7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Morning. My cold is finally shifting. I feel almost human today. Hubby and I did manage to do the deed last night but I suspect it might be too little too late. Oh well, next cycle please!
How is everyone? Hi Mrs Diaz, tell us a bit about you! Betty how you doing? Tina are you getting a whole weekend without little people? I cant remember what that feels like! Frisky, sorry to hear you had to go to hosp yesterday. Munchkin was a nightmare for me in utero... used to party all night and sleep all morning. It'd get to 11.30 and id be right about to call the hospital when she'd wake up and start the tai chi again. Used to freak me out. Everything is crossed for you for wed and I hope your mum is able to give you some respite. Just having someone offer to make a cuppa can really gelp some days.
Job stress and illness asides, we're good. Hubby got straight A's so has got his first choice for uni in September. Yay! We're going to be very poor but im really proud of him. He's 30 next month and I have no idea what to for his birthday! I'm 32 next month and feeling it. I have dermatitis and horrific stretch marks from munchkin but thankfully no cellulite yet! This is my second week gluten free and im losing about 2lb a week without trying. So, Im trying to find things I can snack on to up the cals. It does seem to be helping my wonky GI disorder though so I think I'll stick with it till my system recovers from all the work upheaval stress.
I have a bonkers dream to share. Last night I was pregnant and running down Arthurs' Seat. Thst's a big hill here in Edinburgh. Anyway, the wind caught me and carried me bavk to the top if the hill where a burger van was waiting with my name on it. I xalmly went back to work making patties and take away cups with eton mess inside! My head is obviously exploring alternative careers in my sleep!
Have a good day. Im off to softplay with teeny and my dad.
My God my typing on this damn tablet is awful! Sorry! Typos galore. Will set up my new laptop pronto!
Hello ladies the name is selma, 21, and try after miscarriage last April 5th (my hubby birthday) well anyways I am currently 8 dpo tiny cramps here and there but lots of white milky discharge (gross I know lol) and but I can feel my breasts starting to hurt oh and this is the first time my hub and I bd after our loss and I'm just waiting but also I had bad cramping like after we bd that lasted 3 seconds which happened like my last pregnancy, so what do you ladies think? And did you girls have similar symptoms lol me before getting a bfp?
Hi girls.... How are you all???
Welcome mrs Diaz, I'm sorry about your loss last April, hopefully you will get your BFP very soon, you're symptoms sound promising! Fingers crossed for you..
Tina, how was your romantic weekend away? Hope you are all nice and rested :) any news on marks results???
Frisky, how you feeling??? Hope that little fish is not being too much of a munchkin for you! Don't worry about your orange peel, even though I'm sure you look absolutely fantastic!!! My body has not been the same since I had LO, I used to be really thin and toned without even trying and now I eat healthy and gym it but I still have the worst jelly belly!!! Yuk!!! Edinburgh, how is gluten free going?? How come you are doing that? I've read that a GF diet is good for people with endometriosis so I was thinking of giving it a go!!
Frisky, is your mum with you yet??? I'm hoping that little fish has had a big growth spurt for Wednesday :)
Well I have had a crazy weekend, drinking wine fri/sat and Sunday due to family birthday parties all weekend, I feel rotten today, ugh..... Need a proper detox and to sleep for a week!!!
My pre-op went well last week, they just told me what they were going to do, I am really nervous about it and ended up getting myself into a right tis and throwing up!!! I was I'll all day just from getting myself all stressed out..... God help me when it comes to the actual operation! Such a loser!
Another thing is that I got a letter from my consultant going through his findings from my last scan and it says 'the uterus looked globular with early fibroid changes' I don't remember him telling me this? What does that mean? Anyone heard of it before???
Hi girls!

Welcome MrsDiaz, sorry to hear about your loss :-( Good thing about this thread is we have all been through a loss at some point so we will try to help you out as much as we can. Hoping that this cycle is the one for you!

