46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

TTC - that's great, congrats! Amazed they could tell this early. Did you begin to think of names before finding out it's a boy?

Well no AF yet and no cramps, so if she's not here in the morning and if I feel my temp may be reliable (seem to be coming down with a cold or something) I'll test with the frer I have stowed away.
Ttc- Congratulations!! My sister also found out this early, sometimes it's so clear and there's no denying it! Boys are awesome. Sometimes a part of me wishes for another boy someday but I think we are done at two. They're so loving to their mummies, funny and love love to snuggle and shower you with kisses! You're going to be a goddess in his eyes.
Bee - Just wanted to chime in that I have the Angelsounds Doppler and it has served me well. I first used it this pregnancy after I think my 10-week appointment. I used it the same day so I could be pretty darn sure there was a heartbeat to find! Unfortunately I bought it during my first pregnancy because I was worrying, and couldn't find the heartbeat because of the mmc but I didn't know yet. So, I would definitely recommend waiting until right after your appointment to try to find the hb on your own to avoid any worries. It was such a lifesaver to be able to check in on baby girl until I could feel consistent movements. I'm such a worrier.

Btw - 35 weeks today! And I think baby dropped since yesterday. Lots more pressure down low. Just 5 weeks to go until due date!
Congrats TTC!

Smille: glad everything is alright! And yes, it is totally normal that the heartbeat is going down little by little before birth. As long as it stays above a certain threshold, it is actually what they want to see!
Ksquared: Eek so close!

Ttc- Congratulations!! My sister also found out this early, sometimes it's so clear and there's no denying it! Boys are awesome. Sometimes a part of me wishes for another boy someday but I think we are done at two. They're so loving to their mummies, funny and love love to snuggle and shower you with kisses! You're going to be a goddess in his eyes.

i get so frustrated when people think that girls aren't loving and funny and cuddly and shower you with kisses. My girl is a total mommy's girl. she cuddles constantly, says i love you all the time, and is by my side more than anyone else's. So please don't think that just because you're having a girl your baby cuddle days are over! and at almost five she still cuddles me more than anyone else!

i got so sad when i found out dd was a girl because of the negative spin everyone put on the girl babies!!
bfn with frer. and I now have a full blown chest cold. I'm not even sad, just upset about the chest cold lol. I may have to skip the baby shower this weekend if I can't get over it quickly.
Ttc- Congratulations!! My sister also found out this early, sometimes it's so clear and there's no denying it! Boys are awesome. Sometimes a part of me wishes for another boy someday but I think we are done at two. They're so loving to their mummies, funny and love love to snuggle and shower you with kisses! You're going to be a goddess in his eyes.

i get so frustrated when people think that girls aren't loving and funny and cuddly and shower you with kisses. My girl is a total mommy's girl. she cuddles constantly, says i love you all the time, and is by my side more than anyone else's. So please don't think that just because you're having a girl your baby cuddle days are over! and at almost five she still cuddles me more than anyone else!

i got so sad when i found out dd was a girl because of the negative spin everyone put on the girl babies!!

I agree with this. My dd is the same way. She constantly tells me she loves me, is very nurturing and cuddly. I thought I wanted a boy, but I am so happy with another girl.
Thank you ladies, I'm still in shock! I haven't had a chance to do a proper follow up with everyone.

Gagr - Welcome!!! When will you be testing?

Tex - I have good feelings about this cycle for you!!! I have everything crossed <3

Bee - I know someone else said it but, I too feel like your pregnancy is already flying by. You're almost in double digit weeks!!!

Iris - How are you feeling? I have everything crossed for you!!!

Cookie - Hope your appointment goes well!

Squirrel - How you feeling? Any symptoms as of yet?

Camp - I'm still in shock that Juliette will be here so soon! Is Ben ready? I'm hoping they still have a similar outfit that you bought for Juliette in a boy style lol.

Pomp - Bump buddy!!! So glad everything went well at the doctor. I range from January 15th to the 17th depending on how still baby boy is staying at the time lol. I always stick with my January 17th due date though.

