46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Squirrel- I had a very faint line at 12dpiui, so you still have time. I know it's hard, but don't jump the gun on naming this an unsuccessful cycle. Maybe yesterday it was still picking up the trigger shot for some reason. I can totally sympathize with you thinking of ivf b4 you know what's going on. I've been there. I just want to say keep having faith. You will complete your family. :hugs:.

And don't apologize for being worried. You're not blowing up this thread. We're all here to support one another.
what everyone else is saying. i remember blowing up this thread with my tests :haha: and i had a few i thought were getting lighter but it worked out. you never know until af shows up. so put down the testers for today, and test again in the am. i see the lines just fine, so hang in there hun.
We all know that hcg doubles every 48 hrs so often there is very little change in a test of testing daily. Also, each test varies in its concentration of dye. So there is no real comparison of tests that is accurate.
Squirrel, what I'm trying to say ( the rational part of me) is that in these early days you can't rely on the darkness just yet and write yourself off.
I know it's so hard to think the worst, I had 16 months practice TTC!
I really do think that there is good potential for this to be your BFP. Hang on in there and know that each and every one of us is rooting for you. Xx
Squirrel your line is still there and I'm really thinking this is your cycle, my thoughts are with you, stop testing for a couple of days, give it a chance to rise and I bet you your line will be bigger and brighter :)

My temp took a hefty nosedive this morning! Don't know what's up with it :( I thought I'd get a nice rise...

Today is probably ovulation day. Definitely bd if possible!
Well it's all over for me but the crying. AF should be coming soon. Possibly today. Not feeling positive at all and at this point I am ok with that.
Squirrel - I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but I went through the same with my BFP back in December. I tested daily and the 2nd day was lighter than the first day, and I was freaking out. Then the next day I tested and it was darker again. These early days are so stressful. I really hope you have an obvious dark test tomorrow!!
Thanks ladies. You guys really are the best. I hope to replicate your success stories tomorrow, but I kind of know how this will end. Stupid buy one get one free deal, I got a few more tests and used them after long holds. It's gone so faint now it's barely there. I know, call it intuition, this cycle hasn't worked again. I'm now doubting whether an IUI will even work if the issue isn't conceiving. Should I waste £1000 next cycle just to have another chemical? I really am sorry I'm so down, I know it's difficult when someone is so gloomy.
Hello ladies.... Congrats on the bfps ladies... ive missed a lot...

its been awhile since ive beeb on here... dealing with stuff... Well my cycles have finally got on track after the nexplanon removal march 2nd. My cycle was 24days last cycle... only had one day of flow last cycle though... im on cd4 now and af is going away.... should be ovulating this weekend beginning of next... my Dh and I were going through some thing so i kinda gave up for a bit... but we have always gotten through hard times. We got this takem care of and now we r really trying this time... i think dh has more baby fever then i do... We were around a lot of babies yesterday and he just couldnt stop smiling and talking and playing with the babies. It melted my heart. Im gonna try not to symptom spot this cycle... I didnt symptom spot last cycle. Im just glad my cycles r actually normal.... Kinda on the shorter end with only 24 days but i know i ovulate around cycle day 10...
Thanks ladies. You guys really are the best. I hope to replicate your success stories tomorrow, but I kind of know how this will end. Stupid buy one get one free deal, I got a few more tests and used them after long holds. It's gone so faint now it's barely there. I know, call it intuition, this cycle hasn't worked again. I'm now doubting whether an IUI will even work if the issue isn't conceiving. Should I waste £1000 next cycle just to have another chemical? I really am sorry I'm so down, I know it's difficult when someone is so gloomy.

:hugs: it's ok to feel gloomy. Us ltttcr's have all been there at some point. I tried so hard to stay positive after my IUI and the cpn saying we'd never conceive without IVF. However, I failed to see any good outcome. I felt like we wasted thousands of dollars to be told we have no chance. Why would it happen by some miracle after almost 2.5yrs? I cried every day...a lot of evenings locking myself in the bathroom to get away from it all and drowning myself in tears. What I'm trying to say is there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You may not feel like it will ever happen, but it will. I keep praying for you because I have been there and I know the pain you're going through. You will complete your family.
Thanks Smille. I know you get it and so many other wonderful women on here, who've struggled to get to where they are now, I know you all get it. Just been really upset on my journal by what I read to be someone implying it wasn't a loss. Maybe I read it wrong in my emotional state :( I sometimes feel like this thread is the only safe haven where everyone is so supportive and beautiful to each other with never an implied other meaning to our words. I felt like I needed to justify the fact that it was a loss. When you have been trying so long, to finally see that beautiful second line and see it get marginally, even just a tiny bit darker, to see it growing, fills you with so much hope. All of a sudden all this pain that you've been through washes away and it's filled with this tremendous hope, relief and terror that it's going to be snatched away again. Then when those lines start to fade, even if it's only a day later, those emotions crash down into despair. They have the weight of 14 months resting on them, how can they not be devastating? My first chemical I was okay, last month, I was okay, I wasn't expecting it to last as I got the positive so late in my cycle and I had a bad feeling, this time? This time is different. Maybe because it's two cycles in a row, maybe because this one showed up on time, maybe because deep down I was feeling hopeful this time, whatever the reason, I am finding this quite hard and to be asked to justify it as a loss makes me feel so much worse, because now I think I'm overreacting :cry:
Squirrel - your intuition is something you should listen to. For it is usually right, I'm sorry that you feel like it's not a sticky but hopefully next month's IUI will be successful.

