46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

you ladies are the best! chart stalking me when I'm too busy for updates :hugs::hugs:

busy weekend! I had my friend's baby shower - it was really nice and not at all upsetting. She is my business partner and it's just the two of us here at the office so I've been literally right next to her every step of the way. I focused on the positives and wore a crop top to the shower and drank mimosas :haha: I know I'll be there soon. I feel it!

squirrel - so sorry about first the money situation and now everyone being sick. when it rains, it pours. And your enthusiasm was at such a great point! I'm sorry you are feeling knocked down, but I know you'll be right back up again soon like you always are. :hugs: I'm sorry about your DH being off too - DH and I didn't have a great week/weekend together. this ttc is getting to us and it's not making marriage the easiest thing in the world. :growlmad:

texas - still excited for you.....!! trying to wait patiently!

hi to all of my other ttc ladies and my preggos!!

2dpo, nothing to report, will update more in my journal when I get a chance. feeling like squirrel was a week ago - just finally feeling a little confident....I think having a little back up was all I needed. The RE appt in my future is making me feel like kicking ass and taking names on the ttc front.....(I don't even know what that entails, but I feel it!) :haha:
Squirrel I am still holding out hope for you this cycle. If it does come to Clomid the side effects can be a nuisance but it does work. I'd given up the cycle I took it to the point of DH and I discussing quitting TTC since with us purchasing the new house we would not have had the funds back in the bank for some time to proceed further. I hope you don't need it but if you do I'll be cheering you on. Hope you and your DS get better soon. Loved the cake

Bee everything crossed for you this cycle, but it is awesome to hear your confidence! I love it! Really hoping this is it hun.

Tex really hope AF stays away and you get a strong BFP in a few days. Sorry to hear about your DDs procedure hope it works though and takes care of the ear infections.

Sorry I've not been posting lately, I have been trying to check in daily and hope you are all doing well. FX for everyone O'ing, in the TWW or about to test.
Squirell, DS2 was a clomid baby and this baby was a clomid cycle too. I hope and pray for you that you get your BFP without help but if not you can explore a cheaper avenue such as clomid. Xx

Bee, FX'd this is THE cycle. That number has to rise. Xx
Bee- You're such a beautiful person and I don't expect anything different from you. It's hard when you see people around you pregnant everyday and your turn hasn't come up but what helped me personally is to think that those women aren't stealing MY baby, it's not like that baby was mine and they took it so that really really put things in perspective for me. I'm hoping that number jumps up. I expect it to!

I have a private gender scan in 3 weeks when I'll be 16 weeks. They start doing them at 14 weeks but I wanted to be on the safe side. I really feel like it's a girl but I'm not great with instinct thing sadly!
I have the hardest time being happy for people I know. Strangers I have no problem with at all because I don't know their story but when I know the baby was an accident especially I just feel really jealous. My DH has a friend that was very upset about getting his gf pregnant which of course really bugged me (not to mention I was going through a CP when he told us). And to make it better that guy just came and showed us the other day that he shot himself in the arm while cleaning his gun :dohh: why does the world let him reproduce?! It's things like that, that get to me.

I know I haven't checked in in awhile but had to rant a little about this topic haha
Campn really hope you get on team pink! Either way it is exciting to hear how close you are to finding out. If it makes you feel better I was wrong with Shy, I swore blue- in the end DH had it from the start lol.

Teeny moving to 3rd tri! Congratulations hun!

Gina hope you are doing well.
Campn- my dh thinks I'm having a girl, I think it's a boy. Either way we'll be happy. I hope your scan goes well!

Bee- I'm glad you're feeling great. Knowing there's a back up plan is definitely helpful. B4 we saw a specialist our relationship was really strained due to ttc. Our sex life sucked bc it was a job, we weren't connecting anymore and we fought a lot bc we were drained in every aspect. Once we got help, things fell back into place. Ttc is so hard and it is completely normal for it to cause issues in a marriage. You will get through this.
Good luck to everyone in the TWW right now! SOOO excitingggg :D
Squirrel: I'm sorry about the IUI, but don't worry. You'll really have your rainbow, soon. I know it! Also, sorry about the hubs right now.. hope things will look up for you again soon :hugs:

SO damaged his car a few weeks back and sadly, the repair cost is more than the car is worth (about 1200-2000 bucks more to be exact). We have to save money for the baby, so nowhere near enough to just buy a new one. So, we went to see about private lease. We were told that we make more than enough money and the credit check should go fine.
Well. Nope. Because I have a temporary contract till July, they didn't count my income. None of it. So they declined giving us a private lease for a car.
That leaves us with a bit of a problem because even though the damaged car still drives like a charm, the damage is too severe to go through an APK test.. which the car is due for in two weeks. Without passing the APK test, you are technically not allowed on the road with the car. :cry:
Ugh, I hope we find a solution soon. I'm not looking forward to SO coming home tonight, he is going to be in a BAD mood. (Understandably so, of course).

