46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

Hey girls!!

5 days past ovulation, these 2 weeks are LONG!! :brat: And seeing the HPT every morning makes these days even longer.

What do you girls do to keep your mind occupied so you're not constantly thinking every is a sign of being pregnant?
Squirrel: Congrats on the 2-3 btw. Can't wait for your first scan :)

TTC: Thanks for asking :) I'm doing okay, baby is growing well, measuring spot on for 26-27 weeks. Very average, which I like. I'm measuring 30 weeks so really wanted to know baby's measurements. Seems like my bump is going upwards a lot quicker than most women's do, but don't have too much amniotic fluid or anything. Everything is perfect so that's a massive relief!

Have to start taking medication now for acid reflux as it has been bad since the morning sickness stopped at 18-20 weeks. Has gotten so bad that I wake up at night suffocating in stomach acid and then coughing until I vomit :( Doctor said my esophagus is seriously getting damaged and I need to take the medication unless I want it to rupture or clog with scar tissue/ cancer later in life due to scarring etc.
Don't like to take medication, but we decided we'd try a mellow version of the medication and see how that goes. It is totally safe for baby, but still not happy about it. So far it hasn't been working either. :shrug:
Doesn't even matter what I eat anymore, even a glass of water does it!

Added a 27 week bump pic, feel like it has gotten a lot bigger since the last one! And from the ultrasound that we had this week, Thomas' cute little face and button nose :cloud9:
Next Friday we'll have the 3D/4D scan, can't wait for more pics now :cloud9:

(sorry if people don't like these pics/updates. Just let me know and I will remove them. Have been feeling lately like most of my updates aren't really appreciated so have been shutting up about myself. Totally fine if that's the case, just let me know and I will continue to shut up about it and just reply to everyone else :) )
According to FF I'm 7dpo.. I dunno I want this month to be our month so bad.. I'm just praying that it is.
Squirrel: Congrats on the 2-3 btw. Can't wait for your first scan :)

TTC: Thanks for asking :) I'm doing okay, baby is growing well, measuring spot on for 26-27 weeks. Very average, which I like. I'm measuring 30 weeks so really wanted to know baby's measurements. Seems like my bump is going upwards a lot quicker than most women's do, but don't have too much amniotic fluid or anything. Everything is perfect so that's a massive relief!

Have to start taking medication now for acid reflux as it has been bad since the morning sickness stopped at 18-20 weeks. Has gotten so bad that I wake up at night suffocating in stomach acid and then coughing until I vomit :( Doctor said my esophagus is seriously getting damaged and I need to take the medication unless I want it to rupture or clog with scar tissue/ cancer later in life due to scarring etc.
Don't like to take medication, but we decided we'd try a mellow version of the medication and see how that goes. It is totally safe for baby, but still not happy about it. So far it hasn't been working either. :shrug:
Doesn't even matter what I eat anymore, even a glass of water does it!

Added a 27 week bump pic, feel like it has gotten a lot bigger since the last one! And from the ultrasound that we had this week, Thomas' cute little face and button nose :cloud9:
Next Friday we'll have the 3D/4D scan, can't wait for more pics now :cloud9:

(sorry if people don't like these pics/updates. Just let me know and I will remove them. Have been feeling lately like most of my updates aren't really appreciated so have been shutting up about myself. Totally fine if that's the case, just let me know and I will continue to shut up about it and just reply to everyone else :) )

I love the pics! Shows me what we are working towards. Don't be ashamed to post your opinions/experience, i find it helpful and the whole point is for us to support each other through everything :kiss:
Bla I feel the same way about posting about myself. It's not just you. But I don't think anyone has any problem with the updates. I don't tend to reply to the pregnancy posts just because I have never had a baby so I can't really give advise or anything. But I definitely don't mind seeing them. Like I said before, as long as it's not page after page of pregnancy stuff just because this is supposed to be a ttc thread. I love to see the updates and pictures though. <3
Kristy - honestly I've kinda moved past the whole watching for signs bit. It got old for me fast and only made me an anxious mess. Doesn't change the outcome anyway. My BFP cycle I didn't even test until AF was a day late and my cycles were so regular you could set a watch by them! This TWW it actually going really fast for me so far because I'm not obsessing. Hope you find a way to get past the stress of the wait :)

