6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Pelvic ultrasound at 3pm today.... Should I be calling my doc later in the week to confirm its all OK? as well as the blood work?

Hey hun, good luck! It's a lot of FUN!!! Not. LOL
I followed up with my doctor over the phone for the results. Then went back to book an appointment for a fertility clinic. You did get a referral right? That way you dont have to pay.

Oh the best part was I had no idea they were doing BOTH a pelvic and a vaginal ultrasound haha... I was surprised when she told me to strip down LMAO. Ah well - its all for a good purpose right?

I will call the docs at the end of the week for results and make sure its all kosher. Then its back to regular TTC fun I guess. I am still trying not to go too nuts... not going to temp just yet or anything.

Thats interesting re cycle monitoring Barb - thanks for the info! I really hope it leads to a BFP for you and its cool that you dont have to time anything this month! :) Going to start my OPK on thursday... not much else going on really! And then the dreaded 2WW begins... I am expecting my pos OPK around Sunday or Monday
LOL right - there is an internal exam too. I wasn't sure about that myself but I've been through it so many times. BTW Cycle Monitoring is an uncomfortable internal exam.
But yes, it's a good thing :)

Good luck this cycle. Are you CD8 today? I'm CD7. We were almost on the same cycle days! My period was way too weird this cycle to be sure of anything.

I am glad that I don't have to time intercourse for once! But we're still to have intercourse to double our chances. That's fine.
I really do hope this does the trick. I'm really nervous about it.
I will go in Saturday for start of cycle monitoring again. And it's confirmed that I'll get an HCG shot to induce ovulation. So all my pregnancy tests will show positive. So I can't accurately POAS. How sad :(
I'm going to ask - based on the levels of HGC. Also I've heard you can watch your tests go faint back to strong positive again. But for sure this cycle I'll have to go in for a blood test to confirm pregnancy or not. AF always shows her ugly symptoms & spotting before AF is due however. So I"m more likely to know the answer before my blood test result.
FX for you Barb - I know you know your body well so you can trust the signs but I will still have my fingers crossed until bloodwork comes back or AF shows!

I am on CD9 today actually and tomorrow is the beginning of my fertile window.... I will start OPK tomorrow... I am NOT opimistic about this month - we have my brother and nephew staying over until next Thursday and there has been no alone time let alone time for BD! So depressing... I hope we can get in a few between now and O time.. maybe this weekend ugh!!!!

Im trying really hard to get my mindset into "just take your time and wait a few more months before you do anyhing else"

I will call docs for results tomorrow....

Hey Meg,

Thanks for the FX!!! And for you too!!!
I can't wait to get this show on the road. I hope to get triggered earlier than I normally Ovulate so I don't have to wait too damn long!
I got an email today saying I'll be inseminated two days in a row! WHOOO!
LOL - hope that ups my chances real nice like!

CD9?! Oh - I thought I was just 1 day behind. Boo Hiss!
Good luck :) You'll just have to make time. Even if that means first thing in the morning. This is important to you guys. Or get to bed at an early time ;) Just say you're SOOOO tired! LOL
I hope this is your month xo

You've got the right mid set - how many months have you been trying now?

Hey Meg,

Thanks for the FX!!! And for you too!!!
I can't wait to get this show on the road. I hope to get triggered earlier than I normally Ovulate so I don't have to wait too damn long!
I got an email today saying I'll be inseminated two days in a row! WHOOO!
LOL - hope that ups my chances real nice like!

CD9?! Oh - I thought I was just 1 day behind. Boo Hiss!
Good luck :) You'll just have to make time. Even if that means first thing in the morning. This is important to you guys. Or get to bed at an early time ;) Just say you're SOOOO tired! LOL
I hope this is your month xo

You've got the right mid set - how many months have you been trying now?


Woo hoo two inseminations yay!! Weeeeeeee exciting haha!! I wonder when they will make you O! lol so cool that process haha.

We had a good night last night - a nice bath and then BD and then went to dinner (my brother who's staying with us was at my moms for dinner) so that was nice! It wasnt quite into my fertile window which starts today but doesnt matter... night time is no good beacuse DH stays up late with my brother but morning I will have to make it work! I am off tomorrow (snow storm too!) so maybe tomorrow am will work.... maybe sat am too... we will see. Gotta sneak it in!! lol

Starting OPK today - i expect them to be mightyyyy light. I have started interval running again and have lost 5 lbs so im wondering if that may affect my cycle at all.... we will see!

