46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

huge congrats squirrel! That's definitely a bfp I can see on my phone without zooming in or resizing the photo. I'm so happy and excited for you. You definitely deserve it.

Congrats to those other bfps I hadn't congratulated while I was lurking silently.

How is everyone else? Is anyone else testing soon?

Afm: Last weekend DH and I somewhat talked about a baby again. He sounds like he still really wants one but I didn't push and figured I'll wait out the rest of this cycle before I bring it up. 9dpo today and all I've had is awful AF-type cramps. Last night I did feel sick and threw up before bed, but I'm not getting excited or overthinking it lol.
Aw thanks ladies!!! And congrats again squirrel! I know I said it here and on FB but I'm so so happy for you and I love seeing that line get stronger for you!

I think I'll be O-ing this weekend as my OKP's are darkening nicely. Perfect timing for us and I hope in 2 weeks I'll be joining you all again on the preggo side ;)
I just realized that because I got my BFP from my doctor, I never did a HPT. I felt a little left out so I did one because I wanted to have that feeling when you get that BFP on a home test. Here it is:


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Hey ladies thought I'd share my latest (and cutest) baby buys! It's her going home outfit, I ordered it on etsy but they had so many other adorable designs! It's so tiny and precious!


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Peski- those are lovely tests! I'm so happy for you

Campn- that is so adorable! Now I want one lol.
Teeny - can't believe she's 2 weeks already. I have to add you so I'll send you a private message with my Facebook page so you can request me.

Camp - I have the same outfit same on a board in Pinterest, I love it!!!

Pesk - those are great tests!!!

Squirrel - huge difference already!!! When are you doing the digital?

Trix - sounds like you'll be back full time before you know it lol.

Drum and smile - how are you feeling?

Iris - FX for you!!!

Sorry if I missed anyone, I'm on my phone.
Camp - that is absolutely adorable! I'm jealous that I need to wait 8 more months.
Teeny - can't believe she's 2 weeks already. I have to add you so I'll send you a private message with my Facebook page so you can request me.

Camp - I have the same outfit same on a board in Pinterest, I love it!!!

Pesk - those are great tests!!!

Squirrel - huge difference already!!! When are you doing the digital?

Trix - sounds like you'll be back full time before you know it lol.

Drum and smile - how are you feeling?

Iris - FX for you!!!

Sorry if I missed anyone, I'm on my phone.

I'm doing ok minus some back problems. If I sit too long and try to get up, it's hard to walk at first. I try to move around as much as possible but lately I've been exhausted. Today I took a much needed nap.

How are you doing?
I wish I did the same outfit for Benjamin, but I never thought of it!

Smille- I hear you. If I do too much I pay for it later. I've SPD so some days are so hard but I try not to overdo things.

Ttc- Once you confirm the gender and pick a name you should go for it if you like the outfit! I'm trying to stay away from etsy but it's where the cutest things are!

How are the preggos feeling!?

Sending lots and lots of baby dust to the ttcers! I hope you all realize that your turn will come too ladies! I think this thread has seen more BFPS than any other thread on here.
Bla I am doing well! Cannot believe we'll be in third tri next week :haha: time really seems to be flying. How have you been hun?

TTC I am feeling pretty good, sleep has been splotchy lately but not too much to complain about. I cannot believe youre in second tri! GS right around the corner!

Campn absolutely adorable outfit! Way too cute! I feel horrible that we've not even found a going home outfit.

TeX I am so excited to see that BFP to come. Hope the tea continues to pay off!

Pes awesome lines hun, congratulations!

Iris everything crossed hun!
Thank you so so so much ladies. You have been my crutch these past 9/10 months (?) and I don’t know how I could have stayed sane without you. I love you all and am so grateful to have shared this painful journey with you. I am totally 1000% terrified at the moment, but knowing you guys have my back if something should go wrong is making me feel much better. Thank you.

Peski: It’s amazing to have bump buddies when you’ve been through the horrors of TTC together too. Makes it so much more special to go through pregnancy together. I think I’m 5 days behind you. Your tests are amazing!!! Yay!!!

Texas: Your turn next! I have my fingers super crossed that this is your cycle. Looks like ovulation is on its way with your cm pattern.

Tribe: You’re also next! You’re chart is looking amazing! It looks triphasic. Your signs sound amazing too. Early cramps have been the biggest signs for me this time around. They started as early as 3dpo and I’ve had sporadic bouts of cramps ever since. I have my fingers super super crossed for you. When do you think you’ll test or will you wait and see if AF comes?

Iris: Yay for impending ovulation! I so so hope you get your rainbow this cycle. I hope your TWW flies by and at the end of it you’re greeted with a beautiful BFP.

Camp: That is one hell of an adorable outfit! I love it! Can’t wait to see a picture of her in it.

Smile: Sorry to hear you’re back is playing up and you’ve been tired. It’s so exhausting being pregnant and looking after your older kids. I hope the pain and tiredness passes for you soon.

Drum: You’ll also be in second tri before you know it :D Your pregnancy has flown by so quickly! Though I bet it doesn’t feel like it for you. Hope your tiredness eases soon.

So this happened this morning!!!

And this is the progression. A tiny bit darker this morning than yesterday’s SMU. Not as much as I’d like, but hey, it’ll darken as it dries. Yesterday it got darker as it dried significantly over the course of the day, so I think there will be more of a contrast later. If I compare just the FMU ones from 13, 14 and 15dpo then there's really nice progression.

No more testing! The thought of it is making me anxious. I’m pregnant and I need to try and enjoy it while it lasts. I’ll be making a doctor’s appointment tomorrow who will get me into the midwife system and they’ll contact me with my booking in appointment. I’ll also call clinic tomorrow to let them know and they’ll want me to come in for a scan at some point. I think I’ll schedule it for around 7 weeks just to get a conclusive result - there is either a heartbeat or not at 7 weeks.

