46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Totally staying now :) I was only going to get a break from TTC, but now I won't need that :D

So I'm surprised I'm not freaking out, but I just got a tiny bit of brown stringy discharge :( I know it's most likely the after effects of inplantation. It was very brown (old blood) and only the tiniest amount. Checked cervix and there wasn't any more. Now I'm hoping it's just inplantation bleeding... Not freaking out, but I don't like it. Did any of you ever have it? What was it like for you?
squirrel - I love that digi and your line progression. Seeing your pregnancy ticker puts a huge smile on my face. I was going to test this morning but I have no cheapies and I can't convince myself to use my only frer at 10dpo lol. So unless I manage to pick up dollar store cheapies today, I won't test for another few days since AF is due Thursday or Friday.

Camp - that outfit is so adorable. After your post on the fb group, I went onto Pinterest to look at nursery ideas - I really shouldn't have done that because I spent like 3 hours pinning stuff to my future baby board. So I now have wonderful and beautiful ideas for a future baby lol.
Squirrel- I tested with the FRERS every 2 days and that's when I saw it was significantly darker, so take that 14 DPO one and cover it and then see the huge difference between 13 and 15! Those digitalis don't lie though! We ALL understand the worry! Sometimes I go a few hours and not feel any movement at all and my heart sinks. Just take it one day at a time, every day that goes your chances are better and better! <3

Smille- Same fears here. I have no one who can be with DS right away with the inlaws an hour away and they suggested meeting at the hospital and I said no way. Last thing I want is deal with him while I'm in labor and asking him not to touch moniters! I'm sure we'll manage and all will be fine. This is something I'm jealous first time moms don't have to deal with yet ;)

Bla- I packed around 35 weeks, and I tried to pack basics:
For me: Gown with robe (or pajamas)
Nursing bra
Toiletries (I didn't want to bother washing my hair so dry shampoo and makeup wipes!) along with things like BB cream and under eye concealer, Chapstick, deodorant, hair ties/headband to keep hair off my face.
Breath mints / hard candy
Breastfeeding pillow
The heavy flow pads + boy short undies I didn't care if got ruined
Phone and camera chargers.
Nipple cream/ nursing pads
This healing numbing spray I can't remember it's name, to spray down there.
Belly band to wrap around your tummy.
Outfit to go home that fits your belly at 6 months pregnant.

For baby:
Receiving blankets
Velcro swaddling blanket
1-2 onesis
1 warm pajamas
Socks, mittens, hat
Going home outfit
Heavy blanket for when we are outside
Some diapers and wipes

Shared all my toiletries
Pajamas, socks and his own going home outfit
Squirrel- I did with Ben, I think because it seems we both implanted late with them the IB is brownish cause it's old. Mine varied from brown to red on and off for weeks, but at an ultrasound they couldn't see any blood around the baby so it was nothing to worry about at all.

Trix- That's so smart hun! I found out it was a girl and I hadn't thought of any nursery ideas so it's good to be prepared and know exactly what you want! It's exciting too!

Bla- Oh and I hear essential oils like peppermint and levender help some women during labor so maybe if you're into that grab some!
Ah squirrel! That digi is great and I think the latest FRER looks darker too. I really hope you have an easy pregnancy. It sucks that yku have to wait so long a for a scan to be able to pick up anything. I never had any spotting or anything with my only pregnancy so far so im no help.

I hope you ladies are right and I get my BFP soon. I am beyond ready to be pregnant again.

My temp took a pretty big dip today so I'm Hoping O is around the corner. OPK is negative this morning but I didn't get to do one yesterday cause we were working on the house so I could have missed it. My in laws come back today so we will go back to sneaking in Bd when we can. Only 2 more weeks till we can move in. Ah so excited!!

Oh and campn that numbing stuff is called dermoplast. I didn't use it but I had to go buy some more for my sis in law after she had her baby
We had plans to allow my mother to watch my dd, but she's so unreliable anymore. We think we're going to ask my in-laws to watch her. That will cause drama I'm sure. My mom gets offended so easily and LOVES to start fights. My in-laws live 20 min away. My dh said they can just meet us at the hospital and pick her up, but by the time he'd get home from work, they'd be at our house. I guess we'll play it by ear. It will all work out some how.
We had plans to allow my mother to watch my dd, but she's so unreliable anymore. We think we're going to ask my in-laws to watch her. That will cause drama I'm sure. My mom gets offended so easily and LOVES to start fights. My in-laws live 20 min away. My dh said they can just meet us at the hospital and pick her up, but by the time he'd get home from work, they'd be at our house. I guess we'll play it by ear. It will all work out some how.

Do the inlaws live closer? That'd be my excuse. Just say well we feel better cause they're only 20 minutes away. I mean everyone will be with you in the room to visit the next day!
Bla the worry never ends..ever. I was terrified of SIDs with Shy for the first year. I mean so much so I was afraid to fall asleep with her, if we were alone, the first few weeks. It is all nerves and they never stop. Don't worry hun, Thomas is strong, and he'll be here sooner than you think. I hope the scan is reassuring and you get some nice pictures. As for it being real, it is scary but very real and you'll surprise yourself at how good you'll be at it. :hugs:

Trix I cannot wait to see your tests! I hope you get some cheapies! I think its amazing you're getting a head start you'll be using them before you know it!

TeX that's great news about the reno almost being done! Everything crosed for a nice O and a welcome home BFP.

Smille I am sorry your mom will try to fight with you on it but stick with whatever makes you more comfortable.