In terms of good news.. only 8 more days till my next scan.. I'm still so scared of bad news but trying to stay positive :)
Bla- Can you guys buy a used car? We've a lease on a SUV that we both regret so much cause after 3 years of paying $400 every month it's still not going to be ours, just a waste of money :( luckily my car is almost paid off so DH can buy another SUV that's probably going to be used but at least ours.

Yay for the scan! I'm going to do an app count down to my next scan too!
Texas- how are you? I see your temp went up a little bit, that's exciting.
Bla- Can you guys buy a used car? We've a lease on a SUV that we both regret so much cause after 3 years of paying $400 every month it's still not going to be ours, just a waste of money :( luckily my car is almost paid off so DH can buy another SUV that's probably going to be used but at least ours.

Yay for the scan! I'm going to do an app count down to my next scan too!

That is now our only option, yes. We have to find out how though, by the end of this month we only have 2500 euros saved up and that is all for baby (should cover all expenses in terms of nursery, diapers, hospital etc etc). And I will keep saving about 500-1000 a month.
But, we don't really have enough to buy a second hand car.. so it seems we might have to ask his mother for a loan. :shrug:
Bla bla you can't take out a private loan for a used vehicle where you are? Hope you can find something that won't break the budget too much. Car trouble sucks. DH and I only have one running registered vehicle that we share so I feel your pain
Bla bla you can't take out a private loan for a used vehicle where you are? Hope you can find something that won't break the budget too much. Car trouble sucks. DH and I only have one running registered vehicle that we share so I feel your pain

Nope! Same issue as with the private lease, you're income has to be high enough and they discard my entire income.
Bee: so glad you're in that positive place! Sounds like you made the most of the shower and managed to have a great time. And you're very right, you'll be there so soon! Yay for crosshairs. Your first few temps are looking good. I sooooooo hope this is it for us and we can be bump buddies as well as cycle/HSG buddies :haha: would be amazing having December due dates just in time for Christmas. Fingers crossed!!!

Campn: have fun at your scan. I can't believe you'll be 16 weeks before we know it. Your pregnancy is flying by!!! I bet it doesn't feel it to you, but it just feels like yesterday that you got your BFP. I got it so wrong with the gender of both of mine. I was 100% sure Oscar was a girl and about 90% sure Isla was a boy. We're staying team yellow next time, but whatever my instinct is I'll expect the opposite.

Gina: hi there, nice to hear from you again. It can be so hard when you hear about people conceiving so easily/accidentally, especially if they don't appear to be very happy about the news or appear to be irresponsible parents who won't try their best for their baby (though appearances can always be deceiving). I wish I had a way to make that pain easier, but until you get that positive test, I don't think it does. Just keep visualising holding your own baby in your arms one day, feeling so thankful they came along exactly when they did. That's what I try and do when it all gets on top of me. One day I will be grateful for this long wait as it led to me getting that exact baby that I will one day cherish. Any earlier and it would have been someone completely different. Backwards logic, but for me it works!!

Blabla: sorry to hear about the car :hugs: I hope you manage to get a new one somehow before baby arrives! Public transport is pretty good in Holland right? Here in London I rarely use the car and mostly take the bus and the tube (and our transport services are nowhere near as reliable as the Dutch - if memory serves, it could also have changed a lot in 13 years - yikes, now I feel old!!).

Thanks ladies for your support. I feel so much better today. Really positive and hopeful again. If we don't get he IUI for another few months then so be it, at least I know the option is there for the future and hopefully if this cycle is a bust then clomid might do something.

6dpo and a temp drop today as well as stretchy clear cm; safe to say my secondary oestrogen surge is hitting me today!! Hoping for a good rise tomorrow. My chart looks wacky with yesterday's fever temp removed and today's dip. Been having some strange symptoms for me: swelling in hands and feet, seriously frequent peeing and bad constipation. Too early for real preggo symptoms, but it's something for me to obsess over. Only four days till testing! Woo!!! Got my fingers so crossed! My due date would be the 1st of December. That would be really exciting. Though I'd most likely end up with a November baby as Isla was nearly a month early.

Had a vivid dream last night I had G, G, B triplets called Isabelle, Evie and Felix :haha: wishful thinking. My husband would have a meltdown!