Pesk - I'm still having the streching and pulling from time to time. Hope you get a scan soon so you can get a peek!! I know you're dying for some pictures.

Smile - Glad she's doing well! My doctor is very very easy going as well and keeps me stress free. He told me yesterday that I'm going to love having a boy and is so happy for me. I love his practice!

Trix - Hope you feel better soon :-( I hate being sick <3

Ks - Can't believe you're already 35 weeks!!! Almost done.

Bla - How are you feeling? How's the nursery coming along?

Attached is our little man showing off the goods! Still in shock that it's so clear lol
Ttc- Congratulations!! My sister also found out this early, sometimes it's so clear and there's no denying it! Boys are awesome. Sometimes a part of me wishes for another boy someday but I think we are done at two. They're so loving to their mummies, funny and love love to snuggle and shower you with kisses! You're going to be a goddess in his eyes.

i get so frustrated when people think that girls aren't loving and funny and cuddly and shower you with kisses. My girl is a total mommy's girl. she cuddles constantly, says i love you all the time, and is by my side more than anyone else's. So please don't think that just because you're having a girl your baby cuddle days are over! and at almost five she still cuddles me more than anyone else!

i got so sad when i found out dd was a girl because of the negative spin everyone put on the girl babies!!

Oh that's not what I meant at all! I wasn't denying that girls are cuddling and loving and funny by saying boys are, I was describing my son really!
TTC.. Well from my temps it looks like I ovulated early so I'm thinking around the 30th
Aww congrats on the boy TTC! So amazing to know so early on.

I'm doing well. 4DPO and counting. I think I'm somewhere between contentment and terror. Ha ha

I'm ok with whatever outcome this first cycle has. But also scared I will get a positive and what that could mean. Silly thing to worry about I realize. But I think it's fairly normal to feel both sets of emotions after a loss like mine.

I'll probably feel totally different tomorrow! Yay for crazy hormones right? LOL
Gagr - awesome!! Keep us posted :)

Iris - I can understand 100%. I think you'll worry up until that baby is in your arms, I know I worry still. My doctor has told me to try and stop worrying but, he understands why. I can't wait to see the outcome of this for you <3
thanks for the info ksquared! I'm so wishy washy about it. I never wanted one because I thought it would cause me to panic. And I also thought I'd only need it for the first tri since I would be better after then which is really only a few weeks by the time it picks up the HB. but then reading the reviews I saw women talking about baby not moving all day and it reassuring them. I can already see myself panicking about this so I thought I might actually be able to use it my whole pregnancy. I feel calmer now too, so I was thinking I wouldn't let it make me panic. But I talked to DH about it last night and he totally doesn't want it. for the false panicking reason. ugh. I don't know what to do. but right now I'm ITCHING to get my hands on one just knowing that I could prob hear it if I tried! :wacko::wacko:
thanks for the info ksquared! I'm so wishy washy about it. I never wanted one because I thought it would cause me to panic. And I also thought I'd only need it for the first tri since I would be better after then which is really only a few weeks by the time it picks up the HB. but then reading the reviews I saw women talking about baby not moving all day and it reassuring them. I can already see myself panicking about this so I thought I might actually be able to use it my whole pregnancy. I feel calmer now too, so I was thinking I wouldn't let it make me panic. But I talked to DH about it last night and he totally doesn't want it. for the false panicking reason. ugh. I don't know what to do. but right now I'm ITCHING to get my hands on one just knowing that I could prob hear it if I tried! :wacko::wacko:

I wish I would've gotten one. There was one day where she didn't move all day until late afternoon and I panicked. It would've been nice to have. Yet at the same time, I'd probably obsess over it. Husbands don't understand our worry at all.
Congrats on the little boy BabyG!! Little boys are so much fun.

Trixie: Sorry to hear you're ill and you got a BFN. I'm still not writing you off yet though; just look at your chart! You could have implanted late and won't be seeing a BFP for another day or so. I have high hopes for you lady, but I hope you feel better soon!