Oh Barb and to answer your question... we stopped the pull out method in May/June but we started actively trying in the fall. So Im going to say we are on cycle 6 instead of 9. Makes me feel better lmao.

BTW I got a call from the fertility specialist already.... I havent called them back yet but I will today and I think I will set up the appt for April or May to give us a bit more time... do you think thats fair?
Hey Meg,

Thanks for the FX!!! And for you too!!!
I can't wait to get this show on the road. I hope to get triggered earlier than I normally Ovulate so I don't have to wait too damn long!
I got an email today saying I'll be inseminated two days in a row! WHOOO!
LOL - hope that ups my chances real nice like!

CD9?! Oh - I thought I was just 1 day behind. Boo Hiss!
Good luck :) You'll just have to make time. Even if that means first thing in the morning. This is important to you guys. Or get to bed at an early time ;) Just say you're SOOOO tired! LOL
I hope this is your month xo

You've got the right mid set - how many months have you been trying now?


Woo hoo two inseminations yay!! Weeeeeeee exciting haha!! I wonder when they will make you O! lol so cool that process haha.

We had a good night last night - a nice bath and then BD and then went to dinner (my brother who's staying with us was at my moms for dinner) so that was nice! It wasnt quite into my fertile window which starts today but doesnt matter... night time is no good beacuse DH stays up late with my brother but morning I will have to make it work! I am off tomorrow (snow storm too!) so maybe tomorrow am will work.... maybe sat am too... we will see. Gotta sneak it in!! lol

Starting OPK today - i expect them to be mightyyyy light. I have started interval running again and have lost 5 lbs so im wondering if that may affect my cycle at all.... we will see!


LOL!!! I wonder when I'll O too. I think they do it on a more normal 28 day cycle but I could be wrong. I think they monitor to see how ripe your egg is & they release it at the perfect time. I'll definitely let you know when! I hope its early next week.

I think you guys will make the time - no problem!
You'll just have to prioritize the time.
Your 5lb weight loss if you needed to loose it would only help your fertility! And good for you - how long have you been running? And yes - snow storm is a coming - I wish I could have the day off too :(
Oh Barb and to answer your question... we stopped the pull out method in May/June but we started actively trying in the fall. So Im going to say we are on cycle 6 instead of 9. Makes me feel better lmao.

BTW I got a call from the fertility specialist already.... I havent called them back yet but I will today and I think I will set up the appt for April or May to give us a bit more time... do you think thats fair?

Cycle #6...OK. As for your question about how long to give it. I was told 1 year. But I wanted earlier so my doctor said give it to 8 months & that's what we did. It's really up to you. But it's Feb now...so in 3 months that's reasonable. And they will get you to do a bunch of tests & cycle monitoring in the first 6 weeks. It takes 6 weeks to get back all the test results. So you should factor this in as well. Do what ever feels right to you!
I'd say April would be a good time for the appointment - that'll lead you into May/early June for results. And then go from there. And hopefully you'll be pregnant by then!

Did you get results back from your doctor yet or have to wait still?
Hey Meg,

Hope you're having fun with your brother :)
I went in for my Day 10 today & the results are:

K so Day 10:

Estrogen is 271 (s/b 200-300)
LH: 10 (s/b 20 for surge)
Folicle 1.3cm (s/b 2cm)

Nurse told me I can skip tomorrow (yes! I get to sleep in!) & come in again on Monday morning.
Hi Barb - how are you?

Sorry I have been MIA! Busy weekend with family stuff and not much privacy to play on BNB unfortunately!

I am on CD14 and hoping for my positive OPK today..... tomorrow latest. They were darkening two days ago but yesterday it was really light - it was quite diluted I think. I will post a pic if its dark today.

We were able to BD Friday Saturday and Sunday thank goodness! But its very unlikely with schedules that we can do so today... hoping tomorrow though. I did have some cramping on the right side yesterday but too early for O I think and with the light OPK I doubt it...

How are you doing? when is your injection for O? do tell!!!

So I did get my ultrasound results on Friday morning - my doc office says there is a uterine fibroid which she wasnt concerned about. After much research I see that they are very common and rarely affect fertility unless for some reason they are HUGE and block the spermies or other important parts.... If mine was huge Im sure they would have told me. Doc wasnt concerned and I am hoping its not an issue for me so I will just keep on going for now. Most people never get symptoms of them and they are common in at least 25% of women in childbearing years...... So as of now I am going to consider it a non issue. If i end up seeing the specialist I can discuss it more then as they have the results too....

