46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Smille- I hate when others say discouraging things instead of encouraging, yes it hurts but recovery of unmedicated birth is so much faster and easier from what everyone says. I felt like I was hit by a bus after my epidural wore off. I say just educate yourself and learn all about the breathing methods and all that cause I didn't so I had no way to calm myself down.

I've been reading birth stories on here and man that makes it all seem so much more real.

Smille I've my anatomy scan (confirmation of gender!) Wednesday of next week so yay we both have that to look forward to!

I hope all that labor talk isn't annoying to the ttc ladies <3 I hope you find some of it beneficial so so soon though ;)

Drum- So excited for you! Can't wait to find out!
hey girls -

I had a super crazy weekend but I hope I can catch up soon! I went in for my SIS this morning and it was cancelled because I have a giant egg ready to go! :haha: so no answers yet, but triggering tonight with IUI on Wednesday. perfect timing. Will leave Saturday and get to have a stress free TWW overseas. We will return on the 21st and AF should be due the 19th...

if this cycle doesn't work, we will forego femara next cycle because it's making me O very early (so we can get the SIS in) and then up it to 5mg in July.

hardly thinking about TTC now that we are so busy planning the trip. it was the best decision we could have made and it's already done wonders for us.

tex - good luck and I hope to see that temp jump tomorrow. cycle buddies!

squirrel - where are you girl?? hopefully just busy with GOT :haha: happy holiday today and good luck on your scan tomorrow!

cannot wait for gender scans coming up! :happydance: xoxoxo to all!
Bee- That's amazing! Sounds like the timing is spot on this time! So glad they seem to be more hands on. Yay for getting preggers on Wednesday and then enjoy a ttc free 2 weeks! I would pack pregnancy tests just saying ;)
haha I actually will after the last debacle in Europe. I could only find a clearblue digi in Italy and it was expensive and in another language :haha: no English-speaking countries this trip, and the German in Switzerland has me very confused already. that's where will be if I need to test so we are definitely packing! :blush:
Bee- that is great news! Just in time for your trip. I'm glad it will be great timing this cycle.

Campn- I'm scheduled for lamaze classes in Aug and I'm very excited...my dh not so much lol. I try not to read labor stories bc like you said it makes it too real. I had an epi with dd and regret it. I had severe migraines months after and felt so out of it and could barely stay awake.

Texas- hooray for being close to O!!!

I hope this the month for all of you!
Squirrel- Where are you!? Thinking of you lots! <3
Yup, Game of Thrones madness has gripped me this weekend and bank holiday :haha: I have been obsessively chatting about it on blogs. Phew! Coming out of it now. For anyone who watches it and saw last night's episode, you'll know why I have been hopping with excitement all day!

Thanks for sharing your stories with me ladies. Makes me feel a lot more sane and normal to feel weird things like that! And you totally get it; it's not that I wouldn't be happy for my friend if she were pregnant before me, I would just feel so devastated for myself that I wasn't!

Mommyxofxone: I can't believe you're due next month!!! I still remember you being on the TTC boards so clearly! Your pregnancy has flown by!

Smille: I LOVED my unmedicated labour and birth with Isla. It was so empowering and even though it hurt, my feeling of being in control meant it never got too bad. I could breath through the pain until transition, when I had to make these low moany noises to get through and then during the pushing I howled like a wolf :haha: as a sort of release, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Her birth experience was the healing I needed to get over my son's traumatic birth experience. I'm contemplating home birth this time, that's how amazing my unmedicated experience was with Isla. I saw go for it!!! :)

Texas: it's sounding good for o. I hope you get your temp rise tomorrow to confirm.

Campn: you're sweet to worry about our feelings. I don't mind :) as long as you guys don't mind me chiming in.

Bee: woooo for amazing timing this time around!!! Hoping that beautiful egg you saw is the first half of your future baby. Sorry you weren't able to do the SIS, but it's great that they're getting the trigger and IUI in on time! And I don't think I ever replied on your journal, but I haven't seen Broadchurch, so can't compare accents :) but even though I was born and raised in Holland and my Dutch accent when speaking Dutch sounds native (if that makes sense), my parents are British, so I sound English. I have a relatively posh South-East/London accent I've been told. I think it's pretty non-descript, but hey! Your travel plans are sounding amazing. I am so happy for you!! I am very jealous!

So CD11 and not much going on. Did an OPK yesterday that was nearly blank, so I think I'll be okay with getting scammed tomorrow and hopefully triggering too. Not had so many side effects this cycle from the clomid, aside from feeling warm a lot of the time. Looking forward to seeing my follicles tomorrow and hoping beyond hope that all three have grown. I so want this cycle to be the one and with three, I think I would stand a good chance, especially in light of what happened last cycle.
squirrel - eek I'm just about to run but we were so close to being cycle twins! I bet if you could have got scanned today it would have worked. my opk this morning was the faintest faint ever, yet I had a 23mm follicle. so I'll bet you will trigger tomorrow and I'm so excited! just a day apart - not bad! and here is a pic of the broadchurch actress - I adore her and now that I know you've got the british accent, she will totally make me think of you!


