78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

Hello ladies. Today is a lovely cool day and Im enjoying the weather as much as possible because I dont know when the next heat wave will hit. Today, im on cd27 and tomorrow ends the first week of BCPs :happydance: I have only 5 MORE DAYS BEFORE I SEE DH :happydance::happydance::happydance: Im over the moon happy right now about it. DH booked his tickets to come down here Dec. 20th-Jan. 6th. So he's going to be here for Xmas, my 23rd birthday, new years eve nand new years :happydance: He said that for my birthday, he wanted to do a cruise to Hawaii :cloud9: I would love that but we shall see. Atleast now we got 5 months to vacation, enjoy and explore before we settle down and start back on the ttc wagon. I think this 6 month break is exactly what we need to save up more money, go vacation with just the two of us and get to have our "alone" time and enjoy being with each other. I think this is our mini vacation :haha: From what im getting...the BCPs will be out of my system in no time once i stop because the midwife told me to have sex every day with dh right starting from when i stop taking the BCPs because the best thing is to catch the 1st egg that comes after the BCPs. So im hoping it doesnt take long. Hoping that after these long 2 yrs of actively ttc, a 6 month break can solve all the problems and we get our LO finally. Its been a very long journey for us and im just ready to finally enjoy the blessing we've worked hard for. Now back to these BCPs...these little things cause ALOT of cm :haha: Dont know why..maybe because its preventing pregnancy so thats why :shrug: I have no clue though. I should've ovulated by now though seeing that im on cd27 but then again you never know because of my crazy cycles. Hoping i can go back to the normal 28 day cycles I use to have but i guess thats wishful thinking :blush: Well, im all packed and ready to go to Connecticut. Finally got it done but atleast I dont have to worry about it now :thumbup:
I haven't caught up on everything yet, I'm just popping on really quickly while I have a moment- I had my baby boy on Wednesday evening just a few hours after my last post! I went from 4 to 10cm dilated in just a few hours, and pushed for about an hour. Our baby Matthew was born at 8lbs. 13oz. and 20 inches long :) We are so happy and are at home settling in!
yay congrats Daisy!! Welcome into the world Matthew!!
Congrats Daisy! I had a feeling he was at least in the process of being born when we hadn't heard from you. Sounds like a fast delivery-I hope for the same with my little peanut!!! congrats again!! so exciting =)
Doctor's appt: Well my doctor's appt went very well actually. I got the results from my last visit. Also, I told her that I am now on BCPs. Well, my thyroid levels are perfect. BUT now we have another issue. Well, good thing is im not anemic (due to super havy bleeding during AFs). The issue is my platelet level is very high :nope: Normal range is 140-400 and mines is at 523 :shock: I asked her what is a platelet and she said that it is what controls the clotting in the blood. She said with my level being high...i would be able to get pregnant but wont be able to carry the pregnancy :nope: Which would explain alot now :dohh: So she has requested I see a hematologist and let him do all the proper bloodwork so we can get the underlying problem fixed so by the time im off BC, i will be set and ready to go :thumbup: Did I say my doc was amazing or what :haha: So one step closer to our rainbow baby. Im happy that Im finalyl getting my answers but pissed the my former doctors didnt find out none of these issues in the past because they could've been solved by now.
mw-I totally understand your frustration-I am so sorry it took so long, but SO happy that you have answers because now you will get pregnant and carry to term-so excited for your future ttc!!!
thanks almost! Yes, im just happy that now after everything is all said and done...i will get the rainbow baby we finally deserve :happydance: oh and i have my appt with the hematologist @ 9am on dec. 5th :happydance:
yay that is so soon! although it sounds like no rush since you need to be on bcps for a while anyways right? or did your doctor say that could change thanks to this newly found information???
i could've been seen on nov. 26th but i will be out of town until dec. 3rd so i had to get an appt after dec. 3rd and my primary doc is the one who found out about the platelet problem but when i go to my ob/gyn's office (also will be in december)..i will let them know the info and see from there what they say about the BCPs.
Sounds like a good plan! omgsh is dh home today or is it tomorrow?? yay for you!!!! afm hearing baby on the doppler, but not until 4:30 ahhh I am going to go crazy waiting for this at work all day lol
yay cant wait for your appt almost!!! And i will be going up to Connecticut to see DH on Thursday (Thanksgiving). So in 2 days :happydance::happydance::happydance:

