46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

The line is definitely there squirrel, but I wouldn't torture yourself by testing 5 after 5 hours and then torturing yourself over whether or not the line is darker or comparing it to previous pregnancies. Every pregnancy is different as you know. So please try to relax and just test agin in the morning. I have everything crossed that tomorrow you still have your BFP.

Sweetmama, fingers crossed you can DTD tonight!!!
I see those lines squirell! I hope that it's loads darker tomorrow... If nothing else just to give you some peace of mind.

Wow 3 BFP this month.. Crazy. I'm betting Bee will join yall too. Not me though... I either got one heck of an implantation dip with today's temp or AF will be here tomorrow and we are right back to having a 10 day Lp... Argh.... Irritated....

Don't want to give you false hope at all, but mind dropped like that and rose 2 days later. So you never know. I understand you thinkin AF is coming tho, I would (and did) too.

Not gonna lie I went looking for your last post so I could look at your chart for some positive news. I knew yours had dropped for like 2 days and then rose but I didn't see it on your posts so I figured you took it down... Oh well either way I'm ok with it... I think... At least I haven't had any crazy spotting so far like I did last cycle
Texas: sorry your temp has dropped. I really hope you replicate Pompey's drop then rise then BFP!!

Thanks ladies. I'm being really panicky and silly. So I looked at my three tests from this morning and they did indeed get darker as can be seen by how they dried. I barely drank all morning and had somewhat good holds. The problem is, I didn't stop there :( stupidly I just took another test after about an hour hold with dilute pee (been drinking lots this afternoon, pee was pale) and the test is negative :( I don't know what's wrong with me. Why didn't I just leave it be till tomorrow?? I'm trying to rationalise it that it was clearly very faint, so just at the threshold and if I had dilute pee, then it wouldn't reach the threshold, so test would be negative, but I just wanted to see that line again :cry: and now I feel worse. I just feel like I have no hope you know? I am so damned scared to take test in the morning and not see anything.

There's now way t was trigger. The tests got darker to the point where I could take a picture and see the line without tweaking and also there's no way the line could be the same colour/darkness 24 hours later with such low levels. I am just so full of doubt.
Leave the darn tests alone honey. You know you are breaking every testing rule in the book! Lol
Wait until the morning with FMU. You'll see a darker line in the morning I'm sure. Xx
Yes, I know :blush: if it were just a case of getting a lighter test with dilute afternoon pee I would never think anything of it :haha: and that's essentially what happened. I have a lighter afternoon test, but as it started out so faint, the lighter test is in fact blank! I do feel a bit better now. What will be will be. I have some comforting cramps like something is going on. No more testing now till morning.
Definitely leave those tests alone , squirrel! It is serving you no good whatsoever!! I look forward to your update in the morning and I have my fingers and toes crossed that a line shows with no tweaking or squinting required. I totally understand how horrible it is to be in limbo, especially since your last cycle was a chemical, but there is just nothing you can do about it now. So try and relax, get a good nights sleep and hopefully wake up tomorrow with a BIG FAT POSITIVE!!

Tex - yes I took my chart down.... but yeah I had two low temps at 7 and 8 DPO and it went shooting back up at 9 DPO. I hope that is the case for you.

AFM - I've had NO pregnancy symptoms whatsoever until this afternoon when my boobs just started hurting. This is how I felt when I was pregnant with Anabella, but they were sore earlier than this time. I kinda feel relieved I have at least one symptom as I was starting to get a little worried.

