5 dpo-- let's help each other!

That's brilliant new Cookie :flower: what do you think they can help you with? What does a fertility specialist do?
I saw my GP yesterday about my vitamin d levels, quite deficient, the second from the worse one, I have been prescribed 1600 units a day for 8 weeks then they will do another blood test to see if its helped. Can't start until Monday though as I can't get to the chemist this weekend.
Girls I'm very confused, I am CD10 today and my temp has risen for the last 2 days, I'm worried I've ovulated early, this has never happened before. We have only BD CD9 so far so if I have then I'm certain I've missed our window :nope:
Congrats on the referral Cookie! Here's hoping you get your BFP on your own but it's great sense of peace to know you have a Doctor as back up.
Carly, I don't temp so I'm not sure what that means? Maybe you're just getting a cold or change in weather is throwing off your temps? Did you notice any other O signs, like pain or EWCM?
I still have a week til O and I'm finding the wait to be forever. Seems like all we do is wait.
Possibly the weather and having the heating on? I did have a few O signs as well, but it's jumped right back down today, so who knows, using OPKs 3x a day so hopefully I haven't missed it but will catch it soon.

I agree there, we WTT, we wait to O, then TWW, we wait for lines, then if BFP, we wait for appointments, scans, gender, wait to buy, we wait the whole of our pregnancy, we wait for contractions, wait for labour, then wait to get our bundles home!

So really ladies were just at the beginning lol.
And I am the most impatient person ever!
Ugh. Plus now I have some sort of nasty cold virus and I know being sick can throw off your whole cycle. This is making me feel worse.
Does it? I didn't know that. Hope it doesn't get to bad :(
Yep, stress and illness can both affect your cycle. That's why we're supposed to relax while TTC. Ha!
Lol then why do they make it so hard for us haha!
I totally agree Carly!!

And now to make matters worse I've started bleeding again. AF ended on the 7th. I have no idea what my body is doing. And I'm thinking November is not going to be my month. I'm still sick and now I have random bleeding to deal with. I'm thinking I have no choice but to try the OPKs because who knows when I'll ovulate now?
Do you normally have mid cycle spotting?

Is it full flow like AF is?
I guess it's just spotting. It was bright red but now brown. And I never get mid cycle spotting and it's way too early for ovulation bleeding so who knows? I just read that sometimes it's leftover AF so I'll just assume that and hope something goes back to normal in my body soon.
It's always a worry, I think because we're so in tune with everything as soon as something isn't right we panic. But if we weren't ttc we probably wouldn't notice lol.
Hey ladies

Love4you - has the bleeding stopped? I had a couple of cycles where I spotted, no idea why, it wasn't ovulation so I don't know what was going on. Not had any in a few months. Maybe hormones?

CarlyP - I see your temp went back down then, so assume it wasn't ovulation?

How's everyone doing?

In answer to your question Carly (sorry went awol again) I have no idea what to expect from my appointment, maybe she will send me for an ultrasound as apart from when I was pregnant I haven't had any scans and I have no idea what the cysts are like on my ovaries. I know they give Clomid sometimes even if you do ovulate, it can improve fertility and egg quality. #

Would be nice if we don't get to find out and I get pregnant before then! :)

I'm cd 14 today, and today is my first day of ewcm, last 2 cycles I've ovulated on cd 17, if it happened earlier that would be fab but I'm happy with cd 17 as that's the earliest I've ever ovulated. With my pcos my cycles do vary and I've had some long ones in the past but they have been better than ever recently.

We've started using pre-seed and going to try SMEP again, although the hubby is out on Saturday night, so if he's back late then we might not get a chance to bd...and Saturday should be ovulation day.
It was bright red spotting but now it's just a bit a brown so I'm thinking it's over.
I plan on stopping to get OPK on my way home. If I'm on cd13 is it ok to start using them today. I think going by my body signs that I ovulate around cd17 but I'd like to be sure. Especially since the month had been so crazy with me being sick and the weird spotting,
Yes its fine, as long as you test a day or two before you ovulate then thats ok. We should ovulate within a day or two of eachother so can be 2ww buddies! :)

Carly - what day do you usually ovulate?

I was lying in the bath last night telling myself (in my head, I'm haven't started talking to myself out loud...yet - oh who am I kidding, I do it all the time lol) anyway I was telling myself that I'm relaxed and that I will get pregnant, positive thinking etc, but obviously telling myself I'm relaxed isn't the same as being relaxed lol. I'm not stressed though, I stopped using opks because I found it stressful, and I'd test several times a day hoping to get a positive. Now I just temp so that I can confirm ovulation. Thinking though this cycle once I've ovulated I'll stop temping, I find I get too fixated on my temps in the 2ww and this time I just want to try and be more relaxed and not get so worked up about it. Also no testing early, testing early makes me feel bad, and when I feel bad I eat junk food as I'm an emotional eater so I'm not doing it this time, I need to lose more weight so really need to be good. Want to get a decent amount of weight off by my fertility appointment in Feb, it will come round quickly.
It was bright red spotting but now it's just a bit a brown so I'm thinking it's over.
I plan on stopping to get OPK on my way home. If I'm on cd13 is it ok to start using them today. I think going by my body signs that I ovulate around cd17 but I'd like to be sure. Especially since the month had been so crazy with me being sick and the weird spotting,

Yes it's still Ok to start, I test 3x a day so I don't miss it lol.

Yes its fine, as long as you test a day or two before you ovulate then thats ok. We should ovulate within a day or two of eachother so can be 2ww buddies! :)

Carly - what day do you usually ovulate?

I was lying in the bath last night telling myself (in my head, I'm haven't started talking to myself out loud...yet - oh who am I kidding, I do it all the time lol) anyway I was telling myself that I'm relaxed and that I will get pregnant, positive thinking etc, but obviously telling myself I'm relaxed isn't the same as being relaxed lol. I'm not stressed though, I stopped using opks because I found it stressful, and I'd test several times a day hoping to get a positive. Now I just temp so that I can confirm ovulation. Thinking though this cycle once I've ovulated I'll stop temping, I find I get too fixated on my temps in the 2ww and this time I just want to try and be more relaxed and not get so worked up about it. Also no testing early, testing early makes me feel bad, and when I feel bad I eat junk food as I'm an emotional eater so I'm not doing it this time, I need to lose more weight so really need to be good. Want to get a decent amount of weight off by my fertility appointment in Feb, it will come round quickly.

:hugs: that is a good mentality to have, it is hard not to fixate on every little thing, I missed my temp yesterday and now I'm stressing :dohh:

I am irregular, but I ovulate between CD13-15 based on the last year of charting.
Eeekkkk super excited, just got a positive OPK and it's darker then the control line!!! Got super intense ovulation pain on both sides too. Only problem is OH is working until about 7pm tonight then he has to go straight out as he has an ice hockey match and won't be home until around midnight! I've just tx him telling him to be ready when he gets in before his match :haha:
Hi ladies!!! I've missed a lot!!! I took time off work so was just laying low!

Cookie- that's why I decided not to use opk's this month! They gave me a great idea of when I ovulate, but the stress was insane! This cycle I really feel more calm!
The night before last I started having O pain, it got really bad actually! I took some ibuprofen and just laid around all day yesterday! Which was sooo nice! And I had felt great last night, then I started noticing some pain again today, like if I bend over and pressure is put on the spot. It's on my left side. I hope it's not another cyst, and I'm just extra fertile so it's more painful ! (Wishful thinking!)

Carly- get busy tonight girl!!

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