AFM, im cd31 today and tomorrow is my last day here before im on a plane to go see my DH :happydance::happydance: Super excited. The time has finally come cant wait. And there will be loads of photos :haha: Today, im going to call the ob/gyn office to schedule an appt in December for my pap smear and ultrasound. I want to knock everything out the way at once. And I have my bloodwork so I can also give that to her to update her about the newfound information that I have received :thumbup: Im happy because now everything is getting in motion for a rainbow baby. Before (as you all experienced with me) I was going back and forth to the doctors and ended up with no information and nothing getting done. But now, ever since the FIRST day of my appt, I have been finding out things AND getting diagnosed :thumbup: Seems like it just goes to show that when a doctor cares about the patient..things will get done. And DH is happy that we are getting everything out the way also. Its a good thing Im on the BCPs because atleast now while we wait, I can get everything fixed and dont have to worry about not getting certain meds etc because I think its a possibility I am pregnant. And I rather have my body in great condition for baby or babies instead or trying on my own because im impatient and end up going through the heartache of another m/c. So I'm taking it slow. And I wonder once my ob/gyn sees the whole platelet issue that she might tell me i can get off BCPs sooner because they just thought that it would be the PCOS and my irregular cycles stopping me from conceiving :shrug: We shall see. And omg 5 months and 1 week before I start ttc already?! :shock: With the doc appts and vacationing to see DH and everything...I think i will be back to TTC in no time.
Well a little to update: Just thought about it and if i conceive in May after i finish the BCPs in April...then we will have a February baby which is the same month of our dating anniversary which is Feb. 18th :cloud9: Also on our anniversary, I have a follow up appt with my primary care doc. So these are my appts so far:

hematologist-dec. 5th @ 9am
ob/gyn-dec. 6th @ 9:30am :happydance:
primary care doc-feb. 18th @ 9:30am

Im happy that im able to get the ob/gyn the day after i see the hematologist. And stuff is really moving rather quickly so it seems like its going to be back to back doc appts!!! :happydance:
AFM, im cd32 today and today is my last day here :happydance: Tomorrow I will be in Connecticut celebrating Thanksgiving with my DH :cloud9: Im so excited. Well, ever since I've been on week 2 on the BCPs, I've noticed that I've been sick to my stomach (nauseous) :nope: I looked online and its normal because it says you will feel sick to your stomach for the first few months so I guess its my body adjusting to the BCPs. Still no bleeding and I dont have the pain in my ovaries like I use to hours after I take the BC so thats a good thing. I just got to put up a few things, clean up a little and call a few companies before I go on my trip tomorrow so today is going to be a relaxing day I suppose :thumbup: DH is already counting down the hours :haha: Can't wait for the trip and then when I get back...then its the start of doc appts again. I've noticed that I have gotten so much more accomplished within these past few weeks with these doctors than within the 2 years with the previous doctors :thumbup: So its a new beginning and a new step closer to our rainbow baby. I know this is our time now because God is blessing us with all the proper treatment etc needed to get our rainbow baby. Also, weird thing i remembered. I remember when I had a psychic reading..she said that I will need medical attention in order to have a baby and I will conceive a baby before DH's next birthday :shock: Now, im getting medical attention and DH's birthday is in September and with these BCPs, im hoping to be able to conceive in no time after i stop taking them. That is soooo weird.
Hi MW not ignoring this thread-just had a big scare at my 12 week apt last night-feel free to read about in in my journal in my siggy....but SO HAPPY YOU GET TO SEE DH tomorrow, yayy!!! =)
Almost-Oh my! I read what happened. Glad all ended well and love your u/s pic by the way. I say team blue. But i suck at guessing :haha: Ans yes in a matter of hours I will be seeing DH eeeekkkkk :happydance:
Everyone is thinking blue....not sure what that nub we can see is!! LOL could be part of the leg, the cord, who knows!!! the nurse said she usually doesnt see what she saw in between babies leg when its a girl sooo hoping she is right with team blue!!!
I looked at the head and i just had a boy feeling but we shall see. Im hoping my first will be a boy but then again im happy with either or
I was told that some technicians are able to determine the gender at 12 weeks if the women are thin and that its more accurate if its a boy. They told me at 12 weeks it was a girl and they were right. :thumbup:
eeek I really hope it's a boy! today dh and i gave our announcement card to my mom then she gave it to my dad-then as my mom took photos of the US pictures from our 12 week 5 day scan, they all had a hint of blue in a different spot....we tld them we knew a possible sex but that it was a secret until it is at least confirmed in January!! LOL
almost-yay for the announcement!!!

AFM, im on cd2 today. AF came yesterday and I must say I am enjoying this new AF :thumbup: Its lighter than my normal flow its like a light flow (close to spotting) and I have no pain like cramps or anything :thumbup: So im pretty happy with that. Dont know how long its going to last though but Im keeping an eye on it. Also, dont really have any clots. I havent seen any so I guess the BCPs are doing their job :happydance: Tomorrow starts week 3 of the BC already :shock: I tell you the time is just flying by. Im on day 3 of my vacation and I am loving every minute of it. DH and I went on a date to the movies yesterday and I enjoyed it :cloud9: We are going to go on a submarine tour on Monday and Thanksgiving was wonderful. On a good note, we were able to dtd before AF came :haha: Also, dh made me smile when we were talking about the future yesterday. We were saying we are going to pay off half of the credit cards before I move to where he is going to be and he said that we got to save also because and I quote "we are going to have kids very soon" :cloud9: So, he is ready and prepared and Im happy because of that because that means he is taking it seriously and we are on the same page for kids so thats great :happydance: Today, is my relaxation day because today is DH's duty day. So i will see him tomorrow morning :thumbup: Well all is well around here.

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