on the way home. Though thr pregnancy bellies and babies all over the mall I had been at probably didn't help. I'm just weird. My mother keeps saying I'm peri-menopausal. She has no idea what I've been up to (and won't).

Like an idiot, I tested a little while ago (like 4pm when i was up at 6:30) with a cheapie and nothing. I said I wasn't going to do that.
Hey ladies,
Vonn, those pesky follicles never go what we wZnt when we want! Mine were always slow to grow. Good that they're both at the same stage, hopefully you'll get some good news in a couple of days, how big do they wAnt them to be, 18mm?
Weezy, I get where you're coming from totally, it took me 4 IUIs and 2 IVF with my own eggs before is consider DE, it was really important for me to feel that I'd done all I could. Great that you're getting some tests on the NHS. Take what you can!
Terri, sounds like you had a great holiday! Good news on the fibroids, full steam ahead?
Last chance, it's hard when your situation isn't ideal but then I don't think it ever is.
Jean, hope your 2WW isn't dragging. Will you wIt for 28th or test early?
Emmi, great to see you again and YES, I am, finally with identical twins! Because they're identical apparently I will be monitored really closely and after my 12 week scan will be scanned every two weeks to ensure there's no twin-twin-transfusions going on and both are ok. I'm really happy with that, if I wasn't so tired is doubt that this was actually happening! x

Oh I am so very happy for you!! I know how exciting and nerve wracking it is but one day at a time. I had thought we were having twins after we had 3 embryos transferred but was over the moon with one beautiful Baba. It's great that you will be monitored carefully, you will get peace of mind and it makes a big difference. Huge congrats, wonderful news :hugs: xxx
Pussycat- I do kinda get that nothing is ideal amd that's part of my thinking. It may already not happen, waiting longer is pointless. My situation and his is currently messy, but I believe IF it happens based on what we've talked, we'll make it work. We said that last month or so. Honestly I think as complicated as it would be for a while, he'd be thrilled. He wanted a big family since he was young. He did have 4 kids from his marriage but there would have been more if not for miscarriage.
If I can manage to sleep at least 4 hours in a row (last night was 5.5 hours, but it was raining steadily during that time), then I will test. If not, I'm not wasting a test. Eh, I'm a light sleeper. I also have to eat so late, I think I drink too much before bedtime so I'm up every hour or two to pee. I hate this late work schedule but there's no plans to change it anytime soon, I asked.
Pussycat- I do kinda get that nothing is ideal amd that's part of my thinking. It may already not happen, waiting longer is pointless. My situation and his is currently messy, but I believe IF it happens based on what we've talked, we'll make it work. We said that last month or so. Honestly I think as complicated as it would be for a while, he'd be thrilled. He wanted a big family since he was young. He did have 4 kids from his marriage but there would have been more if not for miscarriage.
Life's never easy is it? Of course if it happens you'll make it work, we always do! xx
Emmi-Hi there! Did you have your baby already? If so, congrats!! I can't rememeber and I haven't really seen you posting much (I don't check the other forums though).

Vonn-No, my lady parts don't HURT while riding. Mostly my butt. My lady parts do get a good vibration. HA!!HA!! It makes you want to have a boyfriend/husband riding along. hee hee. Thanks for the udpate on your follies. I hope that tomorrow you can trigger. The good news is at least the docs see that stims aren't really the best for you, at least early on, and in the end, you may save some money by only stimming once they get a certain size. The other good thing is that you're still on IUI, so you're not spending a fortune on meds for IVF to find out the meds don't work as well for you as they do for others. It's all a big, stupid experiment. hee hee.
Emmi-Hi there! Did you have your baby already? If so, congrats!! I can't rememeber and I haven't really seen you posting much (I don't check the other forums though).

Vonn-No, my lady parts don't HURT while riding. Mostly my butt. My lady parts do get a good vibration. HA!!HA!! It makes you want to have a boyfriend/husband riding along. hee hee. Thanks for the udpate on your follies. I hope that tomorrow you can trigger. The good news is at least the docs see that stims aren't really the best for you, at least early on, and in the end, you may save some money by only stimming once they get a certain size. The other good thing is that you're still on IUI, so you're not spending a fortune on meds for IVF to find out the meds don't work as well for you as they do for others. It's all a big, stupid experiment. hee hee.

Hi Terri, how are you??? I do post but mainly on the assisted conception forum. I had my little boy 4 months ago, Alexander Gabriel Krishan, he is too precious for words. It was my 2nd IVF and we hit the jackpot. Sorry to see that you are still ttc?? I know it's not easy but it can happen, I had my little Boo at 44:hugs:

Emmi, congratulations! That's lovely news! Great to hear someone the same age as me too, I'm 44, and all going well I guess I'll be having these two in late Jan which means I'll be 45. How did you find pregnancy and being a first time mum at 44? After all these years of trying now it's happened, we're terrified! xx

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