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Sorry I missed this morning we had another bleeding scare last night and had to go in first thing. Baby is doing well, but they're not liking the position of the placenta if it has not corrected itself by 20 weeks we'll be on additional monitoring. Hubby had to go in to work so even though I was asked I did not find out today. I could have kicked myself :haha:

Smille I say go for it! I did 7hrs unmedicated before I gave in for an epi and regretted it immediately. If it is what you want stick with it hun. I know you can do it! Cannot wait for your scan either, not too much longer!

Camp I can't believe you're at the half way point! Cannot wait to see pictures of Juliette next week

Bee everything crossed, dust your way and yoga pose in place! Will be praying for you and a sticky bean.

Tex wishing you lots of luck!

Campn I actually remembered to upload one this time lol[
Squirrel- I'm so bad I'm still only on season 2 of GOT! I was late getting into it! DH tried to make me watching it when I was still pregnant with DS and I was like oh no no incest!? No!

Your birth story with Isla sounds like it was so relaxing! I'm so sorry about DS's birth. Feel free to share if you want. <3

I went into labor knowing anything could happen, so I was open to whatever, but the idea of having EMCS really scared me, or the tearing part. Thankfully none happened, I didn't even tear. I am glad I got an epidural though cause the pain was making me freak out and my blood pressure spiked so high and once I got the epi I immediately calmed down and my blood pressure went back down. They had to slow down my contractions with a shot cause it was too much for DS and his poor heart slowed down a lot. Epi completely wore off as it was time to push so I felt every thing, I was crying and moaning I kept apologizing to the doctor after LOL.

Drum- Oh hun! Bleeding isn't something you ever want to see. Is it coming from your placenta, or a hematoma?? I'm glad they're keeping an eye on you though. Glad you got to see baby again <3 when's the gender scan!?
conundrum - Sorry you had a bleeding scare,but I am glad baby is doing well. Fingers crossed the placenta position is better by 20 weeks.

Good luck tomorrow, Squirrel :)

Have an amazing trip , Bee. It sounds like this is just what you need to take your mind of everything TTC related. I reckon this relaxed approach will give you your BFP :)

campn - pregnancy talk doesn't personally annoy me, it is nice to hear about it :)

Texas - fingers crossed you have ovulated. Looks like you had all the right signs for it. My surge is short too.

AFM - I have NO idea what is going on. I had my positive OPK Friday and was expecting a temp increase either yesterday morning and this morning, but nope, it is still low. I have had lots of EWCM and ovary pain. The OPK friday was a strong positive, there was no if's or maybe's about it. I am wondering if I haven't ovulated but my body is just trying without success?? If I don't get a temp rise tomorrow, I think it will be an anovulatory cycle, but I don't get why seeing as all the signs have been there. I am CD23, so it's pretty late on in my cycle.
Anyone have any ideas or input? Normally I ovulate the day of my +OPK or the day after.

ETA - My positive OPK for Sat night around 8pm, not Friday as in my post above.
Drum - so sorry you had another scare . I hope you are feeling better knowing it's just the placenta. And I hope it gets in the right spot soon !!
Nice willpower holding out on the gender - wow!!

Pompey - I'm guessing what you said. Tried to o but didn't. Have you kept taking opks? I know I personally stop once I get a positive. An annovulatory cycle would totally suck, but at the same time might be just want you need to get your docs attention finally !!
Drum - so sorry you had another scare . I hope you are feeling better knowing it's just the placenta. And I hope it gets in the right spot soon !!
Nice willpower holding out on the gender - wow!!

Pompey - I'm guessing what you said. Tried to o but didn't. Have you kept taking opks? I know I personally stop once I get a positive. An annovulatory cycle would totally suck, but at the same time might be just want you need to get your docs attention finally !!

Annoying I haven't bothered with OPKs since getting my positive :dohh: I guess I will find out tomorrow morning whether I O'd or not. Fingers crossed for a nice big temp jump! I am sitting here right now with twinges in my left ovary, so maybe it's delayed. Goodness knows!

ETA - I got my positive OPK Saturday evening around 8pm, not Friday as per my original post. It's the bank holiday weekend throwing all my days off!
Campn if I heard correctly it is from the tissue surrounding the placenta, but we go back Wednesday at 3:15 so day after tomorrow.

Bee thank you hun I do feel better and I am glad you do as well. It is nice to hear the vacation is already paying off.

Pompey Thank you I am terrible with temping advice but I hope you get the temp shift tomorrow.

Squirrel I am glad your show is good and wishing you luck tomorrow
Drum- I'm glad the baby is ok. I'm praying everything looks normal at 20wks. Great will power not finding out today.

Pompey- I've had a cycle where I geared up to O and then it failed then I O'd later. When I would O from my left ovary it was sometimes delayed for some reason. Our bodies are so unpredictable. Fxd for a temp rise tomorrow.
Mommy- Getting DS over to the grandparents also worries me as they're like an hour away, and last time my contractions picked up so fast so I guess this time once I feel like they're getting into a rhythm I'll call for them to pick him up.

