46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Sorry I haven't been responding ladies! Busy moving and a lot of things are going wrong (previous owners apparently fucking up some electric outlets etc. GREAT).

Drum: I'm really glad baby is okay. Sorry about the bleeds, must be so scary!

Smille: I will definitely go unmedicated. There is no way, I don't even take painkillers now, never have really (only in extreme cases.) I read that morphine and stuff also transfers to the baby while in labor and I really dislike that. Epi's are not routinely done in the Netherlands, you don't really get them unless you really demand them but it is pretty frowned upon. Also, don't have an interest in having no feeling from the waist down. I deal with pain really well, so I don't even think I'll make a sound.

SO is worried about it though.

Sorry for the non-replies! Will catch up when we are done moving!
Squirrel cannot wait to hear how today goes! Wishing you lots of luck and three huge follies!

Bee :happydance: so excited for tomorrow hun! Anything left to finalize for the trip?

Bla thank you, I am sorry about all the problems. FX the rest of your move is more peaceful.

TeX you'll have awesome timing this cycle! FX for O
It's so weird because at the beginning I was like, I'm having a c section, no questions asked, but after seeing all my friends get planned c sections, and watching one born every minute, I decided I want it natural, no epidural, just good old gas and air!

Good luck squirrel!! Rooting for some good follys!!

:dust: for everyone :)
hiiii ladies! It's been a bit since I was last on here. I read through everyone's updates, and I really don't know what to say to everything. I felt all the love that this thread has shown to everyone and proved time and time again that it's one of the best boards or threads I've been on.

bee - yay for an Italy trip! I'm glad you decided to up and go. It's so freeing doing stuff like that, isn't it? DH and I are currently planning a trip for later in the year - we are debating between a warm tropical place and traveling Europe. I hope this cycle is it for you and you get a beautiful bfp while on your trip. Oh, and I actually didn't lurk once. Today has been the first time I've been on here since my last update - maybe 2 weeks ago now? Time flies when you're having fun lol

squirrel - oohh 3 follies. I'm going to be super positive and say I think you'll get your twins this cycle. and omg DH and I just finally watched the Sunday episode of Game of Thrones last night (we had it recorded on our PVR), and that last scene - ohhh I just about cried from being so happy. I was just so ecstatic and over the moon. DH was as well, I'm still giggling about his surprised: "wow! holy sh*t! wow!" lol. We didn't get into GoT until about season 3, but we've been hooked since.

wow, everyone's pregnancy seems to be flying by. Seems like just days ago I was reading about everyone's bfps. It's amazing how quickly time seems to pass.

afm: ntnp has been doing wonders for my and DH's relationship. We have been super busy since he finally came home the middle of last week (he spent another week visiting his dad). We've been cleaning our cute little house, decluttering, landscaping, working on our chicken coops.. we have even started to sell our chicken eggs to locals - neighbours, family, friends, etc. Oh, and we got a new dog last night. I am almost 99% sure that it is the very same dog that I sold to a woman last December - if anyone recalls, I was devastated and cried for about 3 weeks lol. Somehow, with this dog joining our fur family, I feel complete. Funny how before I thought it was a baby that would do that for me (well it will, but just not today) lol :haha:

I'm sorry for not replying properly to everyone, but I have been, and still am, thinking of you all. I'll try not to be such a stranger on here... but I really can't promise I won't go mia again lol.
Bee: she's gorgeous :) I'm going to take that as a big compliment. So excited to be a day off with you. We're still cycle day twins and I have a good feeling for us to be BFP twins too in two weeks time! So excited for your trip. You are going to have the best time. I hope the IUI is painless tomorrow and that the doc is prepared for your cervix to put up a fight.

Campn: this is the first season of GOT I am watching without being pregnant or with one of my kids as a baby. It's enlightening! So much easier to watch (given the horrible things that happen on that show to kids and babies :( ) without it hitting so close to home. It's just the craziest show in terms of making you feel all sorts of mad emotions. You get torn this way and that and I just love it! Oscar's birth was very different as I was induced. I had 38 hours of contractions every other minute and a he was 9lbs and back to back, the agony inexperienced in my back between contractions just wiped me out. It was pure hell, but Isla's birth was just the opposite. I wish I could have been in the water with her, but as she was a few days premature, they wouldn't let me and I had to be monitored the whole time! Hoping for a full-termer the next time and a water birth. I think going in with an open mind is the best. I can imagine you apologising while going birth :) you're very sweet!

Pompey: looks like your temp is on the way up now. I hope that means ovulation has finally happened for you. It sucks having to wait around.

Drum: sorry you had another bleed :hugs: I hope your placenta has moved by your next scan. There's still plenty of time. Cute scan picture! Looks like baby is waving!

Gina: that is quite a birth story for your birth :) I would advocate just keeping an open mind with regards to pain relief in labour. It's so hard to predict how you'll cope and you might find you are totally handling it on your own.

Blabla: sorry the move is difficult with things going wrong. I hope they sort out things soon. I would try to prepare for labour with the mindset of "anything can happen", just to save pressure on yourself. My pain threshold is high too. I don't feel pelvic exams like smear test or pelvic sweeps (when you're overdue) - for a lot of women they hurt, but I didn't feel them. The midwife told me I would be fine in labour and indeed, with Isla, I was, but with Oscar? Wow, that was a different experience. Being induced was very difficult and him being so big and back to back. I had gone in with a "I'm going to be fine and not need any drugs," mindset and it nearly destroyed me when after 30 hours of agony I have in. I beat myself up SO much! I wish I'd gone in without any expectations as to how it was all going to go.