My ticker is wrong. I am only 13 DPO today , so no way 5 weeks. Not sure whether to leave it like that as the Dr's will go on LMP or adjust it to take into account late conception.
My first my boobs hurt instantly, 2 weeks before a positive test XD, my second they didn't hurt until 4 weeks!! It's normal trust me :)
Hi, ALL- I would like to join this apparently "lucky" thread for BFP. I have had a crazy cycle this month and by O' got pushed back, we did all the BDing when I should of O'd (the first time) then I got sick and LH went down, then after I was better LH was rising steadily again and then I ran out of LH strips :/ I was using FRLH tests, but I don't do well with them bc my surges are too low for FRLH tests to pick up (they lie on their package of being able to detect 98% of women's surges, lol, seriously, there has been research done!) So, from there I just followed my bodies signals. I should of been due for a new cycle on the 9th, but with everything pushed back and putting my bodies signals in FF it got pushed to the 15th. Still no sign of her. I've did several CP/CM checks today as well. Cervix for the last like 4 days has been very high, super soft, closed, and swollen/engorged feeling. It is still very high and swollen, but not as soft. I have also had EWCM from the 9th of this month that is super stretcy, at first it was clear but it has gradually changed to a whitish color (hoping that all this is a good sign, lol) I still have ewcm but it looks a lot more white in color now it's just still pretty stretchy (not the norm for me when AF is due, I usually go dry)

SO- with everything being so wonky this cycle I don't even know where to begin with testing. I've tested a few times and got ?able results but nothing definitive. My thinking is since my O got pushed back, and there is no way of knowing when egg and sperm met, and egg actually implanted to start creating hcg, I have no idea when I should be able to see a faint positve on anything. Our last BD was on 10 (BDing on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and the 10th) So with those BDing dates and my Oing around the 1st to the 4th of this month, what should I be looking at as a window of testing?
Sooo im pretty bummed out... I'm cleaning out stuff for our renovation coming up this summer and I had a diaper stash kinda going. I couponed for them and paid very little for them. I decided to list them on a swap site and sell them. They are just taking up room and since I'm obviously not getting pregnant there is no point in keeping them... I'm just really down about it but it makes the most sense that way we won't be storing them etc. It wasn't a ton maybe like 11 packs and then 5 boxes of mostly 3s and 2s. Just didn't feel like I should keep them since there was no immediate need...
Squirrel- My heart is with you cause I know how hard it is to want to know so bad and unable to stop testing. Only God knows how many tests I've wasted! I'm praying and hoping this is your forever baby and your BFP!!! Don't beat yourself for testing hun, but just convince yourself to wait to test as the longer you wait the better the outcome of the test. I had my sister hide my tests :p ask your DH to hand you just one tomorrow or Tuesday??

You're in my thoughts!! <3 <3
Ugh today I am not feeling well and I have to work my first shift at my new job tomorrow so I'm hoping I'm not coming down with something and it's just my O coming...

Squirrel I feel your pain. I hope though that you get a nice darker line tomorrow :)
Squirrel - I know I just got a BFP but I think I can understand a bit of what you're feeling after seeing those double lines. I had a CP last month so even though I'm a little excited to have gotten those double lines on the FRER, I'm still cautious and not as excited as I probably should be. I haven't tested since then and I'm not sure if I want to because I'm scared of seeing that second line disappear. As you can see, I still have my cycle ticker below. I think we're both on a pretty darn close timeline and I'm hitting up the doctor tomorrow morning to get the blood test done. Try to go a day without testing and then pee all over that stick first thing the next morning. Well, maybe not ALL over it. I'm keeping my FX for you!!!

Bee - you need to hop on our BFP bandwagon! We're rooting for you!

Pompey - I'm still seriously excited about your BFP!!! I am going to claim calling it first. I think I said something about candlelight and Barry White music going on in there, lol!

Texas - I'm still keeping my FX for you. It ain't over till the fat AF sings.

SweetMama - I can tell you from experience this time around, 3 times BD worked and there were times my DH just couldn't. Put too much pressure on himself. I had to continually tell him if he wasn't feeling it, then we would wait. It seemed to actually help, my not putting any pressure on him and I would take complete advantage of when that BD mood hit him strong. Um, can I just suggest something? Go camping. There's just something about the fresh air and the great outdoors . . . yeah. Camping! Yay!