Betty, I had a wonderful weekend! Had the best full body massage on Sunday which did me the world of good and we had the outdoor hot tub to ourselves for a good hour. pure bliss! Back to work today though, the joys of reality hey!

You're only normal to be getting yourself into a tizz about the op, you should see me when I'm getting ready to go to theatre. Anyone would think that I'm going and never coming back. It's just a scary thought isn't it, but it's all for a good cause! With any luck it'll sort out some of your problems my dear.

Frisky when is your appointment to see if baby fish has grown?? Saw your pictures on facebook and you are looking absolutely amazing!!! I was well fatter than you when I was approaching 30 weeks, I looked slightly whale like.

Edinburgh, any symptoms to report?

Mark had his scan last Friday, the consultant said to him that one of his doo dahs (I will call them doo dahs because I don't really like the word testicle haha!) was much smaller than the other one and felt "grainy". He said this is normally caused by a past infection such as mumps. He has never had mumps! I wish I had gone with him now because I like knowing everything that was said and you know when men are like... so general about everything!

Any idea about what the consultant said?? We've got our appointment to discuss all of the results together next week. I can't bloody wait!!! Just want a solution xx
Hi ladies! Apprehension is only human betty, it's not normal to be prodded and poked under general anaesthesia or otherwise! Smear tests make me feel sick! Tina, really hope you get a positive plan in place on the back of your consultation. Men are a bit useless at reporting back anything medical. They don't ask the obvious questions either! Frisky, hope baby fish has flourished, has your mum arrived? Everything crossed for tomorrow. Want1, how are you?
Oh, I could go a massage. So oooo jealous tina!
Don't think we did enough to catch a bean this month, finally getting over the cold but my sinuses just won't clear. If I had to name a symptom then maybe a little cramping, but just a little. I have a stomach disorder which stops me absorbing some things like iron. I'm off gluten as my stomachs been on strike recently and gluten is hard to digest. I've been doing ok off it, just giving tummy a break.
Off home to put my feet up now. Start of the week at work was a bit mental.
Mrsdiaz, breast tenderness is a really good sign. How many dpo are you?
Morning everyone,

Edinburgh, it only takes one time don't forget! As long as you DTD at least once around ovulation time then you are in with a chance. How many DPO are you?

Do you remember a few weeks ago that I was telling you about trying to get Evie off the bottle? Well I have finally cracked it! The other morning she said "Mummy I have to get rid of my bottle don't I?" and I said "Yes because big girls can't have bottles, bottles are for babies" she said "Okay well when I've finished this one I will put my bottle in the bin" AND SHE DID!!! that was over a week ago and it's been plain sailing.

So because she hasn't been having a bottle before bed she has been having dry nights and hadn't done a wee in her pull up for 6 nights. I decided last night to finally bite the bullet and send her to bed in normal knickers and she woke up this morning with a huge smile on her face and said "mummy I didn't do any wee wees!!!" <3<3<3 my heart just melted with absolute pride.

In the space of a week she has got rid of her bottle and took a huge step by not wearing pull ups anymore. Don't you just love those proud mummy moments??

ahhhh I feel happy :):):) xxx
Good morning ladies, Sorry i've been missing in action again and again. Man, baby dogs, like having a real baby, but times 9..

I've not been really thinking about ttc, as a matter fact I don't think I can concentrate on another right now..

Last thurs, we took our daughter to a MRI because she was having massive migraines, and lost 6 lbs. I decided i'm not going to keep feeding her tylenol anymore and something needed to get done. So she went in thurs for the scan, and last friday we got the call she has a "spot" on the brain.... I don't know what to think, feel... She's only 7 and her twin brother is feeling every sympathy pain with her. I'm just in shock, they saw anything.. July 22, we will find out what they are going to do. One thing i have to thank god for is it's NON- Cancerous.

So, as for ttc, and having sex this month... maybe once.. I can't handle a pregnancy after this news. Girls... I'm so scared. I don't know what i'd do without my only baby girl. I always think the worst (what if this, what if that), i'm trying not to, but it's so hard.