Blah - Hun, why on earth would you think that? Please continue to share. I love seeing all the updates from the preggos and the pictures and scans. The reason this is the only group I follow is because most of the preggo's stick around and are so supportive! Plus honestly it gives me hope that one day I'll be the one showing a scan pic or a bump or even a new born picture. I for one am very excited for Thomas and his cute button nose to arrive and have his picture show up here. Also lady you have a beautiful bump. Thank you for sharing!!! :hug:

AFM - 5DPO and feeling good! Pretty calm around here and I'm totally loving that I'm not stressed about how this TWW is going. To be honest, it's kinda freaking me out how fast it's going. Ha ha eeeeek :haha:
Ttc- Congratulations!! My sister also found out this early, sometimes it's so clear and there's no denying it! Boys are awesome. Sometimes a part of me wishes for another boy someday but I think we are done at two. They're so loving to their mummies, funny and love love to snuggle and shower you with kisses! You're going to be a goddess in his eyes.

i get so frustrated when people think that girls aren't loving and funny and cuddly and shower you with kisses. My girl is a total mommy's girl. she cuddles constantly, says i love you all the time, and is by my side more than anyone else's. So please don't think that just because you're having a girl your baby cuddle days are over! and at almost five she still cuddles me more than anyone else!

i got so sad when i found out dd was a girl because of the negative spin everyone put on the girl babies!!

Oh that's not what I meant at all! I wasn't denying that girls are cuddling and loving and funny by saying boys are, I was describing my son really!

oh no that's fine. just didn't want you to think girls can't be cuddly. i'm nervous my son won't be, and i want him to be so bad. i hear that usually if one is the other isn't. so i'm worried. she's so over the top cuddly i figure he won't want anything to do with me.

thanks for the info ksquared! I'm so wishy washy about it. I never wanted one because I thought it would cause me to panic. And I also thought I'd only need it for the first tri since I would be better after then which is really only a few weeks by the time it picks up the HB. but then reading the reviews I saw women talking about baby not moving all day and it reassuring them. I can already see myself panicking about this so I thought I might actually be able to use it my whole pregnancy. I feel calmer now too, so I was thinking I wouldn't let it make me panic. But I talked to DH about it last night and he totally doesn't want it. for the false panicking reason. ugh. I don't know what to do. but right now I'm ITCHING to get my hands on one just knowing that I could prob hear it if I tried! :wacko::wacko:

i never got one on my own but i borrowed one (it was kind of forced upon me lol) from my sil. I used it maybe 5 times the whole pregnancy. there was a couple times he got really quiet after i was doing something and i freaked out and worried something was wrong. but i always found him again. i am glad i had it, but i'm also glad i didn't pay for it.

For those of you ladies that are pregnant.. What were your symptoms that made you test?

i just tested the day before af was due. i had no real symptoms.

Squirrel: Congrats on the 2-3 btw. Can't wait for your first scan :)

TTC: Thanks for asking :) I'm doing okay, baby is growing well, measuring spot on for 26-27 weeks. Very average, which I like. I'm measuring 30 weeks so really wanted to know baby's measurements. Seems like my bump is going upwards a lot quicker than most women's do, but don't have too much amniotic fluid or anything. Everything is perfect so that's a massive relief!

Have to start taking medication now for acid reflux as it has been bad since the morning sickness stopped at 18-20 weeks. Has gotten so bad that I wake up at night suffocating in stomach acid and then coughing until I vomit :( Doctor said my esophagus is seriously getting damaged and I need to take the medication unless I want it to rupture or clog with scar tissue/ cancer later in life due to scarring etc.
Don't like to take medication, but we decided we'd try a mellow version of the medication and see how that goes. It is totally safe for baby, but still not happy about it. So far it hasn't been working either. :shrug:
Doesn't even matter what I eat anymore, even a glass of water does it!

