46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

So my doctor wasn't super helpful. He just said chalk it up to a weird period. He did say that maybe it was a weak ovulation or no ovulation but he kinda doubted the no O since my temp clearly showed a good shift. He said all my charts from Jan till now were beautiful with clear shifts. So he said hang tight and keep trying till July and if nothing we will get started on tests like SA for Hubs and an HSG for me. I think I will wait till September to do my hsg since that's when my deductible starts over but fingers crossed we won't need it.
I'd love to breast feed but unsure I will get on because my mum couldn't, she tried so much with my sister and was scarred from her experience so I was never breast fed.

Yes this is really strangely long, longest cycle in the last 2 years since they regulated from BC (apart from pregnancies) was 40 days, they are usually 35. So 62 is ridiculous!!! Hopefully this one is normal if not shorter haha XD

My breastfeeding struggle made me an advocate to help others, I take it as my calling now :p but don't let your mom's experience scare you away, you are both different moms and your babies are different from her babies and the support and equipment and tricks available to us today are all so different (they didn't have a breastfeeding pillow! Woah!)

My mom successfully breastfed 5 kids (although she only breastfed me for 3 months) so I thought for SURE I'd have this skill down to a science but I didn't, and she couldn't help me with tips at all as she forgot everything and to her it was effortless.

Go into it educated, I wish so bad I had prepared myself more and read more on breastfeeding (kellymom.com is great) and find a good support system around you. If you want to breastfeed don't surround yourself with people who tell you oh give up, but with people who will tell you you can do it.
Conundrum- thanks hun, it does feel like it's flown by and yet in the moment seems stuck! there's only 52 days left for me and it feels FOREVER My first came exactly on week 40, i went into labor at 39+6, she came on her due date the next day. :) i was getting SO much pressure from my midwives to have to be induced, or at least schedule the appt for it the following week, so it was really nice to go naturally!

Campn- it's hard! i get so much crap from people- just because i wanted another girl. It's been hard getting used to the idea of something other than girl but i think i'm ready. i'm glad i did the scan though because i wouldn't want to be disappointed at the birth!!!!!

Smille- i think it's such a shame with the way moms treat each other with feeding. I breastfed, but i definitely don't look down on anyone that formula fed! It's YOUR choice. I get crap from other breastfeeding moms because i never publicly breastfed. So i never wiped out the boob to feed, i found a quiet place to do it. I worry this time around i won't be able to do that as much with dd, so i'll have to find a discreet way to feed in public, but goodness, sometimes i really don't wanna see that!

As for bonding, ain't no one got anything on me and dd! She's my girl, definitely not dh's! I worry this one will push her more towards him and i'll lose that very special bond we have. I love that more than anything! And i always wanted a sister so it kills me i couldn't give her one, but, she wanted a brother so actually she's getting what she wants!

as for breastfeeding my mother actually made fun of me at first. she only formula fed. the idea of ruining her perfect boobs wasn't possible for her. Plus she smoked so i'd stay small and not ruin her perfect body. So yeah you really can't be any worse than that LOL!
Conundrum- thanks hun, it does feel like it's flown by and yet in the moment seems stuck! there's only 52 days left for me and it feels FOREVER My first came exactly on week 40, i went into labor at 39+6, she came on her due date the next day. :) i was getting SO much pressure from my midwives to have to be induced, or at least schedule the appt for it the following week, so it was really nice to go naturally!

Campn- it's hard! i get so much crap from people- just because i wanted another girl. It's been hard getting used to the idea of something other than girl but i think i'm ready. i'm glad i did the scan though because i wouldn't want to be disappointed at the birth!!!!!

Smille- i think it's such a shame with the way moms treat each other with feeding. I breastfed, but i definitely don't look down on anyone that formula fed! It's YOUR choice. I get crap from other breastfeeding moms because i never publicly breastfed. So i never wiped out the boob to feed, i found a quiet place to do it. I worry this time around i won't be able to do that as much with dd, so i'll have to find a discreet way to feed in public, but goodness, sometimes i really don't wanna see that!

As for bonding, ain't no one got anything on me and dd! She's my girl, definitely not dh's! I worry this one will push her more towards him and i'll lose that very special bond we have. I love that more than anything! And i always wanted a sister so it kills me i couldn't give her one, but, she wanted a brother so actually she's getting what she wants!

as for breastfeeding my mother actually made fun of me at first. she only formula fed. the idea of ruining her perfect boobs wasn't possible for her. Plus she smoked so i'd stay small and not ruin her perfect body. So yeah you really can't be any worse than that LOL!