I was just thinking how I need to buy some dreft too! It does smell amazing and makes everything smells like baby. I manage not to freak out about giving birth but I do freak out about having a newborn who doesn't sleep or doesn't want to nurse like DS.

I hope everything will go great for you and you'll have a wonderful labor and delivery!

thanks hun! and glad its' not just me. I have the freak out about the nursing and sleeping thing too. Sometimes i wonder how the hell i'm going to manage with a five year old and a newborn, and how i'm going to keep up. right now i can't cause of the spd, and she's been so understanding and good, but after? i have to go back to a level of activity i don't know if i can keep up with! i mean we did stuff daily.

I am definitely getting more afraid of the idea of labor. I want to try unmedicated and it seems that people think I'm nuts. I always hear "why the heck would you want to feel it?". It just stresses me out. My dh is very supportive but says he worries. I also don't know what to do with dd. Our parents live 30 min in the opposite direction of the hospital.

Drum- I'm so excited you'll get to find out this week! I'm thinking we'll probably have to wait until next week since we want to make an evening appt. We're both feeling boy but the last time I thought that it was a girl.

Everyone told me i couldn't do natural. except my mother and dh. I remember that really pushed me harder to do it. So i did! I asked dh, do you think i can, and he said yeah of course why not. so i had them both in the room to be my support and make sure i didn't do meds unless necessary. And i made it. The contractions are the worst. But. if you seriously can get through those? the pushing is amazing. its hard work. but you are DOING it. so you become an active part of the process. When the contractions are going on there isn't anythign to do, but when you get to push its very empowering! i'm hoping i can do a natural this time too. But for some reason i also have a huge fear he'll be breech.

Mommyxofxone: I can't believe you're due next month!!! I still remember you being on the TTC boards so clearly! Your pregnancy has flown by!

So CD11 and not much going on. Did an OPK yesterday that was nearly blank, so I think I'll be okay with getting scammed tomorrow and hopefully triggering too. Not had so many side effects this cycle from the clomid, aside from feeling warm a lot of the time. Looking forward to seeing my follicles tomorrow and hoping beyond hope that all three have grown. I so want this cycle to be the one and with three, I think I would stand a good chance, especially in light of what happened last cycle.

thanks hun, sometimes it seems like it moved fast and sometimes i swear i was stuck in a week for years. Thinking of you hun and hoping the scan goes well!!!!
Thank you so much for your support ladies. I swear people look at you weird when you say no drugs. My mom told me last night that I should consider them...what? I thought she'd be supportive but whatever. My dh said he believes in me, but doesn't want it to be unbearable for me. Once we go through lamaze it will definitely help I think.

Pompey- I see you got your temp rise! Fxd it stays up.

Texas- I think today is O day!!!

I'm very excited to see more bfps this month. I know they're coming!
i didn't take any classes other than the hosp birth class to be honest and made it through. there was not breathing going on during any of that lol you just try to make it through. easiest thing that helped me was knowing time frame of how long things could take. gave me an idea of all of it and it helped a ton.

And yes i got the crazy comments as well :( people can be so cruel. but that just fueled it and i stuck to it. How dare you tell me i can't do something! i actually had a 'friend' at the time tell me i was nuts and there was NO way i could do it. She also told me i was nuts for breast feeding as well. After i had dd, i remember telling her about it all as she asked. And she said you're insane, whats wrong with you. Needless to say that was the last time i spoke to her. said oh i gotta go, i'll call you back. and that was that.
Smile- I sure hope so! Going to get another bd in tonight and pray for a temp rise tomorrow! I took my temp twice today cause I was like woah that's pretty low... Fingers crossed its a dip before O. I haven't had one of those yet. Not that big of one anyway. Hoping it's cause I have a good egg!!

I admire yall for doing unmedicated birth. I couldn't do it. In fact I was hurting so bad I took some liquid pain med before my epidural and it made me sick but hey I wasn't hurting. My epidural was effective for quite a while but I never dilated past a 5 and then I started really hurting from the pressure. Daughter was pressed up against my pelvis and not engaged. I ended up with a c-section and I am glad I won't have to go through that again. Just schedule my c-section. Yeah its rough to recover from but maybe it won't be as bad if I don't have a 12 hour labor on top of it??
Idk if I could ever do unmedicated. I feel like I'm such a baby. I never even knew there were options other than epidural or no epidural until I was talking to my mom about it before my miscarriage and I mentioned epidural and she's like DONT mention that word to the doctor unless you really want one. She said there are other things you can get but if you say epidural to the doctor at all you will only get that. Lol. She had me totally unmedicated because by the time she got to the hospital she was too far along for medicine as she was only feeling every 3rd contraction so she didn't realize how far along she really was. I was almost born in a supply closet because they didn't have any birthing rooms open. :haha:

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