5 dpo-- let's help each other!

Ewcm can last a couple of days after ovulation, but should dry up within a day or two of O so I would say if you are having EWCM then assume you are fertile still. It could be that your surge is too low, I think I said to you that I dont get positive opks anymore, but I definitely ovulate as I have had blood tests. Have you considered charting your temperature? If it wasn't for my chart I wouldn't have a clue as to when I o'd. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets fed up of baby dancing, I tell my hubby to hurry up and be quick lol, its so romantic! I've told him that if he gets me pregnant this month then he won't have to have his Semen Analysis next month, thought it was a good incentive! lol

Still got a cold, its a lingerer!! Its my second one in about 3 weeks, usually I dont catch colds easily. Need to get more vitamin c I think.

Haha! I tell him to be quick some nights too. Especially this week when we've had to BD so many times due to listening to those evil OPKs. I think we'll go again tonight and then I'm taking a break til December!!
And I definitely think your man would do his best to avoid a SA. Can't say I blame him.
And I hear you on the cold. It'll be 2 weeks for me tomorrow. I'm ready for summer!!!
Love - It's possible that you just don't have a high surge, what times a day are you testing and are you holding your urine? I found this month I got a ridiculous dark positive OPK but I made sure I didn't go to the bathroom for around 4 hours, I think the concentrate of your urine is quite a big factor in getting a positive.

Cookie - I take vit c it's helps lots! Although I hate chewing the tablets :sick:

I also won't be testing early, hate seeing the stark white, I know what signs to look for around AF now too.

The test instructions tell you to use FMU. But I did hear afternoon is better. So I've tried alternating and I've still got 7 flashing smileys so far. The only thing I can think of is that I work crazy shifts. 3-11 and 11-7. Plus I was sick most of the month.
I'd like to temp but I don't think it would ever be right with my work hours and then on my nights off I still get up multiple times to nurse the baby.
Maybe next month I'll try OPK again but a different brand that's less confusing.
Carly - I bought the dissolvable vit c tablets as they are 1000mg whereas the chewable tablets I had we're only 200mg. Hopefully drinking it daily will toughen my immune system up.

Love4you - bet you are fed up of seeing those flashing smilies!! I know how frustrating it is to wait for ovulation, one cycle I didn't O til CD 40 something.

Afm - well my ovulation day has moved, today's temp was higher than ever and it moved it from CD 18 to CD 20. To be honest I don't know when it happened, if it was CD 20 then my timing wasn't great as we didn't bd on o day or the day before o...although from what I read my timing was good for getting pregnant with a girl...if you believe bd timing can give you a better chance of having a boy or girl. We did it twice in my fertile time...only takes once so I'm not feeling out just yet. I don't even think today's temp was that accurate as got up in the night, heard my son calling, got up and he was fast asleep...think I must have dreamt it.

It's Friday! Yay!! I only work 3 and a half hours on Monday mornings, after I pick my son up from preschool we are making cupcakes for my in laws party and on Saturday I'm making a dinosaur cake for my son's party on Sunday. Too much baking! I haven't baked since my son's last birthday.

I love to bake but my hips wish I would make more salads! I hope it's a great party :)
As far as supplements to help your immune system, zinc is the best choice to help ward off colds.
I've found it really does help if you take it at the first sign of being ill. Take it with food as it can upset the tummy.
I think hubby and I covered my fertile window even though I'll apparently never know my real O day. I'm thinking it was late this month though.
I've had a 30 day cycle pretty regularly so AF is due in 10 days based off that.
Now we get to wait and symptom spot. Baby dust to all of us.
I'm just curious when everybody is due AF so we can start anticipating those BFPs?
I'm due 12/1.
I'm due the 28th according to FF, but I am irregular so :shrug:

Cookie - I didn't know FF moved your cross hairs once you had them, that must be so frustrating! Hope you have fun with all your baking, you'll have to send us some pictures, I love baking, cupcakes more then cakes though.

Well we took DD to the eye hospital yesterday and she does need glasses so once I pick her up from pre-school we're going to choose some, she is so excited!
That's why I don't bake, if I bake I eat it...I have no self control.

Carly - yeh if your temps go up more it can reevaluate and adjust...I have no idea if CD20 is right, maybe I ovulated cd 18 or even 19. I'll assume 20 so that I don't end up testing early.

I'm going to test on December 4th, as af is due December 3rd, so if it doesn't arrive I'll take a test.

