46 BFPS and Counting -TTC Lucky Support Thread - newbies welcome!

YAY AJ! It is nerve-racking as much as exciting.

Today's OPK (bottom) has quite a nice line. I definitely think I can expect a nice glaring positive tomorrow or Tuesday! I hope so anyway :happydance:


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does anyone else stress the f out when it comes down to O time? waiting for that positive opk? i start thinking all these horrible thoughts about my body being broken or never ever getting that positive. last month i got a positive on cd19 and o'd on 20. today is cd 19, but my cp isn't anywhere near as high and open as it was last cycle at this time. i'm concerned i'm not going to o for a wihle. but as i type this i'm getting cramping on my right side. lets hope i get that positive opk today. i'm stressing out.
mommy, yesterday, I was stressing exactly like you describe. The line on my OPK was weak and barely there and when I compared it to last cycle's, it was so much lighter than it was then on CD9 and I went to sleep last night worrying about how I probably don't ovulate, that my ovaries don't know what to do, and what happens if I never get a pos OPK and have to be tested. My mind was running away with me!

Totally normal! Well for me at least.
Hi ladies. I think I already O'd (.65 temp rise this a.m.) and most of you know I use a donor. I can't rewrite the Saga and clusterF&^% that occurred last night but here is the link! Pls feel free to laugh, gasp, and offer any opinions on my temp rise after reading lol. I have to meet again tonight tho I think it is too late Thx!:shrug:


eek! hope you had better luck the second time around. temps drive me nuts :wacko: I would go more off of OPK since all sorts of factors can affect our temps! GL :)
YAY AJ! It is nerve-racking as much as exciting.

Today's OPK (bottom) has quite a nice line. I definitely think I can expect a nice glaring positive tomorrow or Tuesday! I hope so anyway :happydance:

yes you are super close! once I get that close, I up to testing twice a day since I have a short surge. GL and time to get down to business! :happydance:
does anyone else stress the f out when it comes down to O time? waiting for that positive opk? i start thinking all these horrible thoughts about my body being broken or never ever getting that positive. last month i got a positive on cd19 and o'd on 20. today is cd 19, but my cp isn't anywhere near as high and open as it was last cycle at this time. i'm concerned i'm not going to o for a wihle. but as i type this i'm getting cramping on my right side. lets hope i get that positive opk today. i'm stressing out.

yes mommy I feel like this every month even though I know it's pretty irrational. I always have normal cycles and always O around same time. Yet I always panic around O time. Pretty much every month I try to make peace with the fact that my reproductive system has completely shut down and I might as well go through menopause and then the next day I O :haha: Hoping the cramping is it!

AFM - my "meltdown" with Friday's temps is just further proof of this. I temped perfectly this weekend (no interrupted sleep, same exact time) and my temps are right where they should be. So I might play with my chart a little now that I have my CH. Friday's temps were 97.1 and 97.6 respectively (only an hour apart), so I either O'd CD 15 or 16. At this point it really doesn't matter, although it might give me false hope around testing time that I'm actually a day behind. I am also going to discard my one random high pre O temp and see if that lowers my coverline.

GL ladies - I wanna see so many BFPS! :happydance::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::friends:
Cd7 for me now. Just waiting to start OPK testing. Really hoping this is my month. I'm sick of waiting lol.

I completely understand the stress of waiting to O because it's the first month that I'm actually temp tracking because I don't think I am ovulating. Been using OPKs and nothing yet so I think we are all in the same boat.
Very stressful.
Mommyx yessss gurrrl I stress EVERY month that I will miss it, even tho it has religiously been near cd13 ...since I was 13:haha: Yes....I kept track of my periods that young:blush:
Wanna-bYay, you are well on your way to a +opk. Now you can relax a bit...not much...but a bit hehe
BeemeckYes you are right. That's part of the stressing the O, missing the O thing hehe. I actually think I O'd this a.m. Got a sharp pain where R ovary is for like 60secs, then it went away:shrug: Cervix is still High, Soft, Open, cm watery...and just took my very last opk WTH it's +!? Not only is this my THIRD day of +opk, but my line is for the first time a smidge darker than control!
I expected temp up this a.m. and :nope: SO maybe low temp, HSO cerv, and that R ovary pain HOPEFULLY mean I will get my temp rise tomoro.
Hehe...ttc is never ending waiting- always WAITING for something!
First waiting for +opk, then waiting to meet my donor, now waiting to confirm O so I can start my progesterone on 3dpo sigh
opk porn below:haha:


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Can someone explain OPKs to me? I've never used them but considering it. I'm just a bit confused, especially by the cheaper ones with the lines as some people say it's difficult to know if it's positive or not? Are the digital smiley face ones better? Do they tell you when you're O-ing or if you've just O'd? X
Tinker they tell you that you are about to ovulate.
They have 2 lines, but they are not considered"positive" until both lines are equally dark OR the test line is darker than the control, Usually you will ovulate 24-28 hrs after the +opk.
Heres mine below Today my test line is darker than control:happydance: I think I ov today because I have had equally dark lines on opks last 2 days.
This is a $ tree opk, they work very well

So they give you a heads up to :sex: when you see the first +opk
BBT confirms O has already happened


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JLM! That certainly is OPK porn :haha: Lovely lovely dark line!