Trixie: it is soooo nice to hear how good you're doing :hugs: congrats on your furbaby and for everything being great with your husband. I'm so happy to hear you're doing well. And yeah, that last scene, I knew it was going to happen this series, but so soon? I was on the edge of my seat for the last five minutes and then did a silly victory dance around the room when that bit happened!!

So just had scan and only two follicles, with one big and juicy and one medium sized. One is 22mm and the other is 14mm. Bit sad about there only being one big one :( wish there were at least two. The chance of the 14mm one having a mature egg is about 50/50. I still feel positive, but don't think I'll get my twins. Just picking up trigger now and will go home and do it.
Squirrel- I was disappointed when they told me only 1 follicle was mature. I thought "man I don't have a good shot". No, you may not get the twins you desire, but you may get that baby who will complete your family. I have so much hope for you!!!

Trixie- I'm so happy you and your dh are in a good place right now.

Bla- good luck with the move! I hope things get better.

I love all of these birth stories. With dd I was enduced (I don't want to be this time). She was 5 days over due and I had already been in labor at home for several hrs and my water refused to break. 4 hrs later and 5 min of pushing, she was out.
Trix- You guys sound so happy I'm really over the moon for you. Reading your update left me smiling. I wouldn't be surprised if you come back in 2 weeks saying you're pregnant and it just happened!

Gina- Oh my! Your poor mom! I'm so scared of giving birth in the triage, the hospital I'm delivering at this time is so busy and my labor with DS was so fast, so I'm just crossing my fingers they get me in a room in time as I will not push the baby out in the triage! I may have to punch someone.

Squirrel- Yeah season 2 episode 1 had a very gruesome part with searching for King Robert "illegitimate child" I was like why am I watching this pregnant!? 50-50 shot of the second follie maturing is really a high chance! If not, you still have a super mature follie and who knows? It could split and give you identical twins! I really feel this is your cycle and Bee's! I think it's your turn to be positing ultrasound and bump pictures right!?? :hugs:
Smille- They say second time labor and delivery goes by unbelievably fast, I know someone who delivered right on her toilet as her water broke and 45 minutes later the baby was born.
Thanks ladies, the whole twins thing isn't the reason I'm feeling down though, or if it is, it's only a small part. It's more that last cycle I had very similar follicles 21mm and 15mm (vs 22mm and 14mm this cycle) and it didn't work. I just feel like history is repeating itself :( I had hoped for two or three good sized follicles just to ensure I get pregnant at all, not so much about the twins thing. I still feel hopeful, but also very scared again.

The good news was that my lining was thick at 10mm. I explained that I was worried about clomid thinning my lining despite the prog I took as I had such a weird period, but she looked at my chart and saw it was 9mm last cycle and said that was good. She's very happy with the 10mm this cycle.
Just got back from the hospital and could really use some prayers please. The bleeding is back, red with clots and heavy. The specialist came in and ordered another ultrasound and the placenta is full previa and registering low grade contractions. I have been warned this could be the start of a loss but if it is not there is a very low chance it will move enough to see me out of second tri. I am in shock and go to my OB for further information in the morning. I don't know what to do.
Oh Drum :hugs: I am so very sorry you're going through this. You and your precious baby are in my thoughts. I really hope your OB can shed a more optimistic prognosis on your situation. I didn't know that placenta previa carried with it such a high risk :hugs: I truly am sorry you're going through this.
Just got back from the hospital and could really use some prayers please. The bleeding is back, red with clots and heavy. The specialist came in and ordered another ultrasound and the placenta is full previa and registering low grade contractions. I have been warned this could be the start of a loss but if it is not there is a very low chance it will move enough to see me out of second tri. I am in shock and go to my OB for further information in the morning. I don't know what to do.

So sorry you are going through this, don't give up hope, see what your OB says tomorrow. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts :hugs::hugs::hugs:
O no Drum! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and keeping you and the little one in my thoughts.:hugs:

I'm so very sorry Drum that you are going through this. I hope with all my heart that all will be fine in the end. :hugs::hugs:
Drum- My heart is breaking for you, I hope the little one holds on tight for you and makes it okay, you've come this far and I pray you make it until the end, I've heard that the placentas usually move up a bit as the pregnancy goes on so I hope yours will against all odds.

I have learned that the hospital gives you worst case scenarios and they're not there to calm your fears, I hope the OB will be able to go into details and tell you something very very hopeful. I'll be praying for you and little one <3
Drum I'm so sorry you are going through this. FX your LO is safe and sound and the hospital is just trying to cover their a**es. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thank you all so much ladies. I cannot tell you how much you all mean to my family and me.
Drum- I am so sorry you're going through this. I am praying for you and baby. Lots and lots of :hugs:.
Praying for you drum, I've got everything crossed for you and your baby, I'm so sorry you are experiencing bleeding, both mine and hubby's thoughts are with you, if you need to talk, I'm here, having been through a second trimester loss, hopefully this isn't the case for you!!! <3
oh drum - I'm sending all of my positive vibes and good karma your way. I would rather get another BFN this cycle then for anything to happen to your precious LO. So I'm sending it all to you! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
triggered last night successfully. the hardest part about the shot was staying up til 10:30 to administer it :haha::sleep:

currently terrified of that temp jump in the morning. but I've just started to feel O pain this past hour, so I think even if the temp is up, the IUI should be timed 12 hours later and within the lifespan of the egg.

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