78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

i think all our dh's would say we are not normal snowangel :rofl:

pichi-elle was on yesterday updating us letting us know that she is waiting for her u/s to check for cysts etc.

AFM, im off work now yay :happydance: Now its time to relax and wait for the food to be ready. DH has cooked so yay :happydance: one more day of work and then its relaxing until tuesday. Friday is my doc appt too so lets see what the doc would have to say.
Ladies, I am hoping more of us get BFPs- well, all of us! I'm supposed to ovulate sometime later this week and just going to have fun this week... I am having one of those "baby" moments...I really hope this is the month for a BFP, but we'll see!

Miss Elle, let us know the results when you find out, we are just waiting to hear!
i'm dying to hear what's up!

AFM - 7DPO... trying not to get my hopes up even though i have the same pattern as last month... kinda :shrug:
Daisy & pichi-FXed for you two :thumbup:

AFM, today im cd15 and i have my doc appt tomorrow :happydance: Also today is my last day of work for this week so now i get to relax until Monday and then back to work Tuesday. I love my new job..lots of wonderful people and easy duties :haha: Time really does fly there too. I also had a vivid dream about the bleeding. And in the dream, I was sleeping and then i felt it leaking and i rushes to the bathroom to find it still leaking badly and I was freaking out. I woke up to check but it was not as bad as I thought which was good. Usually i would be counting down to ov but now im just counting down to when af is going to stop. Cant believe i am halfway through my cycle and i spent it bleeding :dohh: Well i know that my AF is giong to effect ov and the length of my cycle. So now im just waiting for it all to end so i can begin having regular sex with dh without the AF factor.
HEY ladies.... cd4, I have family visiting, so I've been running all over the place sight seeing, etc. It's good that I have a distraction and they don't leave til almost ov time, sooooooo that helps with the 'wait til ov', Then I will have to find a distraction for the tww..... Well I'll check back in when I get a chance..

Good Luck ladies!!
snowangel-what a way to keep busy. Cant wait for you to be in the 2ww.

well the update for me is...im finally off work and I had a call from the doc but i missed it so i had 2 voicemails and called while i was on break. Well the nurse called to tell me that my AF issue is something that my ob/gyn should handle because its his field. So i said okay and cancelled the appt for tomorrow. I called my ob/gyn and im scheduled for 3:15pm on Monday so i got to wait a little longer but its okay because on the good side of things...my doc is nice enough to make copies of the bloodwork she did and i will be able to pick them up tomorrow so i can take them to my ob/gyn. So its a win/win for me because I will be able to tell you ladies what tests I had done and also atleast i have solid proof to give to my doc so i dont have to go through the same tests etc and hopefully he does bloodwork of anything she missed..if she missed anything. So thats how my day went.
U/S: "FINDINGS: The uterus measures 7.2 x 3.7 x 5.4cm. The uterus is homogenous in appearance. The endometrial stripe is not thickened (5mm). The right ovary measures 4.2 x 2.5 x 4cm and the left ovary measures 3.8 x 2.3 x 3.5cm. Follicular cysts are noted within both ovaries. The largest cyst on the right measures 1.1cm in greatest diameter and the largest cyst on the left measures 0.8cm in greatest diameter. No free fluid is noted."

Blood: *comprehensive metabolic panel test which just checked out in range for all my vitamins and protein and blood cell count etc. And my TSH is at 1.27 miU/L

*Basophils and that tested my FSH which is said to be in range at 8.6 miU/mL.

Urine sample came out...clear.

*FSH which i told you the amount for that and my LH is at 24.9 miU/mL. My LH sounds pretty high to me. What do you ladies think?

Now i know it says everything came out clear but should i be worried about anything like my FSH etc? What do you ladies think?
Mzswizz I honestly have no experience with levels, so can't really give u advice ,,, but at least u don't have to wait long to go to ur Dr to learn what's up.. hoping this dr has quick answers for ya and we can soon become bump buddies. :hugs:
I know right. I cant wait. All my levels are in range though. So i looked up fsh and lh levels and for fsh on day 3 it suppose to be 9 mIU/ml which is indicated as normal. Mines is 8.6 mIU/ml on day 7 so thats good. Meaning my egg quality and quantity are good. And LH suppose to be around 20 IU/L or higher as it gets closer to ov and mines is at 24.9 IU/L on day 7. So now when i see my ob/gyn i hope he does bloodwork because even though im bleeding...i might end up ov'ing while bleeding.
Just have been reading this thread off and on....

Women's FSH levels are lower than men b/c we are on a cycle where our fertility is only high at ONE point in our whole cycle.