My mom didn't bf either. She tried, but couldn't get a supply in. My aunt was the same way.

I definitely want to bf this time and will do everything I can to be successful. As for doing it in public, I will do the same, find a secluded area or cover up. I'm not comfortable with people watching me and I don't want to offend anyone either, especially when there's kids around. If women are comfortable with doing it in the open, that's their choice but my choice to cover up shouldn't be condoned either.

I'm glad your dd is happy with having a brother. You should not be ashamed of being disappointed. I was disappointed that dd wasn't a boy at first, but in meeting her that quickly went away. 52 days that's so exciting!
I agree ladies - I think not just for Moms, but for women in general, that we should stick together more than we criticize each other for every little thing. I teach positive parenting skills for a living so I see just about everything there is to see. My main goal with parents is to see that bonding - it doesn't matter how you get there! I'm sorry for those that have felt put down by other moms :hugs::hugs:

texas - I'm sorry your doc wasn't very helpful. I felt so down when I would get turned away by my obgyn and not taken very seriously. It really affected me. I hope he is right though and that you will be pregnant on your own very shortly!

pompey - looks like O will happen soon! I'm sorry that soy didnt' move it up. I am all for earlier ovulation. My last cycle happened 2 days earlier than normal and I felt so excited. So I hope this will be the last time you have to worry about O'ing at all! :happydance: And the thyroid def seems like something worth looking into more. I know here that when I got mine tested, that 4 would have been out of the normal range. I hope that upping your dose of thyroxine will do the trick for you...!:hugs:

pep -I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry: I hope that you are holding up okay and will join us again when you are feeling ready :hugs:

squirrel - wow CD 8 is an early scan! I read on your journal though that you might get out of it :haha: I don't blame you. and I'd still be scared that a long lost bill for the scans might show up, so it might not be necessary. either way, good luck and I'm thinking you will get 2 beautiful follies this time!

trixie - hi!!!! (if you're lurking)

afm - I'm annoyed with my temps. they are way higher than they should be grrrrr. I guess I can't keep obsessing over every little thing. And pretty charts never get me anything anyway. 5 days to go until my SIS. :coffee:
Mommy I love it! She couldn't be more spot on lol. Hopefully this one will go the same. If he does decide to come a bit early send us some pictures. Either way you'll be holding him soon!

There is such terrible feelings surrounding breast feeding vs bottle feeding. It is aweful. Our hospital was the first in our state to start the kangaroo care. The nurses wouldn't even listen to mothers wanting to bottle feed. Everyone needed to at least try and I couldn't tell you how many arguments I would hear while there. You get it every where now.
Blabla: :wave: nice to see another fan! I have been obsessed since season 2. I hadn’t heard of it when season 1 was out, but by season 2 my good friend sat me down to watch it, knowing I would LOVE it! After that my fan-craziness has grown and grown. I read all the books this autumn in the space of a few weeks and have been avidly following filming news. This same friend and I are going to watch Kit Harringotn’s play in a couple of weeks. Cannot wait to see him act live - though I did already do that once long before GOT when my husband and I went to see War Horse years and years ago. We had the most amazing seats near the front a few rows in; wish we could do the same this time, but too expensive!!

Camp: It really is sad how people can’t let one another be in their own pregnancies. The internet is such a dangerous place for people just venting their own frustrations and anger at the world at total strangers. You would never catch people speaking to one another in such a fashion face-to-face, so why berate someone online? Especially in a place like this, where everyone is hormonal and emotional, but trying their very best. If people can’t be supportive, then back off! Seriously! Grrrr. I too am a massive LOTR/Hobbit fan. I am a bit of a fantasy/sci-fi nut; always have been. A massive nerd basically, but very happy to be so :haha: You are so right on the breastfeeding too - about going into it prepared that it might not work or that it might be the hardest thing you ever do in your life. I wish I’d known how hard it was going to be to feed Oscar. Those first 6-8 weeks of his life were a disaster for me. He was tongue tied, but the midwives wouldn’t believe me as the tip of his tongue wasn’t tied down (instead he had an 80% posterior tongue tie, it could barely move!). The damage I incurred from his bad latch left me howling in agony every time he fed and due to his terrible latch, he would come off all the time and swallow a lot of air, which made him get trapped wind pains all the time. He fed constantly as he couldn’t get enough milk in one sitting due to his terrible latch and that made my pain worse as he was constantly feeding. It was Easter bank holiday weekend when I finally gave up and due to everyone pushing ‘breast is best’ on me, I cried for hours as I tried to feed him a bit of formula (but he didn’t take the bottle). A few days later and I marched to the doctor and demanded they check him for tongue-tie and it was at that point it was revealed. The next day it was cut and after that our lives changed and we ended up breastfeeding for 13 months. Had I not had the dogma shoved down my throat, I never would have put us through those first few months. It wasn’t fair on either of us and he probably would have been better off on formula at first. I shudder to remember what it was like and I too am a firm believer in arming women with information before they have a baby on what to do if breastfeeding doesn’t work.

