6 months and counting!


Loving my 2 boys and baby girl!
Jan 15, 2013
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Hi gals! I checked my ticker today and am officially down to 6 months to TTC!! Who all else is in the finals months? How are you guys passing the time?
Good luck!! :flower: I still have no clue when I will have children but having a niece is keeping the baby lust away if that makes sense.
Hi again! I left the site for awhile after our ttc date was delayed indefinitely, but i'm back now that we seemed to have made some sort of plan for next year :) 2016 seemed ages away back then but so close now!
I'll be trying in april too, or maybe the later half of march if I ovulate earlier (my cycles are 6-8weeks long). I don't have any special plans till then, but maybe because it's the year end, I feel like time will fly by! What about you?
Hi sky- glad to see you back! Exciting that you all have set a plan for early next year!! I'm just trying to enjoy the time with DS and plan fun outdoor things before it gets too cold. I'm also working on reaching some fitness goals. Running a 5k in 2 weeks and hopefully a 10k mid December. Otherwise just enjoying the holiday season and all the fun events that come with it. I know from experience that on this side of the New Year it feels like forever away but once January comes it will feel incredibly close!
It's the opposite for me.. I have a pretty full schedule up until the end of the year - house guests, a holiday, a couple of weddings and births.. but I think I wouldn't know what to do with myself after NY haha.
I want to lose about 10pounds too because I'm at the heaviest I've ever been, but a bit shy to join the other thread you have because I'm no where as disciplined about my almost non-existent exercise plan :haha:
Very cool you're training for all those races. Does it include any inclined tracks? My stamina is terrible if I have to do any uphill runs
That is great that you have a lot of fun things coming up!! We just finished up out busy season. We had 2 weekends from the end of June through last weekend without anything going on. It's been really fun but I'm ready for some nice relaxation without traveling! Where are you going on holiday at?

You are more than welcome to join the other thread too!! I am not very disciplined with it. I give myself cheat days and off days too. I think you need it for some mental sanity (and to help reset your body). It's an 80/20 rule with weight loss- 80% diet 20% exercise so I try to stay more strict with what I eat and allow myself some leeway with exercise.

Where we live we have a 1.1 mile loop around the neighborhood, so I just run that. Personally, I like running outdoors better than a treadmill. There are some slow inclines and one short steeper one. When you are first running, you want to do interval training to help build stamina. I'm also finding the cross training I'm doing (bikini body mommy on YouTube) is helping tremendously with stamina and strength on the runs.
:thumbup: great on the diet/exercise plan.. is your 5k this coming weekend? I'm starting much slower with bi-weekly yoga classes and (attempting) 4km of brisk walking every day. Hopefully I can bring myself to upgrade to jogging soon. I occasionally do some aerobics with YouTube vids.. i'll check the bikini body mommy out too!
Oh and my holiday is to Tokyo! Very excited but unfortunately DH says no to TTC during then haha.
There doesn't seem to be much other Mar/Apr waiters around right now.. seems like more ppl have decided to TTC either in the new year or summertime
Hey I wanna join you!! I am down to 6 months until we officially start ttc!! Even though we have been ntnp and I have been tracking to see if I ovulate. But we plan to go full force in May. Secretly I kinda hope we don't get pregnant until then because the timing would be good. I can have morning sickness while I am off for the summer and then I can take the end of the school year off. :blush:
11 months for us :( We have been a little on the NTNP side a few times lately, but trying to be more good as we reeeeeally should wait until after the commitment ceremony.

Got a family weekend away at end of jan, and the three of us are going to thailand in easter and potentially whitby goth weekend in april, so that's a few things to distract us - as well as planning the commitment ceremony of course :)
woohoo, not long now kksy9b! :happydance: I'm down to 2 months now and get more impatient the closer i get :haha:
I'll be joining you all too!! Would be lovely to have some buddies, and then to know some people already in the TTC boards, it gets crazy busy in there you can get lost!
I'll be joining you all too!! Would be lovely to have some buddies, and then to know some people already in the TTC boards, it gets crazy busy in there you can get lost!

That is no joke. I have a couple boards I am on over there since we are technically NTNP and you can get swallowed up. Unfortunately we have been going since June and most of the ladies are pregnant so its updates about genders and scans. While I am so happy for them it is depressing we are having problems again. But I guess that is part of the reason we are NTNP now.
I am under 9 months now! Every month down I am happy. I can't believe at the end of the year my ticker will say 6 months (weeks and days). I'm ready...it's been a really long, long, long wait for me. I'm always happy at the end of the year though because there's so much to distract me with the holidays. Then starting in January it's the countdown to my Mexico vacation and my France vacation. Then babies!
Hi (waves) I'm *hoping/praying/pinning all dreams* on joining you all in TTC in 2016. Other half wants to be married before more kids (he has 2 from previous relationship), we're not engaged yet, but I'll be 34 in 2016 and I don't think I can wait any longer. I'm coming off pill in 6 weeks when I finish my current box. Going onto pre-conception vits straight away to try to help regulate hormones and cycles. Have no idea what to expect as have been on pill for 15 years with no break!! I guess I'm hoping for a ring Christmas/New Year, plan a wedding in 6 or so months, then get straight on it in the summer. I think about it constantly, look online for buggies, etc. I know that to most people my secret behaviour would seem really obsessive but I'm hoping people here will understand and I'll find some support. X
BB- I think a lot of gals would understand on here. I know that I do!
Hi (waves) I'm *hoping/praying/pinning all dreams* on joining you all in TTC in 2016. Other half wants to be married before more kids (he has 2 from previous relationship), we're not engaged yet, but I'll be 34 in 2016 and I don't think I can wait any longer. I'm coming off pill in 6 weeks when I finish my current box. Going onto pre-conception vits straight away to try to help regulate hormones and cycles. Have no idea what to expect as have been on pill for 15 years with no break!! I guess I'm hoping for a ring Christmas/New Year, plan a wedding in 6 or so months, then get straight on it in the summer. I think about it constantly, look online for buggies, etc. I know that to most people my secret behaviour would seem really obsessive but I'm hoping people here will understand and I'll find some support. X

Hi bb - I've been in the pill 17 years and don't know what to expect either. Also waiting on a proposal thinking it might come next year but in no rush to get married baby will be first. Are you just going to ntnp from next year?

Symphony - it definitely has flown in I have around 9 months left too and will be so happy to bring in the new year. When are you going to start prenatal?
Hi MissN8, welcome! My partner wants to be married first, despite me trying to express that at 33 (34 next year) I don't really have the time to wait! There were no issues with him and his ex having kids so he just bats off my concerns regarding my fertility and possible issues. It's incedibly frustrating! I would love to be actively trying summer 2016, but I know he won't be on board until after a wedding. He knows I'm coming off the pill (45 days to go) at Christmas as I've said it may take 6 months to get my cycle back. It's crazy, I only had 'natural' periods for 3 years and I've been on the pill since so I don't really know what to expect, I remember them being heavy and long!! I guess I'm a bit, no, a lot excited to see what my body does on its own. I've downloaded an app for tracking my ovulation already. I guess just coming off the pill will make me feel one step closer to having my baby. I cannot wait to be pregnant. I keep thinking 'this time next year' ... Here's hoping! Have you discussed trying? X
Miss N8 - I'm on a women's multivitamin right now so I think I will start the prenatal at 3-4 months since they are a bit more expensive. I have started buying a few small things I will probably start buying some of the bigger items second hand this coming summer.

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