AFM, I'm having the occasional stretchy type of cramping that still makes me a bit nervous. The nausea has made itself right at home but at least I'm not throwing up. I'm off to the doctor tomorrow morning to get my blood test done and I'm terrified it's going to come back again as "Yes, you're pregnant but . . . " That happened last time and I would be heartbroken if it happened again. Ugh, this sucks.

Baby dust for all and I'll keep everyone updated on the test results!
Thanks ladies :hugs: you're all such a well of support for me. I'm sorry I took over the thread a bit yesterday.

So the line is a little lighter this morning. Another chemical pregnancy I guess. Now I'm worried. I never had a chemical pregnancy before we started trying for this third baby (I have always always tested early, even when we weren't trying - I was always very paranoid), so I would have picked one up. I never had one before and now I've had 3 in 9 months. I just know in my heart that something is wrong.

This was the measly line from this morning. I'm sure it's barely even visible with tweaking. A part of me is desperately hoping that somehow yesterday was still trigger and this is the real thing, but that's silly. Yesterday's tests got darker, a trigger wouldn't do that.

The only good I can salvage from this situation is that it's amazing I did actually conceive two cycles in a row, so clomid, trigger and progesterone really work for me. Ive got the IUI to look forward to next cycle too, so that will be good. I'm going to ask them to up my dose of clomid to 100mg because I want more than one big follicle next cycle so I have more of a chance. If there's something wrong with my eggs, then I want to have more of them to get a better chance. A part of me thinks that if there's something wrong with us, then IVF may be the only way to transfer a healthy blastocyst and get pregnant, but we could never afford IVF, so I don't really know if we'll ever get our last baby. Sorry, I don't mean to be so down, but these last two cycles coming after a year of it, they're just destroying me a little bit.
I can see the line squirrel, please don't give up yet. I understand you're worried about a cp, esp after last month. Maybe give yourself 24 hours and try again tomorrow morning. You may have implanted later than normal and it's taking a while to show. I am not out to give you false hope and if it is a cp, I really am sorry.

Try not to get to far ahead of yourself and think about IVF at this stage. There is nothing to suggest you won't conceive. Heck I managed it after 21 months and an 8 day luteal phase. I know ALL about giving up and feeling like it'll never happen. Keep the faith. I know it's easy for me to say, but I've been there, done it and got the tshirt xxx
Just popping in. Caught up while DH has been sleeping still. Congrats to the bfps!! Squirrel I'm still hoping for you that it starts to get darker. I know how much recurring chemicals hurts.

AFM my temps have been crazy. Been just trying to confirm O but with 6 hr time zone difference and a bottle of wine before bed every night they haven't cooperated :haha: finally didn't drink last night and got a similar temp to my original O jump so I might start my progesterone cream. Italy is amazing and I've decided I'm not going back! :rofl: today we are off to Milan for a few days :) hope everyone is doing well!
Squirrel your line is still there and I'm really thinking this is your cycle, my thoughts are with you, stop testing for a couple of days, give it a chance to rise and I bet you your line will be bigger and brighter :)

My temp took a hefty nosedive this morning! Don't know what's up with it :( I thought I'd get a nice rise...


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Pompey: thanks for your kind words. I don't feel that this is going to have a happy resolution sadly, I've been here too many times to know this isn't a healthy start to a pregnancy. The only thing I can hope for is that somehow (though I don't see how), yesterday still picked up trigger and today this is the start of a BFP. I don't really believe that's the case, I'm pretty sure this is a just a very short lived chemical pregnancy. Again. I know I'm jumping the gun pondering IVF, by it's all irrelevant anyway, as at £8000 (or thereabouts), there is no way we can afford it. I wonder if I continue to have chemical pregnancies whether the NHS would do any testing, but I doubt it, as they said they couldn't help us conceive our third child beyond just simple testing. I'm trying to stay hopeful, but my hope is fading fast. I don't know how you did this for 21 months without losing your mind, I feel like I'm losing mine :haha:

Gina: sounds like you're having an amazing time in Italy!!