On the positive note, I've cleaned out my closet, cleaned out toy buckets, and just going through life cherishing each moment with family.

How are you all doing?
Oh no wantjust, that's every parents nightmare :( You poor thing...i bet your worried beyond belief. Have the doctors explained what it means in detail?? I'm one of these people that thinks the worst in things too, it's hard not to. But as you said, it's non cancerous, so that's something to be positive about Xx I really don't know what else to say....just try & be strong. It'll be a long 6 days to wait, but we are all here for you lovely Xx
Tina....good news about evie & the bottle! Very grown up of her...how did her night without pullups go? I know what you mean about men and doctor's, they are all wired the same way I think, very vague about everything! Where as we cling on to every word!
Betty, have you got or had fibroids?? And What does globular mean?? Hope it's nothing serious. Have you got your date for op yet? Bless you getting all worked up so it made you sick. I'd like to say try and stay calm, but I know it's easier said than done....I get myself worked up over things,I drive my husband mad!!

Well, it's my mum's last night tonight, been a lovely few days .
You will all be pleased to know that baby fish has grown too :)
Had the scan today, he is still on the small size, but is growing, so that's a relief.......We got a scan pic of his lips and nose, I will try and post a pic if that's ok? Xx
Wantjust ... So sorry to hear about your daughter! Like frisky said I am also the same when it comes to worrying, as soon as there is the slightest thing wrong with me/Evie/family I freak out and start thinking the worst. I think that is only instinct though with people that you love. Good thing though that it's nothing sinister, hope they can easily remove it without causing your LO too much pain and that resolves her nasty headaches.

Frisky, ahem where's this picture?? of course we don't mind you mad head! So happy that he is continuing to grow though, that's amazing news :):):) Evie's doing really well, she's had 2 nights now in knickers and both nights been dry.

Mark had a bit of a down day yesterday, it's not like him really to confide in me. He's the type of person that if he has a problem he will let it build and build and not speak to anybody about it so it must be really playing on his mind for him to speak to me.

He's worried sick that we're going to go to the consultant next week and he's going to say that he's not working basically and that there's nothing he can do to help us... I know deep down that that's definitely not going to be the case. He does have 1 fully functioning testicle so even if the other one is not working there's still 50% of him that is.
It's tough to imagine how he's feeling because I'm nice and healthy and as far as we're aware there's no problems with my parts so he must feel hugely like the pressure is on him.

I just told him that I'll love him whether or not we have any more kids, what will be will be won't it <3 xx
Awwwwh Tina, poor mark.....it must be hard,it's a pride thing with men aswell...they won't see the positives like 1 testicle is fully functional, they just see that 1 isn't!! I'm sure he will feel better about things when you have your next appointment. All you can do is listen & try to reassure him,,which obviously your doing anyway.

My mum's just gone back now, feel a bit sad. Got my in-laws coming next weekend. It will be nice to see them, but it's different, I can't just lounge around when they are here & I will have to make sure our house is immaculate as his mum is very house proud!! Urrgghh....cannot be arsed! Haha

It's red hot here again today, I sat in Sun yesterday and ended up throwing up, which isn't like me...must have a low heat tolerance now I'm pregnant!!

I'll post pic now...he has 1 hand up over his face! I can't wait to meet him......I'm so in love with him already, and really happy he's a boy now :) Xx
Baby fish, nose & lips
28 weeks & 3days Xx