Hope you had a good snow day and weekend! Another long weekend this week thank goodness with family day :)
phew much darker - should be positive by tomorrow - right on time yay


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Hey Meg!
Your test looks like it's getting there. Although I had a test like that on Friday & then went super light LOL
Some times - so confusing! You have a shorter cycle than me so it's likely you'll be getting a positive very soon.
I totally get you were busy & yes BNB is hard when family is around. When my SD is around, I have to be careful & have at times closed my laptop & said 'this isn't for your eyes'. LOL

I went for cycle monitoring this morning (They said I can go for a break on Sunday so I didn't have to go in) & I signed my IUI consent form. A doctor came in briefly to look at my ultrasound & she said looking good & in a few days, definitely this week we'll be doing IUI. They don't know when yet.
I met with the nurse after & she said my follicle is 1.7cm & it should be 1.8cm so I'm very close. Also my uterine lining she described as an 'over achiever' b/c it's thicker than the "average" which is good.
I've been told years ago that my uterine lining is thick for someone who's on birth control pills. So I think this is just my body.
I've not gotten my phone call yet from my blood test results but once I get it - I'll update you :)
I also found out that I will be receiving the HCG shot the morning of my IUI. So, not the day before as I've read most woman get. But I think that's because I have two IUI appointments back to back. So in a sense, it works out the same.

I CANT WAIT! I'm getting excited. I must admit. It's the only time I've been excited about TTC since I first started trying. EEEP!!!

Good luck this week - I hope you get your timing right this week :) You know - you're very thorough so I wouldn't be concerned.
My phone just rang. LOL

So I got slightly different results from the nurse who just phoned me than when I saw her this morning so I am going to write up an email after this.
She made it seem that I'm almost there so go in tmr & who knows - maybe I'll be ready Wednesday? But I think either Wed or Thurs for sure.
Thursday's going to suck. We have my SD to take to school for 7.30am the earliest so I'm at the clinic for 8am & the wait time is horrendous at that house. When I go in for like 7am, I am in & out in less than 1/2 hour. Today? I was there for 8am & out by 9.30am. FAK!!!! Anyway...

My Estrogen is 579, steady & rising
LH is 9 & stable
I have an egg in my right Ovary. Folicle is 1.6cm ( I swear the nurse said 1.7cm this am)
Endo lining is 1.0 (I swear I was told 2.0 by the nurse this AM. Maybe I'm crazy)

Off to send my email!
yay a poas addicts club!!! I am 12 dpo today have a very high triphasic chart (gone up 1.3 degrees from pre o over the last 12 days). believe I had implantation dip at 6 dpo... I feel no symptoms accept I was a little constipated yesterday (sorry it had to be said)... I normally only have a 5 day lp so I am stoked!!!!

Any how I poas at 10 dpo bfn, 11 dpo bfn, and today 12 dpo bfn... still holdin on... it aint over till the witch sings!!!
Hi Sasha! Welcome! I am the POAS addict!
And This cycle we're doing IUI so I'm not even sure if I"ll get a chance to poas b/c of the HCG shot I'm going to get :( I hope it leaves my system eventually & I can go pack to peeing on that damn stick! :)

Your chart sounds great! I am wishing you the best! You should have your answer very soon!
I hope everything works out for you... I am excited keep testing... it stinks you wont be able to poas for a bit... no one likes to be forcibly removed from their addiction!!!
Thanks! I wish the same for you!
How many months have you been trying?
It's a year this month for us. Cycle #13....booo.
We have been ttc for 12 and a half months... I have between a 35-42 day cycle and a 5 day lp so right now I am at cd 44 and 12 dpo after taking b6 for 1 cycle!!! huge improvement and I am thrilled!
So we've been trying for the same length of time. We started Feb of 2012. I never imagined a year later I wouldn't be pregnant. :(
My cycle is usually on average 32/33 days. So, long.
Your LP is very short & I'm glad you were able to fix it. That would certainly cause you some fertility issues.
I hope this cycle is yours!!!
Thank you much... I started losing hope and had asked my dr to introduce me to a fertility specialist just a few weeks ago. I sincerly hope that you get your bfp soon... I understand the stress and frustration. There were months that I felt inadequate and I feel much more empowered after talking to the dr and taking any steps I found that could help.

If you ever need someone to talk to I am willing to lend an ear... well an eye... and a internet shoulder :)

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