Smille: That is awful about the bottle feeding comments! How do people think it’s okay to say that to mothers? However a mother chooses to feed her baby is her decision, that should be the end of the discussion. What is it about babies and pregnancy that makes people feel that it’s everybody’s business?

Pompey: Thank you - I hope those follicles are getting the message right now. I need to tell most of them to calm the hell down and let only 2/3 take the lead (I have signs of PCOS and too many follicles want a piece of the action apparently, I need less to grow on the whole, but only a few to take the bait and swell! Come on follies! ). GOT does get pretty complicated (nothing compared to the books! They are something else!), but it’s sooooo worth it. The range of emotions that show can make me feel. I have never wept nor laughed so hard as I have watching that programme. Hope ovulation comes soon for you. have you had a thyroid function blood test recently?

Texas: Sorry your appointment didn’t go as you’d hoped :hugs: At least he’s happy with your charts, that’s a great sign! And him not being worried about one cycle with a possibly weak-o is good as that means it shouldn’t affect things. Fingers crossed you get your BFP soon and don’t have to worry about undergoing any testing!

Mommyxofxone: I’m sure you have nothing to worry about :hugs: having this new little one won’t push your daughter away, I am sure of it. Your special bond will stay in tact, try not to worry! And also, wow, your mum sounds like she had some issues there! It’s pregnancy that ruins your boobs, not breastfeeding :haha:

Bee: I replied on your journal, just wanted to high-five my cycle-buddy :wave: we’re going to do it this time! Twin BFPs!!

Conundrum: That’s terrible that the hospital wouldn’t respect the mothers’ choices!! That really is shocking!!

AFM: Boring boring boring :coffee: waiting to ovulate is so boring!! CD6. On my last clomid tablet today. I’m vaguely looking forward to Friday’s scan to see if I have two follies again. I really want two to develop at the same rate this time if there are two to begin with as I’m pretty sure last cycle the smaller one probably didn’t rupture. My brother’s twins are due soon and it leaves me hankering after a set of my own.
Squirrel- Aww hun my heart hurts even reading that old of a story cause it really brings so much memories and feelings. Trying to get DS to latch and he'd cry and scream but when I'd give him formula he'd open his mouth and take that right away, it broke my heart and I'd feed it to him while crying. This time I'm going to make the lactation consultant at the hospital check the baby's mouth or tongue or lip ties and I won't leave the hospital until the baby latches well and we are all good and happy!

I'm so glad you got to succeed in the end cause after all that struggle it ended up to be such a beautiful emotional experience and I miss it so much.
Honestly it went about like I thought it would. I didn't think he would do anything drastic. He's a pretty conservative dr. But I am glad that he thought everything looked good. we are gonna start the bd today and see what happens. Fingers crossed I O early next week. Like Sunday-Tuesday range then we can get more bd in over the weekend
Honestly it went about like I thought it would. I didn't think he would do anything drastic. He's a pretty conservative dr. But I am glad that he thought everything looked good. we are gonna start the bd today and see what happens. Fingers crossed I O early next week. Like Sunday-Tuesday range then we can get more bd in over the weekend

At least he isn't concerned yet so that's a good thing Tex! He'll probably do more once you hit the one year mark, hopefully you won't even need him and you'll fall prego on your own.
Yes I agree it is a good thing that he's not concerned. I sure hope we get pregnant soon

Also my bank called yesterday and our house came back appraised for what we needed and we are waiting for a closing date so we can get started on our renovations!! Gotta start packing up all our junk since we are gonna move everything out and remodel then put it all back lol
Mommy I love it! She couldn't be more spot on lol. Hopefully this one will go the same. If he does decide to come a bit early send us some pictures. Either way you'll be holding him soon!