Bee: I used my doppler for exactly that: reassurance (until it broke in third tri, don't get an angelcare doppler, very flimsy!). It was so nice on her quiet days. Also, in second tri, it's quite common for a baby to turn and start kicking in towards your organs, which you feel less, so it feels like they're not moving, but they are. It's so reassuring to hear them on those days. Yes, for some women they cause anxiety, but as your slim, I think you'd have no problem finding the heartbeat now.

Iris: It's totally normal to fear a BFP after what you went through. I only had chemicals, but I was terrified to have this BFP and what might happen. Going through what you went through, it would be totally understandable to feel scared. We're all here for you no matter what happens. :hugs: I really really really hope this is your rainbow on its way.

Smille: Nearly 30 weeks!!! How's everything going? Has time slowed down yet? :) I always found time dragged before reaching 10, 20, 30 weeks.

Spent the day in hospital with my pregnant friend. I was on my way to see my oldest friend and her new baby (haven't had a chance to see her and my mum was watching my kids giving me the perfect time to go) when I got a call saying she had been vomiting all night and day and was having cramps. So of course I rushed to get her and take her to hospital. She has MS and has suffered from recurrent miscarriages (she's the one who is pregnant with her third, whose news I struggled with, not because I wasn't happy for her, but because I was sad for me - now it turns out our babies will be close in age, lovely!). Thankfully she's doing okay now, but it was a scary day. I was able to go home at around 3pm when her husband arrived, but spending most of the day in hospital had me feeling anxious (obviously for her, but also, I feel anxious in early pregnancy units - don't know why).

I'm doing okay; it's sinking in now and I'm feeling surprisingly relaxed. It'll be a week since finding out tomorrow. Hard to think it, it's flown by! I haven't got too many symptoms (but then again, I never do get them). I'm very tired, that's for sure. I have a sensitivity to smell and have gone off sweet foods (another reason I think it's another boy - I couldn't get enough fruit and sweets with Isla and now I can't stomach them). My breasts have also doubled in size I swear and every now and then I get a funny taste in my mouth. Generally though, not much going on, but that's normal for me. I'm also a bit early for symptoms. I can't wait to get to 5 weeks (and of course even later). Only being 4 weeks something, makes it feel so scarily early. At least let me get to the next week :haha:
Squirrel- I'm glad your friend is doing ok. You are such an amazing friend for staying by her side. I am happy to hear it has sunk in finally. It took me awhile to believe it was real. It definitely flies by that's for sure. I am really sore today. Idk if it's how she's laying but when I walk my pelvis feels like its being crushed. I tried to play outside with dd today but it was absolute torture. The things we do to make them happy.

Iris- I'm so happy you're in the tww. I know you're afraid, but you have so much support here. Lots of baby dust to you!
For those of you ladies that are pregnant.. What were your symptoms that made you test?
I think I O'd yesterday because I had a temp dip and my temp then went up today. I hope so because that will make me in the tww
Gagrlin- I started getting dizzy spells which was abnormal. Then my stomach wasn't 100% and my boobs were severely sore. I thought it was the meds I was taking, but I was wrong.

Sweet- fxd you're in the tww!!! Hopefully tomorrow's temp goes up again.
Gagrlin - I had strong nausea and cramps in my rear end after, um, getting up off the toilet lol. And I had to immediately sit on the floor. That was the big one. But I also had tingling in my hip on the side I O'd from that increased every day. The nausea also continued. But really, it's just noticing anything out of the ordinary as you reach the end of the tww.

Bee - Seriously being able to check on baby on a low movement day was the most reassuring. I agree that using it too early is probably going to lead to unnecessary worry. But I was so happy to have mine!

Jgo - Forgot to tell you congratulations on your adorable baby boy!!

TTC - Congrats on being team blue!!

Squirrel - Yikes I'm sorry about the scare with your friend, but so glad all is well now. I'm glad everything is going well for you so far! Having symptoms is certainly reassuring, but don't be alarmed if they fade. For me as long as my nipples stayed dark I was ok lol. With my mmc, that was the one thing that went away that to me was the sign. Because symptoms come and go. Just wanted to put that out there!

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