Men always have a high FSH because they are ALWAYS fertile :) I was actually reading about this last night...hope it helps you.....I know how frustrating things can be I'm only on cycle 25 (which I don't call a LOT because some ladies on here are much further than that) but I hope you find out answers soon sweetie...FX for all of you wonderful women!!
Thanks Andrea. I had checked a website which tells you the levels so i know mines are rising which means a egg is maturing. So let's see what my ob/gyn has to say.
I will be stalking to find out what the doc says :) I have more testing as soon as AF comes not too sure when that will be....but I've had lots of things already 2 ultrasounds I have a cyst on my left ovary which is 19 mm...quite big really....but trying to just hope an pray it will go away on its own. Its a complex cyst so it has liquid and solid qualities in it......As soon as AF comes the doctor says he will have a plan for us on what to do...but I think I over heard him last appt say my progesterone was low but I will find out Monday when I have my biopsy. Hopefully somewhere I will get answers....took me 2 years of trying to get an appt. with the FS an now since I have him I am feeling a little more relaxed in the whole TTC concept :) (the military finally gave up on me getting pregnant so figured they'd better get me help LOL)

I will be stalking and keeping you ladies in my prayers.......I can't wait to see more results!!!
Cant wait for your results. Atleast obth of us are going to the doc etc and getting things done. Hopefully after this...we will get our bfps. I have been trying for almost 2 years now.
Its rough after soooo long of TTC....I am so sorry your going through this ....its honestly the hardest thing I've went through...its tough and tests your ability to stay sane on some days LOL.....but I'm hanging in there an seems your doing great :) I soooo will be stalking what happens :) I'll share my progesterone level soon as I find out hopefully on Monday what it was :) Praying I get a :bfp: this cycle without help but....if it takes IUI we have the money saved for it...just hate using money to make a baby LOL shouldn't be that way!!!!
I know what you mean. Yes it is rough and it shouldnt be that way to have to spend to make baby. We should be spending on baby and for baby. But i know we will get our bfps soon. Atleast we both will have updates on monday because i got to go to my doc. Im just hoping with the tests he actually shows concern and find out whats going on with my body because we all are ready for baby!
i am so sorry for you guys. although i wasn't TTCing as long as you (i'm guessing) if i include my two miscarriages, 12 months was long enough for me and this pregnancy is far from guaranteed.

before i started TTCing i had this ridiculous idea that i could and would get pregnant so easily... after months of letdowns, i started looking around on the internet for others struggling with conception and found this huge other world of desperation and incredible perseverance. it's crazy how naive i was to think it was so easy to get pregnant! conceiving a child has always been harder than people openly admit. at least no one is alone in this.

as much as it sucks to not be one of those people who instantly gets pregnant there is a lot of hope and lots of options. really sounds like you are all making lots of progress and getting some answers. can't wait to see some results! stay strong and take care.

:hugs: Cali. Thanks and I was just like you. Thinking i could easily get pregnant. Nobody really teaches us all about ov and everything. We just think..have unprotected sex..and you will conceive. Its actually alot to go into it and atleast i found out rather sooner than later.

AFM, just came back from having lunch with DH. He was on his lunch break so we decided to meet at our favorite chinese restaurant. We both enjoyed it. Now, DH has to see a specialist about his lungs :nope: And they said his cholesterol is a little high :nope: So now he has to set up an appt for a specialist about his lungs. Im hoping everything is okay. We just keep getting more and more bad news about my DH. Keep him in your prayers please.
how's everyone?

AFM, its cd18 for me. The bleeding is still here but it looks like it may be going away probably this week so FXed it does. DH and I are just cleaning up the house and he says he has a surprise for me so we shall see what the surprise is. My doc appt is tomorrow so cant wait. Atleast im getting somewhere and closer to a bfp. My friends dont know that we are trying but they know that since we're married..it's expected for us to want kids. But my mom knows we are trying but I know once we do conceive, its going to be a secret until im 12 weeks or 2nd trimester. Thank you God for waking us up to see another day this morning and for helping us get through these troubling times. Whether i get a bfp or not...Im going to be happy because atleast I know that I went and FINALLY got my answers medically. So now since they put me as "normal" I dont have to stress thinking something is wrong. Its just pretty much timing. So here we go for a future bfp :winkwink:
im cd19 today. I must say this is starting off pretty good. Well the bleeding looks like it might stop in a few days or maybe even today or tomorrow :happydance:. But i have bad news. The nurse from my ob/gyn's office called this morning and left a voicemail saying my ob/gyn is sick and i have to reschedule. I have to call back and tell her that im not rescheduling because i was going to go there about the bleeding but if its stopping on its own then i dont need to schedule a doc appt. Which means im going to have to go buy some OPKs and see if im going to ov or if i already did. If i already did then today and tomorrow's opk would be getting lighter and if i didnt then i may get a positive today or so and then the next will get lighter. So we shall see. This is one crazy cycle i must say. But everything happens for a reason so atleast now i dont have o go there. But all i got to do is turn in my lab results and I should be okay. DH reminded me that February was when i got pregnant around our anniversary and he said "it's time to put in work so we can conceive baby #2" :rofl: My DH...gotta love him. Next AF is due on Feb. 15th and thats based on a 35 day cycle. So we shall see. Maybe we will get a anniversary bfp who knows :winkwink:
I have called and spoke to the nurse. They rescheduled me for Friday morning @ 10:15 or 10:30 cant remember because I was in a rush. But now i have to wait even longer. Well atleast I will use the opks and get the ov question answered by myself. By the time i go see the doc, the bleeding would have stopped. I tried explaining that and they still want me to come in. But i know that if all my levels are where they are suppose to be...most likely he's going to tell me its either due to the cysts or it was just a whacky bleed. But im just going to go so i can get confirmation and maybe if i did ov..hopefully he will be able to know by bloodwork or something. Im just ready to have a baby now. I finally know that im normal and i dont have a hormonal imbalance or anything nor PCOS so im happy that im normal and healthy thank God but im just ready to get a rainbow baby or babies.

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