46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Clearly I did not O yesterday or the day before... I'm frustrated and my body hates me
So sorry texas. I hope it's just a little late O. Have you been stressed? That can definitely delay O.

Congrats Iris!! That's amazing!!

:dust: to everyone else!
Not anymore than usual I don't guess... I'm just frustrated. All my blood work came back normal in December and then I had 3 ovulating cycles after that. I was so sure I would get my temp rise this morning.:. Nope... Apparently it's normal to have a non ovulating cycle once in a while. So hopefully my period will come when it's supposed to and I will have one next cycle. Just gonna keep BDing every other day, keep taking my temp and see what happens. If nothing by next week and no period I will call my OB
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and congratulations. I think I'm still in shock. But a good one. :)

How's everyone doing?

Camp is your scan today?

Bee how is the femara treating you? I'm so excited for this round of IUI for you!

Texas I'm sorry to hear about O... its so devastating to know your body isn't cooperating. Maybe you will just have a really late O this month. FX and hang in there.

AFM: Feel good. I feel totally normal but also kinda content and relaxed. Still not having any symptoms. I had mild cramping yesterday and nothing today except I'm really thirsty and peeing a lot. Probably just too early for anything else yet.

Oh... and my boobs are HUGE. Like... HUGE. I'm legit gonna have to go buy new bras in the next week cause nothing fit this morning. :|
Texas: I'm really sorry your ovulation is delayed :hugs: it's just so incredibly frustrating! I really really hope it shows soon for you!

BabyforIris: Long may the no-symptoms continue :haha: Both my first trimesters with my kids were amazing; with only mild food aversions and a little tiredness. No symptoms is the best! Hopefully you avoid all the difficult ones!

So I had my scan today to check on those two follicles. One of them had grown to 21mm and the other only a little to 16mm. I was meant to take the trigger today (didn't realise I had to pick it up and self-inject like Bee! Yikes!). My pharmacy had to order it in though, so I won't be able to pick it up till tomorrow. I took a few OPKs today and they were all very negative, so I don't think I'll be too late in taking the trigger tomorrow. Maybe that will give the little one time to grow another mm or two to get to a better stage to release hopefully a second egg. Hopefully the trigger will help it out too. I was also surprised to get a prescription for progesterone as I don't have issues with low progesterone, but I'll take it nonetheless as that's what they're suggesting. Picking that up tomorrow too. Will have to temp carefully the next few days to pinpoint O and then start taking the progesterone (she suggested two days after trigger).
Baby- Sometimes I'm still in shock that there's a human growing in side of me, still in shock that I even grew a human being before. So congrats again!! My scan is on Wednesday! I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all tomorrow.

Squirrel- Do they have a limit on how many follicles!? Sometimes they don't want to chance multiple embryos so maybe that's good!? Also they probably prescribed progesterone so they don't leave anything to chances, they just wanna give you your best chance. So when will your IUI be probably!??

Bee- What about you!? Any updates!?
Excellent news Squirrel! Let's hope things go great and if that means progesterone after O then that's amazing. And 2 good sized follicles. Come on twins!! ;)

Camp oh man I'd be the same way. That's so exciting!! And honestly... the whole thing is surreal. I mean clearly this is what we were trying so hard to achieve but now I'm here and there's two lines and I keep thinking "really?... for sure its in there right?????" ha ha. I keep checking my FRER to make sure the line really is there. I now understand why people POAS for weeks after they get their BFP. What an insane thing being able to create life is!

Good luck on the scan. Please update after :)
Campn: they limit you at more than three. So I'm in the safe zone with 2. Really hoping the little one has an egg hiding away in there too. The doctor who saw me today seemed confident it had a good chance as well. Not doing IUI unfortunately as we have to save up for it for a few cycles. We will be just relying on bding and every other day I will artificially inseminate aimed directly at my wonky cervix. Hopefully with good eggs we can make a baby as with my recently discovered PCOS it's likely I wasn't making mature eggs. Fingers so crossed for this cycle!!

Baby: My not-so-secret wish is twins! I was really hoping that second follicle would be bigger to up the chance of it rupturing a healthy egg too, but now it's about 50/50 if it will or not. If I trigger tomorrow pm then that's 24 hours since scan, which could increase it by 1mm to 2mm which would up its chances. We'll see! Come on eggs!!