AFM: My OPKs still are not positive yet and I'm hoping this is not an anovulatory cycle. I'm getting worried that it is though :/
Squirrel: I believe this really could be your bfp, but if not.. you have every right to classify it as a chemical: i would too.
And as per the one who made the comment: she of all people should understand where you are coming from given her history....
You don't have to justify anything, anything at all. You had the trigger two weeks ago. But hun, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a success story here. It's early days so tests are faint and seem to vary a little as the exact concentration of your urine matters SO much.
Lots of hugs to you sweetie, try and have a lovely evening and try to get your mind off of things. Tomorrow is a new day :hugs:

Sorry I'm not replying to anyone else, I'm so tired!
Squirrel, I've just read today's journal. I'm so very sad for you that you had to explain yourself. Honestly, forget about the comment, that's not on.
Thinking of you tonight. Xx
That woman has some nerve. She was so rude to all of us in the past, how dare her to continue to be that way! She's the reason I left the pregnancy group bc she's so negative and unsupportive to others. Squirrel, I am so sorry you had to deal with that today. A ton of hugs to you. Ignore her. You untimately know what's going on and you don't have to justify that to anyone!
I'm sorry that it looks like AF is coming Texas :hugs: I don't know what to say , other than don't give up hope. Your BFP will come.

sweetmama - I really hope this isn't an anovulatory cycle... what day do your normally ovulate? I was wondering if my most recent cycle was anovulatory , but I ended up ovulating 2 days later than normal and conceiving. Fingers crossed for you!

Karma - good luck this cycle!

squirrel - huge hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: I don't really know what to say other than I hope tomorrow against all odds, you get a dark line. Please please don't give up hope. There is absolutely every chance you can complete your family. I know what it's like to feel like it will never happen and give up hope, but there is always hope. I am absolutely positive you will get your BFP and if it's not this cycle , it will be soon. :hugs: And I'm sorry someone in your journey made you question everything and implied a chemical wasn't a loss. Pretty insensitive :(

AFM - I feel 100% not pregnant. The sore boobs I had yesterday have gone and I feel completely normal. I know I shouldn't worry, but part of me is. I know it's normal not to have symptoms and I know all pregnancies are different. I started reading about bloody blighted ovum's today which was stupid of me as I hadn't even heard of them before & now I am so worried for my first scan. I bought another pack of clear blue digitals and will take one Sunday when we are back from hols and another the following week to see if I am progressing. Although if it's a blighted ovum, that wouldn't matter anyway. Goodness, what's wrong with me thinking so negatively! Why can't I just enjoy it!
That woman has some nerve. She was so rude to all of us in the past, how dare her to continue to be that way! She's the reason I left the pregnancy group bc she's so negative and unsupportive to others. Squirrel, I am so sorry you had to deal with that today. A ton of hugs to you. Ignore her. You untimately know what's going on and you don't have to justify that to anyone!

I've barely had any 1:1 contact with her, but have read through her posts and comments in the past and thought at times she has come across rude/blunt.
I really dislike her... it's one thing to say it on a common thread but to go to your personal journal and say it... Wow is all I can say... I'm sorry squirell- I do hope that things turn around for you soon.

Afm- as of 3:00 AF still hasn't shown so Who knows what's up lol I feel kinda crampy so I feel like it will be here soon.
sweetmama - I really hope this isn't an anovulatory cycle... what day do your normally ovulate? I was wondering if my most recent cycle was anovulatory , but I ended up ovulating 2 days later than normal and conceiving. Fingers crossed for you!

I'm not really sure to be honest, I have irregular cycles that range from 30 - 35 day cycles so I never really know. But when they tested my levels in the beginning of my cycle they told me it was fine so I'm not even sure what to think.

I never really liked her either, she was always so negative and then she added me on fb once and blocked me a few weeks later never really telling me what it was I did to offend, which was likely nothing because I rarely talked to her.
Thanks ladies, it's so nice to know that I wasn't overreacting. I was really surprised to see her write that. Why come to my journal on the very day I know that yet another pregnancy is not to be just to hint that she doesn't think I should be allowed to call it a chemical pregnancy in the first place? And then to point out that she's had 9 losses, to remind me that while she thinks mine aren't losses, she's been through more than me. I don't know, that's just how it came across; I probably am being really sensitive today.

I feel much better now. You ladies have helped infinitely and also my husband has been so beautiful today and really supported me. He bought us a delicious take away this evening and we drank a fine bottle of wine and watched the latest Game of Thrones episode after dinner. He's often out in the evenings with his music, so just getting to do something mundane with him is so nice, but especially today, he just went out of his way to make sure I was okay and told me once again that he can't wait for our third child together. I love this man so much. It's been nearly nine years since we first fell in love, but I still just love him more and more every year.
Squirrel- Wow some nerves on some people huh!??? You absolutely don't have to justify a thing to anyone. My attitude is STFU. Who are you to question what I consider is a loss, or if I'm hurting, or if I need to mourn this!?? You don't owe anyone any explanation why you feel the way you do.

The cycle before my BFP I was convinced I was pregnant, it was the one cycle I was convinced, I felt twinges I never have and spotted on 10 DPO so I just felt I was for sure pregnant, I never even got an evap on my tests but when I got my period I honestly felt like I lost something, and others telling me I didn't wasn't going to help unless they said it to help me feel better.

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