Well my mom kind of burst my bubble today. My doctor really through me for a loop offering to try another vaginal delievery. I have been really excited about it. Shy's was terrible, induction a week early due to size long story short blood loss, small nerve damage, severe 4th degree tear, she became stuck for a dangerous amount of time, swelling on the skull, ect. If we went for vaginal we'll have growth scans after 36-37 weeks and as soon as she hits 7.5 lbs they'll take her via precautionary induction so if a CS was needed easy to switch. My mom thinks I am crazy wanting to try it again and made one to many references that I'm putting her in unnecessary danger. Now I'm just worried she is right. My OB is putting it in my hands as long as pregnancy continues smoothly so CS at 39 weeks or by weight scan which is not always accurate, I know. Sorry for the story but DH is not being helpful so I thought you ladies might have some insight.
Drum: I don't think you are putting yourself or your little one in unnecessary danger at all. Your OB will watch it and will tell you if it won't work at that stage. Don't worry, I get what your mom is saying but honestly, each baby is different. There is no way of telling that this labor will go the same way, let alone that Freya will be the same size etc. They will watch that and if at like 38 weeks or something you feel uncomfortable with the idea or the risks.. go for a CS. Don't worry!

Smille: Well, if your mom wants to be pissed off at you putting your DD at your inlaws when you go into labor.. that's her problem. It's your daughter, your labor, your baby, your life. If you feel like she is not reliable at this time, don't do it. If she wants to be mad about that.. that's her loss really. She'll turn around if she does get pissed. You need to do what makes YOU feel good when you go into labor. The rest doesn't matter at that point. :hugs:

And thanks for your kind words, it's so hard not to worry and feel overwhelmed at times. It's lovely to have such a group of wonderful ladies that are ready to make each other feel better when needed. :hugs:

And many thanks for the lists of things to pack! So handy :)
We had plans to allow my mother to watch my dd, but she's so unreliable anymore. We think we're going to ask my in-laws to watch her. That will cause drama I'm sure. My mom gets offended so easily and LOVES to start fights. My in-laws live 20 min away. My dh said they can just meet us at the hospital and pick her up, but by the time he'd get home from work, they'd be at our house. I guess we'll play it by ear. It will all work out some how.

Do the inlaws live closer? That'd be my excuse. Just say well we feel better cause they're only 20 minutes away. I mean everyone will be with you in the room to visit the next day!

They live the same distance apart. If my mom were more reliable, we'd have her watch her but she's not. She constantly makes excuses as to why she can't do something after she tells us she can either babysit or something else. I'm just not having that while I'm in labor.
Drum- go with your gut. If you want to try a vaginal birth, go ahead. Your dr will know whether it's the right thing for you and baby or not. Moms think they know best, but they don't. Do what YOU want, don't listen to what anyone else says. If your dr isn't concerned with your decision, then that's a good thing. I hope it turns out exactly the way you want it to. My mom says I'm dumb for wanting a drug-free labor. I had an epidural with my dd and it wasn't the experience I wanted.

Bla- I agree, the fear never really goes away but our babies will be in our arms b4 we know it.
Hey ladies Congrats to the newly pregnant ladies, especially you Squirrel! Ahh this gives me so much hope for this month :)

Bee- How are you doing?

AFM: Im CD14 and waiting to O, there isn't much to report except that I ran a 5K on Saturday but other than that not too much. Sorry I haven't been on lately I don't have internet at home so its hard to get on much. I hope you all are well
hi sweet :) O should be soon for you! i didn't click on your chart - did you do another round of clomid this cycle?? FX for you

looks like trix, iris and tex should all be getting bfps soon too!!! loved that blazing opk iris :happydance: and trix you should be getting close, especially with DH opening back up to it :happydance: tex - your BFP should be right around the corner but if it's not at least you'll be moving back into the newly renovated home (and out of in laws) and your insurance deductible will be back soon for some dr appts if need be!
:hugs::hugs::hugs: hugs to you all - I know how hard it is.

sorry that I hadn't updated on here after my scan - once teeny asked about me I felt bad. hopefully no one else was worried. everything is still going well. I feel great and this time am not letting myself get panicked about lack of symptoms since I was able to see baby bouncing away while I was feeling great. so just trying to enjoy it. just getting a little worried about my discharge. between the stringy, mucus stuff and the abundance of watery CM, it has me puzzled. :dohh: really looking forward to my OB appt next week - 9 days to go!
Yes I can't wait for the remodel to be done. It feels like it's coming together now. Kitchen cabinets are going in tomorrow and the counters should be done this week too. And then floors a week from today... I haven't Od yet and I still have slippery wet feeling cm so we will
Try and do every other day bd until my temp rise... I'm so ready to get pregnant its not even funny. I'm totally over this TTC crap...
aww thanks bee. You're too kind.

11dpo today. Temp dropped a bit, which I think is right on track for pre-AF for me, so I'll wait it out and see what happens over the next few days and not bother testing.
I wanted to come in and join if that's OK ladies. I'm on TTC cycle five after mirena removal and it looks like I possibly Od sooner then I usually do (cd14-16). I am just praying that this is our month.. I am hoping that this is it as I'm 31, 32 next month and this will be our first.
Texas- I hope your bfp comes soon hun. You totally deserve it.

Gagrlin- welcome :wave:. Fxd you get a bfp soon.

Trixie- sorry for the temp drop. Fxd it goes up. It sounds like your dh is coming around again.
bee i had bad discharge, and it got REALLY bad around the beginning of second tri !
thanks mommy - it's been freaking me out. it's like I've peed myself - straight up liquid wtf :dohh:
thanks mommy - it's been freaking me out. it's like I've peed myself - straight up liquid wtf :dohh:

That's how it was for me too! And the progesterone made it 100× worse. I constantly felt like I wet myself. It'll get better. Then you'll get to a point where if you sneeze, you will actually wet yourself lol.

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