Have fun at your scan Wednesday :) can't wait to see a picture. Will you be finding out gender?
eek sorry ladies - Mondays are nuts for me as always but I will try to come on properly tonight as DH is away traveling for work!

needed to come on and say a HUGE congrats to you, Iris!!! what an amazing story that can give us all hope <3 <3 H and H 9 months!

femara is fine! I don't think it produces side effects like clomid. I have a little discomfort in my right ovary, similar to how I do later on in my cycle, so I'm thinking my right one will be the winner like squirrel! My scan is on Friday - eek!

I'll be back in later but I was so excited to update our number!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Squirrel- oh I thought that's why they're checking your follicles and measuring them! I'm not really sure how all of this works so I'm sorry for sounding ignorant! Hope your other follicle gets big and fat for you, at least double the chances right!?

Yeah we're doing the gender sneak peak at a private place, I even made sure I get to pick which tech to do the scan as I heard really good reviews about that one tech so crossing my fingers we get the big money shot ;)

Baby- I kept staring at my barely there 9 DPO line! I kept going back and looking I even moved it to my night stand so I can stare at it in disbelief. When you're ttcing you think it'll never happen and you really do lose your faith but once you see that second pink line you really do forget about all the struggle, just like giving birth! I said I'd never have another kid even though I got an epidural but you really do forget. Forgetting is a blessing!

Bee and Squirrel- I'm waiting on your BFPS!

Gina- When's your doctor appointment!? Please update us!
Campn, I had an appointment last Thursday. Got bloods done Saturday (all normal -_-). Have a HSG scheduled for this Thursday and more bloods CD21. It's all moving so fast! Really nervous about the HSG but hopefully it goes good. It will be CD9 so hopefully we get lucky this month. I was thinking of Skipping this month because I'm one of the few women who really DOESNT want a Christmas or new years baby but dh pointed out if the baby was born in 2016, insurance would cover the birth because our deductible should be paid off by then and we could claim a dependent on our taxes next year. :rofl: practical reasons to have a baby. Hahaha. And DH has a SA ordered that he has to schedule in the next week or so.
Squirrel- clomid can thin your lining and progesterone is great for building it up and help with implantation and keeping the baby healthy. Those are nice sized follicles and you really have a wonderful shot!

Texas- :hugs: I'm sorry you haven't o'd.

My dr appt is on the 7th and I'm so anxious. If all goes well I'm going to set up my lamaze class for Aug bc I've decided to have an unmedicated birth this time around.
OMG Campn I've done the same thing. Ha ha. I never thought I'd be so attached to a urine soaked stick in my life! :haha:

Bee... I literally teared up when I realized I made the new title "35". I might just indeed have pregnancy symptoms cause I seem to cry on a dime. I feel so blessed. :cloud9:

Thank you all. :hugs:
Gina- My DH thought the exact thing! He wanted all the bills to be in just one year so we don't have to start over on the deductible. Men right!? You could be due anytime but baby decides to come early or late though so you just never know! My DS was due in August but he came in September on the same day the school cuts off acceptance! September first!

I hope your hsg goes great and you get some answers.
For us it wouldn't matter on deductible. Mine runs from September 1 to August 31 so it's kinda weird. Just more worried about having a never ending cycle this month. Like will My body eventually O and then I have AF after the Lp for that or will I have a period at normal time and then I can gear up to O again and will That even happen or am I now in a vicious cycle of not Oing... Ugh very frustrated with this right now
Tex- I'd be so frustrated with my body too. It's like a never ending thing when day after day goes by and nothing at all, fx you ovulate soon!
semi-proper (enjoying some wine) update time!

gina - glad the bloods are normal! I had that same face too every time each test came back fine. good luck with the hsg! it seems from my own personal discussions with people that it's a lot less painful for women that have already had babies? I wonder if the uterus having been stretched makes a difference. I thought it was horrible but alas, it only lasted prob 4 minutes so very easy overall!

