I am THE negative nancy, Debbie downer of this entire website I promise! But I'm trying to work hard on being positive because I drive everyone crazy being so negative sometimes. Of course my whole ordeal in August did not help any! How long have you been TTC?! I need to hear more of your story! I'm doing okay, came down with a cold and sore throat over the weekend but nothing else major to report except some bloating! Next scan is the 28th and you can bet I will be climbing the walls in that waiting room!! When my husband went with me on Friday for my early scan he said I had so much anxiety in the car all of a sudden he felt all of what I was feeling and almost went into a panic. He said I "emotionally hijacked him" lol!!!!!
No you are not! You went thru a terrible thing and it is understandable that you are scared and cautious! No one faults you for that. I totally understand where you are coming from! Plus I really think its best to be realistic in this whole TTC game, thinking every month is IT and then crashing or believing in the faint nothing lines and then thinking you have a chemical- none of that is fun... Id rather be realistic and then HAPPILY SURPRISED!
My husband has severe diabetes and MAJOR nerve damage so his stuff doesnt work quite right and he feels like he "shoots it off" when we have sex, but I have yet to see any evidence of this!

He doesnt want to become buried in testing at the dr, he believes if its meant to be it will be (he isnt TOTALLY sure he doesnt want me to himself once my two girls are grown and having another one is kind of starting over) but he is happy to not try, not prevent- even tho Im TOTALLY trying! haha... It seems as if I had a chemical in March, I had BLARING positive tests one day and then POOF negative... now if you followed me last month youd know I am a crazy scientist and I am TOTALLY capable of manipulating a positive on just about any test (insane I know) so part of me thinks I didnt know my powers and those were manipulated... But I never could manipulate one as dark as my march test last month so Im trying to look at that as hope that once in a while he sneaks a good one out!
The day before I believe I o'd he has a REALLY good day, 3x good! And it did SEEM to get wetter (totally TMI I know) so Im just gonna hope hope hope!
I am so happy for you, did I say that already?? And HILARIOUS about emotionally hijacking him! I think Ive done that a few times myself. We must keep our powers for good, not evil! But still- look at how powerful you are!