46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

eek it looks like all of the non preggos still lined up pretty well with O'ing together afterall!! good luck cookie, iris, tex, garling and sweet. Trix - the odd one out - did AF show???

also cookie - good luck at your specialist appt - let us know how it goes!!!

exactly one week until my first OB appt. now that I'm getting farther along, I'm really, really itching to buy a doppler...... :dohh:
I just bought one Bee. :haha: I know I will want one when pregnant and I still have no idea what's going on. I'm either 8+3, 9 dpo, 3 dpo, or having an annovulatory cycle. But it should come in tomorrow so I'm going to see what I can hear and if I find a hb or the placenta noise I will obviously know what the deal is. If I can't find anything, I'm in the same boat as now so no harm in trying. Lol
which one did you get gina?? I'm looking at the angelsounds one on amazon.
I think I may have Od yesterday. I got a .43 increase in temp today. Of course I have to wait for a few more days to confirm but I think I am in my TWW again! I will try to get another Bd in tonight and then call it good if my temp is higher tomorrow.

My daughter had an eye dr appt today and they are going to dilate her eyes... This should be fun... Not...

On the Reno side our paint guy is taking forever and I wish he would
Hurry the hell up. He was so fast with installing the doors I expected this to go fast too. First he said he would be done Friday and then saturday and then Monday and now it's Wednesday and he's still not done.... He better be done by Monday when the floors go down or im gonna be upset!
which one did you get gina?? I'm looking at the angelsounds one on amazon.

I got the sonoline B. Couldn't find it on amazon but all the reviews are amazing for it and they say you can find the hb with it as early as 8 weeks if your good lol.
morning ladies.

no, bee, AF hasn't shown yet. I still am the odd one out, aren't I? sometimes I wish someone would join who I can be cycle buddies with lol.

13dpo today. I had a big temp drop yesterday, but this morning it shot back up to where it was 2 days ago. :shrug: I haven't tested yet, because I'm not sure if AF will show or not, as she's due tomorrow still. I did have a temp spike like this last fall and AF showed the next day, so definitely keeping myself in check and not getting my hopes up.
Bee I found a heartbeat with Isla at 8+5. You'd be right on schedule for hearing the heartbeat! It's so reassuring when you can find it on a day when you're feeling more anxious. Though for some women, they cause more worry as they worry if they can't find it (which is a common problem).

I got a 2-3 weeks test today. I wasn't going to test till next week, but I got home from work and on a whim, took the test (after only a short hold) and was delighted to get 2-3 weeks! I'm feeling quite good about this pregnancy.
Thanks Bee! Currently at 3DPO here. Feeling rather calm about the whole thing. I tried to explain it to DH that I feel like the worse has already happened. The polyp returning. The low counts. The MMC. The D&C. The retained product. Everything now seems a lot easier to deal with...

I'm hoping that feeling lasts as the TWW continues. :haha:
Iris, really keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle. You sound like you have a great attitude about the whole thing!
Morning ladies. Popping in for a quick hello.

jGo - wanted to send you and your wife a huge congratulations!!!! He's perfect and hope you're recovering well.
Thanks Squirrel. I'm hopeful for this cycle but I'm ok if it doesn't. It didn't happen first round last time and there's no reason to think it will now. At least I know we are on our way! :)
Bee- They sell them for $35 on eBay! The sonoline B one and it's awesome. I found the heartbeat around 9 weeks it was so low by the public bone! There's also lots of different noises so you'll learn which to ignore and which to listen for :D

Squirrel- I'm really still so so happy for you. We are far apart but we are still pregnant together! When is your scan!? How did your DH react when you shared the news!? I don't think you shared that!

Iris- Lovely mentality hun! It just shows how strong you are. I really have a good feeling about this cycle for you!

Baby dust to those who are about to O, or in their tww!
Tex, I'm thinking of you especially <3

Hope all the preggos are feeling wonderful, it's so hot over here I hope you're all staying away from that! And thinking of all our mamas and the babies! Share pictures sometimes <3
Hi ladies, I haven't posted in here in like forever! I've been so busy lately with a holiday and a weekend away for a wedding. Things are starting to calm down now!

I had my 12 week scan which was fine and showed baby was perfect. They provisionally dated me 6 days ahead which means I am 14 weeks today and not 13 + 1. However I go back on the 1st August for another dating scan to confirm dates.

So my symptom free pregnancy turned out OK after all! I there I was worrying myself stupid. This has been such a smooth ride so far, I reckon 3rd tri will come and kick me in the arse!

squirrel - although I very briefly commented in your journal , I just want to say congrats again! And it's brilliant news you got a 2-3 on the digi today.

Bee - Your pregnancy seems to be going so quick! Hopefully I can reassure you that a symptom free pregnancy is no bad thing! I've heard the sonoline B dopplers are amazing. I'm not getting one myself as I know it will cause me more worry than reassurance!!

Tex - fingers crossed for this TWW! Sounds like you got a lot of good BD in.

Trix - my temp dipped and came back up again when I conceived , so I hope this is a good sign for you.

Gina - It must be so frustrating not knowing what is going on in your cycle and whether or not you are pregnant. I hope the doppler clears things up for you.

Iris - I am glad you are back on track. I really hope this cycle is successful for you.

TTCG - I think our due dates are just a day apart now. My revised one is 18th Jan :)

Sorry if I've missed anyone, there are so many lovely ladies on the thread, I do find it hard to keep up!
Congrats on a clear scan. I'm currently in my tww from what appears to be an early O.. I am hoping this is our month.. I guess we will find out soon.
jGo - I'm late to the party but what a beautiful baby! Congrats and enjoy!

Iris - With how positive you are, I'm sure we'll be seeing that BFP soon.

Tex - Sending all the baby dust I can for your BFP!

Afm, I go to see the doc next week on Wednesday and he might want to do a scan just to make sure everything is moving along smoothly. I've been having some light cramping but I know it's just everything stretching out again after 9 years. No bleeding but a lot of watery CM, I've taken to wearing a panty liner. Still having a bit of a hard time believing I'm pregnant and I must admit that after having my constant and reliable AF friend, I actually miss it just a little bit. It was just always there every 26-27 days.

FX for everyone waiting on their BFP!
Hi again! So excited right now, had a doctors appointment this afternoon. Everything is going well, HR was 154. Come to find out doctor was able to tell that....we're having a boy!!!!!

I was set on girl but, glad mommys little man is strong and healthy!!
Thank you!!!

I know!!! I didn't expect him to be able to tell. Little man had his legs crossed at his ankles. He's already classy!
Ttc- Congrats on your little man! I can't believe they could tell so soon!

Peski- ah yes, panty liners are going to be your best friend for awhile lol.

Trixie- I say test hun. Fxd this is a surprise bfp!

I had my dr appt and her hb was 136. I was extremely concerned bc it's been consistently in the 150's but my dr said it will start slowing down as she grows at this stage. My dr is so easy going and doesn't stress me out which is great. We talked a little about my birth plan and she said it's my birth, my choices (within reason of course).
Awe ttc congrats! That's awesome that they could tell so early!!

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