Added a 27 week bump pic, feel like it has gotten a lot bigger since the last one! And from the ultrasound that we had this week, Thomas' cute little face and button nose :cloud9:
Next Friday we'll have the 3D/4D scan, can't wait for more pics now :cloud9:

(sorry if people don't like these pics/updates. Just let me know and I will remove them. Have been feeling lately like most of my updates aren't really appreciated so have been shutting up about myself. Totally fine if that's the case, just let me know and I will continue to shut up about it and just reply to everyone else :) )

i love your updates <3
and i'm so very sorry about the meds, so what happens if they're not working? that is so scary that you could have a problem from what's happening!!! i would be terrified (but that doesn't take much to do)
Thanks ladies :) I wasn't offended or anything, by any means I would totally understand if they would not be appreciated. But I'm glad that you like 'em!

Mommy: The doctor will want me on stronger meds but I told her that I probably won't want to do that. Have to stay on these meds for 30 days and see how it goes. Then I'll only have like 60 days left anyway so I might ride it out. If baby drops in the last few weeks that might solve the problem as well.
How are you and your little kiddos doing?

Iris: Glad that you are now well and truly ov-ing again, that's a great sign! 5 DPO already, so that is going by fast! Happy that you are not stressing over it, better to stay relaxed anyway! :hugs:

Gina: how are you doing?
Bla- So sorry about your reflux hun, but I agree a mild form of meds is probably going to do more good than bad but I understand being nervous about it, especially being pregnant. You and Thomas look wonderful, you're one of those super gorgeous and petite preggos, and I personally love reading updates from you. I understand about not wanting to post or update though, I've been updating more on my pregnancy group cause I feel like I fit there better now since all of them are going through the same things. Love ya and your updates! <3
Kristy - honestly I've kinda moved past the whole watching for signs bit. It got old for me fast and only made me an anxious mess. Doesn't change the outcome anyway. My BFP cycle I didn't even test until AF was a day late and my cycles were so regular you could set a watch by them! This TWW it actually going really fast for me so far because I'm not obsessing. Hope you find a way to get past the stress of the wait :)

Smille - Hun, why on earth would you think that? Please continue to share. I love seeing all the updates from the preggos and the pictures and scans. The reason this is the only group I follow is because most of the preggo's stick around and are so supportive! Plus honestly it gives me hope that one day I'll be the one showing a scan pic or a bump or even a new born picture. I for one am very excited for Thomas and his cute button nose to arrive and have his picture show up here. Also lady you have a beautiful bump. Thank you for sharing!!! :hug:

AFM - 5DPO and feeling good! Pretty calm around here and I'm totally loving that I'm not stressed about how this TWW is going. To be honest, it's kinda freaking me out how fast it's going. Ha ha eeeeek :haha:

I wish I could get over obsessing about signs of being pregnant. Thankfully this weekend is pretty busy so I can keep my mind off of it. I just struggle while i'm at working looking at the computer all day long. If AF comes, it should be next weekend. The 30th or 31st.

But Thank you the kind words!! :)

how many DPO are you?
Bla- don't worry about it at all. Most of us non preggos don't have much to say cause we are already past the point of obsessing over TWW sumptoms cause we haven't gotten pregnant yet and obsessing hasn't gotten us anywhere. Or at least that is how I feel about it Lol

I did get another jump in my bbt today and my crosshairs so I'm 3dpo today. I do think that's right going off of CM and the first temp spike was a teeny bit bigger. Either way it looks like I Od and I have great timing. So now we wait.....
Decided to join in 7DPO and been having a bunch of symptons but we all know that could mean absolutely nothing. Freaking out because 3 days ago i started what I thought was a yeast infection (tmi I know) but of course today when I went to the doctor I fealt absolutely nothing and he thought I was fine, since I had to tell him about the possibility of pregnancy he had me take a quantitative hgc test even though I told him it is most likely to early and I just know if going to be a :bfn: and its going to bring me down.
Decided to join in 7DPO and been having a bunch of symptons but we all know that could mean absolutely nothing. Freaking out because 3 days ago i started what I thought was a yeast infection (tmi I know) but of course today when I went to the doctor I fealt absolutely nothing and he thought I was fine, since I had to tell him about the possibility of pregnancy he had me take a quantitative hgc test even though I told him it is most likely to early and I just know if going to be a :bfn: and its going to bring me down.