Tink, I use the cheap internet ones (Ebay and Amazon sell them) and used them to conceive my little boy. I find them great and that they work really well. Usually, instructions tell you to pee in a cup, hold the stick in for 10 seconds and then wait a few minutes. Then you'll see no line, a faint line or a dark line. The darker the line, the closer you are to getting a surge of LH (hormone) which usually happens before you release an egg. They say that when you get a positive, you will ovulate any time in the next 24-48 hours I think. I pee on them from CD7 and the line gets increasingly darker day by day until I get a positive. So it just helps you time when is best to time sex etc. :) Hope that helps.

Due to pee on my next OPK at 11! I only have three left so couldn't test several times yesterday and had to stick to one :(
so hoping i can get a line as nice as that jlm!!!! mine was lighter yesterday than the day before. :dohh:

however my cp FINALLY went up yesterday so it's finally high and i had the ewcm with tinged blood so hoping this is finally it. temp is still low- and usually i get it the second day of a low temp (if i'm gonna get it) and then might O tomorrow at cd21. i have my everythings crossed and hoping and hoping that this is my pos opk day and that i get my nice bfp this cycle. Cause these long cycles suck so bad.

i saw my sil yesterday and she's 17 weeks. she's super tiny, and i couldn't help but be kind of sad because she got her bfp right around when i started trying (even though i didn't know it yet) she was trying a year (but didn't tell anyone). my two friends are pregnant, one is about to give birth anyday and the other is at 22 weeks. I'm just... here. hoping it's soon.
yayyy everyone is reaching O date! Mommy I know you are close! prior to last cycle, when was your O date typically?
Well I am honestly starting to think my body is broken. That + hpt was def a false positive. I got blaring +++ opks today(and 3 negative hpt's) seriously frustrated with ttc and my body :/ why in The world would I get two false + hpt's before ovulation day??
my o changes every single month. from each time trying this cycle:


so i have no clue. Maybe 22 this cycle?
:wave: May I join you ladies? I am counting myself as 1dpo FINALLY :happydance:! I am currently cd 60, but thankful that I'm in the tww. I didn't think I would ever O, but the past few days I have had cramps and fertile cm. I used an opk yesterday and the line was a lot darker than the control line. I was gone all day Sat but I am sure it would've been + had I been able to test. Today it was lighter and I am very tender in my abdomen today. We dtd 3 days b4 and on the day of O. Af is due the 9th, but who am I kidding I'll test the 7th.
my o changes every single month. from each time trying this cycle:


so i have no clue. Maybe 22 this cycle?

Since we've been trying mine went from cd 18 to 20 then 24 and on. Its so frustrating so I know what you mean.
No worries Mommyx I had a very very close to pos opk cd11 afternoon. So close I tested on a hold again that eve and nearly blank NEG wth???
The next afternoon another surge buildup started AND went + So hang in there!:hug: Pics below. I was fuming when 11 went from close to blank nearly lol.
Smille:hi: Yay come on in!!!I am finally 1DPO too:happydance:
ajrI'm not sure hun I am confused on your chart...I would :sex: if you are getting blaring +opks as it is def poss to have more than 1 O in a cycle!
As for the hpt- I have no idea?? But if there is any chance you are having an O now grab it!

AFM I am gender swaying for TeamBLUE So looks like my "unspilled" cup o man juice was right on time.:bunny:
Holding now just so I can document a neg opk after 3 +opks so FF doesn't mess up my O day. 99% positive I O'd yesterday.
Smille:hi: Yay come on in!!!I am finally 1DPO too:happydance:
ajrI'm not sure hun I am confused on your chart...I would :sex: if you are getting blaring +opks as it is def poss to have more than 1 O in a cycle!
As for the hpt- I have no idea?? But if there is any chance you are having an O now grab it!

AFM I am gender swaying for TeamBLUE So looks like my "unspilled" cup o man juice was right on time.:bunny:
Holding now just so I can document a neg opk after 3 +opks so FF doesn't mess up my O day. 99% positive I O'd yesterday.

Can pcos give you false + hpt? Yes wil def be bding! Here is by VERY positive opk from this am!


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