46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing well :)

Iris - my period was crazy out of whack after my D&C last December. From the time my first cycle started up until the BFP, my period was always 2 weeks late. I'm so glad to hear that you're ready to start again. Can't wait for you to get that BFP that I know will come :)

Afm - I have my NT scan later today, little anxious but, happy to be able to share this with my parents and see bubs on screen. Hopefully she sits still long enough to get the measurements needed.
Hi Gina! I was just thinking about you. I hadn't seen an update after all those super light tests you were pulling recently. (I might have missed it..if I did sorry!)

Happy to see you on :)

TTC I'm not expecting it to be exactly like before I had my MMC. Plus I've kept serious records of all my periods for 4 years including the few after my D&C last year. I've got a wack of data to go off of.

AND!! It seems all I had to do is write on here and things happen because my OPK's started to darken today. So I should O this weekend. Which is fantastic. That would be great timing for us I think :)

Good luck on the scan. I'm sure it will be great for everyone to get a peek at baby. :)
Hi ladies,

I'm on CD14-CD15 of my 30-31 day cycle (it varies between those two).... We BD'd Wednesday morning which would be CD12-CD13... Should we BD for the next 2 nights just to make sure? I'm only asking since my CM is just creamy/lotion - I rarely get EWCM, if I do it's if we haven't BD'd for ages... Checked my cervix (I know it's unreliable) and it's low, soft but I can't tell if it's open or closed.. When I take my finger out (TMI) it's white lotion all over my finger and when I use my other finger to scrap it off, it literally feels like shower gel out of the bottle.. No smell on it and it's pure white.. Probably infertile.. Yesterday I had a cramp like feeling near both of my ovaries, but that could've just been a (TMI warning) bowel movement.. I experienced it again just now (probably because I'm writing about it), a sharp pain around one ovary, but that only lasted a mere second.. Any thoughts? :)
Bee - I hope you get pics from your scan, it would be awesome to see the little "blueberry". Well, just knowing everything is smoothly sailing along would be awesome.

TTC - Same for you. Pics, maybe? I think I just want to have my own so badly I'll settle for staring at others pics.

Iris - I'm keeping my FX all the time, even when I sleep, that you'll soon be expecting again and you'll get fat 'n happy with the rest us!

Fyren - Welcome! We love new ladies on here! It's possible that it could be O pain but you can never be 100% sure. After a couple of CP's I stopped with the OPK's, looking for signs, only BD'ing on the right days, etc. I would say absolutely BD if you and your spouse/SO want to BD. It's not going to hurt your chances. Example (and probably TMI): last month my DH and I BD 4 days straight because we felt like it. Perhaps my body was trying to tell me something because I am now just past 4 weeks pregnant. So again, it's not going to hurt your chances. Might increase them though!

Afm, just relaxing in my quiet house, thinking about going for a nap since the housework is done. Have a bit of lower back pain but not unusual for me, it happened when I was pregnant with my daughter. AND MY BOOBS HURT! I was beginning to wonder if I would experience that when suddenly it showed up to say "Hello!" Started sleeping with a sports bra on.

FX for everyone hoping for that BFP! (Squirrel, Texas and Iris, I'm looking at you, ladies. It's coming!)
Congratulations Peskipiksee! :)
I had a CP in January - I knew for sure I was pregnant that month but it just was not meant to be :(
I've never used OPK's or Temp Charts before.

Me and my OH BD near enough (prepare to laugh) every day...
This month we've only BD'd every other day but more this week (because my sexual desire has increased) so I'm hoping it was a sign that O was on the way. We BD'd earlier twice (frisky!!) and I think we'll probably end up doing it twice tomorrow night as well, haha! On Tuesday night I had a couple of hot flashes, not sure what that meant - or if it meant anything at all because I never get them unless AF has arrived. It's a waiting game now I suppose, haha! Nothing stopping us having fun until then, eh? :winkwink::haha::haha:
Thanks Smille and Camp. I'm just feeling so much better mentally I'm not letting the late O get to me too much. I had a D&C last year June as well when they removed a polyp and my first cycle after was also longer than normal. So I know it's nothing to worry about. I'll just keep taking my temps and peeing on those OPK sticks! Ha ha Thank goodness for cheap Wondflo's! I'm hoping in the end the wait is worth it this cycle. :)

I can't believe how far along you both are!! When I joined you had both recently gotten your BFP's. How does time move so quickly?!?