camp - gorgeous photo as always. I agree with squirrel - you're glowing (unless it's the pregnancy glow filter which I'm guilty of :haha:) otherwise I'm guessing team blue but rooting team pink!! can't believe that it's just TWO days away. I might not sleep either ! (I have to live vicariously through others at this point :haha:). I want a girl to pass those gorgeous feminine looks down to. but another adorable, good looking boy will do too :winkwink:

trix - glad to see that you are working out a little BD plan for this cycle. I'm sorry you seem to have a lot of obstacles around O time - must be so frustrating! Dh and I would have a tooooooon if we didn't rearrange our lives and now after all the wasted cycles I wish we hadn't. We've missed out on a lot so kudos to you for going with the flow and making it work. sending you baby dust!!

squirrel - great news about the big follie! I'm thinking with the delay that the other one will catch up enough. I was reading a ton this weekend on IUIs and saw a number of stories where one follie was seen but fraternal twins were conceived! obv my fingers are crossed tightly for you for one or two babies! I know you would love an xmas baby. I'm with Gina and actually would prefer not that time but beggars can't be choosers! :haha: also, if this cycle by some chance doesn't work, ask your docs about femara. I know that is what they prescribe to PCOS gals most of the time. My doc actually chose that over clomid for me just because I show some symptoms of PCOS so even without the diagnosis. and good luck with the shot - I was jelly that you had gotten around it but turns out you didn't. :cry: everyone seems to say it's a piece of cake!

smille - thanks for your endless support in my journey, especially as it moved to iui. good luck on your next appt! I need bump pics in my life ladies!!

blab - hope you are feeling better :hugs::hugs:

texas - I am really so sorry that O'ing is not happening. In oct, I o'ed on CD 18 and every day that it didn't happen was torture. at least your OB is on top of things when you need so you know that help is there if things don't work out the way we want them too. :hugs:

trr - thanks for stopping by and letting us know how things are going! glad everything is great and best of luck with all of the new life happenings! and ahem, bump photos please! :haha:

iris - really - just so, so happy for you. please stick around to let us know how "babyforiris" is doing!!

going to submit this message now and continue before it gets too long! :haha:
I'm feeling fine over here, like I said - femara doesn't really have side effects. I have just been super exhausted - like super. so wonder if the hormones threw something off there. had some o pains on left side today too so really have no idea what I'm going into on friday for the ultrasound. at first I was panicked that there would be 4 or more follies and now i'm worried that I'll even get one really good one. I thought I would be more relaxed this cycle with the docs in control, but this ball of anxiety gets no breaks :dohh:

had a lovely weekend though. went to this feminist show on Friday and they handed out pins "team pink" and "team blue" for a gender experiment. DH and I of course both grabbed a team pink and so now I'm going to bring them with me for luck on the iui day :haha:

on saturday we finally got together with friends who are expecting. it's DHs friend and his wife but I adore both of them. I've wondered if they've been avoiding us, hoping that we would announce a pregnancy. she's due in June so third tri! My suspicions were kind of confirmed when I asked her how she was feeling and she responded with"fortunate". I don't envy being in that position. I hate being the person that everyone pities, but honestly it's easier than being on the other side. but we had a lovely night together :)

I'll start opks on wednesday. I'm so nervous I'll get a positive before my scan on friday and everything will be rushed. i'm sure i won't as scan is cd 13 but I can't seem to relax. just trying to prepare myself for this cycle not working. I know they will do 3 iui's before ruling it out but we've now added three things - bypassing cervix, fertility meds, and trigger for perfect timing. I can't help feel that if this doesn't work, I'll be a panicked mess. phew.


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Can I join you gals?

I'm Kit, just coming back ttc from 8 months on break, first month trying again and its been a mess! Last period was 24th february, normally i have 5 week cycles, but according to the OPKs (only taken some 4th, never taken before, this morning until 4pm darker positives, 6.30pm was a negative but only just) i have only just ovulated, so i guess i am in the TWW now XD

Can I join you gals?

I'm Kit, just coming back ttc from 8 months on break, first month trying again and its been a mess! Last period was 24th february, normally i have 5 week cycles, but according to the OPKs (only taken some 4th, never taken before, this morning until 4pm darker positives, 6.30pm was a negative but only just) i have only just ovulated, so i guess i am in the TWW now XD

absolutely kittykat!! welcome :) and welcome back to the tww! :haha: I love your siggie - I've not been mrs nice gal with ttc anymore - it's time to get tough! :gun:

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