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ahhh WOW! how close up and clear is that!! he looks super cute already, can't wait to see pictures of him when he actually arrives <3

have you started buying anything yet or are you waiting a little while longer? and more importantly, does he have a name?? xx
Want1, I'm so sorry to hear about your little one. Must be so hard on all of you, especially the poor wee one. Thank heavens you took her to get checked out. Hopefully knowing the issue they can do something to take away the headaches. Poor thing, you have so much on your plate just now!
Frisky, baby fish is gorgeous, and glad to hear he's upped his bean size! I know what you mean about not being able to relax with the inlaws. We spend a lot of holidays with hubby's family as they are overseas and it means we get very little family time off just as us.
Tina it's good mark is talking and getting out how he feels. As you say, he's got two! But I can understand why he doesn't see it like that if he feels alone with the responsibility for it taking a bit longer for you to conceive. Being able to keep talking is the most important thing.
I am hot and tired today. Tourist madness is upon us up here and unfortunately I werk right in the middle of town. Nothing to report bar a little cramping and a lot of cm but I'm past the point where I know what's normal in my cycle with all the problems since christmas. All I know is I'm due period next wed. I had implantation bleeding last time so would expect another pregnancy to start the same way. Know it's not always the case but you expect what you know. Munchkins birthday next thursday and not likely to test till after then if I go late. Must go home and plan her party!
Awwwwh how old will little one be Edingburgh?? Bet it's crazy working in the middle of town in the height of the tourist season, I'm not good with crowds of people, I'm too impatient! Haha I never implantation bleeding, although I looked out for it every single month! Fingers crossed for you Xx what have you got planned for the party?

Tina, we have a name. We are calling him Oscar.......Oscar Luke Lawrence
It's a name I've loved for ages. Az wasn't that keen, but after the gender scan, he said he liked it & now addresses him as baby Oscar. Joe does too.....So yes, that's his name.

I've not bought one thing....hubby and I are disagreeing on this. His dad has a pram off one of his cousins, says it's in 'good nic' however...his dad is a fucking waste of space, he's never been there for az, only gets in touch when he wants something off him. He didn't even get us a wedding card. I don't like him at all. But have to tolerate him for Aaron's sake. Anyway, he lives in bury near my mum. I've asked my mum to go around to look at this pram and every time, he lets her down. He can't send a photo on his phone, it's ridiculous.
I don't mind hand me down stuff, but I want a new pram girls. Aaron seems to just think we HAVE to accept things which are given to us, which we don't. He thinks I'm been a snob about it, were not in a position to turn stuff down and we should at least give it a chance.
I will look at it, but I know I won't like it......Yeah we have to watch our money, but the pram we saw originally isn't that expensive. It just annoys me, his dad should just contribute towards his sons first baby and help us get a new one. But he would rather spend his cash in the pub!!

Grrrrrrrrrr....Sorry girls,I'm ranting on....as you can tell, im wound up Xx
Oh god..... I've missed so much!!!

Want1, you must be passed yourself! I hope your little girl is ok and this turns out to be nothing serious. Our babies are so precious, it's awful when they are poorly.... We are all here for you, keep us posted xxx

Tina, huge well done for getting Evie off the bottle AND dry at night!!! That's a massive achievement and I will be coming to you for advice when I need to do the same with my LO (she loves her dummy, blankie and a bottle before bed!!!) mark is bound to feel a little sad, like frisky said, men don't take these things very well... Hopefully you will get some good news from the consultant, when is your app??

Edinburgh, don't envy you being right in the middle of the tourists! I lived in London for 12 years and always worked right in the centre, it's a pain!! How old is your LO going to be??

Frisky..... Baby fish is ADoRaBle!!! How clear is that scan picture?!?!?! You must be really excited to meet him (as are we!!!!)
I think you are right about the pram, it's your first baby together and it's nice to have a new pram, fair enough if you are using Joe's old pram and you know where it came from etc.... But this pram you don't know who's it is or if they smoked, had pets etc, etc..... I say invest in a new pram, it's your baby, you do what you think is best xx

It was my OH birthday yesterday so we had all his friends/family round for a BBQ... The last person left at 12.30am my little girl went to bed at 11pm (I know BAD mammy!!!) and I managed to fall asleep about 1am, my little girl then kept waking up as she was having nightmares and my alarm went off at 5am for work so I'm feeling a little spaced out :( all good fun!!

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