Bee I'm thinking of you today for your scan and sending you lots of positive thoughts.

late o doesnt mean anything awful though ! i conceived both cycles tht i had a later o date :) i read up on it and they said it's good because it gives your follicles more time to mature or something like that. don't know if it's true but always made me feel better. I was waiting 3 weeks to O both cycles that i got my bfps. :hugs:
Hi there lovely ladies, sorry I've been very absent lately! I just wanted to pop back in to show you the BFP I got today. Obviously very cautious and scared! I've been here so many times before. As I'm 13dpo, I'm worried it's showed up so late, but I've taken two FRERs today and the second was darker than the first. Pretty nervous, but really hoping this is it!

I've tweaked it, but this is how it looks in real life (the darkness I mean).
Ahh Squirrel congrats!!!! I know your nervous but that's a great line! FX it's a sticky little bean!!
Squirrel- I commented on your journal 1st, but I am so so so excited for you. I will say a little prayer that the line darkens tomorrow. Mine didn't get significantly dark until 15dpiui. That looks fantastic though. :yipee:

A woman I graduated high school with, just messaged me yesterday to tell me she's pregnant. We've been in contact bc we both struggled and wanted to share our experience with someone more understanding. They have been trying for 5 yrs and just started fertility testing.

I am so incredibly happy for these bfps.
Line looks fantastic squirrel. Keeping everything crossed for you lady x
Squirrel!!!! I'm jumping out of my skin in excitement. That's a fabulous line!!! Congratulations <3 <3 :happydance::happydance::hugs:
I was so excited for squire, forgot to update on my NT scan. Bubs of course was being the crazy mover that she is. When we started the scan she was upside down and waving. Scan went well, HR was 157, she measured a few days ahead and the tech said liquid behind the neck was good. My dad cracked me up, he kept hovering over the screen and laughed every time she moved or waved. Of course she never lets us get a good picture but, I've attached the blurry one below lol.

Oh Squirrel..that's a fantastic line! I know how nerve wracking faint liens have been for you. I'm hoping with my everything this is it for you! Congrats hun. No matter what its a beautiful line and I'm really excited for you!
Thank you beautiful ladies so much. :hugs: Your support has meant the world to me. No matter what happens with this line, I know you guys have had my back the whole way and that just makes me feel so blessed. :hugs:

BabyG: Awesome scan!!! She sounds really cute already! Isla was the same at my NT scan; would not sit still. It meant we had a much longer scan though so they could get all the measurements, which was really nice!
just popping in to check in and OMG SQUIRELL!!! that's a beautiful line and i have no doubt this is your sticky bean!! congrats lady! i'm so happy to see this!
Squirrel! I am late to the party lol I posted in your journal but I wanted to say massive congrats to you! That line looks good and I'm looking forward to seeing it get darker! I think this is it!!!
Squirrel- IM SO FREAKING HAPPY!!! I really really thought it was the start of a BFP 2 days ago so yesterday I was shocked to say the least! I also got my BFP on 13 DPO with Benjamin but that's okay! Sometimes they implant later or there isn't too much hCG early on but this is your BFP!!!

I'm so over the moon for you! Congratulations mama! I'm praying it darkens the next few days!!! :hugs:
Thank you :hugs:

Campn: that makes me feel relieved! The fact that it's a darker line than I've had with previous CPs makes me feel hopeful too.

I'm a little worried I've got crampy feelings going on, but I remember this from my pregnancies with my two kids, so I'm sure it's normal. Besides, my period isn't due till Monday, so it's too early for AF cramps, I usually get them on the first day of proper bleeding.

One thing's for sure, if this is my rainbow then it's not twins. No way with such a late BFP :haha:

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