There is such terrible feelings surrounding breast feeding vs bottle feeding. It is aweful. Our hospital was the first in our state to start the kangaroo care. The nurses wouldn't even listen to mothers wanting to bottle feed. Everyone needed to at least try and I couldn't tell you how many arguments I would hear while there. You get it every where now.

oh my hosp this time does the kangaroo care. I've not done it before, but they want you AND dh to do it for two hours following the birth. THe only thing i really like is they say NO VISITORS for those two hours! so if mil shows up i can be like 'uh no sorry' they won't let her up! that part i like! I don't know anything about the kangaroo things but am interested to try it. Its just skin to skin isn't it? but i don't think it should be forced on anyone either. some mamas are just not comfy doing stuff like that immediately!!!

and i highly doubt he'll come early lol. Dd came ON her due date, so i'm just expecting the same or even late with him. I don't want to get my hopes up. Just trying to be realistic! :)
Tex that is wonderful congratulations! I have everything crossed that youll be pregnant soon. Hopefully this cycle!

Squirrel I have everything crossed for three follicles tomorrow and you get a very nice set of twins this cycle. Not too much longer!

Bee really hope your US goes well next week. Wishing lots of dusts hun.

Bla make sure to get some juice before your scan hun. I cannot believe it is tomorrow!

Mommy lol I understand, I think some just know but there is always that hope :haha: It will be lovely not to have to share immediately after birth. I had a difficult labor so this will be our first time being able to take advantage of that as well.

The kangaroo care is awesome, some individuals and hospitals took it a bit too far. All it really means is skin to skin directly after birth, the baby staying in your room unless medical reasons prevent it, encouragement to breast feed, no pacifiers/ nipples of any kind around breast feeders and at least around here very limited visitation hours in general. Everything is set up to strengthen the bond between parents and lo. That was three years ago though so I might be missing some things and I am sure they are more efficient now.
Kangaroo care is awesome, even if it wasn't for breastfeeding just holding your newborn so close like that is pretty nice, and I LOVE the no visitors policy. My inlaws were there in the DELIEVERY ROOM not just the recovery room (thankfully FIL missed the birth or he'd have wanted to stare) but I wish we had no visitors like that. They robbed me from my one on one alone time with DS. I'm telling all nurses I want no visitors to stay more than 10 minutes unless it's DS coming to see his sister.
hi ladies!

seems that almost all of us un-preggos have synced up and are at the boring part of our cycle :haha: pompey - we are depending on you!!! give us some O entertainment and the next bfp! :happydance:

is next week the big gender reveal week? starting with possibly blab tomorrow??

femara isn't treating me as kindly as it did last month. my headaches are more often this time and omg my left ovary is making itself known. although last month, the pain on my right side was real. I had O pain before femara plumped my eggs up, so now it's serious!!

DH and I are thinking about doing a last minute trip in between IUIs. I'm really mad at how many trips we cancelled due to TTC and I really feel like the whole point of not having kids yet is to enjoy it and do whatever you feel like! so I'm mad that I didn't go on those trips before when medical intervention wasn't involved and it would have been so much easier. grrrr. so now I just feel like we should make the best of it and get out and go. We have 4 weekend trips planned between may 13 and june 11 so basically every weekend but one, so it's going to be tough. and I still have the fear of traveling during early pregnancy holding me back too, so we shall see. :shrug:
Bee- Sounds like a pretty strong ovulation hun! But having headaches sucks so make sure you're drinking lots of water and tending to that. And yes please go and travel even for a few days! Don't wait on getting pregnant as it's harder to really do much once you're preggo (can't drink, can't go to theme parks, etc) so please enjoy it right now!

Where are you guys thinking of going!?
we are planning on doing Spain for a week then a few other stops in Europe. We really want to focus on more international travel as we will still be able to travel domestically once we have children. so that's what is going to be hard but we have 2 tentative times to go that won't interfere with IUIs. and actually right now, June IUI is up in the air. If May's IUI doesn't work, it looks like O is going to land the weekend that I am supposed to be at another friend's bachelorette weekend near Chicago (a lakehouse in Wisconsin). I haven't committed 100% to that yet though - I really want to stop switching my life around because of TTC (it's really frustrating me!) but I also can't stand the thought of TOTALLY missing a month (no IUI OR bd because I won't be with DH). so June might be out regardless :shrug: can't may just work?!
Campn I am sorry you did not get the time first go but all the more reason to take advantage with Juliette. The nurses will completely understand requesting more time as well.

Bee I say take the trips and have fun. You more than deserve the time! Hopefully the side effects mean it is working that much more, FX for at least two follicles. An aloe and peppermint compress can help with the pain. Same effect as an icy hot and no chemicals, my cousin has been making me a mixture for the last few weeks and I love it.
drum - that compress sounds amazing! I'm an all natural gal so that's right up my alley - I'm going to look it up! I find myself doubled over half of the time - and I still have a bit to go! :dohh:
I am sorry the pain is that bad Bee, I hope it helps. Spain sounds amazing by the way! I am terrible typing by tablet so I did not get to see where you were going.

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