Stay positive girlfriend!! Don't assume anything :hugs:

FML the floor people called today and said they were behind so our floors may not even go in next week at all. I'm supposed to know by tuesday if they can do it next week. I hope so cause I am Ready to be back in my own house!! I don't want to wait an extra week to finish everything..... Boo!
Decided to join in 7DPO and been having a bunch of symptons but we all know that could mean absolutely nothing. Freaking out because 3 days ago i started what I thought was a yeast infection (tmi I know) but of course today when I went to the doctor I fealt absolutely nothing and he thought I was fine, since I had to tell him about the possibility of pregnancy he had me take a quantitative hgc test even though I told him it is most likely to early and I just know if going to be a :bfn: and its going to bring me down.

I'm 7dpo today as well.. Don't really feel any symptoms but sore breasts.. But that's a also usual for my LP.. Just hoping my bfp comes soon.
Decided to join in 7DPO and been having a bunch of symptons but we all know that could mean absolutely nothing. Freaking out because 3 days ago i started what I thought was a yeast infection (tmi I know) but of course today when I went to the doctor I fealt absolutely nothing and he thought I was fine, since I had to tell him about the possibility of pregnancy he had me take a quantitative hgc test even though I told him it is most likely to early and I just know if going to be a :bfn: and its going to bring me down.

I'm 7dpo today as well.. Don't really feel any symptoms but sore breasts.. But that's a also usual for my LP.. Just hoping my bfp comes soon.

Me and you both. 2ww is the worst
Decided to join in 7DPO and been having a bunch of symptons but we all know that could mean absolutely nothing. Freaking out because 3 days ago i started what I thought was a yeast infection (tmi I know) but of course today when I went to the doctor I fealt absolutely nothing and he thought I was fine, since I had to tell him about the possibility of pregnancy he had me take a quantitative hgc test even though I told him it is most likely to early and I just know if going to be a :bfn: and its going to bring me down.

I'm 7dpo today as well.. Don't really feel any symptoms but sore breasts.. But that's a also usual for my LP.. Just hoping my bfp comes soon.

Me and you both. 2ww is the worst

Yup.. Just ready for either a bfp or AF so I can be done Waiting... I'm learning patience I really am.
Decided to join in 7DPO and been having a bunch of symptons but we all know that could mean absolutely nothing. Freaking out because 3 days ago i started what I thought was a yeast infection (tmi I know) but of course today when I went to the doctor I fealt absolutely nothing and he thought I was fine, since I had to tell him about the possibility of pregnancy he had me take a quantitative hgc test even though I told him it is most likely to early and I just know if going to be a :bfn: and its going to bring me down.

I'm 7dpo today as well.. Don't really feel any symptoms but sore breasts.. But that's a also usual for my LP.. Just hoping my bfp comes soon.

Me and you both. 2ww is the worst

Yup.. Just ready for either a bfp or AF so I can be done Waiting... I'm learning patience I really am.

I wish I was learning patients but nope. I can't wait for something to happen. I wouldn't even mind AF coming early if that the outcome so I can get a piña colada with no guilt.
FML the floor people called today and said they were behind so our floors may not even go in next week at all. I'm supposed to know by tuesday if they can do it next week. I hope so cause I am Ready to be back in my own house!! I don't want to wait an extra week to finish everything..... Boo!

Oh texas, I'm so sorry hun. I cannot imagine having to be at the in laws any longer. I can totally sympathize. Hopefully they give you good news.
Hey everyone, I have been enjoying following this thread for a while. I would love to join you all. I am currently ttc#2. I have a 15 month old DS who still loves to nurse about 5-7 times in a 24h cycle. Which is where the ttc part becomes tricky. My luteal phase is currently only 4-5 days long. I still have hope that it will improve without having to wean. I'm ok with it for now as my preferred time to conceive would be oct/nov/dec. But I know time will fly. In hopes to improve my cycle I am currently seed cycling, taking vitex, fish oil and prenatals. My first pp cycle was 8weeks my second was 31, which I was thrilled about. I am currently on cd 18, but no sign of O yet. Anyway, I thought I'll finally become an active member and not just a silent stalker :) Good luck everyone!!

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