Edit: Okay, I know I have a problem :haha: but Campn, you totally get it, I just can't stop myself. Not when I've been trying so long and come so close. I just tested with SMU, no drinking since waking up and a 2 hour hold and got a line as dark as the darkest I got yesterday (possibly a hair darker, it's hard to tell - this one is pink and clearly visible to the eye, but I think that one yesterday was too...). That's still not good sign, as it should be darker today if this is a successful pregnancy, but it does mean that I'm more in limbo land rather than outright chemical land. That is it; one FRER left and I am saving it fro SMU tomorrow.
Pompey: thanks for your kind words. I don't feel that this is going to have a happy resolution sadly, I've been here too many times to know this isn't a healthy start to a pregnancy. The only thing I can hope for is that somehow (though I don't see how), yesterday still picked up trigger and today this is the start of a BFP. I don't really believe that's the case, I'm pretty sure this is a just a very short lived chemical pregnancy. Again. I know I'm jumping the gun pondering IVF, by it's all irrelevant anyway, as at £8000 (or thereabouts), there is no way we can afford it. I wonder if I continue to have chemical pregnancies whether the NHS would do any testing, but I doubt it, as they said they couldn't help us conceive our third child beyond just simple testing. I'm trying to stay hopeful, but my hope is fading fast. I don't know how you did this for 21 months without losing your mind, I feel like I'm losing mine :haha:

Gina: sounds like you're having an amazing time in Italy!!

Edit: Okay, I know I have a problem :haha: but Campn, you totally get it, I just can't stop myself. Not when I've been trying so long and come so close. I just tested with SMU, no drinking since waking up and a 2 hour hold and got a line as dark as the darkest I got yesterday (possibly a hair darker, it's hard to tell - this one is pink and clearly visible to the eye, but I think that one yesterday was too...). That's still not good sign, as it should be darker today if this is a successful pregnancy, but it does mean that I'm more in limbo land rather than outright chemical land. That is it; one FRER left and I am saving it fro SMU tomorrow.

Can you post the pic? If you can post both of them so I can look at them side by side that would be even better! I don't think you're out at all. I think you are just really worried and jumping the gun. Hold on to faith. this could really be it for you! I don't know you, but I do have a good feeling about your situation, not that means anything to you, but I think you should try to relax, hcg doesn't rise every 48hrs on the dot, some women it takes 72 hrs, so you could be in that group as well :)
Squirrel - did you get up at all during the night to go to the bathroom? Up until Saturday morning, all of my tests looked like that from Wednesday through Friday and it nearly drove me to tears. I still see that second line there though. I'm keeping my FX!
Hi Amber. They're still too faint to pick up properly without tweaking, but now it's mostly dried, side by side they look the same, although sadly, the one from yesterday is a tiny bit darker. Thinking about concentration though, that test was taken yesterday at 12:30 after not drinking all morning and this one was at 8:40, not drinking all morning. It shouldn't make a difference, it should really be darker today, but it's this not knowing you know? I hope you're right and it's just a slow start. It's bad to compare pregnancies, but with my daughter the test line was negative on 10dpo am and by 11dpo is was clear as day and a positive digital too, so then my levels jumped up really quickly. Here, to have the same-ish line on 10 and 11dpo is a bit worrying. I mean they say these tests can pick up levels of 6.5 right? So if it doubled every 48 hours, that means that if it was around 7 yesterday, it should be around 10.5 now, would that make a significantly darker test? Who knows. And then there's the issue of concentration to take into account.

This is the smu test. I tweaked the picture a bit (way less than the fmu one) as it was only a shadow without tweaking. This is however, the level of darkness that it appeared as to the naked eye a few minutes after the test. It was a faint pink line pretty much exactly like this. It's faded a little now as it dries.

I am the poster child of why early testing is bad for the soul :haha:

Thanks Peski: I think I last went to the loo at midnight and tested at 6:30am. My pee was definitely darker on SMU than FMU.

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