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7 dpo - really dizzy - bfp?

hi ladies,
how is everyone today?
i'm still not feeling too good. couldn't go to work today.
have just noticed that my boobs are not sore at all and last month they were very sore at 3dpo. don't know if this means anything or not?
have also been having lots of creamy/milky cm since yesterday.
hi ya glad your feelin better. Im not so good think im m/c have scan at 330 this afternoon. But started bleeding this am and have cramps :(
aww narla, i'm so sorry.
i really hope everything will be ok.
wish i could give u a big hug.
please let me know how it goes. xo
hi ya glad your feelin better. Im not so good think im m/c have scan at 330 this afternoon. But started bleeding this am and have cramps :(

im so sorry hun,really hope everything will be ok hun.:hugs:
Hi ya,

Have computer back at last! Still not great, am still bleeding and in a bit of pain. I phoned the hospital today and they just said to hang in there that theres nothing they can tell me today that they didnt yesterday but they have brought my scan frward to monday so they must be worried that im m/c'ing as im still bleeding. So not much for me to do but sit and wait and hope that things will be ok even though i kinda know there not.:cry::cry::cry:

Hollyrose:How you feeling today? Any better?

Happygolucky: Any news on that bfp yet hunni?

Babyanise: How are you getting on?

Thanks for your kind words ladies. Lots of :dust: and :hugs: your way.x
i'm so so sorry narla.

i know how hard the wait is. u feel so helpless cause u can't do anything at all except wait it out.
what kind of pains are u having? crampy?
how much r u bleeding?

i'm still feeling crap but it'll pass.

hey Narla

Hang in there - I am so sorry you are going through this but FX that this is just a little blip and the bean is a sticky one. Just horrible the feeling of helplessness. Just relax and take it easy.

Hope you feel better soon to Holly. How is everything going with you.

I did a test yesterday afternoon and had nothing to drink and held it in for like five hours and - bfn. Thought I saw something but that has now turned into an evap. Haven't tested today (12 dpo) a I really feel I am out so not getting my hopes up anymore.

What a difference a couple of days makes eh, we all seemed so excited and happy last week.

FX for everyone x
Yea suppose they are more crampy but appear to be calming down at the min but then that happened last night and they came back extra painfull. :shrug: The bleeding is calming down too but then im laying in bed I just dont know whats happening its driving me nuts!!:wacko:
if only we could see what's happening inside us would make life a lot easier!
ur doing the right thing taking it easy anyway. xo

happy - ur still not out until af shows, which i hope she doesn't!

i'm still very sore. got a generic antibiotic on sat while my sample is checked at the lab but really don't think it's making much difference. just rang docs and the results are back but haven't been checked by a doctor yet. so will probably end up with another antibiotic which should work on the infection i have.

have absolutley no 'symtoms' at all! don't know if this is because i'm preoccupied with being sore and feeling ill. but it's really strange that my boobs aren't even sore cause they usually r at this stage.

have had a small amount of creamy/milky cm and my cp seems high, soft and closed.

i'm not going to obsess this month like i did last month. gonna try n not test until maybe next wed, cd 12.

narla, my heart really goes out to u and i'm praying that everything is ok.

big hugs ladies. xo
Thanks for the kind words ladies they mean alot, Im beginning to feel like you are all very good friends to me :friends:!!

Hollyrose: Your so right about seeing inside our bodies! Kinda feel like mine needs a shake and tell it to sort itself out unfortunatly dont think it would do me much good!:dohh: Sometimes I think its good to try to just get on with it in the tww, sorry your having it so rough this time hope they manage to sort out your antibiotics and get it cleared up. This wont effect you at all in your tww will it? I hope not hope you get your BFP this time and hope this little bean sticks so we can stick together!!:flower:

Happygolucky: Thankyou, I hope your right I half want to go up to hospital just to get it checked out again but then I have dd and ds to worry about as well!! Sorry to hear about your BFN's but like hollyrose says your not out til af shows up which I too hope she doesnt! When is af due?

Loads of :dust: and :hugs: your way ladies .x
I am not really sure when my AF is due to be honest as I have PCOS and very irregular cycles. In theory it should be Thursday and hopefully it will turn up! I have been fairly regular the last few months so as long as she turns up it's an achievement in itself!

Might just do another one tomorrow or Thursday just to be sure it's a bfn then have quite a few glasses of vino on the weekend - much needed!

Feel like we are all friends as well! Don't really have many I can chat to about this kind of thing as they all already have their babies or are pregnant so always feel jealous when they say how easy it was. Really happy for them obviously but guess you can't help feeling slightly jealous.

I really do hope it all works out ok Narla - gues you will know on Monday but I have everything totally crossed for you.

Hollyrose - let's hope those antibiotics work quickly ;-)
it feels kinda strange 'talking' on here but we don't even know each other! but good!

i hope all this medication won't do any harm if i get a bfp but i'm in so much pain that i can't really think about it at the minute iykwim?

i'm thinking that loads of people take antibiotics and painkillers, etc before they know they are pregnant, and go on to have healthy babies.

for some reason i feel strangely calm in this tww.

Hey Hollyrose

I had the exact same feeling in this 2WW - normally stressing out so much getting really upset and then happy then upset etc but this one (ok I poas few too many times) I just feel kind of like, what will be will be and haven't really got that upset compared to other months. I honestly have this strange feeling that I am pregnant, can't quite place what it is but really do think it happened. Even though had some bfns and evaps I am not too worried. Think I will test on Thursday when AF is 'supposed' to be due and see what happends. I think if it hasn't worked this month I need to see a Dr - regarding my sanity that is! I have convinced myself in previous months that I have had all the symptoms but nothing this month. Just the odd crampy feeling now and again. Let's hope this really is a lucky thread and everyone gets what they want! x
Positive thinking ladies (but not to much thinking)!!!

Def got to be better than over analysising everything!!

So hope you all get your BFPs this month, happygo lucky good luck for testing will be waiting for updates (now I have comp back its a bit easier!)xxx
Morning ladies,:flower:

How are you today?

Lots of :dust: and :hugs: your way.x
hello ladies,im testing tomorrow,no af yet,im cd 28.
hollyrose,hope your feeling better,happy gl when testing,narla,hope the bleeding has gone:hugs:
feeling a lot better today thank god! back at work.

still no symptoms.

narla how r u today?

thanks babyanise.
Hollyrose: So glad your feeling better hunni, bet thats a relief!! At least when your back at work you dont sit around thinking about symptoms:wacko: (or do you? lol) So you start testing a week today or are you leaving it a bit longer?

Unfortunatly the bleeding is still here, a bit like normal af so guessing Ive lost the little one hence my sig. Still have scan on monday just to be sure but I dont really 'feel pregnant' anymore so :cry: Its still a hard cause I keep reading on the internet about ladies who have this kind of bleeding and everythings ok gets my hopes up just for me to have a word with myself 'sort it out'. :sad1:

Babyanise: :yipee:!! Good luck for tomorow!! Will be watching for an update.x
Narla positive thinking now remember. Really hope it works out for you.

Hollyrose so glad you are feeling better. What dpo are you at the moment?

Babyanise good luck with your testing and keep us posted. I have just poas again!! It was boots own make and within the time limit I can see a faint pink line of what seems to be the same thickness as the control. Have not used these before so not sure what they are like for evaps etc but I had a bfn day before yesterday on Tesco own. I bought a twin pack so I am going to use the other one tomorrow morning when I will be 14 dpo. FX and hope this is it!

Babydust to everyone xxx

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