78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

3 mins...IMG_20120130_130430.jpg

after 10 mins...IMG_20120130_133106.jpg

Let's see if it gets darker or lighter. But in real life it is lighter than the control line. Just couldnt get a good picture. Control line is on the left and test line is on the right.
i am 70 days late and for the past few days, i am having mild cramping on both sides of my uterus and pinching pain in my bbs.. and i dont know if its just me but i notice my bbs got bigger this morning.. we've been trying to conceive for 17 months and i hope and pray that this is it.. baby dust to all...
ciel-Did you test or anything?

AFM, its back to work for me and im cd20 today. Well today is going to be 12pm-4pm so an early day which im thankful for. So the bleeding looks like it is leaving today. Now i only see a tint of brown when i wipe so thank you God :happydance: DH and I dtd last night and this time it was me who initiated it :blush: We dtd on cd16 which should cover cd19-cd21. And we dtd on cd19 which should cover cd22-24. So i got those babses covered. I got 1 opk left so im going to test today to see if it gets lighter or darker. If its lighter than im assuming i probably o'd around cd18 because the line was light but it looks like i still had some surge in me so im assuming it was cd17 where i got my positive and cd18 was my o day. But we shall see. If it gets darker...then i have my bases covered all the way up to cd24 so i should be good. With that being said...i might could catch the eggy during this crazy cycle :happydance: But im not going to put that much into it seeing that it has been crazy and we didnt really dtd much because of the bleed and me being tired. But im thinking the bleeding didnt effect ov because my lh was increasing as i can see from my test results so im thinking i was just bleeding..probably because my body was cleaning everything out and starting fresh. So either way it goes if its not this cycle (which im thinking its not) then feb. here i come!! come on bfp!
i havent tested yet because my cycles have always been long.. my last cycle was 63 days so im still hesitating.. I plan to test on Valentines Day and I hope its good news..
AFM, i just tested on the opk and its lighter than yesterday's so im assuming i o'd already which means seeing that i dtd on cd16...i am still in with a chance :happydance: What you ladies think?

opk at 3 mins...IMG_20120131_101703.jpgIMG_20120131_101740.jpg
This thread is pretty quiet....

AFM, Well im cd21/3dpo today. Today is a 7 1/2 hour shift so im not coming home until 6pm. But its okay because time flies when im working there. DH surprised me last night by taking me out to eat to celebrate my new job :happydance: The food was great and i enjoyed spending time with him :blush: Also, when we got home we slow danced to our wedding song and alot of slow jams :cloud9: It was a wonderful night to remember. And to end it with a bang...we dtd :haha: So seeing that we dtd cd16, cd19, and cd20...i got my bases covered from cd16 up until cd25 :happydance: Just in case the egg wants to be difficult and not come out :haha: So i have my bases covered even when i thought i was out. Well atleast i can spend my tww working so its going to take my mind off of it. Oh and huge news!!!.....THE BLEEDING HAS OFFICIALLY STOPPED LAST NIGHT :happydance::happydance::happydance: So happy. Now i dont have to worry about any pads or anything. But just to let you ladies know...pads and panty liners are good after you dtd because they would be no mess and for some reason it keeps the spermies inside :shrug: Today is going to be a good day!! :thumbup:
glad you had such a good time last night. so sweet! once bubs comes there won't be time like that to be alone together so savor it. sounds like your job is keeping you busy which is great for the dreaded tww.

glad your moving on from AF! i'm sending lots of baby dust!

my husband couldnt wait so he bought preg. test and wanted me to POAS.. WTH! I told him to wait two weeks and the result..... BFN!! and now we are not talking!! haha!
Carli-Thanks. And yes I know. I am enjoying all the time we have alone before our bubs gets conceived.

Ciel-Boo for the BFN but its funny how our DHs will be more anxious than us :haha:

AFM, im cd22/4dpo today. Today is my last day before im off :happydance: I go back on Sunday though but atleast I have friday and saturday off :happydance: My doc appt is tomorrow but hopefully they call to let me know exactly what time i go in :blush: I was trying to plan a bd night but it failed because we both ended up falling asleep :haha: Im finally able to see cm now :happydance: I havent been so happy in my life :rofl: But its very clear and shiny..it looks like ewcm :shrug: We shall see whats going on. Going to try to bd tonight but thats if we dont fall asleep again :haha:
Hey ladies!!! Sorry I've been M.I.A. lately, my cousin was visiting from out of state and I just dropped her off at the airport yesterday.. we've been crazy busy sight seeing etc.. I am trying to convince her to move!!!

AFM, I've had a super weird cycle already af was light but long,, and I've pretty much had ewcm since cd7 (while still spotting) I'm super confused.. Today is cd12 I did an opk yesterday because of the cm but there's barely a line.. But will start bd'ing tonight and continue every other day til a positive opk.. I'm sooooooooooo ready for that BFP, and so is my DD, she's sooo cute, she'll say "will you give me a baby and we can name her _________" She keeps suggesting some pretty crazy names :haha: I do think I'll let her have a say in the naming process tho..