Scared! So so scared! I feel more scared than happy would you believe it? Madness!
Congrats on the digital squirrel! Well and truly pregnant, I'm so excited for you! <3

Drum: Glad you're doing well! And yes, third trimester, I can't believe it! We're doing well, I'm slightly nervous every time we buy stuff, SO started painting the nursery yesterday and I had a cry fest and panic attack because what if we paint the room and end up with no baby? That thought just scared me for a moment, I love Thomas so much it's overwhelming!
We are almost done with buying everything as well.. all we need now is the mattress for the crib that will be delivered in august and an Aerosleep protector thing for the cradle's mattress. And curtains for the nursery.. other than that.. for baby at least, we are all set! Well.. we won't have the room ready until the end of August, but anyway :lol:
Makes it so real and so scary.. I'm so much like my cousin (basically my sister as I lived with her mom for years).. she would get scared buying clothes because what if she had all these clothes and no baby in the end? I'm really starting to get that too at the moment with everything.
We have a scan the 29th and it can't come soon enough! I need to see our baby again, it's been so long since our last scan!

Preggo's/ladies with kiddo's already: when is the time to pack a hospital bag? I was thinking at 36 weeks or something, just in case. But what to pack? For me, for baby? All the lists online say so many different things!
Congrats Squirrel!!!!! Super exciting times ahead for you!
yeah squirrel!!!!! beautiful lines!!! and the digi!! so awesome! huge congrats!!!!!

blabla i packed at 36 weeks i think? i packed shampoo, body wash, tooth brush, tooth paste, going home clothes, my camera, charger, phone and charger, glasses and contacts. pretty sure that's it. and all i needed. After birth lets just say you wouldn't want to wear any of your own clothes, it's not very glamorous. I also was only in for one night since they were natural births so it was all i needed. check your hosp and see what they provide too. mine gave me pretty much everything for baby too. just needed his car seat and a blankie for the car.
Squirrel - it's probably wrong but I'm more excited for you than for myself. I still haven't gotten excited for me yet. And those are beautiful tests!

Texas and Iris, you two are next so prepare!

FX for all those waiting on that BFP!
Squirrel- I absolutely love that you have a pregnancy ticker!!!!! Your tests are looking great and you are definitely pregnant hun. I am beyond happy for you. Yes, the journey has been difficult for us but it has been a pleasure getting to know you (all of you).

Bla- 36 weeks sounds like a good time to pack bc you never know. I have to figure out what to pack myself. I did read if you're going to bf to take pineapple juice bc it helps with your supply. Otherwise just basic toiletries and going home clothes.

I'm extremely nervous about the unknown right now. My dh will be on an outage so he will only be home to sleep, then there's trying to figure out where my dd will go. I'm having a lot of anxiety about possibly going into labor while he's at work and no one coming to pick her up. He's hoping it'll be a scheduled induction, but that's not part of my plan.
Thank you ladies :hugs: so so so much! Peski, you made me chuckle. I'm finding the same thing. I'm too scared to be excited and happy yet, though every now and then it sinks in a tiny bit. I'm sure I'll feel this way till I get a scan (hopefully at 7 weeks).

Bla: I packed around 32 weeks with both mine; it was nice to be prepared and nice to paw over everything and get excited. With Oscar I didn't pack nearly enough, because we were in for a week and then with Isla, I packed too much. So I would recommend having two bags packed: your actual hospital bag and a back up someone can grab and bring in if you do unexpectedly end up saying in hospital longer than you thought.

I packed for me:
- a nightie for birthing
- change of clothes for afterwards (comfy clothes)
- towel
- wash bag (that first shower after birth is sublime! :haha:)
- flip flops for showering in
- book and iPad (for after baby was born and between contractions, well, that was he plan, I never used them during labour as with Oscar it was too painful and with Isla too quick!)
- snacks and water
- music on iPod and speaker
- camera
- my own pillow from home
- breast pads
- lanolin cream
- sanitary towels (ones especially for post-birth - I didn't have enough with Oscar, so with Isla I brought looooooaaaaaads with me - no regrets, they're vital!)
- TENS machine (never used it, never had time!)
- nursing bras x2
- sleeping clothes if in over night

For baby:
- 3x bodysuit (2 X newborn and 1 x 0-3 months for all clothes as I didn't know how big they'd be. Oscar didn't fit newborn, Isla did)
- 3x sleepsuits
- a hat
- a blanket
- newborn nappies
- cotton wool
- water wipes
- little bottle of olive oil (best thing for cleaning off baby's first poo, which is like tar!)
- car seat

I'm sure there was more. I'll have a look at my list later and add more if I find more. As I said, I'd have another bag packed with just loads more sanitary towels, breast pads, nappies, water wipes, cotton wool, baby clothes and your clothes just in case you're in longer and someone can just grab it for you.
Smille: sorry to hear you're anxious over when labour comes. It's so hard to plan for when you have an older child and don't know how and when labour will unfold. Do you have any family members or good friends who are reliable, trustworthy and available at short notice (for the period of time around your due date?). I'm a bit worried about whol will have our kids when the time comes for this one to arrive. Nick's parents would be our first choice, but they'd be an hour away. Isla's labour was so quick, I don't know if I'll have an hour and a half next time (extra half hour to get to the hospital). It's very nerve wracking.
On my phone but just need to quickly comment on that beautiful digi squirrel !!! And to let you know that I'm still more scared than happy most days - I hate it ! But it keeps getting better and easier. You just have to take things a day at a time. Can't wait to share this journey with you - you aren't still leaving bnb right !? <3

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