It's my little boy's 4th birthday tomorrow! I am so emotional. 4 years ago I had been in 24hours of labour already and still had another 12 to go or so. Ouch! What a mind-alerting experience that was.
Hi ladies, not much to update. got a + opk today, but because DH and I have been pretty busy since last Friday, bd and ttc had completely slipped my mind despite doing opks. I'm so frickin upset and mad at myself. And to make it worse, I don't even feel like bd now even though I felt like it all day while we were out in public and definitely couldn't lol.
Ugh.. next cycle I guess :(
Sorry to hear that Trixie :hugs: maybe see if you're in the mood tomorrow. It just takes one time. If you manage to bd on ovulation day, you're definitely still in with a shot.

AFM: temp went back up again. What a wacky chart; they usually look so simple for me in the TWW! Oh well, hopefully having a different looking chart is a good sign :haha:
Squirrel: Happy Birthday for your little champ!:happydance:
Also, Triplets... who knows? :haha:

Trixie: I'm sorry that you are so down this cycle. Just try and see if tomorrow works for both of you and if not... there is always next month. It happens, it sucks.. but you can't always time it right with a busy life and two people with different things to do etc. :hugs:
Squirell im hoping that's. God sign for you! Almost halfway done with this TWW!

Trixie sorry you're not feeling it this cycle. I feel like that sometimes too but I fake it till I make it lol

Afm- temps are nearly steady and I fully expect to get a temp drop tomorrow and AF on friday but we will see what happens! Headed out of town today to a bigger city so I can do some shopping. Got to get DD princess party decorations. I asked her what she wanted and she told me Princess party. So princess party it shall be! She will be 4! Wow where does the time go?!?
Trix- I'm sorry hun! You could still have time if you get to it fast cause the egg has 12-24 hours before it dies so hopefully you squeezed a mini BD session there! If not there's always next cycle and at least this cycle you don't have to go through the dreaded tww!
so many little birthdays happening! I meant to tell you that that cake was AWESOME squirrel. and a princess party?? so fun!! I'll come :haha:

squirrel - if I conceived this cycle, my EDD would be Dec 4. But if it's next cycle, that'll bring me full circle to my original due date of Dec 28. I'm still kind of hoping that doesn't happen - it just seems like too sad of a time.... but I'm all for this cycle working for the both of us and being bump buddies! ahhh I didn't realize you were in London. I'm so jealous. DH and I love it there - might even pop over when are friends are going this october. such a lovely, lovely city!

gina - I actually feel the opposite about the preggo ladies...it's easier for me to feel happy for the ones that I know. Since I'm not invested in strangers' lives, it's easier for me to feel jelly. But I also have an interesting position with all of this since I work with pregnant women for a living and have for the past 5 years. So I am a little used to everyone around me being pregnant. I'm sorry you are feeling down and I can't wait for you to get your baby too!

tex - I'll be stalking for the next couple of days....!! FX!

blab - so sorry about the car situation love. That is frustrating and scary. I keep wanting to bring up possible income tax money with you and squirrel, but you are the two ladies that aren't in the US :cry: I'll be thinking of you and just know you'll figure out something before baby. :hugs:

trixie - DH and I almost threw out the fertile window this month. He couldn't stop himself from washing his sperm down the drain (literally) and I was so angry with him that I couldn't imagine any BD. I O'ed a little later so it ended up working out. At least being busy is the only thing preventing it for you right now and not the desire to make your DH disappear :haha: But if you can muster it today or tomorrow, you'll still have a chance! :hugs:

feeling less confident about this cycle now as usually happens as the TWW goes on. But still feeling good knowing I have the RE appt in place. I don't feel silly about it at all anymore. I realized a lot when they sent me the packet to be filled out. It's about 12 pages and I realized how much my OBGYN didn't know or care to know. never even asked when I ovulate or any other questions really besides the lengths of my cycles. less than a week to go now until our appt. DH will give his SA sample that same day while we are there. things are moving along!

temp was way high today - I woke up an hour later but based on my weekend temps from the same times, it's still higher than normal. But it's also warm here so who knows! I'm like you squirrel - crazy frequent urination and know it's too early to be a sign .... but I will say that this month I was good at noticing symptoms before the TWW. I was briefly nauseous on two different occasions and was craving certain foods like no other. so now I will ignore my symptoms in the TWW even more than I normally do lol. Except maaaaaybe one thing lol - I don't have any CM yet and it's normally abundant by now for sure. I know creamy CM is a good sign but I have enough of that typically to last me for years and it's never gotten me anywhere. I'm intrigued by the lack of it this cycle!

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