I really hope we all get our December BFPS!!

I don't have anything out of the ordinary going on apart from sticky cm!

Oh and these are the glasses my DD chose <3

Ah bless her Carly, she looks lovely! Does she like them? I started wearing glasses when I was 5, I might have needed them before that, but I was 5 when the realised I couldn't see what was written on the backboard. I hated wearing glasses but then they didn't have much choice in those days. To be fair I still hate wearing glasses but I'm very short sighted, thank goodness for contacts.

She's a cutie!

I'll be so glad when this weekend is over with, regret organising a party at the local soft play place, it's a minimum of 10 and we have 7...all because parents didn't let me know that their kids can't come. If they had I could have invited others...Too late now. Next year he's having a day out. X
It's not fair when parents leave it so late they should understand how difficult it is organizing a party!

See has trouble seeing things far away, and both her eyes are an oval shape. She has to wear these for 6 weeks and then has to go back to the eye hospital to see if they are helping?! And yes she loves them, she didn't understand why she has to wait until next week lol!
Carly, she is beautiful and I love the glasses!
Cookie, hope the party went well.
Anybody have any new or interesting symptoms we can obsess about?
I've got nothing to report. Finished my box of OPKs finally. First day was negative followed by 9 flashing smileys. So no idea what dpo I am. But 9-10 days til AF. Pretty sure this won't be our month due to being ill for half of it. But I'm sure I'll cave and test Friday anyways. No self-restraint here!!!
Well I'm either 5 or 7 dpo, no symptoms really apart from nipples being slightly sore. Still got a bit of a cold, so not feeling fantastic.

Had a dinosaur cake disaster, first one didn't rise, the second one is burnt round the edges...not badly but definitely well done. Took forever to cook. So either I decorate the well done one and hope that the frosting disguises the well done outside or I go buy a cake because I'm not attempting a third cake. The party is at 1pm so need to get a move on and decide ( it's getting on for 9am now).

Oh no cookie, I would just disguise with frosting, I'm sure it will go down well, kids don't notice.

I'm 9dpo but feeling fine, bbs are tender but that's normal for TWW, still have this stupid cough though!
Hi can I join? 5dpo and no symptoms whatsoever! Think I'm out this month, not feeling positive at all. Baby dust to everyone xx
Hi can I join? 5dpo and no symptoms whatsoever! Think I'm out this month, not feeling positive at all. Baby dust to everyone xx

Welcome, I also have no symptoms don't worry it doesn't mean your out :dust:

Do you chart, opk??
No don't use opk yet but may do so if this cycle is unsuccessful. How about you? Really hope no signs is a good sign! :dust: xx
I use fertility friend, I did do opk's this cycle just because I'm irregular so it does help me to pin point, was also sick during ovulation which can throw your cycle out.
Cookie, you can never go wrong with extra frosting.

Welcome Ellahopesky. I'm TTC #5 as well. And my first time using OPKs failed miserably. So I'm guessing I'm about 3dpo? No symptoms to report here either but I'm almost sure I never had any this early with my other babies either.
So we're all still in!
Baby dust all around!!
Welcome Ella!

The dinosaur cake turned out well in the end, not perfect but looked alright and tasted good despite being a little overdone. Somehow I always manage to make a good tasting sponge even if they don't always look so great. My son had his party at a soft play place...it was manic, never again!!!! Next year he is having a day out!! lol

Nothing going on with me, no symptoms to speak of, but still early days. I've been through a lot of cycles and had every symptom going, some have been great symptoms that have made me think maybe just maybe this is it...but never is. So I don't put much stock in symptoms or even lack of symptoms.

Lol at the party! Did he have fun?

I always think it's not really symptoms it's just progesterone.
He did until a kid pushed him, then everything made him cry. We were out late the night before at my in laws party so he was tired and overly sensitive. He's not a very tough boy. Soft play areas are good in some ways, as you only need to turn up with a cake, they do everything else including the party bags, but the kids all run in different directions and you realise by the end of it that they've barely seen eachother. It was unfortunately a rainy day so the place was packed...whatever happened to people using Sundays as a day of rest?!!! lol It's his birthday tomorrow and we are taking him ice skating, hopefully that will be abit more successful.

My temp has dropped to the cover line a couple of times, not sure what is going on with it...its still clearly higher than my pre O temps but never usually as low as the cover. Temps have been very erratic this cycle.


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