How are y'all?
I went to the doctor today and everything came back normal so thats good. AF is due in 9 days boooo but i may or may not have caught the eggy so we shall see and i have been getting like ewcm ever since the bleeding stopped so dh and i dtd last night. im 5dpo today so who knows whats going on.

And here's my doctor visit Update: Okay i just gome home from being in Miami and hanging out with fam and friends. I talked to my ob/gyn and he said that bleeding for a long period of time is actually normal :shock: He says that they cant exactly pinpoint what caused it because many things such as stress, change of diet, change of exercise, change of eating habits, lack of something etc can cause it so pretty much alot could've caused it but thats something they cant figure out. He todl me that if i have bleeding like that for the next 3 months to come back to them and then they will see what's going on. Now he did look at my lab results and said everything is fine and normal and was pretty impressed with my results which made me very happy :blush: Also, i told him how long my cycles are and here is some new information....he told me that a 21-35 day cycle is considered normal :shock:!!!! Anything less, he wants me to contact him. Now thats something i just learned today and wanted to share with you ladies. He checked me internally and said everything was fine there. Also another tip.. for women who use opks and have long cycles..you ever wonder why you get positive and then negative then positive opks?...well my ob/gyn told me for women with long cycles..we need to go by the SECOND positive not the first because usually women with long cycles tend to test too early. But i think we all test in the correct timing..i go by the box date and tests so thats something else i learned. At the end he just smiled and said you are all set now go make babies :haha: So im normal yay :happydance:
How's everyone?

AFM, today i am cd24/6dpo. Time is really flying on by. DH and I are off work today so we are doing a little cleaning and then its down to Miami to visit the family we go. Today, i am having that bubbly cm again but this time its creamy mixed with ewcm :shrug: I have no clue whats up with that. Hmm maybe the ewcm part is the leftovers from yesterday morning's bd session and also from the internal check the doc did :shrug: Oh well time will tell whats going on with my body. Since we did dtd yesterday im now covered up until cd29 :happydance: So just in case the eggy decided to pop out afterwards....hopefully we caught the egg. Now AF should be here between Feb. 12th-15th. But seeing that i o'd around cd18..it should come on the 12th which is in 8 days :wacko: What a whacky cycle this has been. I bled for most of it and now if i didnt catch the egg...i got to deal with it for 7 days (hoping it goes back to normal and lasts that long). So we shall see. Having a good morning already. Oh and im thinking im going to make my hair color stand out more. As you all can see the color in my picture..it only really shows when im outside or bright lighting so im going to let my mom do the hair color this time so it can stand out even in the darkest place :haha: Wish me luck.
Hi ladies hope you don't mind me joining in !

I'm cd31 and 3 days late (I'm never late) tested :bfn: this morning and first month ttc. Why do our bodies start to mess u around just when u need them to be normal!!! Lol anyway I've had very sensitive nipples on and off for jut over a week EWCM or milky/white cm since ive o'd and I've had twinges and slight cramps (feel different to period cramps) for over a week now!!! What is going on???

Anyone else in the same boat? Or have advise? Xx thanks girls xx
Ps: TMI forgot to mention I ha light brown discharge when I wiped wed morning and this morning ???
Welcome Jim_bear. Well i would say wait a little to see if that is your AF gearing up..if not you may be getting bfns because your egg was a late implanter and its IB that you are experiencing now.
Welcome Jim_bear. Well i would say wait a little to see if that is your AF gearing up..if not you may be getting bfns because your egg was a late implanter and its IB that you are experiencing now.

Thanks for the reply. It's our first month of ttc so I reckon AF will show up soon. Will stay positive and enjoy the snow outside instead :) xx
Ugh. Cycle day 83ish here... 19dpo, 5 days late for AF.

I keep feeling horrific... extremely tender breasts, extreme nausea & a bout of vomitting, headache, crampy on and off for the past few days... etc. I keep thinking its AF starting to show itself but she never comes.

all bfns since 13dpo... got a strange invalid test last night that looked positive but the dye was smeared so I didn't take it seriously. I'm so frustrated. :(
Sounds promising!! But I totally understand ... Very frustrating! At a point now where I just want AF to show now (I'm very inpatient! Lol) or a :bfp: would be even better. I've had the exact same symptoms minus the sickness but I get sore bbs with period too!! If AF has not arrived by Monday I'll test again or mayb I'll leave it another week....?

Keep us update :)
Ugh. Cycle day 83ish here... 19dpo, 5 days late for AF.

I keep feeling horrific... extremely tender breasts, extreme nausea & a bout of vomitting, headache, crampy on and off for the past few days... etc. I keep thinking its AF starting to show itself but she never comes.

all bfns since 13dpo... got a strange invalid test last night that looked positive but the dye was smeared so I didn't take it seriously. I'm so frustrated. :(

U should try to get in for a blood test. :flower:

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